Saturday, January 12, 2013


Dear One,
     "Keep the faith" is a popular phrase in your world.  There is great spiritual wisdom in that phrase. 
     Since faith in Me opens the gates of your life to your prayers being answered, it is necessary for My children to keep the gates open by keeping active faith in Me by never wavering.
     Very often people shut the gates to their blessings by impatience when it takes time for Me to maneuver the operations necessary to get the completed answers finalized. 
     I have the wills of people to deal with, circumstances to alter, relationships to strengthen, all of that in order to effect the entire conclusion to delivery of the answer to your prayers.
     When you lose faith in the middle of My effective works in your behalf, the gates slam shut and delivery is impossible to accomplish.. 
     "Keep the faith" is a good admonition because it shows trust in Me and My ability to deliver what I have promised.
      Keeping faith is the opposite of losing faith.  If you are not keeping faith, you are losing faith.
     You lose your blessings when you lose faith.  You keep your blessings when you keep faith. 
     Don't let the robber of your faith and your blessings succeed in his temptations for you to to engage in impatience, loss of faith, anger and unbelief. You can destroy his works by keeping the faith.
     Love, God

Hebrews 11:1-2; John 3:16-17; I John 3:8; Matthew 11:18-25; Mark 12:22- 26; Romans 1:16-17; Romans 4:19-25.

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