Sunday, January 13, 2013


Dear One,
     Faith attracts blessings. Fear repels blessings.
     Love attracts blessings. Anger and hatred repel blessings.
     Unity attracts blessings. Strife repels blessings.
     Forgiveness attracts blessings. Grudges repel blessings.
     Mercy attracts blessings. Judgment repels blessings.
     There are two different kingdoms or families that respond to either your good thoughts, attitudes and actions or your evil thoughts, attitudes and actions.  There is My kingdom from which all blessings flow.  There is satan's kingdom from which all curses flow.  Never the twain shall meet. 
     If you want the blessings for you and your family that flow constantly from My family in the heavens, then you must choose to operate in love, peace, mercy, forgiveness, unity, faith, goodness and like attitudes.
     Conversely, if you choose to operate in anger, hatred, fear, strife, grudges, judging and like attitudes, then you and your family will receive curses from satan's family of demons. 
     Can it be put more plain for you by Jesus, Moses, Paul, Peter and other writers of My Instruction Book called the Bible?  If you will read their insights into the workings of My family, you will see that all of My blessings flow to you when you operate in the attitudes of My family which are all based in love.  My promises can be accessed by  My children, not by the children of the evil one.  The people who follow his temptations can only receive his curses.  I have mercy for the people who choose the consequences of evil but I cannot bless them because they have put themselves into the family of evil.  When they choose to return to Me and follow My leading, they are again in the family of blessings.
     Choose My blessings and live.  Choose the devil's curses and you will die.  I have said it through My Son and through all of My prophets. 
     I even sent My very own Holy Spirit into you to give you the power to discern which choices lead to blessings and which choices lead to curses.  Listen to My Spirit and His revelations of wisdom, knowledge, faith, discernment, prophesy, tongues and their interpretations.  Then you will prosper in every area of your life.
     There are benefits to being My child and listening to your Father.
     Love, God
Deuteronmy 28:1-15; Matthew 5:1-9; Matthew 5:38-48; Galatians 3:1-6; Galatians 5:13-25; Ii Peter 1:3-11.

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