Monday, March 31, 2014


Dear One, If you have a lifelong habit of judging others by their outward appearances, their clothing, their ethnicity, their characteristics, their lack of education, their religious beliefs, their political beliefs, or any other outward identities, then you need to change that habit of judging, and instead begin to make a habit of blessings others whom you think are wrong in their choices or beliefs. Your habit of deeming them wrong is the problem.
 A change needs to come if you wish to stop being judged by others and being judged by circumstances caused by your own judgment of others, which Jesus said will happen if you judge others. When you begin sizing up a person in your mind as a precursor to judging that person for being different than you, instead of automatically judging that person begin to bless that person, then asking Me to bless that person with every one of My blessings. You can make that choice immediately of whether to bless that person by sending blessings or you have the choice of whether to curse that person by your judgment. Remember what Jesus said, that the judgment you pronounce will be returned to you because you have sown seeds into the garden of darkness instead of sowing seeds into My garden of light. Practice over and over again until you make it a habit of always blessing others instead of judging them by their outward appearances. Your attitude of always blessing people will be felt by the people because your blessing thoughts will emote acceptance instead of emoting rejection by your judgment. As a result, immediately or later you will be blessed by blessings others instead of your being immediately or later cursed by judging others. When you choose to bless others, a smile of acceptance lightens your face but when you judge others a frown of disapproval darkens your face. When you judge others you are switching families, from My family of approval to the devil's family of disapproval. Love thoughts project attitudes of unity, of mercy, of forgiveness, of understanding, of grace and of love. They bless you and bless others in return. Those are My thoughts and attitudes towards you so you must project those attitudes to others as a result of being My child. I said that you will be known by your fruit, whether it is from the kingdom of light or the kingdom of darkness. You owe others acceptance and blessings because of My love toward you. Love cannot be contained, it must be passed on to others. Change your habits from judging others to blessing others and you will change your life from inheriting curses to inheriting My many, many blessings while in the earth. Bad habits are hard to break but you can do it. You can bless others constantly, even the ones who curse you. Jesus strongly admonished you about that because He wanted all of My children to inherit My blessings instead of inheriting curses. Practice, practice, practice blessing everyone with whom you come in contact. Eventually it will be automatic because you will have seen that I value others just like I value you, with the deepest love possible. You have the right to make your own choices, but you don't get to choose the consequences of your choices. There are wonderful consequences to blessing others, which is inheriting My blessings because you have sown blessings. There are horrible consequences to judging others, which is inheriting judgment because of the judgment seeds that you have sown. Always choose to bless others and the consequences will be My abundant life for you, spirit, soul and body. Love, God Matthew 5: 21-26; Matthew 5:38-48; Matthew 7:1-6; Romans 13:8-14; Deuteronomy 30:19-20.

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