Dear Precious Child,
My children should check their joy meter regularly to make sure that their joy is filled to the brim and overflowing. Since joy is your strength, as proclaimed by the prophet, if your sense of joy subsides you will find your spiritual and physical strength waning also. There is a physiological reason for it. I put within My first children the hormonal function that dispenses healthy mental and physical health by flooding their bodies with essential chemicals which rejuvenate their bodies and brains. Those chemicals are released by the flow of My joy from their spirits where My Holy Spirit's joy resides. In other words, the spiritual activity of My joy releases healing chemicals into the physical and spiritual lives of My children. Joy causes emotional and physical healing to take place.
Sadness, depression, grief, griping and complaining cause negative hormones to be released into your body and brain, cursing them with diseases, illnesses, tumors, malfunctions and death. That is why the devil tempts you to be sad instead of joyful, depressed instead of hopeful, griping and complaining instead of speaking faith in Me. When negative attitudes flood into your mind, you can choose to shout for joy, praise Me for joy, clap for joy, sing for joy, laugh for joy or dance for joy, knowing that you are priming the wells of salvation for joy to be released from your spirit to minister healing to you. (Isaiah 55:12; Isaiah 49:13)
I said that you draw waters out of the wells of salvation and you praise Me as a result. (Isaiah 12:3) There is a well of joy in the person of My Holy Spirit if you will allow Him to release My joy from the inside of you. Joy is resident in Him and joy wants to baptize you with its strength and power. Sometimes you must clap for joy; sometimes you must shout for joy; sometimes you must dance for joy; sometimes you must sing for joy and all of them produce rivers of joy coming from the inside of you. (Jeremiah 31;13) Accompanying the joy is healing for your emotions and your body.
My joy is not just human laughter that makes you feel better in trying times. There is power for physical healing and mental healing that results from My joy being treasured and honored as a spiritual power. When the prophet wrote about joy unspeakable, he meant joy that is so powerful, so supernatural and so effective that it cannot be described in human terms. (I Peter 1:8) He even described it as being full of glory. When something is full of My glory it has all of My supernatural, spiritual forces accompanying it, meaning all of My angels and all of the spirits of the saints who have gone to heaven before you, your brother Jesus and Me. He was speaking about the cloud of witnesses which surround you. (Hebrews 12:1 and 22-28) We are called into action when My joy flows from you, doing Our powerful works in your behalf for your emotional and physical healing and solutions to problems. When My joy is present, the cloud of witnesses spring into acton with gusto to answer your prayers, bringing healing to your body, to your mind and solutions to your problems.
Joy is a special manifestation of My power which increases My blessings in your life. Joy facilitates emotional, spiritual, mental and physical healing in you in addition to facilitating the answers to your prayers.
Joy is strength and strength comes from power. Let My joy be your strength.
Your Loving, Joyful Father
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