Thursday, August 17, 2017


Dear Precious Child,
   In My instructions to you relating to the narrow gate that leads to life and the wide gate that leads to destruction, I told you that few find the narrow gate.  I don't make it hard to find.  It's the devil who deceives you by making it hard to find. (Matthew 7:15-18)
   One way I told you how to find the narrow gate is for you to watch out for false prophets.  They are the people who speak for Me and they come in sheep's clothing but inside they are ravenous wolves working for their own edification.  They endeavor to lead you onto the wide path to destruction.  I said that you must inspect their fruit because grapes cannot be gathered from thorny bushes or figs from thistles.  The more you hear their thorny words and see their spindly thistle, the more acceptable their words become and you ignore the poison of their fruit.  I said that a sound tree yields good fruit and a bad tree yields evil fruit, meaning that the people who are truly of My family are the people whose lives are filled with love, peace and joy.  The people who are hypocrites in their beliefs are filled with hatred, bigotry, anger and strife.  (Matthew 7:16-19)
   Many of My children, because of religious and political emotionalism, have become poor inspectors of the fruit emulating from their leaders.  They listen to the leaders' instructions to return evil for evil to unbelievers and others of My children whom they think are infidels, teaching you to consider them as your enemies rather than doing what I said through Jesus, which is to love and bless everyone, even those people of different political and religious beliefs whom hypocrites consider their enemies.  The false prophets poison you with their evil rhetoric and behaviors.  Many of My children copy their hypocrisy. (Matthew 7:21-23) Unfortunately, they will be the ones whom I said to depart from Me, I never knew you, because their attitudes, speaking and actions are opposite from My family traits.  They don't act like My children.  Their attitudes, speaking and actions reflect the beliefs and behaviors of the false prophets and they qualify themselves for the devil's cruel rewards from hell because they are bound to the evil rhetoric from their leaders. 
   My children who are good fruit inspectors, always checking for love, joy, peace, goodness, kindness and mercy, often only discover strife, hatred, anger and bigotry in their leaders.  They refuse to bind themselves to the hypocrites because of the knowledge that comes from discerning the nature of their fruit, whether it is kind, good, loving and peaceful or whether it is the same as the hypocrites who speak one thing and then do another.
   I said that those people who hear My words and do them are very wise, building their lives on My attitudes and actions, the standards as instructed by Me through Jesus.  They are the people who inherit My kingdom while they live in the earth because they are recognized as being My children.  (Matthew 7:24-27)
   Become good fruit inspectors and reject the things taught by wolves in sheep's clothing.  The wolves do not speak truth.  They are lies and they are efforts to keep you out of My family and keep you from inheriting the gifts of My gracious kingdom.
   My Holy Spirit gives to you the spirit of discernment so that you will be able to discern good from evil, discerning blessings from curses.  Listen to Him and you will be able to recognize false prophets immediately because of their evil fruit.  Do not take into your mind their evil destructive ways. 
   Pray for the false prophets that they will be filled with My Holy Spirit and be able to become My real prophets, speaking truth instead of lies and sowing goodness instead of hatred.
   Remember that when you do what is pleasing to Me, I make even your enemies to be at peace with you because you have sown peace in their lives.
    Your Gift Giving, Peaceful Father    

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