Saturday, August 26, 2017


Dear Loved Child,
   I said that in the days of the indwelling of My Holy Spirit within the bodies of My children that you would draw waters, or words, out of the wells of salvation and that you would proclaim praises to Me as a result.  Those wells of salvation are inside of the new creations that I Fathered by your being born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit.  There is an endless well of living waters inside of you which nourish, instruct, comfort, advise, admonish, warn, caution and guide you with My loving words. 
   My words are mighty, powerful, full of insight and they are My umbilical cords which feed life into My children.  My personal words to each child are given to keep them from the evil that is in the world, if followed.  Every good parent teaches, leads and guides his or her children away from evil and onto the green pastures and still waters of life.  I am your Father of Love and My efforts to save you from evil are always effective when honored and obeyed. (Psalm 23) 
   I told you that there are people in the body of Christ who have been born of My Spirit but because of ignorance of scriptures have not been baptized in My Spirit so they have no power over evil.  They walk in the earth by the dictates of their religious organizations rather than than walking in the guidance of My Spirit.  Their hearts want to please Me, but their teachings are void of the knowledge of My power which overcomes evil.  They are loved by Me but they are powerless over evil.  Without My power, the demons who tempt them in their flesh are obeyed more often than the dictates of My Spirit, so they are religious rather than spiritual, always struggling against the temptations of their flesh. (Galatians 5:16-25)  They have not been taught how to bring waters out of the wells of salvation that are in their inner beings, which has been in existence since their being born of My Spirit.  I love them with My unconditional love, and I am grieved that they are powerless against the devil because of lack of knowledge.
   My love is poured upon My religious children who are led by their flesh and My love is poured upon My spiritual children who are led by My Spirit.  The advantage to My spiritual children is that they inherit My blessings because they listen to My Spirit, following My advice through Him.  They know His voice, recognizing the wisdom and knowledge from Me that they know are not from their own flesh but are from My Holy Spirit.  The advantage of My spiritual children is that they are able to avoid the evil that is in the world and they are able to be rewarded with unlimited blessings because they have refused to sow evil for evil done to them in the world.  They are able to love their human enemies, bless them, pray for them, and forgive them, just like Jesus said.  Because of those actions of love, they receive the rewards that I sent into the world to those who heed My words. (I Corinthians 12:1-11)  They hear My words of healing, wisdom, knowledge, faith and prophesy and follow them. They pray in My heavenly language and speak messages in My heavenly language, knowing the interpretation of those messages to unbelievers. They know how to distinguish between evil and good with discernment because they have listened to My Holy Spirit. There are great rewards for following My advice, My words of ministry and My words of guidance because evil has been avoided and only good has been sown in the earth.
   There are magnificent rewards for My spiritual children who listen to My Holy Spirit whom I gave to them to be their teacher and guide, teaching them to avoid evil and only doing My actions of good in the earth.  I am not partial to them over the religious ones who follow their flesh.  There is no partiality in Me.  There is only love.  It is in their following My advice and admonitions that qualifies My spiritual children to be able to collect the rewards that have been set aside from the foundation of the world for My children who are led and guided by Me while in the world. 
  There are great rewards while in the earth to My children who are led by My Spirit to refuse evil.  There are many curses on those of My children who are led by the flesh, which are often the dictates of the devil.
  I said you must choose between blessings and curses.   Choose My blessings and live the abundant life that I promised.  The way to choose blessings is to follow the teachings of Jesus and obey the guidance of My Holy Spirit who lives inside of you.  (Matthew 5, 6, and 7; Acts 1:1-5 and Acts 2:1-4)
  I gave you free will to choose your present life and future life in the earth.  Follow My Holy Spirit's guidance and you will always choose blessings.
  Your Father of Unconditional Love  

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