My Dear Precious Child,
My children who are filled with and baptized in My Holy Spirit are My policing agents over the devil and his demons in the earth because I give to them My authority in the earth over all the works of the devil. The problem is My children don't know that I provided the spiritual policing academy already for My children. I gave to you the Instruction Book and I sent to you a private tutor, My Holy Spirit, to teach you how to rid the earth of the demons who plague My children and how to destroy the work that they have already done.
My Holy Spirit is your tutor and the Bible is your Instruction Book in My spiritual policing academy. He tutors you from the inside of you, explaining fully the teaching of the expert in spiritual policing, your brother Jesus Christ as written in the Book. I said that Jesus Christ came to earth to destroy the works of the devil. (I John 3:8) He destroyed the works of the devil in the earth when He healed people and cast out demons from My children. Then He defeated the devil in hell when He went there after He was crucified where he was a substitute for the sins of the whole world. (Acts 2:24-28)
If you will remember what Jesus Christ said after He was resurrected from death and hell, then appeared in the earth for 40 days and taught about My kingdom of heaven coming into the lives of His followers. He told them to wait in Jerusalem until they were received the promise of the Father, My promise that I would live in My children and write My words in their hearts and on their lips. (Hebrews 8:12) Jesus said, "All authority in heaven and earth have been given to Me. Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach them to observe all the commands that I have given to you. Know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of the consummation of the age." (Matthew 28:16-20)
He ascended into My heaven after He had accomplished the missions that I had given to Him, one being His exhibiting a living example of My Love to people and one being dying for the sins of the whole world. He fulfilled His ministry in the world and it was time for My Holy Spirit to take over His ministry because My Spirit is the authoritative power source from which Jesus was able to do His ministries and My Spirit was the source of My love that gave to Jesus Christ the love, compassion and mercy for all people. So after Jesus Christ came to heaven to sit down on His throne by me, He sent My Holy Spirit into the world to live inside of My children, like I lived inside of Him, to lead, guide and direct My children into the green pastures of the earth and to give them My authoritative power over the demons and their destructive works in people.
Notice that He said that all authority in both the heaven and earth had been given to Him. (Matthew 28:18)That means that when He lives inside of you in the person of the Holy Spirit, that the Holy Spirit inside of you has all authority in heaven and in the earth. Therefore, you have the authority of the Holy Spirit to cast demons out of people, just like Jesus did, and cast them into hell. When He taught about My kingdom coming into your life while you live in the earth, Jesus taught you that the Son of Man would send His angels and gather out of the kingdom all things that provoke offenses and all demons who do evil, and throw them into the lake of fire, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. That is what your intercessory prayers in My Holy Spirit's language does is instruct His angels to take those demons who have oppressed and tempted My children since the beginning of time and usher those demons into hell. (Matthew 13:41-43)
Jesus said that the Son of Man and the angels would gather out of the kingdom of heaven all causes of offenses and demons who do evil. There are no demons or beings who provoke offense in My heaven but there are demons and beings who provoke offenses in My children of the earth who have My kingdom of heaven in their lives when there were been baptized in My Holy Spirit and they need to be cleansed of the demons. Yes, there are still generational demons in the flesh of those children of Mine who have My kingdom of heaven inside of them in their spirits. By intercessory prayers My Holy Spirit commands those demons to be separated from My children and His angels usher the demons into hell. The result is that the righteous then shine like the sun in the kingdom of God.
My children need to be fully schooled on the value of the treasure that they have in their bodies. Until they are, they cannot fulfill their calling of allowing My Holy Spirit to continue the ministry of Jesus in the earth. My Spirit is the One who ministered through Jesus while He was in the earth, but Jesus relinquished His power of the Holy Spirit so that My Holy Spirit could live in My children in the earth and destroy the works of the devil like Jesus did.
My children are ignorant of their calling, which is to allow My Holy Spirit to perfect them so that He can continue the ministry of Jesus Christ in the earth through them. There is no other way for the Good News to be spread in the earth and for My Holy Spirit to do His calling.
The result is exactly like Jesus said, that the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Then Jesus said to listen, anyone who has ears to hear His message.
There is no greater gift given to My children than My Holy Spirit. He empowered Jesus and made Him the Christ. I baptized Jesus Christ in My Holy Spirit and anointed Him for ministry in the earth. After His ministry in the earth was over and He carried out the final segment of His ministry which was dying for the sins of the whole world, then He was crucified, went to hell, was resurrected from hell by the power of My Holy Spirit, and walked the earth to prove that He was resurrected from the dead and was My Son with My eternal life in Him. It is through My Holy Spirit that I live in you with all the authority and power of My heaven at your disposal.
Jesus promised His followers that He would come back to them, which He did when He walked the earth for 40 days. Then He ascended into heaven with Me. He no longer needed the power of My Holy Spirit to destroy the devil's works because there are no evil spirits in My heaven, so We sent My Holy Spirit with His spiritual power into the earth to be Lord of the earth through My children, which is reflected when My Instruction Book says that in the earth the Holy Spirit is Lord and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. (II Corinthians 3:17-18) Let Me emphasize that truth. Notice I said that there is liberty for My children when My Holy Spirit is present in their lives. The dwelling place of My Spirit in the earth is inside of My children who are born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit. (I Corinthians 3:16)
There are some of My children who choose not to be in the spiritual police force of My kingdom by battling against evil. Their personalities are not equipped with the desire to battle anything, so they choose to do one other ministry and command of Jesus Christ, which is to love others as I love them. That is their choice and they will sow seeds of love and reap love into their lives while they live in the earth. (John 13:34)
There are others of My children who are called to battle the demons in the earth by intercessory prayers. (Ephesians 6:10-19) My Spirit said that the whole earth travails until My children have revealed to them that they are My children with the same Holy Spirit power that Jesus Christ had. (Romans 8:18-23) Remember that He said that you would do greater works than He did because He went to His Father in heaven. He sent My Holy Spirit into you so that you could do greater works with the power of My Holy Spirit. When Jesus walked the earth He could not send demons that He cast out of people to hell because he had not been there yet to gain the authority to cast demons there. After He said He had all authority over heaven and earth, He sent My Holy Spirit into My children and gave them the same authority that He had, which is authority over all heavens and the earth.
My children who are baptized in My Holy Spirit can, in intercessory prayers, allow My Spirit to send demons to hell now as taught by Jesus in the parable of the darnel. (Matthew 13:28-43) Remember that He said that that began to happen not at the end of the world but at the end of the age of religious laws when My new covenant of the Holy Spirit came to the earth.
Rejoice in My power given to you to work along with Me to rid the earth of the demons who have tormented My children since Adam allowed him into the earth. Through praying in My Holy Spirit you have My power to do greater works than Jesus did when He walked the earth. (John 14:12) Jesus prophesied it and it is manifested many times every day when My children pray in the words of My Holy Spirit.
Your Father of Successful Plans
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