Luke 17:20-Signs according to Jesus, He said it would not come by observation,
but like lightning in one part of sky and then another.
Matthew 12: 28 - Jesus said when He cast demons out of a person My kingdom
came upon the person.
Matthew 17:28 - While teaching, Jesus said all the people listening to Him would
still be alive when the kingdom came into the earth.
Matthew 24:3-14-Signs of the end of the age of religious Law, not of the earth;
Rumors or wars, wars, nation fighting against nation, famines, earthquakes -
beginning of the end.
Many fall away, followers of Jesus hated, betray one another, false prophets
rise up, deceive many, lawlessness would increase, no love in people, good
news preached to the whole world as a witness to all nations, and then the
the covenant of the law would be ended.
Matthew 27:29 -29-36 - Jesus said the sun would be darkened, moon lose its
brightness, stars fall from sky, powers of heaven shaken; people would beat
their breasts, then Son of Man would come on the clouds of heaven with
power and great glory. Said Jesus would send his angels with a loud trumpet
to gather his chosen from the four winds, from one end of heaven to another.
Mark 14:14-When people would see the abomination of desolation in the temple it
would be a sign the kingdom would soon come. Jesus bore in His body the sins
of the whole world and went to hell. So when the Holy Spirit Spirit left Him, He
was desolate.
Luke 21;31-33 - When they saw signs in the sun and moon and nations in agony,
they should know that their generation would not pass away until the kingdom of
God came because it was near.
Acts 1:9-10 -Jesus said He would return in a cloud, the same way He appeared to
Acts 1:8; 2:1-13 - Person from every nation on earth was present on the day of
Pentecost - fulfilled prophesy that gospel of kingdom preached to all nations.
when the kingdom of God came to earth in the person of the Holy Spirit.
Luke 24:29-54 - The sun and moon were darkened, the earth quaked, rocks split,
tombs opened and bodies of holy men were raised from the dead, went to
Jerusalem and appeared to many people. Sign and wonders,
Luke 23:44-46- Darkness over all the earth, veil of temple torn down the middle,
Jesus cried out that He committed His Spirit to God, the abomination of
desolation seen in the temple. Abomination - the devil enveloped Jesus and
took Him to hell where He suffered for the sins of the whole world.
Matthew 27:51- When Jesus died the veil was torn at the temple, the earth
quaked, rocks were split and tombs opened to release bodies of many holy
men who then entered the cities.
Kingdom against kingdom was demonic kingdoms battling against God's
Matthew 28:2 - Earthquake from heaven and angel rolled stone away to tomb.
Acts 1:3-4- Jesus walked the earth 40 days as the resurrected Christ continuing
to tell them about the kingdom of God, called the promise of the Father.
Acts 2:29-Peter preached that the kingdom came on Pentecost and he said the
sun turned dark, moon darkened, Holy Spirit was poured out, people
prophesied, and all nations were represented there.
Acts 2:27-28- Peter said Jesus was not left in hell.
Luke 24:47-48- After Jesus died, people beat their breasts in grief.
Hebrews 12:1-4 and 22-24- Jesus is in the cloud of witnesses that surround
God's children who are baptized in His Holy Spirit because they are surrounded
with the kingdom of God and born of the Holy Spirit..
Hebrews 12:27- God shakes that which can be shaken so that which cannot be
shaken remains, and He is a consuming fire.
Acts 2:1-4 - Signs from heaven, tongues of fire on the heads of everyone and
they spoke in diverse tongues they had never spoken before.
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