My Dear Precious Child,
I have great pity and mercy for My children who have bound themselves to religious/political people who are exhibiting anti-Christ attitudes of pride, arrogance, division, strife, name calling, discord, hatred, anger and prejudice. They call themselves by My name, but their attitudes and actions are in line with the demons which have actions and attitudes which are anti-Christ, or opposed to Christ. The error occurs when My children combine politics and religion because their emphasis becomes on the creation of an earthly kingdom like is in existence in earthly countries with kings as the heads rather than My kingdom which is a spiritual kingdom which lives inside of My children, changing them into My image in the world.
The Holy Spirit wrote through the apostle John that the spirit of anti-Christ was prevalent even during the ministry of Jesus Christ on earth, continued into the first church and is still in existence in the earth. (I John 2:17-22; I John 4:3) Jesus said that the spirit of anti-Christ was in the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the scribes, the high priests and the priests of the temple who opposed Him every time He taught about My kingdom which He said was soon to come into the earth. Jesus Christ said that you will know them by their fruit which is always opposed to the actions and attitudes of My Holy Spirit.
If you will notice, the name anti-Christ does not say anti-Jesus, Jesus being the name of the flesh of Jesus Christ. The term anti-Christ refers to the spiritual, anointed portion of My Son which exhibited My character and personality in the world. It was the Christ part of Him that cast out demons, healed the sick, raised the dead and preached constantly about My kingdom of heaven coming into the lives of My children when they are born of My Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit. The apostle Paul wrote that you must allow the mind of Christ to be formed within you. (I Corinthians 2:15) He did not say to let the mind of Jesus be formed in you. After the coming of the Holy Spirit to live inside of people, He was referred to as the Christ, the Holy Spirit part of Me that lived inside of the body of Jesus that made Him the Christ.
When people who call themselves by My name but exhibit the character of the devil in the world, they identify themselves not as My child but as children of the darkness of the devil.
I said through Jesus Christ that the peacemakers are called My children and are blessed by Me. Yet some of My children follow false prophets who are discordant and divisive and their attitudes and actions reveal they are deceived by the promises of ruling the world by their greatness, as promised by their religious/political leaders. They cannot be blessed in their lives by Me because they have separated themselves from Me.
I said through Jesus Christ that the merciful will inherit mercy and be blessed by Me. Yet some of My children are bound to false religious/political prophets who exhibit judgment instead of mercy and hatred instead of pity for the least fortunate people whom are the very people whom Jesus said He came to earth to save. It should not be so.
I said through Jesus Christ that My children who seek after righteousness will be satisfied and blessed. Yet some of My children who call themselves by My name are bound to false religious/political prophets who seek after greatness instead of humility. (Philippians 2:3) Unfortunately, their fall from power will be what is great in their lives because they have bound themselves to the spirits of anti-Christ and become anti-Christian because of the rottenness of their fruit of bitterness, hatred, strife and every other evil work. (James 3:14-16) Unfortunately they began in the Spirit but yielded to the appeal of the fleshly demons. (Galatians 3:1-5) Instead of treading on demons, they tread on people for whom Jesus Christ died.
When two of Jesus disciples desired greatest by asking to sit at his right and left hand in heaven, He chided them for their evil desires and asked if they wanted to suffer the same death that He did. They replied yes, and He told them that they would surely suffer the same death at the hands of the devil because of their desire for greatness but that it was not up to Him to grant their position in heaven. (Mark 10:37-45)
You must learn to discern the demons in the flesh of religious and political leaders or the people in your world will continue to suffer diseases, earthquakes, floods, droughts, verbal and emotional wars between citizens and within families also within your governmental agencies, hurricanes, tornadoes and other destructive actions from hell while you stood by and allowed hell to take over your earth by refusing to identify demons in political leaders by My gifts of discerning of spirits. The more of My children who join in unity with the works of the anti-Christ spirits, the more destruction and death will come into their lives on earth because My own children have authorized the destruction that the devil is doing.
There are My Children who have not bound themselves to the works of the devil through loyalty to religious/political demons who are anti-Christ. (Matthew 18:18) My children who continue to be bound to Me and exhibit My peace, love, joy, mercy, goodness and kindness will sore like the eagles over the devastation and tribulation caused by the very people who promise you greatness. It is their own greatness that the religious and political leaders are seeking, not yours. You must learn to recognize them by their attitudes and actions. If you don't, your fall will be just as great as theirs because the devil is no respecter of people, he takes down kings as well as paupers who are bound to the kings in order to seek vengeance on Me for throwing him out of My heaven.
Don't be an anti-Christian by seeking greatness as promised by false prophets. If you continue in their deception, you will find yourself like the prodigal son, scrounging the bottom of the pig's trough seeking to eat the shucks left over from the pigs. (Luke15:12-24 Return to Me and refuse to follow the appeal of the false prophets who never really knew Me. If you return to Me, you will be met by Me with forgiveness and all of My blessings poured upon you. If you continue in your deceit, you will have destruction and death as your future.
Your Heavenly Father of Blessings and Rewards
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