Tuesday, July 14, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
   People in your world call individuals who oppress, injure and ridicule other people "bullies".  The bullies have a demonic spirit of domination and have no compassion for the people they dominate and bully.  Very often, the bullies have escaped for years from being disciplined for their willingness to oppress and injure children or adults.  Their parents, older siblings, teachers, school principals, city policemen and governmental officials are often bullies also, so permission is given from the top down to tolerate the domination instead of reprogramming and rehabilitating the minds of the bullies along with strict discipleship. 
    One reason that bullies escape being disciplined is because in some nations bullies are admired as being strong in character and action.  School officials often view the abused victims as being weak and think that the bullied child or adult needs to learn to stand up to the bully, so they overlook giving any punishment or rehabilitation for the child or adult doing the bullying.  And so every action of bullying that the child or adult does, the more power the demon of domination has over the bully.  Eventually it takes over the bully and as an adult he beats his wife regularly and sometimes to death, or he beats his children regularly and sometimes to death, or the female bully beats her children as if they were animals with no soul.  Often a bully who has not been discipled with reform and regeneration early on in his bullying will eventually shoot into a school or business killing people, feeling all the time that the victims deserved the killing because they wouldn't obey what the bully said to do or because someone spoke critically to the bully or ignored him.  Bullying begets bullying in generational curses. 
    Racial discrimination is bullying in its basic demonic form because the bully's actions against entire classes of people reveal his or her own feeling of inferiority and he or she thinks that bullying people of color makes him or her feel powerful.  Actually it reveals a weak, pitiful sense of the bully feeling inferior to other people in his own mind.  The bully has to step on, dominate, injure and bully people of color, women, or often feminine men in order to prove his own power, which is not power at all but is domination.  In the end, the bully becomes the ridiculed person and the person he or she bullied becomes the powerful person when justice is actually accomplished.
    Law enforcement takes on the personality of the chief or the division managers.  If the chief or division manager is a bully, then the policemen will become bullies, even if they had not previously been bullies but they will eventually yield to the demon of domination they have observed in their superiors.  If a father is a bully, then he programs his children to become bullies.  If the head of a country is a bully, then all of his officials will become bullies by allowing the head of the country to continue in his unjust domination of people.  If the head of the country is not called to task for his demon of domination, then the monster that the bully becomes is blamed on his or her supporters who either allowed or ignored the injustices and acts of domination from the head.  (Matthew 23:13-29)
   Very often, people fall right in line with an  unjust governmental bully and they will do evil things that they have observed being done by the governmental bully.   They will do things that they never would have done under different circumstances.  But, because they did not oppose the bully's actions they excuse his dominating actions and often even adopt them.  Adolf Hitler is an example.  Because of his desire for ethnic cleansing of his country, he wanted to eliminate from his country anybody who was not in his own ancestral line of national heritage.  It happens in all nations in differing degrees.  That demon is present in many nations in your day and it is coming out from under the rocks into full view because of the dominance of white privalege esposed by a certain political faction. (Matthew 18:1-7)   
    Bullies can be reformed and rehabilitated but they will never be changed if they are tolerated and given free reign in the earth to dominate people with their racial prejudice, all in the name of their own white supremacy of viewing white people as the only people deserving of honor and respect.  They bring the devil's curses upon every nation who tolerates their evil actions.
    Rejoice when bullying tactics are revealed in police departments, judicial offices and court transactions.  Bullying in the name of a county, state or nation gives the devil permission to continue his bullying by dispersing his curses in the earth of weather extremes, fires, diseases, pandemics, tornadoes, storms, earthquakes, wars, hurricanes, floods, droughts, tsunamis and plagues of locusts and other devastations.  When bullying is no longer allowed to flaunt its destructive evil actions onto other people, then the power to destroy is taken from the bullies and sent to hell by My children of power.  Then the work must begin in reforming and rehabilitating the bullies by reprogramming their minds by My good and kind ways which are in opposition to the bully's human generational programming. (I Corinthians 5:8)
   There is hope when evil is revealed for what it is, demonic in origin.  Do not tolerate it.  Let your voice be heard until action is taken against evil.  My children can overcome evil with good, allowing Me to change the bully in his or her basic core by My Holy Spirit and then subsequently to reform and rehabilitate his or her thoughts and attitudes.
   Pity the bully because of his sense of feeling inferior, but do not tolerate his destructive actions or his bullying will continue in your police departments, schools, businesses and worse of all, your government.  Reverse your lack of action from the past and confront the problem.  It's called repentance.  After repentance comes newly created people if you follow My guidance.
   If people in your nation have bound themselves to governmental bullies in adoration and worship, then bullying in your schools, businesses and legal system will never change until the bullies in your governmental offices change and repent. (Matthew 18:18)  By the power of the Holy Spirit in the Lord Jesus Christ, it is possible.  Reformation and rehabilitation are My good and productive ways.
   Your Father With the Power of Justice For All

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