Sunday, July 5, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
   There is only one rehabilitator, Jesus Christ the righteous through the power of My Holy Spirit.
   There is only one restorer, Jesus Christ the righteous through the power of My Holy Spirit.
   There is only one re-programmer, Jesus Christ the righteous through the power of My Holy Spirit.
    There is only one path to happy, peaceful, healthy living in the earth.  It is the path to My kingdom of God which is straight and the gate is narrow that leads to having My eternal life take up residence inside of you.  Only the sick, the diseased, the demon oppressed and possessed, the homeless, the lost, the sojourners who are without a country, the heartbroken, and the lawless have the need for a Savior from the works of the devil.(Ezekiel 34:16; Isaiah 61:1; Luke 4:18)  According to Jesus Christ, the rich, the healthy, the religious leaders, the political leaders and the prideful have no need for a Savior because they have made politics, religion, their money, their health regimens and themselves to be own idols.  There is no room for a real Savior in their souls.  (Matthew 6:33)  Only where there is a need for being rescued is there a real Savior who is standing by to rescue a person.  When a person is sufficient unto himself or herself, there is no room for Me.
    Very often there is a mistake that is made by My children who are born again and baptized in My Holy Spirit in which the person has been born again and empowered to live in the earth as a supernatural being, overcoming all the works of the devil.  The mistake that is made is that they have been deceived by false prophets who manage to entice them into trusting in institutional religious practices and earthly political devotions which cause them to leave My family and begin to worship their religious/political institutions as the answers to their problems.  Those children of mine have left My family with its liberating personal tutoring of My Holy Spirit and they have succumbed to making lords and idols of their pastors, their teachers, their politicians and their attention to old religious practices which never liberated anyone.  They substitute busyness in performing worthless religious endeavors for seeking a personal, one-on-one relationship with Me, which is what I desire.  And so they never have the wonderful Father/child relationship with Me for which they were created in My image and re-created in My image.  They have made the sacrifice and death of Jesus Christ of no effect in their lives.  They have returned, like a dog, to their own vomit (II Peter 2; Galatians 5:4)
    If the devil can't prevent a person from being born of My Holy Spirit, his next tactic is to send false prophets who lead them astray out of My family of liberty and he takes them again into bondage to rudimentary things of the flesh, making idols of earthly things that they can see, touch and feel.  Then he rewards them with diseases, mental illnesses, destruction in every area of life and eventual death.  Peter wrote that it would have been better if that deceived person had never tasted liberty if he or she succumbs to bondage again. (II Peter 2:19)
    Be eager to seek and establish a personal and intimate one-on-one relationship with Me through the person of the Holy Spirit who lives inside of you.  When you do, My personal words of guidance to you will give you the gift of discerning of spirits so that you will not be led astray back into bondage to the devil's works which look good but they lead you into religious/political practices which are ruled by the same demons that killed Jesus Christ and led the first churches of Christians into serving nonproductive idols which caused their destruction instead of their becoming triumphant over all evil in the world by the power of My Holy Spirit inside of them. (Galatians 3:1-5; Galatians 5:1-12)
    My greatest desire is that you have a perfect one-on-one relationship with Me. When you have established from your heart what I have already established from My heart by giving to you My Holy Spirit, then we have become truly Father/child, united in Spirit by the Holy Spirit who is the Tree of Life for all human beings. 
    Your Father of Truth 

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