My Dear Precious Child,
If My children who wish to inherit My blessings, rewards and promises in their lives on earth will seek My kingdom of God and My righteousness, which is My desire for them, they will need to take the advice of Jesus Christ and beware of false prophets.
False prophets are easily identified by their attitudes, speech and actions. But, if you don't listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit in your thoughts you will be easily deceived. Most of My children on earth do not listen to Me by hearing My voice. Instead, they find it easier to listen to the voices of their false teachers who claim to know Me but they don't. They know lots of facts about the life of Jesus and about the laws of the nation of Israel which became the laws of sin and death. However, they do not know the voice of My Holy Spirit in their thoughts who took the place of Jesus Christ in the earth. He is the discerner and teacher of Truth. Yet My children who call themselves by My name constantly observe religious festivals and pep rallies instead of spending time with Me. Then when false prophets appear in sheep's clothing, they willing follow them onto the paths which result in their having hell on earth. (Matthew 24:11 and 24) In those pep rallies and religious festivals they change from being My children into being children of the devil and they sign up for his destruction and death, all the time refusing to know the scriptures which warned them against the false prophets and also their refusing to listen to the voice of My Holy Spirit who clearly and vividly identifies the false prophets to them. (John 14:15-17 and25-26; John 16:7-13
Because My children in the first churches did not take the time to personally and intimately know Me and My voice, when the devil sent false prophets their way with lofty promises for them and their earthly nation, which he always does, they fell like dominoes and worshiped at the altar of the spirits of anti-Christ, which Jesus Christ said was the problem with the Jewish political and religious leaders. He observed their poisonous attitudes when He ministered My love and power in the earth. (Matthew 7:15) Jesus vehemently warned you about false prophets who entice you with their promises for you to have national power over the rest of the world. That desire is from hell. In John's vision of Revelations he observed My telling certain churches about their straying away from My truth and adopting false, anti-Christ doctrines.
I spoke to the angels at the heads of seven churches about that very thing, warning them about the enticements from hell to swallow every word from the mouths of false prophets. If you ignore the discernment of the Holy Spirit you will easily fall for the lofty words which promise you that you and your nation will be greater than everybody in the earth. That appeals to My children who are unspiritual who can't even rule over the demons of pride, arrogance, division, discord, hatred, anger and strife in their own lives, all of which are the demonic spirits whom they follow. (Jeremiah 14:14) My desire is that you rule over those demons who influence the false prophets in your world. (Ephesians 6:10-18) But if you don't hear the warning words of My Holy Spirit you will be like the rest of the devil's herd, following him into having hell in their lives on earth. (Revelations 3:1-6 and 14-23)
Jesus Christ told His followers that false prophets were sure to come but that they should recognize them and flee from them. (Matthew 24:24; I John 4:1) Many of them deceived the first church and led them astray from the truth of salvation through Jesus Christ and having the power of My Holy Spirit over the evil spirits who are in the world. Some even convinced believers to combine the Mosaic covenant of Jewish law with My new covenant of the Holy Spirit. It doesn't work. Light does not mix with darkness. The law of sin and death does not mix with My words of life. (Romans 8:2; I Corinthians 15:56)
Open your spiritual eyes. Don't be like the believers whom Paul called unspiritual who were still drinking milk when they should be eating My spiritual meat, which means hearing My guidance and warnings from My Holy Spirit. (Hebrews 5:12-13)
You know false prophets by their attitudes of strife, division, discord, seeking for riches, seeking for notoriety and seeking ascendancy over other people. Their works will curse your life on earth. The attitudes of My children are love, peace and mercy for all of humanity. If those attributes are not present in the lives of prophets, run from them. They are wolves beneath all of the sheep's clothing.
Your Father of Love and Light
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