Wednesday, January 27, 2021


My Dear Precious Child,
     When your brother Jesus Christ became anointed with My Holy Spirit He said that anyone who mourns over losing someone to death, disease, divorce, religious factions, political factions, rebellious children or any other way will be so comforted by Me that they will feel abundantly blessed if they seek Me and My kingdom of God for the solution.  He was promising His followers that their spiritual eyes would be opened with the knowledge that there is no death to His followers but instead that life goes on in My heaven after the earthly bodies die.  That knowledge would certainly be a blessing.  He wanted them to know that He had spiritual powers that would heal their diseases, restore anything lost from divorce, reconcile rebellious children to them, and that He would open the eyes of the people who had become slaves to religious or political factions.  It was Good News.   
   In relationship to you, His words are encouraging that He has the solution to anything that you might be mournful about. Jesus Christ wanted you to know that He has the solution to anything that causes humans to mourn.  In fact, in the Hebrew language in which He spoke promises that people would be blessed through Him means that they will be gloriously happy, joyful even when things look bad, that they would have My favor, and that they will be spiritually prosperous even under every bad outward condition.  His promises were definitely Good News to the people who followed Him and saw Him heal the sick and cast demons out of people.  They knew that He had power over evil and that He would help them.  (Matthew 5:4)   
    Under My old covenant with Abraham, in Isaiah's revelation of his vision He told the children of Israel and Judah that I am always willing and able to meet their needs but that their sins had built a barrier between us so that I could neither hear their cries nor could I answer their prayers.  (Isaiah 59:1-4)  The only help for the problems for the people at that time under the old covenant was that they would repent of their sins and return to a relationship with Me as their God so that the barrier would come down between heaven and earth.  Isaiah said that when they repented for their idolatry and returned to Me that I would hear their cries and say, "Here I am." (Isaiah 58:9-10)  I am able to acknowledge that I have heard people when they cease in their allegiance to the devil and return to Me for My favor and mercy.
    When Jesus Christ was declaring His Good News, He was mirroring Isaiah's words of hope in his day.  The difference with the promise of My Son Jesus Christ is that under My new covenant of the Holy Spirit, which He instituted, I am able to respond to the prayers of My children individually because I live inside of them in the person of the Holy Spirit when they ask to be born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit.  I am able to speak My personal words to each one of them, not having to incorporate a prophet to speak for Me in order to communicate with an entire nation.  In My new and last covenant with people, our relationship is one-on-one, Father to Child,  because My words of correction, encouragement and guidance is individual to each person instead of being communal like it was through Isaiah who spoke to an entire nation under the old and now dead covenant.  (Hebrews 8:12)
   The promises of Jesus Christ when He first taught about the attitudes of the people, commonly called the Beatitudes, were in His very first teachings relating to My kingdom of heaven which was then soon coming to live inside of humans who seek Me.  Remembering that the first attitude that Jesus taught about My new covenant was about people being poor in spirit, meaning people who are humble in their attitudes instead of being arrogant and prideful like the political and religious leaders.  He said that only humble people would inherit My kingdom of heaven in their lives on earth in which they would become blessed, meaning gloriously happy, having My favor, and their being spiritually prosperous no matter their outward conditions. In other words, they would switch from an allegiance to an earthly nation that is fragile and unstable to having complete allegiance to My kingdom of God which is stable and everlasting if they want to have peace and joy in their lives on earth.(Hebrews 8:13)
     The formulas for inheriting My blessings and rewards in your life on earth are in the words of every old covenant prophet, the words of Jesus Christ, and in the written words of the new covenant prophets who walked and fraternized personally with Jesus, all of it found in My History and Instruction Book to My children called the Bible.  My Holy Spirit is your teacher of all the truths that are in the Books.  All learning comes with having a book and a teacher.  You have the Bible and you have My Holy Spirit living inside of you and He is your teacher.  
   You have everything necessary to having a blessed, prosperous life in the earth, if you so desire. (II Peter 1:3) You must seek Me with your whole heart.  (Mark 12:33)
   Your Father Who Seeks You With My Whole Heart (Jeremiah 32:41)

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