My Dear Precious Child,
In My words to My children through old covenant prophets, and the new covenant prophets who spoke by the revelation of the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ, those words which are My words were always meant to advise My children about the beneficial ways for them to continually have My spiritual thoughts, attitudes, words and actions. My words were always meant to keep My blessings flowing into their lives on earth. In other words, they were meant for you and My other children to avoid the curses that come from following the temptations of the devil instead of their following My instructions. Obeying My instructions to do good will always produce blessings and rewards in your life but your obeying the temptations of the devil will always produce curses, destruction and death in your life. Not one word from My mouth will ever produce negative results. No temptation from the devil will ever produce good, positive results.
I told you that one thing that you do in obedience to the devil that robs you of My blessings, according to the prophet Isaiah, is for you to yield to the temptation to LIE in order for you to escape punishment or LIE in order to enhance your public standing in the community or LIE in court in order for you to blame someone else for breaking a law. In My old covenant laws I called it bearing false witness. (Exodus 20:16) Being a false witness is the opposite of speaking the truth. Jesus Christ said that the politicians and religious leaders of his day were children of the devil and that there is no truth in him. (John 8:44) He also said that My Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. (John 15:26) Therefore, those politicians and religious leaders were false witnesses.
The first time that the demon of lying manifested itself in the earth after Adam fell out of unity with Me was when he lied to Me and told Me that Eve forced him to listen to the devil. According to the prophet Moses when he wrote about the creation of the earth and man, I told Adam before I created Eve from Adam's DNA not to fall for the devil's temptation.
In the beginning when I lovingly confronted Adam about why he had disobeyed Me by doing the devil's will, Adam blamed Eve for his giving his will over to the devil's will. As a result I told Adam and Eve that they were cursed with demons from hell in the form of devastation in many areas of their lives by allowing the devil to flood the earth with demons.(Genesis 3) From there on, the history of people in the earth went downhill.
Later when I sent Isaiah to speak for Me to the children of Israel about their sins that were keeping them from entering into the promised land that I had for them, he named some of them starting with LYING. He also said that INJUSTICE and UNRIGHTEOUSNESS were attitudes and actions of the demons that the officials and people had adopted as their own ways of dealing with people. They were heaping unjust punishment upon people who were either innocent or only doing what the officials themselves were doing. As a result I could not bless them with My righteous works for them and save them from their enemy, the devil. (Isaiah 59:10-11) The people looked for light but all they found was darkness; looking for brightness and only finding gloom because My righteousness was far from them because their sins had caused the demons to build a barrier between earth and heaven, separating them from Me. (verse 9) They stumbled like blind men at midday like it was dusk, and they groped for walls to steady themselves, growling like bears, moaning without ceasing.
Remember that Isaiah had told them that I was eager to help them and save them, but their sins had built that barrier between us so that it was impossible for Me to answer their cries. (Isaiah 59:1-4) Isaiah named several of the offenses, crimes and sins that were apparent at the time; those being 1. transgressing My instructions, 2.denying Me as their Lord by their turning back from following My advice, 3. threatening outrage against Me by accusing Me of abandoning them when they were the ones who had abandoned Me, 4. building idols, and 5. uttering lies that their hearts had conceived by their listening to demons. (verses 12-13)
Isaiah continued by telling the people of Israel that doing righteous works were refused by them, that justice was far off, and that truth stumbled even in the community because My uprightness could not enter because of the barrier between earth and heaven that had been erected by the demons whom the people had obeyed instead of their following My instructions to let truth be in their words instead of lies and falsehoods. I told Isaiah to tell the people of Israel that honesty was lacking and that even if a man turned from evil he was plundered by the other people.(verses 14-15)
They could not enter into My promised land that I had prepared for them as long as they continued to yield to the temptations of the devil to lie and speak falsehoods or they would pollute the promised land.
However, Isaiah also saw in his vision My new covenant which I was to make with humanity years later in the future when all of the prophesies were fulfilled. I told Isaiah that I was going to send a Redeemer to those people who turn from sin and I was going to make a new covenant with humanity where My Spirit would be within them in which I would put My words in their hearts and mouths instead of on tablets of stone. I told him that in the day of My new covenant that My words would never depart from their mouths nor from the mouths of their children's children from now on and forever. (Isaiah 59:20-21)
In My prophetic words of correction to the Israelites I also included My prophesies for the salvation of the entire world, the entry into the world of Jesus Christ and then the work of the Holy Spirit who would speak My words of salvation through the mouths of people in My spiritual language.
You must heed My words about refusing to spread false witnesses about people even after you have entered into My kingdom of God by being born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit. Your enemy, the devil, never gives up in his effort to entice you to leave My kingdom of good works and enter into his kingdom again, the kingdom of evil works where My blessings are nonexistent.
I always correct My children with My gentle words of guidance and love.
Your Father of Perfect Communication
Sunday, January 24, 2021
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