Saturday, January 30, 2021


My Dear Precious Child,
    It's no surprise that the first teachings out of the mouth of Jesus Christ concerned instructions for people on how to be blessed while they live in the earth.  All people were cursed in their lives with devastation, destruction, problems, troubles, diseases, strife, rebellion, judgments and others of the devil's deeds from hell going all the way back to Adam and Eve when they allowed evil to flood into the world cursing the lives of people by their binding themselves in unity with the devil which allowed the devil to flood the earth with his demons who do his works in the world.(I John 3:8)  With My good character previously having been their character, the first couple whom I had created to be righteous managers of the earth, after they opened the door to evil they began to have the character and personality of the devil and passed those negative traits into the lives of their children from generation to generation when they allowed demons to curse the things which they managed in the earth.   No one and nothing escaped.  
   Several generations later, in order to enable people to have some semblance of good in their lives in the earth I spoke through prophets, telling them to inform people about how to switch from being cursed in their lives to being blessed in their lives.  Unfortunately, inside of the minds of the people the devil had placed a veil over their minds so that they could not receive the truth that I am not a dichotomy, splitting into doing evil actions on one hand and doing good on the other hand.  The lie that the devil told people in their minds was that evil came from Me and also good came from Me in order to keep My children in line.  The truth, of course, was that there are two spiritual kingdoms at work in the earth, My kingdom from heaven and the devil's kingdom from hell.  Blessings come from Me and curses come from the devil. (II Corinthians 4:4; Deuteronomy 28)  Unfortunately, My covenant with the man Abraham promising that salvation would come into the earth through his generational offspring was continually broken by Abraham's descendants, who were the people in the nation of Israel, through whom My Salvation was to come into the world. The flesh of My Son of Salvation, Jesus, was to come from Abraham's generational offspring because he was the most pure person at the time and the flesh that was to contain My Holy Spirit needed to be as close to pure as possible.  The young woman Mary was chosen by Me to bear My Son Jesus Christ whose impregnation by My Holy Spirit created the Son of Man/Son of God.
    When My Son Jesus grew in stature and in My favor and in the favor of people, I baptized Him in My Holy Spirit and He was empowered for the ministry of destroying the works of the devil.  After His first miracle service of healing the sick, casting out demons and teaching about My kingdom which was soon to come into the earth. My Son Jesus Christ began to teach about how to enter into My kingdom of God.  His teachings included the thoughts, attitudes, words spoken and actions taken by the people that would cause the them to become abundantly blessed while they lived in the earth.  One of the spiritual attitudes is that you must be merciful, just as I am merciful.  He said that if they became merciful, instead of judgmental, that they would become happy, spiritually prosperous with My life joy inside of them which would produce lives of total satisfaction caused by being in My favor and having inherited My salvation in their lives on earth.  He said that they would become merciful to all of My children, and in turn that they would obtain mercy from Me and other people. (Matthew 5:7)    
    The demons from hell had infused the devil's spirits of judgment into their DNA and their nature was to be judgmental of everyone, which attracted the devil's judgment to themselves. (Matthew 7:1-6)  They had constantly received the judgment of the devil and their lives were cursed.  Jesus promised that when My kingdom of God came into their lives that they would inherit My character trait of being merciful and when they did become merciful that they would reign in life as completely blessed people.  They would distribute My mercy to people who were sinners instead of their distributing the devil's judgment into the lives of sinners.  In turn, they would receive My blessings because of their having extended My mercy instead of their extending judgment to every human.
    The works of mercy are to be forgiving of people who offend you, persecute you, injure you, rob from you, attempt to kill you, insult you, or do any other offense against you.  After Jesus taught about the attitudes, He immediately began to explain My mercy by teaching about forgiveness which is the outgrowth of mercy.  
    Let yourself be known as being merciful because of My deep and abiding mercy which came into your life when you were born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit.  You must let it become your character.  Solomon wrote, "Don't let mercy and truth depart from you."  He said to bind them about your neck and to write them on the tablets of your heart. (Proverbs 3:3) Become constantly reminded of your need to be merciful and then your becoming merciful is the key to your being in the spiritual position of receiving mercy from Me and other people because there will be no barriers of judgment which separate you from Me when you are merciful.  Remember that when you retreat into judging other people, you leave My family of love and bind yourself to the demon of judgment in which you will inherit all of the devil's devastation.    
   By the power of My Holy Spirit, if you determine to be merciful to all people, saint and sinner, then you will be abundantly blessed, spiritually prosperous, joyful, plus constantly enjoying My favor and My salvation.  You will have My heaven on earth.
   Your Informative Father

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