Saturday, January 23, 2021

My Dear Precious Child,
    From the beginning of life on the earth I have endeavored to get the truth to My children that there are blessings available to you but there are also curses available to you, depending on whether you obey the voices in your thoughts from hell or the voices in your thoughts from heaven.  I told Adam, the first man, not to listen to the voice of evil when I told him not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.(Genesis 2:15-17) He did listen to the devil.   Then I told his son Cain that the devil was crouching at the door of his mind tempting him to sin by killing his brother Abel. (Genesis 4:6-7)
   Throughout history of the world I have appointed men called prophets to speak truths for Me to others of My children, valuable truths that would cause them to be able to identify and then refuse to obey the voices of the devil's demons in their minds.  My instructions were sometimes followed for a short time, but then people would return to refusing to follow My advice and begin to worship man made idols that they built with their own hands.  My children rarely related the curses that flooded into their lives with their idol worship and their rebellion in their refusal to take My advice.  They always came crying back to Me to take away their curses as if I were the manufacturer of their curses. 
    I spoke to the children of Israel and told them the reason that they were wallowing in devastation and curses in their nation and in their lives was because their iniquities had made a separation between heaven and earth so that I neither could hear their cries for help nor could I extend My arm of salvation to help them because of the demons who were responsible for their sinning having formed a barrier between earth and My heaven. (Isaiah 59:1-2)  It wasn't that I didn't want to help them.  I am always willing and able.  It was their fellowship with the devil's angels, called demons, building a wall between us that was responsible for My inability to help.
    Through Isaiah I even identified some of the demons to which they had yielded which cut off communication between us.  In fact, the first demon which I identified to Isaiah was one of the demons who was identified when, many generations before, I confronted Cain about the disappearance of his brother Abel.  That demon was the demon of lying.  When I had questioned Cain where his brother was, Cain said he didn't know, even though he had already killed his brother.  That reply to Me came from the devil's demon of lying to which Cain had yielded his will.(Genesis 4:8-9)  Years later when Isaiah was identifying the demon behind the curses in the lives of the Israelites, I told Isaiah that the reason for their wallowing in the fruits of hell in the earth was, first of all, because of their country's political and religious officials and also the people being guilty of lying, that no one was suing anyone justly and no one was pleading truthfully.  There was corruption in the courts and in their daily lives.  I said that in lying they put their trust in things that had no value when they lied in common everyday accusations or in court. I told them that in lying they conceived mischief in the earth, which is from hell and not from Me. (Isaiah 59:3-4)
    Through Isaiah I identified the earthly works behind the devil's temptation of humans to lie.  I said that the results of lying is like hatching the eggs of venomous snakes and that lying weaves webs like spiders, bringing into the web many people through whom the lie is promulgated.  Whoever eats the eggs of the snakes, signifying believing the lies of another person, will eventually spiritually die because of curses of the devil that come as a result of lying, which causes not only devastation in the life of the liar who originally started the lie but also the people who spread the lie.  Isaiah referred to lying as hatching other snakes in the lives of people who believe the lies.  I said through Isaiah that the webs that the lies spin cannot hide like clothes the nakedness of the liar, and they can't hide the works that the lies accomplish when they are repeated over and over.  Lies produce evil works in the lives of many people and deeds of violence can even result from the lies. (Isaiah 59:5-6)
    Isaiah wrote that the liar's feet run to do evil, being pressured by hell to share their lies, and they are quick to even shed blood either knowingly or unknowingly by their yielding to destructive thoughts which tempt a person to lie.  Plundering and ruin in the lives of the participants in lies are the results. (Isaiah 59:7) The demons who tempted the first person to lie causes that person to inherit death in all of his endeavors, and the people who further the lie also inherit the same. 
    To contrast their lying I told Isaiah to tell the people of Israel that they didn't know the blessings of peace and that there was nothing right in their paths because all of the paths that liars take are crooked and whoever follows the same paths as the liars will never know peace.  (Isaiah 59:8)
    Referring back to the story about Cain in Genesis who yielded to the demons of jealousy, killing and lying, the consequences from hell listed in the history book were that Cain would never have soil that yielded any produce and so he had to become a wanderer in the earth.(Genesis 4:8-16)  Lying has consequences because it is always at the expense of someone else, diverting guilt from one's self.   
    In Isaiah's prophesy to the officials of the nation of Israel I told him that he should tell the people that instead of fasting meat and drink for their festivals, which did not impress Me at all, I said that they needed to fast and remove from their midst the oppression of other people, false accusations and malicious speech. (Isaiah 59:9)  I said that if they would refuse to lie and accuse people of things and then also feed the hungry, shelter the oppressed and homelesss, and clothe the naked, that when they call upon Me that I will answer them, and when they cry for help that I will say, "Here I am." (Isaiah 58:6-8) I said that returning to Me would cause their light to shine forth like the dawn and their wounds would heal quickly.  I said that their vindication would go before them and that My glory would be their rear guard when they cease from their lying and return to doing My will.
   Returning to Me for My forgiveness is the key when My children have sinned by lying in response to the devil's temptations, and having suffered the consequences from hell for their lying.  Lying in mischief summons the devil to construct a barrier between earth and heaven so that I cannot hear the voices of My very own children whom I cherish.  Lying has severe consequences from the devil in hell.  The truth is that the devil tempts you to lie and then he showers you with curses as a consequence of your yielding to him and making him lord of your life.  Repent for the lying and be restored to Me,
    Turning to Me for forgiveness and restoration is the key. 
    I said through My Holy Spirit that you must always speak truth in order to live in My kingdom of heaven of My new covenant and that you must use the scriptures as examples of the ways to live in blessings and the way to live in curses. (Romans 15:4; I Corinthians 10:6-13)
    Your Father of Mercy and Truth  

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