Tuesday, January 31, 2023
My Dear Precious Child,
After Jesus taught so convincingly about attitudes and how good attitudes usher My Kingdom of God into your life on earth and bad attitudes usher the kingdom of hell into your life on earth, He said that the gate to hell on earth is wide and that most people enter into hell on earth without realizing it. He said that the road to My Kingdom of God is narrow and few people enter into it. We talked about the fact that I did not make it hard for people to enter into My Kingdom of God but that it is the devil who throws up barriers in order to successfully block you from entering into My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit. (Jeremiah 31:31-34) In Jesus' subsequent teaching He added a warning about false prophets as being one of the devil's tools to keep you out of My Kingdom of God while you live in the earth. (Matthew 7:13-15)
Jesus said to beware of false prophets and he described them as being disguised as sheep but inside they are ravenous wolves. Jesus was experienced in recognizing false prophets because of his constant harassment and persecution by the Pharisees who were religious and political leaders who were determined to prove that He was not My Son, which they continued to do by paying the guards at the tomb of Jesus after He rose from the dead and walked the earth for 40 days. False prophets paid the guards at the tomb to lie by saying that the followers of Jesus had stolen His body so that the Jews would not experience the reality that Jesus had truly risen from the dead. (Matthew 28:11-18)
In His warning about false prophets, He said that you must be fruit checkers, judging their fruit as being either from Me or from the devil's hell. He asked if people can pick grapes from thorns or figs from thistles? The answer is no. He said that a sound tree produces good fruit and a rotten tree produces bad fruit. He reiterated that truth that the devil is behind false prophets by saying that there is no way that a sound tree can bear bad fruit and it's impossible for a rotten tree to bear good fruit. Jesus did not just leave them with that truth, He included the truth that a rotten tree that does not produce good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. He repeated again that His followers would be able to tell false prophets by their fruits, giving His followers a preview of their authority that they would have when My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit began. In His parable of the wheat and the chaff, He reiterated that truth that the devil is motivating false prophets. (Matthew 13:36-43) Later the apostle Paul told His converts to Christianity that My Holy Spirit would give the spiritual gift of discerning of spirits to My children so that they would distinguish whether there are evil spirits motivating certain people or good spirits motivating certain people. (I Corinthians 12:6-11)
The devil never gives up. He has demons who roam the earth seeking the people who will believe the false prophets whom he speaks through. They are the demons who endeavor to block your access to My blessings by speaking lies through false prophets who have disguised themselves as sheep of the same fold as the elect in their efforts to deceive you into swallowing their rotten fruit that you should have recognized as poisoned and putrid. They deceive even the elect on occasion, even after Jesus Christ had sternly warned about them.
In Jesus teachings on attitudes, He identified My attitudes that would cause you to be blessed. He said if you are merciful, not arrogant but instead being humble in spirit, if you come to Me for comfort when you mourn, if you hunger after righteousness, if you seek peace with everyone, if you are strong under persecution, all of those attitudes plus making sure that you rejoice when you are persecuted will guarantee that you are abundantly blessed in your life on the earth. (Matthew 5:1-12)
Your Father of My Kingdom of God
Monday, January 30, 2023
My Dear Precious Child,
Jesus so eloquently taught His followers, and you, the importance that attitudes have in your life on earth, that positive attitudes summon My positive angels to work for you and negative attitudes summon the devil's angels to curse your life on earth. Jesus said it more succinctly when He said that you are both blessed by your words and cursed by your words. That was His reason for going into such informative teachings about your thoughts, attitudes, words spoken and actions taken.
After those valuable teachings on My ability to change your attitudes from bad to good when My kingdom of God comes into a person's life, Jesus assured His followers, including you, that when My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit came into their lives that if they wanted to be blessed abundantly in life by having their prayers answered that not only would their attitudes be perfected in order to allow Me to answer their prayers, but He also gave encouragement to them by saying that whatever they asked that they would receive; that whatever wisdom for which they searched they would find; that whatever doors to My Kingdom of God that they knocked upon, that those doors would be opened to them. (Matthew 7:7-9)
Then Jesus made some astounding promises to My children in the earth. He said that the ones who ask Me for anything, they WILL always receive; that anyone who searches for Me and My insight WILL always find truth; that anyone who knocks on the door of My Kingdom of God WILL always have the door opened to him or her. There were no ifs, ands or buts in His promises to His followers. He explained more clearly by giving to His followers an analogy. He said that there was not one man among them who would hand his own son a stone if he asked for bread or hand him a snake if he asked for a fish. He said that if they, being evil, know how to give good gifts to their children, then how much more am I willing to give good gifts to people who ask Me. (Matthew 7:10-11) Jesus was saying that it's My will to give you what you ask, to give you wisdom when you search for it, and to open the door to My heaven to you who knock.
It was in this setting that Jesus spoke words that are repeated more often than any of My words or His words. He said that you must treat other people the way that you would like for them to treat you. (Matthew 7:12) That simple statement that Jesus Christ said explains a summation of the entire Mosaic Law and all the words of the prophets of Israel. In other words, Jesus summed up all of the religious laws and all of the prophesies of the prophets in that one statement, that being that you must treat other people the same way that you want them to treat you. He could not have made it more clear than that wise statement. Even though it is My will to meet all of your requests, there are attitudes from you which can keep My blessings and rewards from being received by you, and one is if you are treating people unkindly or arrogantly or pridefully or judgmentally. Those demons can form a barrier that will keep My blessings and rewards from being received by you.
So the truth is that My will, because I am Love, is to grant what you ask, to give wisdom when it is sought after and to never shut My door to anyone who seeks Me. But in addition to those assurances, Jesus added that your attitudes, speech and actions toward people must be that you treat them the way you want them to treat you or any bad attitudes by you will summon the devil's demons to block your answers to prayers from getting to you.
To explain further your inheriting My blessings in the form of answers to prayers, My wisdom flooding into your mind and My opening the door of My kingdom to you, Jesus explained about the ease by which people enter into the kingdom of the devil and the troubles which you will encounter upon entering into My Kingdom of God. He said that the entry into the devil's kingdom is wide and easy to enter and that many people choose to take it because it's so easy to enter. But, Jesus said, the the road that leads to Life in My Kingdom of God is narrow and only a few find it. I do not make the road to My Kingdom difficult to find. It's the devil who has narrowed the road that leads to Life in order to sabotage the entry to keep My children from finding Life. It's the devil's assignment for his demons to keep you out of My Kingdom of God. They are very adept in doing their assignment. (Matthew 7:13-14)
However, the words of Jesus contain many keys on making it easier to enter into My Kingdom of God. He taught you not to pray in public in front of people to impress them but to only pray in your secret place in order for Me to hear you and I will grant your requests. He said not to let anyone know how much you are giving in your alms giving, to give in secret and I will reward you. He said in praying for you not to babble on and on with multiple words but instead to make your requests known that My kingdom would come into your life on earth as it is in heaven. He said to forgive people so that I can forgive you. He said not to worry about what to eat or if you will have clothes to wear because worry and fear are used by the devil's demons to keep you out of My Kingdom. He said not to judge anyone or you will be judged by the judgment seeds that you have sown. He assured you that it's My will to give you My Kingdom of God and if you treat other people the way you want to be treated that the road to My Kingdom becomes easier to enter. All of those teachings by Jesus were given by Him in order to assist you in entering into My kingdom of God by bypassing the devil's barriers.
In order to make the keys of Jesus Christ more productive in ushering you into My Kingdom of God, I give to you My Holy Spirit so that you will have My power to do My will in the earth and enjoy the fruits of My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit.
Your Father of Pure Righteousness
Sunday, January 29, 2023
My Dear Precious Child,
When Jesus was teaching His followers, and you, about how important marriage between two people is in the earth and in heaven, He was trying to change your mind about the old law that said that a man can divorce his wife merely by giving her a paper that said that he divorced her. Jesus told them that under My new covenant of the Holy Spirit, My Kingdom of God, that forgiveness is My way to handle adultery. (John 8:4-11) But, the only legitimate reason for divorce under Mosaic Law was because of fornication, which is having sexual intercourse with many people outside of a person's marriage. Jesus said that under Mosaic Law that anyone who divorces His wife except for that reason, fornication, that he would cause her to be an adulterer and any man who marries a divorced woman becomes an adulterer under Mosaic Law.
The reason for that strict adherence to Mosaic laws was that when a man and woman marry they swear to be bound to each other because they become one person through sexual intercourse. Under that Law, if a man married a divorced woman, he was marrying a woman whose oath to another man was still binding because through swearing to be bound to each other and then sealing it with sexual intercourse they became one person and new life was produced from that union in the form of a baby. He later quoted the spiritual truth that to whatever you are bound in earth you are also bound to the spiritual entities relating to it in the heavens. (Matthew 16:19; Matthew 18:18) But if the man or woman had been a fornicator, that bond had already been broken many times so adultery was not a factor in their divorce from each other.
In the marriage ceremony both people swore and still swear in front of Me and people that they will be bound to each other forever, so that bond is forever between them unless one of them has broken it by being an adulterer or a fornicator. Because they have sworn to be one with each other forever by swearing before Me and humanity, then they are forever one in the eyes of the entities in the earth and all heavens. (Matthew 5:31-32) If they break that oath of unity, then the demons flood in to accuse them because they have broken their promise to be united for their days on earth.
Immediately in the next teaching, Jesus Christ taught never to swear an oath, in essence continuing his teaching on marriage, divorce and adultery. His good advice was to never swear to do anything because when you do swear to do something, the devil immediately begins his assault on your life in order to see that you don't keep your word about what you swore to do. Then he can accuse you of being guilty for not keeping your word, his carrying out his position in the earth of being the accuser. Jesus said in order to avoid being in that position of the demons in the earth accusing you, that instead if you merely say yes or no instead of swearing, then you have kept the demons away from the door of your life with their accusations because you did not swear to anything, thus refusing to bind yourself to it. His teaching on refusing to swear to do something extended to His teaching on marriage, divorce and adultery.
In teaching on these subjects, Jesus Christ was making it clear that there are two kingdoms in the earth and you must not be led by the devil's kingdom of sin and death but instead you must be led by My Kingdom of Love and Life which was evidenced by the life of Jesus Christ. He wanted to teach you about My Godly attitudes behind not binding yourself or uniting yourself to something by swearing to do it or swearing loyalty to it, that if you do swear to do something then you have opened yourself up for the devil, the accuser, to turn on you and tear you to pieces. (Matthew 7:6)
These teaching of Jesus were taught by Him in order for you to adjust your attitudes about marriage, divorce, adultery, fornication, and refusing to swear to do something. He was endeavoring to show you how to rob the devil of his ministry of sin and death by your being led by My Holy Spirit.
Jesus made My thoughts clear on marriage, adultery and fornication when He told the woman who was caught in adultery by the Pharisees that her sins were forgiven and He gave her the power to go and sin no more. (John 8:4-11) Forgiveness for a person who sins is My way to handle a person breaking laws and transgressing laws. My punishment is for the demons who tempt My children to sin. (Matthew 13:36-43)
Heed My words through Jesus on attitudes. My attitude toward marriage, divorce and adultery is forgiveness for everybody involved, as displayed by Jesus Christ and the woman caught in adultery.
Your Forgiving, Ever Loving Father
Saturday, January 28, 2023
My Dear Precious Child,
In the teachings by Jesus on attitudes, He endeavored to change the attitude of His followers in relation to lawbreakers. The Mosaic Law was given to Moses by Me in order for the Jewish people to identify the demons who tempted them to sin so that instead of obeying the demons and inheriting destruction and death they would refuse to obey those temptations. (Galatians 3:19-22) However, the devil influenced the Jewish religious and political leaders and therefore people to use the laws in order to judge people and litigate punishment on them. When Jesus was teaching His followers about attitudes Jesus told His followers not to ever judge anyone. He said if they didn't judge anyone that they would not be judged themselves. He knew that it is only by the power of My Holy Spirit that people can refuse to judge others. At the time of His teaching on attitudes Jesus knew that the devil was just waiting for people to judge someone so that his demons would bring judgment upon the person who is judging also because of the judging seeds that they had sown in the earth. He told them that everyone breaks the Laws in some way, because no one can keep all of them. He told His followers that they were trained by the devil to judge someone for having a splinter in his eye while they had a sin as big as a plank of wood in their own eye. Jesus said that they were hypocrites for judging someone for a mere splinter of a sin while they themselves were guilty of a more dangerous sin. He told His followers to get rid of their own sin and guilt the size of a plank of wood before endeavoring to get rid of someone else's sin the size of a splinter. (Matthew 7:1-5) It is only by the power of My Holy Spirit that My children can judge the demons and cast them into the lake of fire in the abyss. (Matthew 13:36-43)
The advice of Jesus in dealing with judging others is for you to realize that all people sin and fall short of My glory, so when you judge someone for sinning you are also causing yourself to be judged by the same standard because you also sin in the same and often even greater degrees. (Romans 3:23; Romans 5:12)
In His teaching about not judging, He continued teaching about not judging when He said not to give to dogs what is holy, meaning for them not to judge other people who are holy to Me because they are made in My image, because when you do judge someone you give that person over to the demons to trample and afflict with their destruction, and those same demons will also turn on you and tear you to pieces because you judged someone when you were told by Me not to judge anyone. He said for you to judge someone is like throwing pearls, (meaning people who are valuable to Me), before pigs, (meaning demons), to trample and tear to pieces. Your judging someone will give permission to the demons to trample you also and tear you to pieces because of the seeds of the kingdom of satan that you have sown in the earth. You will have done the devil's works in judging someone and so he has your permission to also ravage your life. (Matthew 7:6) You have done My work when you can forgive a person who sins against you but you judge the demon who caused that person to sin against you by sending it into the lake of fire in the abyss.
Jesus changed the thoughts and attitudes of His followers in relation to judging people. My method of handling lawbreakers is to forgive them. That is what the prophet Jeremiah prophesied, that when My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit came into the world that I would not remember the sins of anyone because Jesus Christ would pay for their sins by going to hell for all of humanity. (I John 2:2) So your method of handing lawbreakers must be the same as Mine, to forgive them so that there will be no record of their sins in the earth. Sins are erased in My heaven as if they never happened and if you forgive the sins of people then there is no record of them in the earth, either, for which satan can accuse them. But, if you refuse to forgive the sins of other people, then you are responsible for judging them and you have placed yourself in the hands of the demons to judge you with destruction and death.
Jesus Christ, My Son, used every opportunity to reveal to My children that there are two kingdoms working in the earth, My Kingdom of God and the devil's kingdom of hell. His lesson on judging reveals Truth, that Jesus Christ said that He judges no person and I judge no person. I forgive the sins of the whole world. It is the devil who judges people by the Old Covenant Law.
Your Father of Forgiveness and Redemption
Thursday, January 26, 2023
My Dear Precious Child,
In His teaching to His followers, and you, on attitudes, Jesus reiterated the truth that if you forgive other people of their failings, sins, iniquities and transgressions that I can also forgive yours. But if you refuse to forgive other people, then it's impossible for Me to erase your sins because you are willingly retaining those sins in your mind so there is a record of them on earth in your mind. By an act of your own will you are accusing someone of sins, and I have no control over your mind, so you are keeping the accusations of that person's sins on record in your mind and I can't erase that person's sin from your mind because you are choosing to continue to accuse the person. I forgave that person's sin before he or she committed it and I forgave your sin before you committed it, but when you insist on keeping the accusations alive in the earth relating to that person's failing, then you have, by an act of your will, keeping the reality of his or her sins alive in the world, thus also keeping our own sin of refusing to forgive the person alive in the world.
To forgive means to give something forward and get rid of it in your mind, but when you refuse to forgive that means that you have retained a record of a person's sin alive in your mind, thus also keeping your sin of unforgiveness alive in your mind. I can't come in and jerk that accusation of another person out of your mind. It has to be forgiven by you as an act of your will, releasing the action from your mind. (Matthew 6:14-15) If you refuse to forgive, then you are willingly asking the devil to torment you and accuse you of guilt and condemnation. I forgive immediately, but when you refuse to forgive someone, you are maintaining a record of the sin in your mind, which will curse your life on earth. Forgiving everyone will keep any record of your sins erased as if they never happened as well as erasing anything done against you.
In relation to fasting, Jesus changed the attitude of My children toward that activity by telling them to change their attitudes to their actions relating to fasting. Their usual custom was to put on a gloomy face like hypocrites do in order for other people to know that they are fasting. He said the same thing about fasting that He did about paying alms and praying. He said the people who put on a sad, gloomy face when fasting have their reward in that the people who see them fasting will think about how devoted they are to Me because they are fasting with sad looking faces. Jesus said that they already have the same rewards that the hypocrites do, which are the praises of people. Jesus said for My children when they enter into My Kingdom of God to change their attitudes toward fasting, that they should put oil on their hair, wash their face so that no one knows that they are fasting except Me, who sees everything that is done in secret, and that I, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. (Matthew 6:16-18) He said that their attitudes toward fasting would change, just like their attitudes toward giving alms, praying secretly and not parading their good deeds before other people when My New Covenant came into the world, making them new creatures with new attitudes.
Jesus's teachings about attitudes all involved the changes in their attitudes when they became new creatures by being born of My Holy Spirit and being baptized in My Holy Spirit. They would have new thoughts, new attitudes, speak new encouraging words and do kind actions toward their enemies because they would have desires to please Me by yielding to My Holy Spirit to do good works in the earth. He told His disciples, and you, that you would be storing up treasures in heaven when you do My will in the earth with loving attitudes instead of your continuing to please other people by your old religious actions. If you continue to think bad thoughts, have negative attitudes, speak and act like your old father, the devil, then you would be storing up treasures on earth and your rewards would be stolen or eaten by insects. When you only store treasures in My heaven by doing My will and having new attitudes in your relationship with people, then your rewards will overtake you in your life on earth instead of becoming stolen or rotting because they were of the earth where the devil tempts you to do his will. (Matthew 6:19-21)
In Jesus teachings about attitudes, He was encouraging humanity that a new covenant was coming into the world, My covenant of the Holy Spirit, which would change all of the attitudes of My children from negative to positive, from earthly to heavenly, from ignorant to wise, from hateful to loving, and as a result My heaven would come into their lives on earth.
It happened on the day of Pentecost when My life came to live inside of people, and still happens with every Pentecostal experience, bringing My heaven into the lives of My children on the earth. I said that there would be persecutions from hell in your life on earth, but I show you how to overcome the effects of those persecutions.
You must be cognizant of the changes in attitude that I instituted which would happen in your thoughts, speech and actions, all because of My character coming to live inside of you, making you into images of My Son Jesus Christ, as much as you permit. My desire is that you become perfect images of His thoughts, attitudes, speech and actions. When you seek My entire Kingdom of God, then your life on earth will be the paradise that I intended at the beginning.
Your Father of Effective Attitude Changes
Wednesday, January 25, 2023
My Dear Precious Child,
In the instructions of Jesus Christ on the attitudes towards prayers to pray and the attitude toward alms-giving when My Kingdom of God eventually came into the lives of His followers, He was definite about them. First of all He said that His followers must not parade their good deeds before people to attract their notice or they would lose their reward from Me. So, He instructed them that when they, and you, give your tithes, alms, offerings or gifts that you are not to let anyone know because that's what the hypocrites do is parade their good deeds to be noticed. He said that the people who let other people know about their giving already have their reward from other people who admire them for their generous gift giving. He said when they give their alms that they should not even let their own left hand know what their right hand is giving, that their giving must be in secret and I, who knows your giving in secret, will reward you openly. (Matthew 6:1-4)
Plus, He added that when they, and you, pray that the same attitudes must be had toward your praying as in the alms giving. He said that you and they must not be like the hypocrites who stand praying in front of people to be seen of them and complimented for their beautiful prayers. With the same attitude as toward giving alms, He told His followers that those people have their reward already which is the adoration of the observers of their prayers. Instead of praying in public, Jesus told His followers that their attitude toward praying must be that it's a private action between you and Me. He said that you must go into your prayer room, shut the door and pray to Me who is also in that secret place, and that I, who sees that it's all done in secret, will reward you. (Matthew 6:5-6)
Relating to praying, Jesus was explicit about it when He said not to babble on and on like the pagans who believe that the more words they pray, the more chance they will be heard by Me. (Matthew 6:7-10) He said not to be like them because I know what you need before you even ask. He said that you should only ask that My kingdom would come into your life with more revelations so that you will be empowered to do My will in the earth as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6: 10; Ephesians 1:15-23; Ephesians 3:14-21) Jesus Christ knew that when My Kingdom came into their lives that their sins would be forgiven by Me, which is part of the benefits of My Kingdom of God coming to live inside of My children. (Jeremiah 31:31-34) He knew that they and you would have the desire, attitude and power to forgive the sins of other people and so your own sins would also be forgiven because there is no record of it in heaven or in the earth if you have forgiven them. (Matthew 6:12-13)
Having just finished being tempted by the devil and knowing that it required My power of the Holy Spirit to resist the temptation, Jesus asked Me not to test My other children in the same way. Jesus had to resist the devil in the earth in order to later defeat the devil in his own territory, hell, when He went to hell for the sins of the world after He was crucified.
In order to further emphasize these teachings about what kind of attitudes My children must have when they enter into My Kingdom of God, He summed up these teachings by saying that they should not store up treasures on earth where insects can destroy them and thieves steal them, as in giving arms in public and praying in public, but instead they must store up treasures in My heaven, as in praying in their praying closet where only I can hear and giving alms without anyone knowing because nothing can break in and steal them. Jesus Christ encapsulated this truth when He said that where your treasure is, there your heart is also, speaking of attitudes. In other words, if your desire is to be praised by men for your giving and praying, then your heart is carnal; but if your attitude is to only be celebrated by Me by your only praying in unity with Me in your prayer closet, then your heart is spiritual and of the Holy Spirit. Your prayers will be answered by My Holy Spirit when you pray in your prayer closet, while the prayers of the hypocrites are only rewarded with the praise of people for their beautiful prayers or generous alms giving. (Matthew 6:19-21)
In His teaching about good attitudes and bad attitudes, Jesus Christ was very clear about how to have your prayers answered and it was not by praying in front of people with long, babbling prayers to impress people. He said that if that is your attitude toward praying, then your reward is from people because what you treasure is, is the praises of people. But if your attitude toward praying and alms-giving is good, only praying in your prayer closet, that your prayers in your prayer closet are only heard by Me in our one-on-one communion, and your prayers will be answered by Me. (Matthew 6:6)
Christian traditions and customs are often of the flesh and carnal, instead of being of the Holy Spirit, and they remain powerless. When your traditions and customs follow what Jesus Christ taught about attitudes, then your rewards from My heaven will be great.
Attitudes are mental and emotional actions that indicate the character and personality of a person.
Your Father of Explicit Instructions
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
In Jesus Christ's long teaching about attitudes, which was his first subect to teach on after He resisted the devil and refused to yield to his temptations, Jesus' main subject pertained to the enemies of My children and how to treat them. He emphasized that His followers had heard it said that they were to love their neighbors but hate their enemies. There were some written laws that gave that command. However, in Jesus' lecture on attitudes He refuted the old customs, traditions and religious teachings about hating your enemies and He told His followers that when My Kingdom of God came into their lives that they would have the ability to love their enemies and they would have the desire to pray for the people who persecute them. He went on to explain why it would be necessary to love them and pray for them. He said that in loving the people who persecute them that they will know that they are My children.
Jesus went on to explain that I do not withhold rain from bad people but instead I make it rain upon them as well as raining on good people. He told His disciples that I don't shade the sun from shining on bad people but instead that I make the sun shine on them just like I do the good people. His logic was that if you only love the people who love you, you don't get credit for treating them like I treat them, which is exceptionally well. He told His disciples that the tax collectors only love the people who love them. He also said if you only greet your brothers with a jubilant greeting that you are not doing anything unusual and supernatural. He said that the pagans only greet their brothers with jubilant greetings. Then Jesus Christ, your Brother, set a new standard in His teaching. He said that His followers would have My power to be perfect when My New Covenant came into their lives, just like I am perfect in loving bad people as well as good ones. He was telling His followers that they would become supernaturally powerful over the temptations of the demons in order for them to love their enemies because My Holy Spirit would live inside of their bodies. (Matthew 5:43-48) That promise was certainly outside of the expectations of the disciples of Jesus Christ.
As was promised by Jesus Christ, on the feast day of Pentecost the disciples of Jesus Christ who had seen him disappear into a cloud after He rose from the dead, He returned to His disciples in the person of the Holy Spirit, giving them supernatural languages, supernatural joy, supernatural wisdom and all of the supernatural promises that He had promised them when He taught them about the power that was to come into their lives. They had My supernatural Love, that being the ability to Love their enemies instead of hate them, the ability to turn their faces when slapped instead of returning the offense, the supernatural ability to give more of their goods to their enemies than was required by a court of law. The disciples of Jesus Christ became supernatural people in a natural world. They had the power to overcome the temptations of the demons and the power to Love their enemies instead of hate their enemies, just like My power that I have over evil. They blessed their enemies instead of cursed them, just like Jesus Christ had taught them.
The same supernatural events continue to happen over and over in the earth when My children become endued with My power of the Holy Spirit. Just like Jesus Christ came to earth to destroy the works of the devil, My children who become born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit have My power to destroy the works of the devil in the earth plus they have the supernatural power and ability to become My children in the earth, receiving My blessings and My rewards.
To My children who are led by My Holy Spirit and pray in My Holy Spirit, all things will work together for their good in their lives on earth, as was prophesied by Jesus Christ and explained by the Holy Spirit in the writings of the apostle Paul. (Romans 8:9-14+Romans 8:26=Romans 8:28.)
Your Father of a Supernatural Kingdom
Monday, January 23, 2023
My Dear Precious Child,
When Jesus began His teachings about changes in attitudes related to Jewish Mosaic Law, His followers became confused about the changes. He had begun teaching about My Kingdom of God which was soon to come into the earth and live inside of them, and some of His changes were more strict than the old laws. He was revealing to His followers how to defeat the demons who were tempting them in the earth and they did not realize it. For instance, He told His followers that in the past they had been taught an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. In other words, if sometime injured them in their eye, then they were legally able to also injure the eye of the other person, and if someone injured them in their mouth so that they lost a tooth, then they were legally able to extract that person's tooth and not be in trouble with the Law of the land. In fact, Jesus reminded His followers of that custom, tradition and civic right. However, since Jesus was teaching His followers about the coming change in My Covenant with Humanity from Mosaic Law to My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit, He was giving His followers a peek into the changes in that particular civic and religious rule.
Jesus Christ, My Son, told His followers that one of the big changes that was to come when My Kingdom of God came to live inside of them was that their actions when someone hurt them or opposed them was to never return evil for evil done to them but instead to return good for evil done to them. (Matthew 5:38-42) He told His followers that if someone took his only coat in a court trial that they would need to also give that person his cape and if someone hit them on the right cheek that instead of their being allowed to hit that person in return, as was allowed by Mosaic law, Jesus told them that My new covenant change would be that they were to allow the person to hit them on the other cheek instead of their returning the slap. That new requirement was not to promote cowardice but was to explain to My children how I would equip them to refuse to return evil for evil when I came to live inside of them in the power of My Holy Spirit.
At the time of that particular teaching Jesus did not explain to His followers that My Kingdom of God that would soon come into their lives would equip them to only think good thoughts, form good attitudes, speak good words in return for evil words spoken to them, and that they would take actions that come from My character of peace, love, kindness, goodness, mercy, joy and patience. (Matthew 5:43-46) That requirement was not a cowardly requirement, although it sounds that way. It was a requirement that would further My Kingdom of Peace in the world instead of their continuing to take actions that would always further the devil's kingdom of hatred in the world, which was part of the devil's kingdom of sin and death which was already in operation in the world. The change in attitudes about which Jesus Christ taught to His disciples related to which kingdom His followers were going to cause to flourish in the earth, either My Kingdom of Love or the devil's kingdom of hatred.
Later the disciples of Jesus Christ who had received My Holy Spirit explained more fully His earlier strict teachings to His newly chosen followers. The apostle Paul explained in His writings to the believers in Rome that they were not only required under My Kingdom of God to love and pray for their enemies but that they were to perform good actions toward their enemies. (Romans 12:18-21) With a change in their thoughts toward their enemies, they would have changes in their attitudes, their speech and their actions toward their enemies. In doing that they would magnify My Kingdom of God in the earth instead of their continuing to magnify the kingdom of the devil in the earth which resulted in more and more evil being sown into the earth by their continually returning evil for evil done to them. By their sowing seeds of My peace in the world, they would be increasing My peace in their world which would bring My blessings and rewards into their lives because of the good seeds of My Kingdom of God that they had sown.
When Jesus began to change the attitudes of His followers, it set the stage for My Kingdom of God to come into the world with all of the power of My Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:1-8) My Holy Spirit gives to My children in the world the supernatural power to refuse the temptations of the devil to return evil for evil done to them and instead they have the power to return good for evil done to them. In doing that, they are magnifying My Kingdom of Love in the world and diminishing the devil's power of evil in their world.
Changes in thoughts, attitudes, speech and actions happen in My children when they become born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit. They become empowered to further love in the earth which changes their world around them and causes it to return love and blessings to them.
Your Father of Loving Attitudes
Sunday, January 22, 2023
My Dear Precious Child,
Jesus Christ reminded His followers that their custom was to swear to do something by My name or by heaven to insure that they will do what they promised to do. Jesus changed their attitude toward swearing to do something by saying DO NOT SWEAR to do anything, not by heaven since it's My throne, not by earth since it's My footstool, not by Jerusalem since it's the city of kings, not by your head, either, since you can't turn one of your hairs black or white. Instead of swearing to do something, merely say "Yes," if you mean yes, and "No," if you mean no. That instruction was completely opposite to custom, tradition and religous practices at the time. (Matthew 5:33-37)
To swear to do something that guarantees that you will do it by getting My help is to set yourself up for failure because, as Jesus said, that requirement to swear to do something comes from the devil. Jesus knew that the devil and his demons have more opportunity in the earth to cause you not to be able to keep a promise if someone requires you to swear in the name of something that has to do with Me. Not only does it make you look bad but it makes Me look bad, also, when you are not able to keep your promise. Jesus Christ was saying that your swearing to do something, even if you have every intent to do it, can be sabotaged by the devil and will be sabotaged by the devil in order to be able to make you feel guilty when you break that promise, which the demons from hell will definitely put blocks in your way that cause you to fail. So in order to not be tempted to break an oath, Jesus said for you not to ever swear to do something. He said for His disciples, including you, to merely say that you, instead of swearing to do something, He said that you should merely say yes or no about doing anything.
That teaching on a certain attitude was an opportunity for Him to reveal to His followers that the devil and his demons lie in wait in order to make you swear to something so that they can put something in your path that will make you break that oath and they can make you feel guilty, which is one of their most damaging attitude curses. Guilt can make lifelong negative hormones flood into your body and mind, cursing both your physical and mental health. The demons love to remind you that you didn't pay your tithe that you swore to do years ago when you signed a pledge to do it. At the time you had every intention to pay that tithe but eventually the devil put stumbling blocks in your way so that you did not have the money to keep that oath, so the devil had an open door to your mind in order to curse you with one of his most damaging attitudes, which is guilt.
In the teachings of Jesus Christ relating to attitudes, He was giving you instructions on how to change your attitudes toward certain things in order to close the door to your mind relating to things that allow the devil to torture you with guilt and condemnation. One of the ways was by instructing you not to swear to do something because anyone or anything that requires you to swear to do something comes from the the evil one, Jesus said. When someone or something makes you swear to do something, he or it is being used by the devil to trap you into allowing the demons of guilt and condemnation to use your own mind to condemn you by making you feel guilty when you can't do what you swore to do. In order to nip that in the bud, He said not to swear to do anything but instead to merely either say yes or no.
The things that Jesus taught you relating to attitudes always caused you to have less guilt and condemnation. One thing He taught was He said if you will not yield to the temptations of the demon of anger, nipping it in the bud when it tries to make you angry, then you won't ever kill anyone. He told you also that if you won't yield to the sexual demon who makes you desire to have sexual intercourse with someone, then you won't commit adultery because adultery begins with the image of having sexual intercourse in your mind. If that image tries to enter into your mind, then cast it into the abyss, which was the advice of Jesus Christ. His teachings on attitude adjustment are all related to how to keep your mind clean by casting negative images into the abyss. (Matthew 13:36-43)
The apostle Paul agreed with Jesus and made his revelations even more clear than the ones of Jesus Christ, which My Holy Spirit always does, which is to clarify the teachings of Jesus. (II Corinthians 10:5) Paul wrote to, "Cast down every imagination and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God by bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ." So My Holy Spirit was telling you that all sins begin with thoughts, which is the first teaching of Jesus relating to attitudes, that thoughts form attitudes, attitudes produce words spoken and actions taken.
Jesus told His followers later that when My Holy Spirit came into their lives that He would clarify the teachings of Jesus that His disciples could not understand. Jesus' teaching about attitude are good examples. (John 16:13-14)
All of the teachings of Jesus Christ relating to attitudes were taught by Jesus in order for you to more fully understand the works of the devil and his demons so that you can refuse to obey their temptations. His teachings revealed My kingdom of God and the devil's kingdom of hell which are both at work in the earth. Both kingdoms battle for your mind. Follow the teachings of Jesus and My Holy Spirit about attitudes and you will be able to resist the devil and cast the demons into the abyss instead of yielding to them.
Your Father of Revealed Knowledge
Saturday, January 21, 2023
My Dear Precious Child,
Jesus Christ taught about adultery when He was teaching His followers wise insights into their thoughts, attitudes, words spoken and actions taken in order to exemplify My Kingdom of God in the earth about which He was instructed by Me to teach. In those teachings He spoke emphatically about old religious beliefs under Mose's Law and new insights which were going to be instituted when My New Covenant with humanity entered into the world.
When He taught about adultery, which was a common sin under Mose's law, Jesus Christ reminded His followers that they had been taught not to commit adultery by their religious and civic teachers. In order to instruct them fully on that law under My New Covenant with humanity called My Kingdom of God which was to come into the world, He gave them insight into what is the cause of a person committing adultery so that they could recognize it and adjust their attitudes about adultery with His new insights. (Matthew 5:27-30) He told His followers that if a man looks upon a woman lustfully that He had already committed adultery with her in his heart. In reality, He was giving them Truth about thoughts and attitudes being powerful. His conclusion was that a man does not need to commit adultery in his actions in order to have broken laws, because if he imagined having sexual intercourse with a woman that the intent to commit adultery is just as if He had done it in his actions. That might seem unusually punitive to you until you know His intent.
Jesus Christ was never punitive, never wanting to punish people for sinning. He always wanted to explain what is the cause of actions that makes people sin. His teaching about adultery contains truth about thoughts, attitudes, words spoken and actions taken. He was explaining to men that there are demons in the earth who tempt men to desire to have sexual intercouse with women other than his wife. Those demons give uncontrolled sexual desires to men and then tempt them to live out those desires by their attitudes being changed toward the women of seeing them as sexual instruments instead of My blessed children, first of all.
In His teaching on the old covenant sin of adultery Jesus Christ said that adultery begins with a thought. If the man continues to focus in his thoughts on that image in his mind of having sex with a woman whom he sees as an object of desire instead of a child of Mine, then he has already united with the demon of adultery in his mind, which is the same as having committing adultery in reality. Having the attitude of uncontrolled sexual desire is the same as having committed adultery because of the man's attitude toward the woman. He has imagined her as being an object of his desire instead of a child of Mine. By using this explanation to His followers, Jesus taught that if a man's right eye causes him to desire to have sexual intercourse with a woman who is not his wife, then he should pluck out his right eye and cast it out of his body and he will be much better off to enter into My Kingdom of God when it came into the earth than for his entire body to be cast into a living hell on earth by committing adultery and destroying his wife and his children and inheriting the devil's life on earth. Jesus Christ went on to elaborate that truth, that it's better to lose a part of your body than it is for you to live a life in the earth that the devil has in mind for a man when the demon tempts that man to have a sexual desire for a woman other than his wife. The reason for the teaching on adultery is that Jesus was clearly teaching men that they can cast out or resist a desire for sexual intercourse with a woman other than his wife. The entire problem is caused by the demon's desire, so a man can cast that demon out of his life when tempted and he will not allow the image to develop into reality or he would have an existence of life on earth designed by the devil in hell. (Matthew 5:27-30)
Jesus Christ was My Son with insights into every temptation of the devil. He was tempted by the devil before he began His teachings on thoughts, attitudes, words spoken and actions taken so He knew that it's possible to refuse the temptations of the devil and exercise authoritative power over the demons when a person is endued with My power of the Holy Spirit in his life. Jesus was preparing His followers for the time when My Holy Spirit would come to live inside of them and give them power over all of the temptations that the devil has for all people. His key for attitude adjustment in relation to the temptations from the demons of adultery is for every person to cast that temptation and the demon behind it into the lake of fire in the abyss when you have My Holy Spirit's power resident in your life. (Matthew 13:36-43)
In His teachings about attitudes and adjusting those attitudes, Jesus Christ dealt with every temptation from the devil that Jesus knew His followers would encounter in their lives on earth. He was preparing them for when My Kingdom of God came to live inside of them. In the teaching about adultery, Jesus was teaching His followers about their eventually having authority over every temptation of the devil, how to recognize the temptations and the power that My Holy Spirit would have over every temptation of the demons when My power came into their lives on earth.
Jesus knew that My Kingdom of God was soon to come into the earth and he was alerting My children to the power that they would have over the demons, the power to cast offending demons into the lake of fire in the abyss. (Matthew 13:36-43) Your Father of Insight Into Every Truth
Friday, January 20, 2023
My Dear Precious Child,
In a lot of the teachings of Jesus Christ He taught His disciples and you about attitude adjustments. For instance, after He told His disciples the attitudes that they and you must have in order for My kingdom of God to flourish in your life He said that in the past some of their ancestors had taught them that they should not kill anyone and if they did that the consequences would be that they would be taken to court and punished. All of the disciples knew that one because Moses' laws were commonly known. However, Jesus went further in adjusting their attitudes. He told them, and you, that if you are angry with anyone that you will also answer for it before the courts. He added to it by saying that if you call your brother a fool you will answer for it before the elders of the city and if you call anyone a traitor that you will answer for it before the fires of hell. So Jesus was telling His disciples that anger is a precursor to eventually killing someone. He was saying that having an angry attitude toward someone will allow the devil to add to that anger in your thoughts and eventually you might even be tempted by the devil to kill the person. (Matthew 5:21-26)
In adjusting their attitudes toward anger being a possible precursor to killing someone, Jesus told His disciples and you that the way to stop that angry thought before it becomes an attitude and then an action is that if you are bringing your offerings to the altar and remember that a brother has something against you, that you are to leave the altar, be reconciled with your brother first and then go back and present your offerings. He told them to make peace with your opponent quickly while you are on the way to court with him or he might hand you over to the judge and the judge to the officer and you will be thrown into prison. He said that your having the attitude of anger against someone can grow until you have paid the last penny you have while in prison if you continue to be motivated by old attitudes and refuse to allow Me to adjust them.
In the teachings about attitude adjustments Jesus Christ was trying to save My children the horrors of allowing the devil to continue to feed anger into your thoughts because his plan for doing it is to eventually cause you to be overcome with anger until you do something that will curse your life for years. My method through Jesus' teachings is to always make peace with everyone before anger grows into the desire to do something that will cause you to be put in prison. If you don't yield to My Holy Spirit's guidance to make peace with everyone, then you might spend years in not only physical prison but also emotional and spiritual prison by allowing the devil to increase anger in your attitudes instead of your allowing Me to adjust your attitude and guide you to make peace with everyone.
The teachings on attitude adjustment by Jesus Christ are some of His most valuable teachings because your attitudes can have dire consequences if not adjusted to think My thoughts which bring life instead of the devil's thoughts which bring death.
My teachings through Jesus Christ to you on attitude adjustments are for your good and will benefit you if you follow what He said to do.
You defeat evil every time you allow Me to adjust your angry attitudes and you make peace with everyone. The apostle Paul later took it even further and said that you should not only love and pray for your enemies but do something good for your enemies. Paul knew that your preparing something to give to your enemies causes you to have an attitude adjustment in itself because your thoughts are adjusted to think kindly while preparing a gift for an enemy. You reject anger and take on kindness when you determine to do something good for a person for whom you have previously entertained anger. (Romans 12: 16-21) Your gift giving tenderizes the attitude of your enemy toward you as well as tenderizes your thinking toward the person. In My Instruction Book called the Bible everything is covered relating to attitude adjustments. I know the importance of attitude adjustments.
Your Heavenly Father of Good Earthly Advice
Thursday, January 19, 2023
My Dear Precious Child,
So many times in My written word, caled the logos, I have reminded you about the importance of the rhema, My personal spoken words to you, about attitudes. Your Brother Jesus Christ began His personal teachings of guidance to His disciples by teaching them about attitudes and the power in attitudes. He named certain of My attitudes and told his disciples and you about the rewards that will come into your life when you incorporate good attitudes in your thoughts, words and actions. He was perfectly clear in saying that you would be happy, fortunate and to be envied by others when you have My righteous attitudes as the motivating factors in all of your actions. (Matthew 5:1-12) As a part of the teaching Jesus proclaimed that when you are persecuted for acting in My righteous attitudes that if you will rejoice and be exceedingly glad in the midst of the persecution that your rewards on earth will be that you will inherit My Entire Kingdom of God in your life.
In that teaching to His disciples Jesus Christ was preparing them for what was to happen to them in the future. They had no idea what evil was going to come into their lives. Only Jesus did. He was preparing them by telling them about their thoughts and the attitudes that form in their lives as a result of their thoughts which form either positive attitudes which would bless them or negative attitudes which would curse their lives.
As long as Jesus Christ's disciples had Him with them to lead them and guide them, they were protected from evil, but when He was crucified, died and went to hell for the sins of the world, that is when all hell broke loose against His disciples. He warned them that during that time that brothers would fight against brothers, parents would fight against their children, and that they must protect themselves from the Jews because they would come against His disciples with vengeance because of Jesus' disciples enjoying My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit in their lives, being born into a new kingdom, My Kingdom of God. In that new world order My power was given to the disciples of Jesus Christ and taken away from the devil and his demons. Those evil demons were mad and attacked the followers of Jesus with a new attitude of seeking vengeance for Jesus defeating the devil in hell and taking back from him the keys of authority in earth and the heavens. (Matthew 28:16-20 )Jesus proclaimed to His followers that all authority in heaven and earth had been given to Him, so His disciples must go into the world and baptize people in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, furthering My Kingdom of God in the earth.
My children in your world today must take to heart all of the teachings of Jesus Christ and His disciples relating to attitudes which are formed by thoughts. He had warned them in His first teachings that they were going to be persecuted and abused for righteousness sake, meaning that the devil and his demons would come against them in the earth in the form of persecutions, abuse and problems, sometimes from their own families, but that they must keep good attitudes so that they would inherit My Kingdom of God in their lives on earth after the defeat of the demons. That truth is still in effect today. The degrees of having My Kingdom of God in your life on earth is contingent upon your practicing the teachings of Jesus Christ relating to your having His attitudes toward your friends, your neighbors and your enemies. Having a good attitude toward your enemies who persecute you for being My child means not only loving them and praying for them, but it also calls for you to do good things toward them, giving them food if they are hungry and giving them drinks if they are thirsty. Those were the examples that the prophet Paul taught relating to attitudes. (Romans 12:9-21) He said for you not to be overcome with evil desires to return evil for evil done to you, but instead for you to overcome evil with good. Good will always overcome evil.
Your attitudes reflect whether you are furthering My kingdom of God in the earth or the devil's kingdom of hell in the earth. When you further My kingdom of God in the earth, then you are rewarded with the benefits, blessings and rewards of My kingdom. When you further the devil's kingdom of hell in the earth, then you inherit his curses in your life on earth. It's that simple.
When you have My kingdom of God operating in your life in My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit, then you have My power to return good for evil and if someone strikes you on the face you can turn the other cheek because you have the power and ability to refuse to engage in returning evil for evil done to you. You have the power of My Holy Spirit to return good for those actions of evil done to you. In doing that, you are furthering My Kingdom of God in the earth. It is only by your having the power of My Holy Spirit operating in your life that you can return good for evil done to you. (Matthew 5:32-48)
You cannot operate in the devil's attitudes and inherit My blessings in your life on earth. They do not cooperate with each other. It is only when you operate in My attitudes in the earth that you summon My blessings to flood into your life. Your brother Jesus taught His first extensive teaching relating to that truth.
Your Father of Marvelous Truths That Bless Your Life on Earth
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
My Dear Precious Child,
My children must realize that the devil never, ever gives up. He might change his disguise but he never gives up on pursuing My children in order to deceive, rob, kill and destroy them. (John 10:10) My children have been warned by Me, by Jesus Christ, by His disciples, and by numerous saints who have written books that evil is always hiding in order to not be revealed as the demons that they are, the children of the devil. You have encountered them in many costumes and they always reveal the evil intents of the devil's heart.
The key to discerning the evil spirits is the truth that they are always after you, your children and your children's children. If they can get them involved in their evil schemes, then the devil can continue to rule your world through his demons. However, there is a method by which I have instituted My will for the demons, and that is that they are commanded by My Holy Spirit who lives inside of My children to leave the earth and go into the fiery lake in the abyss which is their final judgment from Me. (Matthew 13:36-43) I said in that parable that My children will shine like the sun in the earth when My children assume their responsibility and pray in intercessory prayers, allowing Me to execute My judgment on the demons.
All of humanity and the earth are waiting for My children to dedicate themselves to doing what Jesus Christ did when He ministered in the earth which is cast out demons from people through intercessory prayers and one-on-one ministry. Jesus did not have the authority at that time to cast the demons into the lake of fire because He had not been to hell to die for the sins of the world and take back His authority over the heavens and earth as My Son. Now He has given that authority to My children by baptizing them in the Holy Spirit. By the power of the Holy Spirit in My children, My Holy Spirit is eager, through intercessory prayers, to command the demons to leave My children and go into the lake of fire, just like Jesus, Himself, taught in the parable of the wheat and the chaff. My Holy Spirit wrote through the apostle Paul that the entire world waits for My children to have revealed to them that they will be totally saved when your body dies and you come to heaven to live with Jesus and Me. He wrote that you must wait for that total salvation patiently until your body dies and is redeemed with a new heavenly one. (Romans 8:18-25) When that happens then you will experience total salvation.
However, Paul wrote, until that day, that the Holy Spirit comes to help us in our weakness, when we don't have in our own words the perfect ones in order to pray properly, the Holy Spirit expresses the perfect words in other spiritual tongues through our intercessory prayers. He wrote that I know perfectly well what is in your heart and what My Spirit means when you make pleas in the words of the Holy Spirit because they are according to My mind and My will. (Romans 8:26-27) He desires to send the offending demons into the lake of fire in the abyss so that My children shine like the sun in the earth.
Paul said in his writing over 2,000 years ago that the entire world is waiting for My children to take the responsibility and pray in intercessory prayers until My angels usher the demons into the lake of fire in the abyss after the covenant of the flesh is over and My covenant of the Holy Spirit is instituted. That truth is revealed now because the old covenant has been supplanted by My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit. My children can cleanse the earth of the offending demons by My children dedicating themselves to praying in My Holy Spirit.
Your Father of Great, Magnificent Power
Tuesday, January 17, 2023
My Dear Precious Child,
You often encounter the sin of entitlement in My body of Christ. In a court of law it is called fraud, that being intentional deception for the purpose of gaining undue financial or material gain from another person. The concept often starts out innocent but with lack of funds to finance a ministry, a person will often resort to emotional appeals in order to "guilt" people into giving to his or her ministry. Other times there is the promise of financial benefits flowing from Me to the person if they give to your ministry when often the ministry is not even called by Me but the minister's appeal is an emotional calling for false evangelism. Ministry is tough enough when ordained by Me and a false calling is impossible to perpetuate without the person yielding to entitlement, which is often using guilt in emotional appeals in order to persuade people to finance your ministry.
The best examples in My History Book and Book of Instruction called the Bible are Jesus Christ and the apostle Paul. Jesus was so in tune with Me that His constant needs were supplied and so were the needs of His disciples. The apostle Paul worked to finance his own ministry, quoting in one of his books that he did not want to be financially dependent upon anyone else for financing his ministry so he worked in order to only be completely dependent upon Me. Paul wanted the line of communication between Me and himself to be unencumbered with having to appeal for money.
The way entitlement captures the lives of My children who want to please Me is that they have a real love for Me and a desire to please Me. Their programming through the demon of religion is that the only way to please Me is to go into full-time ministry. They might only know me by the hearing of their ears instead of having a one-on-one relationship with me which is necessary for a successful ministry. They choose ministry as their vocation and find that it is difficult to live on an evangelist's offerings. So they resort to emotional appeals, promising people that if they contribute to his ministry that I am obligated to give them the money back in larger denominations. That rarely, if every, happens because it has become a desperate ministry motivated by guilt and a false calling. You heard it called slot machine Christianity with the concept that you put money into a ministry, whether a good one or a bad one, and I am obligated to return money to you in much larger sums, much like at a casino. It never works in My family because of the attitudes behind the appeals.
My callings are for a one-on-one relationship with Me in which you are completely motivated by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. A true and genuine calling by Me is one in which you do not have delusions of grandeur that you will minister before hundreds or thousands of people, but that you and I will have a close relationship in your prayer closet where I will teach you the elementary and advanced deep truths which will cause you to overcome the works of the devil in the earth, just like the ministry of Jesus Christ. (I John 3:8) My desire is a close relationship with all of My children in which I lead and guide them into all truth. Until My children are established in a one-on-one relationship with Me, being led by My Holy Spirit in every area of life, they are not ready for ministry or they will fall into the traps set by the devil to trap them; for instance, manipulating people to give to their ministry which was often never a calling by Me but a calling by someone else.
You must be constantly led by My Holy Spirit to discern ministries that are based upon the person receiving My Living Personal Words instead of the person only knowing Me through the words of another person. If you give to a ministry where the person only has a calling through an emotional appeal to please Me by becoming a minister and not by a direct calling by Me in our private relationship, then you are giving money to perpetuate a false teacher or false ministry which may spiritually injure someone. You do not want that on your conscience when discerning of spirits could have prevented you from financially supporting that false ministry if you had listening to Me instead of your listening to an emotional appeal for money from a ministry that was never a true ministry at all.
My children must be led by My Holy Spirit. Don't be guilty of perpetuating a ministry that eventually will cause emotional, sexual, physical or doctrinal problems in the life of another person or in the lives of hundreds of people. My Holy Spirit knows what is in the heart of a person. He can give you the proper leading in relation to your giving as far as supporting a ministry. I said that I know the good ground. (Matthew 13: 4-9)
Your Father of Pure Relationships
Monday, January 16, 2023
My Dear Precious Child,
We have discussed how attitudes have energy that can bless or curse a situation. Energy is movement, creating good or bad events. Attitudes determine whether you have blessings or curses in your life. When the head of a family is mean, angry, self consumed and selfish, his or her family will reflect the same attitude in everything that they do. As a result, that family is cursed with bad situations. If the head of a family is loving, kind, merciful, generous and happy, then his or her family will operate in the same attitudes in their lives during the day and they will sow seeds of peace in every relationship. As a result, good things will happen in their lives. Attitudes play a huge part in the lives of people.
The means by which those things happen is very simple. There are two kingdoms at work in your world even today. There are demons from the kingdom from hell which is ruled by the devil, and there are My angels at work in your world today which are administered by Jesus Christ who robbed the devil of having the authority in the earth when He went to hell and battled the devil in hell for the sins of the entire world. After He rose from the dead, Jesus Christ said that He had been given authority over heaven and earth and that His disciples were to go and make disciples of men, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In other words, the devil was no longer the only prince of the world which Adam and Eve made him when they obeyed him instead of obeying My commands. Now Jesus Christ has more authoritative power over the devil and his demons. (Matthew 28:16-20) He can command them through the authoritative power of My Holy Spirit to go into the fiery pit in the abyss and stay forever as their punishment for seeking vengeance against Me through their afflicting My children in the earth. As a result, My children shine like the sun in the earth. (Matthew 13:36-43)
My own children do not realize the power they have in the earth via their attitudes. When bad things happen in their lives they forget to do what Jesus Christ taught them to do which is to love the people who persecute them for being My children. They don't know that the people who oppose them for any and all reasons are sent by the devil to tempt them to act like the children of the devil instead of My children. As a result My children return evil attitudes, speak evil words and even do evil actions toward people who persecute them. Instead of furthering My Kingdom of God in the earth, they further the devil's kingdom by yielding to negative thoughts which create negative attitudes in their lives. Those negative attitudes will curse their lives in unimaginable ways because My children have summoned the devil's demons to curse their lives instead of their loving their enemies, praying for them and doing good to them which will come from good attitudes which will summon My angels to work for them by bringing blessings into their lives on earth.
This is a difficult lesson for My children to learn, that their attitudes actually govern whether good things happen in their lives or bad things happen in their lives on earth. Jesus Christ taught every principle about thoughts, attitudes, words spoken and actions taken by you in your life. His disciples continued in their writings confirming what Jesus taught. In loving your enemies the apostle Paul taught that you must not just love your enemies and pray for them but he said that you must change your attitudes and begin doing good actions toward your enemies. He said if your enemies are hungry to feed them, if they are thirsty to give them a drink, that if you do those things that you are proving that you are My child. (Matthew 5:43-48; Romans 12:19-21) You know that when Paul talked about doing good things to people who are mean to you that his reference to coals being heaped on their heads was referring to My angels being able to burn out the demons from the minds of your enemies. (Ezekiel 10:1-5) When you are kind to your enemies, doing what I told you to do, then you authorize Me to work in the life of that person behind the visible situation, dealing with the demons that control that person, as written by Ezekiel.
Attitudes are the key to your life on earth. When you relate to every person in your life with good attitudes, then you have sown seeds that will allow Me to bring good things into your life on earth.
My children must pay attention to the teachings of Jesus about good attitudes.
Your Father of Good Attitudes Which Produce Good Energy
Sunday, January 15, 2023
My Dear Precious Child,
There are many sins that have religious strings attached to them. One is having the attitude of entitlement. Entitlement is having the attitude that something is owed to you when there is no such obligation required by Me or anyone else, yet you give the impression that other people are obligated to support you financially for your ministry or you are entitled to use something that is not yours but you feel that you are entitled to regular use of it merely because of close association.
There is a prevalent attitude among My children that they are obligated to send money to further someone's ministry trip even though you might not know if that person is born again or not. That person just might want to make a trip at the expenses of some generous people and he or she has been taught that there are people in My body of Christ who are obligated to provide the money for their pleasure trip. Those people who feel entitled to your money have been taught that trips can be financed by generous benefactors, even if the trip only produces minimal evangelism or teaching.
You don't need to yield to religious fraud in the form of entitlement by contributing to every appeal for money. If you will listen to My Holy Spirit, I will tell you the ministries that are legitimate and which ones are financed by the appeals of guilt by entitlement. If you give money to every appeal with entitlement at its core, then you might be contributing to false prophets and their work in the body of Christ.
My children need to learn to listen to My Holy Spirit in order to help finance My truth. If you give money to help finance the sin of entitlement, then you are guilty of furthering false teachings. You are teaching My children to yield to manipulation and emotional appeals instead of yielding to My Holy Spirit who knows the spirits behind ministries and if they are manipulative or if they are based on genuine truth. My Holy Spirit knows which ministries are genuine and which ones are false and based on the attitude of entitlement.
Many people have the gift of giving in which they are blessed with a talent of good business practices or having an inheritance and they have money to give generously. If you are one of those people, you must be cognizant of the sin of entitlement which causes people in ministries to manipulate My other children in order to further their ministries. Don't judge them. They have been taught by other people to expect entitlement from others.
I will provide the finances for ministries if My children have faith. You don't need to manipulate others with the attitude that you are entitled to require financial support from them. That can become a real burden for My children. I said that I supply your needs according to My riches in glory in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:18-19) Pray to Me for financial support and if your ministry is called by Me, then I supply your needs.
Refuse to manipulate other people in order to support a ministry. If it is ordained by Me, then I will provide the financial support. I know the good ground. (Matthew 13:23; Luke 8:15)
Your Father of An Endless Supply
Saturday, January 14, 2023
My Dear Precious Child,
You and other children of mine need to know that your thoughts are not as private as you think they are. David wrote that he desired that the words of his mouth and the meditations of his heart would always be acceptable to Me. That means that your thoughts and always open to Me. (Psalm 19:14) Another fact is that your thoughts become attitudes, words spoken and actions taken in your life, which makes them obvious to other people also. Your thoughts take other forms, attitudes, and become obvious to other people by your actions and the words you speak. Thoughts don't really remain invisible to people. They just change form and they become attitudes which betray what you have been thinking. Your actions in relation to those attitudes will be evidence of your thoughts.
When Jesus Christ first taught His followers about attitudes, He intended to reveal to them the importance of their thoughts which eventually become attitudes, words spoken and actions taken. (Matthew 5:1-12) Because the attitudes related to those thoughts are energy, the attitudes are more dangerous to a person's life. If a person has thoughts of anger about another person, then those negative emotions from the anger can damage his own body by authorizing harmful hormones to flood into his or her body. Over years that can cause damage to the bones of the person, the brain of the person or other parts of his or her body.
The danger that those negative hormones cause is often limited to the body of the angry person unless he or she allows the angry thoughts to persist for years and become an angry attitude which affects his or her own speech and his or her own actions towards other people, labeling him or her as an angry person. When that happens and the energy from the anger has become an attitude on the outside of the person, then his or her relationships will suffer because of the negative energy that propels the angry outbursts in the form of abusive speech or physical actions of abuse.
In the teachings of Jesus Christ about attitudes, he was trying to save My children from the negative effects of having angry attitudes, speech and actions all caused by his or her own angry thoughts that he or she nurtured for years.
Jesus Christ in his first teaching said that when a person has the attitude of being a peacemaker with all people that he or she will be known as My child.(Matthew 5:9) That will be his or her reward, being known as My child because he or she keeps peace with everyone just like I do. It's not impossible for humans because I sent My Holy Spirit into the world to be received by people who make themselves My temples in the earth. Because of My Holy Spirit living inside of them, they have His character of peace inside of them which spurs them to always keep peace with all people in the earth, thus reaping peace in every area of their life.
This truth is the deeper truth in the teachings of Jesus relating to attitudes. It all begins with thoughts and your refusing to entertain thoughts that will become toxic attitudes which will poison yourself and your world with those toxic attitudes which become poisonous words and actions in your life. Cast them out when they are still negative thoughts. (II Corinthians 10:5) If you do, then you will reap My wonderful rewards on earth.
Your Father of Peaceful Attitudes
Friday, January 13, 2023
My Dear Precious Child,
Your attitudes come from your thoughts, both which produce energy. Your thoughts are constantly in motion, always forming either positive or negative images in your mind which create your attitudes. Your attitudes, because they produce energy, affect you and the world around you. Jesus Christ was very wise in His first teaching to His disciples when He taught about attitudes and the rewards which will come into your life when you choose to engage in the emotional attitudes which reflect My Kingdom of God. Every good attitude produces a blessing and a reward in your life. That was the lesson in the valuable teaching by Jesus Christ after He began His ministry of teaching about My Kingdom of God which was to eventually come into the lives of My children who seek My Kingdom.
Jesus Christ endeavored to change the thoughts of His followers relating to their thoughts, attitudes, the words they spoke and the actions that they took. He wanted His followers to know the importance of all of the mental activity in which they engaged because by entertaining My righteous thoughts they could guarantee that they would inherit My blessings in their lives on earth. At the beginning of each word of wisdom in the Beatitudes He said that His followers would be blessed if they would engage in a particular attitude during trying circumstances, which means that they, and you, would become happy, fortunate and enriched by your good thoughts, attitudes, the words you speak, and that they spoke, and the actions that you and they took as a result of righteous thoughts in your mind which reflect My thoughts. (Matthew 5:1-12)
The importance of this teaching of Jesus Christ was apparent when He ended His teaching by warning them about events that were going to come into their lives, preparing them for future events so that they would make sure that their thoughts, attitudes, words spoken and actions taken would reflect My kingdom of God when persecution came into their lives. He said that His followers would be blessed, happy and enriched when they were persecuted if they would rejoice when the persecutions came into their lives on His account. (Matthew 5:11-12) The world was about to change because He, the Son of God, had come into the world. The kingdom of evil from hell did not like the changes that Jesus Christ introduced into the world because My kingdom has power over their kingdom from hell.
The instructions of Jesus that His disciples should be happy when persecutions from hell occurred in their lives was in preparation for the changes that were coming in the earth. The disciples of Jesus Christ would experience every manner of persecution but they would be happy, blessed and enriched if their attitudes remained in line with His teachings that day of being merciful, kind, humble, devoted, peaceful and loyal to Him during the persecutions. (Matthew 5:1-10) He promised that their rewards would be great in heaven just like the prophets who came before them. He not only said to be happy during the persecutions, He said that they must rejoice and be glad while enduring persecutions from hell on the behalf of Jesus Christ. (Matthew 5:12) His guarantee was a surety because He knew that My Kingdom of God was coming into their lives on earth which would equip them with the spiritual power to rejoice and be glad. However, you must remain of good attitudes, though, in order to inherit My Kingdom of God in your life on earth. In order to have good attitudes, you must monitor your thoughts from which the attitudes derive. Your thoughts are the images which play over and over in your mind, increasing in power as they form either good or bad attitudes.
An abundance of Truth is found in that first teaching of Jesus Christ to His followers. Follow His teaching on attitudes and you will inherit My entire Kingdom of God in your life on earth, as promised by Jesus Christ.
Your Powerful Father of Righteous Attitudes and Rewards
Thursday, January 12, 2023
My Dear Precious Child,
The fact that your brother Jesus Christ chose to teach about attitudes in His first teaching session with His disciples should signal to you the importance of all attitudes. In that first teaching session, He chose good attitudes and labeled them as the ways for you to be blessed in the earth. He spoke about eight specific attitudes, mercy, humility, seeking righteousness, seeking My comfort, gentleness, purity of heart and mind, and being peaceful. He was naming some of the good attitudes that would envelop your life when My kingdom of God comes into your life and gives to you My thoughts and attitudes which affect your speech and actions.
Jesus Christ knew that attitudes are energy,energy that affects everything in your life. You have experienced walking in a room where people have been fighting, either actually or in words, and you can feel the emotional tension in the room, even if the fight has been over. So your attitudes are the emotional responses to your thoughts relating to occurrences in your life. When you think about attitudes being emotions, you can understand the power that they have. Emotions come from the word "emote" which means to pour from you certain attitudes which either curse or bless your life on earth. Of course Jesus Christ wanted to first talk about My emotions which are attitudes that bless every child of mine when they are applied to life on earth.
You don't realize that you wear your attitudes on your face, your body language, your words that you speak, and the actions that you show to others. Those attitudes are indications of your thoughts which form your attitudes. When they are negative ones, they glorify the devil as the lord of your life but when they are positive ones, they glorify Me as the Father of your life.
When your attitudes are negative, as displayed by your negative emotions in your speech and actions, then you have revealed to the world and the heavens that you have entertained the devil's evil thoughts in your mind and heart instead of rejecting his thoughts and accepting My kind thoughts into your mind. In other words, you wear your emotions or attitudes on the outside of you. If they are negative, then you are sowing seeds in the devil's garden of death and you will reap his curses in your life on earth. If they are positive emotions or attitudes, according to Jesus Christ you are sowing seeds in My garden of life and you will reap My blessings in your life on earth. That is why Jesus was so definite about his first teaching to His disciples being about attitudes, which are emotions. He promised wonderful things from My kingdom of God if you will only emote My positive, loving attitudes into the world because you have only thought loving thoughts.
I gave a wonderful gift to My children of choice. I gave to all of My children the right to make choices in their own behalf. When the devil came to be the prince of darkness in the earth after Adam and Eve allowed him and his demons to flood into the earth, the choice between good and evil became the only choices for My children, either the choice to follow the guidance of evil or to follow the guidance of My good choices.
The original teaching of Jesus on attitudes was a good choice for Him to make. He taught about blessings being the results in your life of your choosing good thoughts from Me so that your attitudes and emotions will be positive instead of negative.
You must always remember that your choosing good thoughts will result in your emoting positive attitudes into the world which will result in your inheriting My blessings from My Kingdom of God. That is the lesson to be learned from the teaching of Jesus on attitudes. (Matthew 5:1-12)
Your Father of Workable Teachings
Wednesday, January 11, 2023
My Dear Precious Child,
There was a good reason why Jesus Christ taught about attitudes the first time He taught His followers about the keys to My Kingdom of God. That truth is very important for you to know and follow. Thoughts, attitudes, speech and actions are all important in My Kingdom of God, but Jesus Christ chose to teach about attitudes first. (Psalm 19:14) There is a reason why he made that choice. Attitudes exude from people in the form of energy that shows itself in speech and actions. (Romans 15:16) Bad attitudes poison the people and the atmosphere in which they are spoken and the actions of people from whom they flow. Good attitudes build up, lift, encourage and elevate the people and the atmosphere in which they are displayed, spoken and the actions of people from whom they flow. In other words, bad attitudes distribute the kingdom of hell into the earth and good attitudes distribute My Kingdom of God into the earth. Jesus wanted His followers to know that their words and attitudes either influence people positively or negatively, producing either heaven or hell in the earth.
Jesus Christ named some of the good attitudes in His lecture on the Beatitudes, that being His first teaching session to His followers. (Matthew 5:1-12) He spoke of good attitudes and even related the rewards which come into the lives of My children when they think good thoughts, form good attitudes in their minds, speak kind words and perform good actions toward everyone. He said that a person who has good attitudes, that is not arrogant but instead is humble in spirit, will inherit My Kingdom of God in his life on earth. He added that a person who has a good attitude that is kind and gentle in the earth will also inherit My Kingdom in His life on earth as a reward. Another attitude which Jesus taught would cause the person to inherit a reward is the attitude of seeking Me when he or she needs comforting and the reward is that he or she will be comforted by Me. He also said that when you have the attitude of seeking My righteousness that you will be completely satisfied in your life on earth. He also said that when you have a merciful attitude toward other people that you will inherit mercy from other people and from Me. In order for you to actually see and recognize Me in the person of Jesus Christ, He said that when your attitudes are pure in heart that you will be able to see Me and recognize Me when you see My character in Himself, in Jesus. Another important attitude that My children must have is that they must be peacemakers and the reward is that they will be called My children because of that attitude of sowing peace in every relationship. Jesus Christ ended His teaching on attitudes by saying that when you are persecuted for the sake of your having righteous attitudes that My entire Kingdom of God belongs to you. That is a promise that is well worth striving to change your thoughts. That teaching is indicative of the importance of your attitudes in your life on earth. Attitudes contain the energy of the person who forms the attitudes by his or thinking either good thoughts or bad thoughts. Attitudes are the product of what a person thinks in his mind and in his heart.
As an example of that, Jesus told His disciples that they had previously been taught to love their neighbors but hate their enemies. He changed their thinking when He told them that My attitude is that they and you should love your enemies and pray for them, especially the ones who persecute you. (Matthew 5:43-48) Their thoughts were changed in relation to their enemies when Jesus taught that new admonishment to them. Because their thoughts were changed, their attitudes were changed. Later He told them that He would send to them the power to love their enemies when He sent My Holy Spirit into them. (John 15, 16, 17)
Attitudes are displayed in words and actions, expressions, opinions, convictions, words spoken, looks and gazes. Attitudes are the spiritual energy that are formed inside of a person by his or her thoughts. If those thoughts are bad thoughts then the energy that exudes from the person will poison the atmosphere around the person. If those thoughts are good thoughts of peace, love, goodness and kindness, then the energy that exudes from that person will bless and benefit every area of his or her life. My rewards will bless him or her.
Either good or bad energy is at the basis of every person's thoughts who has ever lived in the earth because those thoughts form either bad or good attitudes. My Son Jesus Christ considered that Truth to be so important that He first taught His followers about attitudes after His ministry on earth began.
My children must pay close attention to the teaching of Jesus Christ relating to attitudes when He taught about them. They are commonly called the Beatitudes, indicating that you must be of these attitudes in your life on earth in order to inherit My rewards which benefit your life on earth. It is My Holy Spirit who wants to form My thoughts in your human mind which will cause your attitudes to bless you instead of curse you. When you are born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit, then you are equipped with My Spirit of Truth who will program your human mind with good thoughts that are in His own Mind of love, peace, goodness, kindness, joy, patience and mercy for all people. Yes, even your enemies; or, as Jesus said, especially your enemies.
You have a choice of what to allow into your mind. If you only allow My thoughts of love to occupy your mind, then your attitudes will always cause you to be blessed in your life on earth and you will also bless everyone in your life on earth because you exude the attitudes of My child.
Your Energy Producing Father
Tuesday, January 10, 2023
My Precious Child,
There are only two spiritual kingdoms at work in the earth, My Kingdom of Righteousness and the devil's kingdom of evil. My Kingdom builds up and blesses everything in the earth but the devil's kingdom curses and destroys everything in the earth. (Jeremiah 1:4-10) The reason that the devil desires to destroy the earth and its inhabitants is because he is seeking vengeance against Me for kicking him out of My Kingdom of Heaven when he planned a rebellion and attempted to become the lord of My heaven. By destroying the earth which I created as a replica of My heaven and by destroying human beings whom I created in My image, the devil is seeking vengeance against Me. The more he can destroy in the earth, the more complete are his vengeful actions against Me.
By recreating born again/Holy Spirit baptized humans, I initiated a new species of humans in the earth, humans with the same power in the earth that I possess in My heaven. It is only by the sacrifice of My Son Jesus Christ that I was able to accomplish that magnificent feat. I sent Him to earth to die for the sins of the whole world. Then I sent Him to hell where He defeated the devil in his own spiritual nation. Jesus Christ retrieved from the devil the authoritative keys to the earth that Adam and Eve gave to the devil when they made him lord of darkness in the earth. (Matthew 28:16-20) Jesus professed after He rose from the dead that all authority in heaven and earth had been given to Him while He was in hell for the sins of the world. He wrestled authority away from the devil in hell, rose from the dead and told His disciples to baptize people in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, giving to them the same authority in the earth that Jesus Christ possessed. (Ephesians 1:17-23; Romans 8:11)
Having created in the earth a new species of humans, Ones with My magnificent power and authority over the earth and the heavens, the earth was well on its way to the salvation from evil that I had planned. The pertinent key is that My newly created children must continue to seek My righteousness and refuse to yield to the temptations of the devil in order to consistently operate in My Kingdom of God in the earth and participate with Me in restoring the earth to its former glory. It was through the disciples of Jesus Christ that I sent keys to that awesome responsibility. I gave guidance to them on how to refuse evil temptations and only cling to good thoughts, attitudes, speech and actions in the earth. As in the history of people, many have fallen away by falling for false prophets who entice them to return to the old covenant of sin and death and others have yielded to temptations from hell to return to doing the devil's evil works in the earth. However, I always have a remnant remaining, Ones who continue to seek My righteousness which aids them in continuing to be empowered by My Holy Spirit in the earth with the emphasis of restoring the earth to its former glory.
I instituted a new heaven and a new earth on the day of the first Pentecost in the upper room where My children became born of My Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit, taking part in My Kingdom of God coming into the earth. (I Corinthians 3:16) They became supernatural humans because My Holy Spirit took up residence in the earth in their bodies with the duties to pray in the Holy Spirit and allow My Spirit to cast out of the earth and into the lake of fire in the abyss all of the demonic spirits of darkness who inhabit the earth. (Matthew 13: 36-42; I Corinthians 3:16) That is what Jesus Christ prophesied in the parable of the wheat and tares.
When My children seek My kingdom of righteousness constantly, they endeavor to keep My New Covenant and they are participating in My restoration of salvation to the earth. They participate with Me in restoring the earth to its former glory by allowing My Holy Spirit to send the offending demons into the lake of fire in the abyss, thus allowing My children who continue in seeking My righteousness to shine like the sun in the earth. (Matthew 13:43)
Continue to seek My righteousness and you will be My child who operates in the ministry of reconciliation in the earth, reconciling the earth to Me. (II Corinthians 5:18-19)
Your Father of Saving Grace
Monday, January 9, 2023
My Dear Precious Child,
When Jesus Christ began His ministry in the world of preaching about My Kingdom of God coming into the world, He mirrored some of the earlier instructions that I gave to the priests of Israel about keeping the ark of the covenant and eventually their earthly buildings called temples clean and fully equipped with the necessary religious elements. Those holy elements were only foreshadows of the thoughts, attitudes, speech and actions of the bodies of My children under My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit when My Holy Spirit came to live inside of My children. So it was expected that one of the first teaching sessions that My Son Jesus Christ taught related to attitudes. They are referred to as the Beatitudes, indicating that My children of My New Covenant must determine to keep their own bodies, which are the temples of My Holy Spirit, cleansed and fully equipped with My revelations of wisdom and knowledge which are filled with My Truth. I said many times that My Truth sets you free from the curses of the devil which abound in the world.
We talked about that first lecture by My Son Jesus to His followers when He began by telling them that they would be fortunate if they only allowed attitudes of humility, gentleness, seeking Me for comfort when they mourned and their having the voracious desire to only seek to entertain thoughts, attitudes, speech and actions of righteousness into their human minds instead of the devil's thoughts of destruction and death.
In addition, Jesus Christ taught that other attitudes that they must allow to enter into their minds must be thoughts of mercy for everyone, friends and foes. He said that if they only allowed merciful attitudes to occupy their thoughts and attitudes and actions toward other people that they would also experience merciful thoughts returned by other people toward them, plus merciful attitudes shown to them, merciful words spoken about them and merciful actions done toward them. (Matthew 5:7; Psalm 118:1) That merciful activity by My children would be indicative of their only allowing My righteous thoughts to invade their minds, which is part of cleansing My temples in the earth, which are the bodies of My children.
Jesus also taught His followers that another way that they would become fortunate and blessed in the earth is if they choose pure thoughts over evil thoughts to enter into his or her mind. Pure thoughts come from My Kingdom of God and they glorify Me. Impure thoughts come from hell and glorify the works of the devil and his demons. The emphasis of Jesus on this attitude is an insight into the fact that My children are always faced with choosing pure thoughts over evil thoughts while they live in the earth. When you choose only pure thoughts, then you have chosen clean thoughts to expand your image of My character. When you only allow pure thoughts to occupy your mind, then your attitudes toward Me will be pure and unadulterated by unclean spirits. My true character of Love will be revealed to you and you will see Me as Love instead of imaging Me by the devil's lie that I am a judgmental God. (Matthew 5:8; Psalm 19:14; I John 4:10-16; John 5:22; John 8:15-16)
When My Son Jesus began His ministry by teaching about attitudes, He also taught that the most fortunate and blessed people in the earth are the people who sow peace in every relationship in the earth, reflecting pure attitudes and actions. (Matthew 5:9; Isaiah 26:3; II Corinthians 13:11) Jesus, Himself, only knew how to sow peace in the earth because He was prophesied by the old covenant prophets as the Prince of Peace. Thoughts, attitudes, speaking and actions of peace are the only spiritual power that could flow from Him to all people because He is Peace. He came into the world to bring peace to the world. Jesus Christ, because He is the Prince of Peace, is truly the Son of Peace because I seek peace in every relationship with human beings. (Isaiah 9:6) My other children in the world who only seek to make peace with every other human are called My Children in the world. My children must allow My peace to flow from them to every other human being because every human is made in My image and is worthy of experiencing My peace.
The last attitude that comes from a cleansed mind that Jesus Christ taught to His followers in His first teaching session related to the expectation that the time would come when they would be persecuted for the sake of righteousness because of the battle between good and evil that is perpetually in the world since Adam and Eve allowed the devil and his demons to flood into the earth. He said that when My Kingdom of God became reality in the lives of My children that they would become constant targets for the devil and his demons. He indicated that when you become powerful by the Holy Spirit in the earth that the devil and his demons zero in on you because they cannot allow you to win in the battle between good and evil. Jesus said that His followers and you would be persecuted by the devil through other people when My Kingdom of God comes into the lives of My children. (Matthew 5:10-12; II Corinthians 4:7-10) However, My power of the Holy Spirit overcomes every evil demon from hell and the devil when My children make sure and keep their bodies cleansed of evil thoughts, attitudes, speech and actions and when they follow the guidance of My Holy Spirit by constantly operating in the principles of My Kingdom of God in the earth.
My Kingdom won the battle between good and evil in My heaven when I cast Lucifer out of My heaven. It's now up to My Holy Spirit born again/baptized in the Holy Spirit children to cleanse their own bodies and their earth of the demons who remain in the earth. I said in one of the parables that Jesus taught that after the age of the old covenant when My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit came into the earth that My children would, by praying in the language of the Holy Spirit, cast out of the earth and into the lake of fire the offending demons in the earth. (Matthew 13:36-43) My promise was that My righteous children would shine like the sun in the earth.
You have My Kingdom of God inside of you in the person of My Holy Spirit. You have the most explosive and authoritative power in the Universe living inside of your body, the temple of the Holy Spirit. (Ephesians 1:17-23)
You have My glory accompanying you every day of your life on earth when you realize that My entire army of angels has been given to you in order for you to allow the salvation of the earth to be accomplished by the power of My Holy Spirit casting into the lake of fire the offending demons, just like I accomplished the salvation of My heaven when I cast the same evil spirits out of My heaven. (Isaiah 14:12-19; Matthew 13:36-43; Hebrews 1:7-9; 13-14)
You have My power, My Kingdom and My glory working inside of you. Cleanse your body which is the temple of the Holy Spirit in the earth and My power will accomplish what I intended for the earth which is its salvation. I said that Jesus Christ came to earth to destroy the works of the devil. (I John 3:8) It's now the ministry of Jesus Christ in the person of the Holy Spirit to execute My judgment upon the demons and their works which remain in the earth.
Your Father of a Powerful and Eternal Kingdom (II Corinthians 4:18)
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