Saturday, January 28, 2023


My Dear Precious Child, In the teachings by Jesus on attitudes, He endeavored to change the attitude of His followers in relation to lawbreakers. The Mosaic Law was given to Moses by Me in order for the Jewish people to identify the demons who tempted them to sin so that instead of obeying the demons and inheriting destruction and death they would refuse to obey those temptations. (Galatians 3:19-22) However, the devil influenced the Jewish religious and political leaders and therefore people to use the laws in order to judge people and litigate punishment on them. When Jesus was teaching His followers about attitudes Jesus told His followers not to ever judge anyone. He said if they didn't judge anyone that they would not be judged themselves. He knew that it is only by the power of My Holy Spirit that people can refuse to judge others. At the time of His teaching on attitudes Jesus knew that the devil was just waiting for people to judge someone so that his demons would bring judgment upon the person who is judging also because of the judging seeds that they had sown in the earth. He told them that everyone breaks the Laws in some way, because no one can keep all of them. He told His followers that they were trained by the devil to judge someone for having a splinter in his eye while they had a sin as big as a plank of wood in their own eye. Jesus said that they were hypocrites for judging someone for a mere splinter of a sin while they themselves were guilty of a more dangerous sin. He told His followers to get rid of their own sin and guilt the size of a plank of wood before endeavoring to get rid of someone else's sin the size of a splinter. (Matthew 7:1-5) It is only by the power of My Holy Spirit that My children can judge the demons and cast them into the lake of fire in the abyss. (Matthew 13:36-43) The advice of Jesus in dealing with judging others is for you to realize that all people sin and fall short of My glory, so when you judge someone for sinning you are also causing yourself to be judged by the same standard because you also sin in the same and often even greater degrees. (Romans 3:23; Romans 5:12) In His teaching about not judging, He continued teaching about not judging when He said not to give to dogs what is holy, meaning for them not to judge other people who are holy to Me because they are made in My image, because when you do judge someone you give that person over to the demons to trample and afflict with their destruction, and those same demons will also turn on you and tear you to pieces because you judged someone when you were told by Me not to judge anyone. He said for you to judge someone is like throwing pearls, (meaning people who are valuable to Me), before pigs, (meaning demons), to trample and tear to pieces. Your judging someone will give permission to the demons to trample you also and tear you to pieces because of the seeds of the kingdom of satan that you have sown in the earth. You will have done the devil's works in judging someone and so he has your permission to also ravage your life. (Matthew 7:6) You have done My work when you can forgive a person who sins against you but you judge the demon who caused that person to sin against you by sending it into the lake of fire in the abyss. Jesus changed the thoughts and attitudes of His followers in relation to judging people. My method of handling lawbreakers is to forgive them. That is what the prophet Jeremiah prophesied, that when My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit came into the world that I would not remember the sins of anyone because Jesus Christ would pay for their sins by going to hell for all of humanity. (I John 2:2) So your method of handing lawbreakers must be the same as Mine, to forgive them so that there will be no record of their sins in the earth. Sins are erased in My heaven as if they never happened and if you forgive the sins of people then there is no record of them in the earth, either, for which satan can accuse them. But, if you refuse to forgive the sins of other people, then you are responsible for judging them and you have placed yourself in the hands of the demons to judge you with destruction and death. Jesus Christ, My Son, used every opportunity to reveal to My children that there are two kingdoms working in the earth, My Kingdom of God and the devil's kingdom of hell. His lesson on judging reveals Truth, that Jesus Christ said that He judges no person and I judge no person. I forgive the sins of the whole world. It is the devil who judges people by the Old Covenant Law. Your Father of Forgiveness and Redemption

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