Tuesday, January 24, 2023


MY DEAR PRECIOUS Child, In Jesus Christ's long teaching about attitudes, which was his first subect to teach on after He resisted the devil and refused to yield to his temptations, Jesus' main subject pertained to the enemies of My children and how to treat them. He emphasized that His followers had heard it said that they were to love their neighbors but hate their enemies. There were some written laws that gave that command. However, in Jesus' lecture on attitudes He refuted the old customs, traditions and religious teachings about hating your enemies and He told His followers that when My Kingdom of God came into their lives that they would have the ability to love their enemies and they would have the desire to pray for the people who persecute them. He went on to explain why it would be necessary to love them and pray for them. He said that in loving the people who persecute them that they will know that they are My children. Jesus went on to explain that I do not withhold rain from bad people but instead I make it rain upon them as well as raining on good people. He told His disciples that I don't shade the sun from shining on bad people but instead that I make the sun shine on them just like I do the good people. His logic was that if you only love the people who love you, you don't get credit for treating them like I treat them, which is exceptionally well. He told His disciples that the tax collectors only love the people who love them. He also said if you only greet your brothers with a jubilant greeting that you are not doing anything unusual and supernatural. He said that the pagans only greet their brothers with jubilant greetings. Then Jesus Christ, your Brother, set a new standard in His teaching. He said that His followers would have My power to be perfect when My New Covenant came into their lives, just like I am perfect in loving bad people as well as good ones. He was telling His followers that they would become supernaturally powerful over the temptations of the demons in order for them to love their enemies because My Holy Spirit would live inside of their bodies. (Matthew 5:43-48) That promise was certainly outside of the expectations of the disciples of Jesus Christ. As was promised by Jesus Christ, on the feast day of Pentecost the disciples of Jesus Christ who had seen him disappear into a cloud after He rose from the dead, He returned to His disciples in the person of the Holy Spirit, giving them supernatural languages, supernatural joy, supernatural wisdom and all of the supernatural promises that He had promised them when He taught them about the power that was to come into their lives. They had My supernatural Love, that being the ability to Love their enemies instead of hate them, the ability to turn their faces when slapped instead of returning the offense, the supernatural ability to give more of their goods to their enemies than was required by a court of law. The disciples of Jesus Christ became supernatural people in a natural world. They had the power to overcome the temptations of the demons and the power to Love their enemies instead of hate their enemies, just like My power that I have over evil. They blessed their enemies instead of cursed them, just like Jesus Christ had taught them. The same supernatural events continue to happen over and over in the earth when My children become endued with My power of the Holy Spirit. Just like Jesus Christ came to earth to destroy the works of the devil, My children who become born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit have My power to destroy the works of the devil in the earth plus they have the supernatural power and ability to become My children in the earth, receiving My blessings and My rewards. To My children who are led by My Holy Spirit and pray in My Holy Spirit, all things will work together for their good in their lives on earth, as was prophesied by Jesus Christ and explained by the Holy Spirit in the writings of the apostle Paul. (Romans 8:9-14+Romans 8:26=Romans 8:28.) Your Father of a Supernatural Kingdom

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