Tuesday, January 31, 2023


My Dear Precious Child, After Jesus taught so convincingly about attitudes and how good attitudes usher My Kingdom of God into your life on earth and bad attitudes usher the kingdom of hell into your life on earth, He said that the gate to hell on earth is wide and that most people enter into hell on earth without realizing it. He said that the road to My Kingdom of God is narrow and few people enter into it. We talked about the fact that I did not make it hard for people to enter into My Kingdom of God but that it is the devil who throws up barriers in order to successfully block you from entering into My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit. (Jeremiah 31:31-34) In Jesus' subsequent teaching He added a warning about false prophets as being one of the devil's tools to keep you out of My Kingdom of God while you live in the earth. (Matthew 7:13-15) Jesus said to beware of false prophets and he described them as being disguised as sheep but inside they are ravenous wolves. Jesus was experienced in recognizing false prophets because of his constant harassment and persecution by the Pharisees who were religious and political leaders who were determined to prove that He was not My Son, which they continued to do by paying the guards at the tomb of Jesus after He rose from the dead and walked the earth for 40 days. False prophets paid the guards at the tomb to lie by saying that the followers of Jesus had stolen His body so that the Jews would not experience the reality that Jesus had truly risen from the dead. (Matthew 28:11-18) In His warning about false prophets, He said that you must be fruit checkers, judging their fruit as being either from Me or from the devil's hell. He asked if people can pick grapes from thorns or figs from thistles? The answer is no. He said that a sound tree produces good fruit and a rotten tree produces bad fruit. He reiterated that truth that the devil is behind false prophets by saying that there is no way that a sound tree can bear bad fruit and it's impossible for a rotten tree to bear good fruit. Jesus did not just leave them with that truth, He included the truth that a rotten tree that does not produce good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. He repeated again that His followers would be able to tell false prophets by their fruits, giving His followers a preview of their authority that they would have when My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit began. In His parable of the wheat and the chaff, He reiterated that truth that the devil is motivating false prophets. (Matthew 13:36-43) Later the apostle Paul told His converts to Christianity that My Holy Spirit would give the spiritual gift of discerning of spirits to My children so that they would distinguish whether there are evil spirits motivating certain people or good spirits motivating certain people. (I Corinthians 12:6-11) The devil never gives up. He has demons who roam the earth seeking the people who will believe the false prophets whom he speaks through. They are the demons who endeavor to block your access to My blessings by speaking lies through false prophets who have disguised themselves as sheep of the same fold as the elect in their efforts to deceive you into swallowing their rotten fruit that you should have recognized as poisoned and putrid. They deceive even the elect on occasion, even after Jesus Christ had sternly warned about them. In Jesus teachings on attitudes, He identified My attitudes that would cause you to be blessed. He said if you are merciful, not arrogant but instead being humble in spirit, if you come to Me for comfort when you mourn, if you hunger after righteousness, if you seek peace with everyone, if you are strong under persecution, all of those attitudes plus making sure that you rejoice when you are persecuted will guarantee that you are abundantly blessed in your life on the earth. (Matthew 5:1-12) Your Father of My Kingdom of God

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