Saturday, January 7, 2023


My Dear Precious Child, When My children forgive the sins of other people then they are forgiven also in My eyes because I forgave them before they were committed. So they are forgiven in the heavens. But when those same sins are forgiven in the eyes of My own children, they are forgiven in the earth as far as My Kingdom of God in the earth is concerned. (Jeremiah 31:31-33) However, just because those sins are forgiven in My eyes in heaven and in the eyes of My children of My Kingdom of God in the earth, that does not mean that there is no retribution for those sins in the earth as far as the devil is concerned. There are earthly civil laws which are broken in the earth which demand retribution and punishment in order to keep peace in the earth and for the protection of law abiding people. There are also sins which are committed in the earth which fall under the earthly principle of seeds having been sown in the earth which will only reap what are sown. And so if those seeds are sins that injure other people or steal from other people or kill other people according to the laws of the countries, then there must be retribution and punishment in the courts of the earth. I forgive them, My children forgive them so as to not judge the people who commit the sins as ordered by Jesus so they will not be judged themselves, but the civil laws relating to those sins must be followed for the order of peace in the earth to prevail and so that the lawbreakers will not continue to sow seeds of evil in the earth. (Matthew 7:1-4) You have seen in the earth evidence in many instances where members of families have forgiven the men or women who have killed their relatives. They are reflecting in the earth My forgiveness in the heavens of the killers because I understand that the originator of all sins is the devil and that he is the perpetrator of all evil. My judgment for the devil and his demons is that they are cast into the lake of fire in the abyss, the lake of fire that I created for the devil and his demons who tempt the people in the earth who are created in My image. I created that lake of fire before I created the earth just in case the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, yielded to the devil and allowed him to become prince of darkness in the earth, in other words the distributor of evil in the earth. It is the duty of My born of the Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit children to pray in the language of My heaven, which is prayed by My Holy Spirit through the mouths of the members of My Kingdom of God, which allows My Holy Spirit to execute their judgment and My judgment upon the demons in the earth which were formerly authorized by the devil to destroy the earth and My children to whom I gave the earth as their Paradise. I provided before the foundation of the world for the demons' judgment, which is the lake of fire, the only element in the heavens which can cause the spiritual enemies of the earth, the devil and his demons, to become completely annihilated. (Matthew 13:36-43) My children need to read, study and ask for revelation of that teaching of Jesus Christ in the parable of the wheat and chaff. It is regarding the demons who inhabit the earth and tempt My children to do evil and their retribution from Me for their sins against Me by their tempting My children to sow evil in the earth which upset My entire balance of peace, love, kindness, goodness, mercy, joy and patience in the earth. There must be retribution for those sins of the devil and his demons and so I created the lake of fire in the abyss as their eternal punishment where those demons will cry and grind their teeth forever for their sins against My children. Like Jesus Christ said in the parable of the wheat and chaff, My children of the Kingdom of God are to allow My angels to execute judgment on the demons in the earth by their praying in the language of the Holy Spirit, who is now Lord of the earth, allowing My Spirit to execute My judgment on those originators of evil in the earth, the devil and his demons. (I Corinthians 3:16; II Corinthians 3:17-19) Jesus said in his parable of the wheat and chaff that My children would shine like the sun in the earth when those demons are demanded to leave the earth and go into the lake of fire, all as commanded by My Holy Spirit who lives in the earth inside of My children. (Matthew 13:43) He said that it would happen at the end of the old covenant and at the time of My new covenant of the Holy Spirit coming to live inside of My children. The problem is that My children are waiting for Jesus to come to earth to execute My judgment on the devil and his demons. That happened already on the day of the fulfillment of the feast of Pentecost when My kingdom of God came to live inside of My children, canceling out the old covenant of sin and death for My children. (Acts 2:1-27) By allowing My Holy Spirit, the same Power who caused Jesus Christ to be raised from the dead, to live inside of My born again/baptized in the Holy Spirit children, then Jesus Christ established His dominion in the earth through My Holy Spirit's earthly ministry just like Jesus promised when He taught about the wheat and the chaff. He also confirmed that truth when He glorified the ministry of the Holy Spirit in his long lecture to His disciples about the ministry of the Holy Spirit who was coming into the earth to take over the ministry of Jesus Christ in the earth when Jesus sat down with Me in the heavens and rested from His earthly ministy. (John 14, 15, 16, 17; Acts 1:1-11) Jesus came back to earth in the person of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost and He continues to come to live inside of My Children in the earth when they have their day of Pentecost and become baptized in My Holy Spirit. (Romans 8:11) When you allow Him to pray in the language of the Holy Spirit through your mouth, then you allow Him to intercede for you, speaking all things that work together for your good. (Romans 8:26-31) You must know by revelation knowledge that the end of the old covenant came on the day of Pentecost when the New Covenant of the Holy Spirit came into the earth to live inside of My children, establishing My kingdom of God in the earth and creating a new heaven and a new earth. Pray in the Holy Spirit and ask for revelations from Him. He is the Lord in the earth. (II Corinthians 3:17-18; Ephesians 1:17-23; Ephesians 3:14-21)) Your Father of Divine Plans

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