Nov. 30, 2000 Dear One, When I told you to keep peace with all men I meant that you should find an area of agreement with everyone you oppose and everyone who opposes you. When I promised that your enemies would be at peace with you I meant that I would give you the wisdom to find an area of agreement between you so that understanding would bring peace. All conflict is the result of lack of knowledge and understanding. When you really know a person, you understand him and his attitudes and motives. When you find one area of agreement with a person, then the power of conflict and strife is broken. When an area of agreement is established, then communication flows. Communication is communication, a sharing of your inner beings. Love begins to flow when communication begins. You can find areas of agreement with all men, especially when you recognize their true value. You must realize that I value every living being because I gave them life. When you learn to value them, you will learn to love them and find areas of agreement within which to communicate. All the other areas of noncommunication are of nothing in my eyes and they must become nothing in your eyes when agreement is present. Keeping peace with all men is important in relation to getting your prayers answered because where there is peace there are no opposing demonic spirits who would love to block your answers to prayers. Love, God Matthew 18:20; Luke 11:21; Ephesians 4:3; Philippians 4:6-7; Mark 9:50; John 4:17; Isiah 59:1-2; I Peter 3:7.
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