Dear One, The effects of love on all living matter is glorious. You have seen plants and trees which have received hands-on love in the form of nutrients, pruning, kind and loving words spoken around them. They glow with their strength, their beauty and their brilliant colors in season. They survive in every kind of weather. You have also seen the effects of neglect and abuse on plants and trees. They have to struggle to survive, shedding their flowers and leaves early in drought and wilting in heat. They finally give up and die when weather conditions are bad. You also see that animals register the same effect. With abuse and neglect they will often fight back, endeavoring to survive the offensive behavior by using anger and wrath toward other animals and humans. Humans react the same way to abuse and neglect that plants and animals do, only more dramatically. You have read studies that report the effects upon babies who are denied love and hands-on attention. You have seen the effects upon young adults and adults who have been abused and neglected as children. They fight back at other humans because of their neglectful programming. Love brings life to all living things because Love is the Life-Giver. Love is the Life-Giver because I am Love and I am the Life-Giver. Where there is no love there is death because the Life-Giver is not present. There is a force within love which covers people, plants and animals inside and out, like a baptism of life. Living things can actually feel love and feel the warmth of it in their inner being. They recognize it as the Life-Giving force for which they have always longed and they respond to love with humility and appreciation. Love is a visible force in the heavens and all men are drawn to it. Make it a tangible force in your earth by pouring My Love onto all living things, plants, animals, and most important, upon all My children. Since you have experienced the Live-Giving effects of My Love, share it with others who need it and often crave it. You can baptize people in My love every hour of the day with kindness and goodness and joy. They will respond by soaking it up and becoming loving people because you shared My Love with them. I told you to give to others. I spoke primarily about Love. Love, God Ephesians 3:14-19; Romans 5:5-6;Romans 8:38-39; Ephesians 5:2; I John 4:7-8
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