Dear One, If you will live and walk in the revelation of the power of your tongue, you will have a blessed life. You have received truth regarding the tongue and now you must tame your tongue so as to chart your future with words of blessing and not cursing; words of love and not hate; words of hope and faith, not fear; words of building, not tearing down; words of construction, not destruction; words of joy and not sorrow; words of creation and not desecration; words of life and not death. Remember that I called attention to your choices between life and death, blessings and curses, and you have often chosen death through negative speaking, thus cursing your future with negative, destructive words. Now you have received a key to bringing My kingdom into your life. The key is in the words that flow from your mouth, either living waters or poisonous waters. You must dam up the poisonous waters of strife, hatred, division, disgust, judgment, anger, belittling, sarcasm and like speaking. You must release from your inner being the living waters of love, peace, joy, hope, mercy, only speaking uplifting words that bring grace to the hearer. Then you and your family will walk in peace and prosperity. Remember that life and death are in the power of the tongue. My children must give credence to that key to My Kingdom. You prophesy every time you speak, either blessings or curses. Choose to prophesy blessings. Love, God Proverbs 18: 21; James 3:2-18; Ephesians 4:29-30
photo from www.marketingmotivator.com
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