To be in control of the life of another person is an awesome responsibility, and no human is capable enough to do it.
When a parent refuses to release a child to Me so that My plans can be put into effect in that child's life, then the parent is refusing to give up control. Control is a burden, a full-time endeavor when you try to control another person's life, his future or his behavior.
Sometimes people refuse to release a loved one from the earth so that the beloved one can come to live with Me in the heavens. That is a form of control, wanting to keep the dying person resident in the earth rather than releasing him to a life of paradise with me. Again, in that instance one person is assuming complete responsibility for the life of another one by refusing to give the person the free will to leave.
I have said that I loved the world so much that I "gave" My son to you and for you. When you love someone to the highest degree of love, then you give that person the right of free will to choose for himself, choosing his directions for his own life or choosing the time of departure from it.
Sometimes a person will clutch onto another person, fearing that that loved one will make mistakes which will harm him. In that situation, your fear will attract the ill fate to the other person, anyway. So the key is to release your emotional control of the person, turn him over to Me, pray for him and then you will be free of the emotional torment that comes from your self imposed control.
My first gift of free will must be reciprocated by My children in relation to their own grown children because controlling another person has bad implications for you. It burdens you and makes you a pack mule.
Release every burdensome responsibility you have taken upon yourself for the lives of your grown children and you will be free, just like I intended you to be.
Love, God
John 8:36; John 3:16; John 11:28-29; Deuteronomy 30:19-20
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