Dear One, Treasure every revelation you receive. Faith increases in you tremendously with every revelation. Revelations unveil the workings and wonders of My kingdom. The more you know Me and the workings of My kingdom, the stronger your faith becomes because faith comes by hearing My words. Revelations are always My words tailor made so that you individually can understand spiritual things which are the operative things that go on in the spiritual dimension around you. You will revel in the knowledge of the power I have given you. You will revel in the knowledge of the hope of your calling. You will revel in the knowledge of your glorious inheritance. You will revel in knowing the height, depth, width and breath of My love for you. All revelations refer to My love, My hope for you, My authority that I've given to you and My inheritance that I sent to you in the Holy Spirit. With revelations you become baptised again and again in the Living Waters of My words and you are changed forever. As a result you become new in every part of your personality. Revelations restore your mind as they renew it and enhance your understanding of the spiritual activities that go on constantly, working for your good. Let scales fall from your eyes as you listen to My Holy Spirit infused and life giving words that I personally send to you. You will appreciate life and you will love your life more and more as the scales fall from your eyes. My words are the tools I use to cause the scales to fall from your understanding. Then you understand more and more the things that I do for you, reveling in them. Seek Me and you will understand and know Me more and more and you will always rejoice. Love, God Ephesians 1:16-23; Ephesians 3:14-19; John 16: 13-15
photo from: http://www.iamthewordthecomforter.blogspot.com
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