Saturday, April 26, 2014


Dear One, Let's look at some things that cause you problems, according to Jesus when He taught on the Beatitudes. He was teaching about attitudes which will cause you problems because they will be returned to you, pressed down and running over will people do the same things to you. Remember that thoughts become attitudes and attitudes become emotions which cause actions which are often contrary to My character. Let's look at an example. Let's say someone says something or does something that you view as wrong and you have thoughts of how wrong the person is in his thinking, assessing that person as a fool or an idiot. That thought becomes an attitude when you put emotion or energy behind it by more judgmental thoughts about what the person said. Your face shows disdain for the person and you return words which affirm that you think he or she is an idiot or a fool. In that instant you devalue that person because the intent of your attitude and your words is to crush the person, putting him or her in an inferior position with your supposed vast knowledge of the subject. You devalue the person merely because of his or her difference of opinion. Your attitude is that you are right and the other person is wrong. That reeks of judgment. Your injurious attitude and words drown the person in contempt because you deem the person as being unworthy of having his or her own opinion. If the person returns the evil attitude and words, then strife has entered the situation and with the strife comes every evil spirit. You are both convinced that you are right and you take the strife spirits, along with their demonic cohorts, along with you into your homes, your workplaces and your friendships, sharing with others your rightness and the wrongness of the other person. That produces more strife and judgment. That is the reason Jesus spoke about attitudes in His first teaching. That is why He said not to oppose anyone. That is why He said to forgive immediately. That is why He said to never return evil for evil, but to return good for evil. Jesus knew the interaction between the spiritual world and the earth, that the seeds sown by My children will inherit good fruit from Me if good is returned for evil, or they will inherit bad fruit from hell if evil is returned for evil. He said you will reap what you sow. He taught this key to My kingdom to protect you from inheriting evil in your life or the lives of your children because you have returned evil for evil. When you put a person into an inferior position in your thinking because of his having an opposing belief or opinion, you rob him of his free will which I gave to all My children. You devalue the person in your opinion rather than valuing him or her like I commanded that you do as a result of My love for both of you. You have acted and reacted with bad attitudes from the kingdom of hatred rather than My kingdom of love. You have carried out the devil's work in the earth rather than carrying out My work. You have had the experience many times when there were opposing beliefs between you and others when I said to you, "Drop the matter from your mind without reacting. I will prove you right if you are right and experiences will show you to be wrong if you are wrong." You were glad that you didn't react in defiance to the person when you were eventually proved to be wrong. You were in awe of Me when you were eventually proved to be right. That is what is meant when the Instruction Book says that vengeance is mine, meaning that it's My job to prove whether you are right or wrong in your assessment of things if you will not insist on your own way by putting down or devaluing another person by your attitudes. The principles of My kingdom, called the keys, are almost always diametrically opposite from the ways of the world which has adopted the ways of the devil. You acted and reacted in those ways many times and often revert to the old ways which is filled with curses. Jesus said to learn His ways, which are to never return evil for evil but to always return good for evil. I told you to feed your enemy when he is hungry, give him drink when he is thirsty and to pray for those who spitefully use you. I said that when you do those acts of kindness you are heaping coals of fire upon the head of your enemy. Those coals of fire are My cherubim angels who minister peaceable thoughts to your enemy, as seen by the prophet Ezekiel when he was given a peek into My heavens. Those peaceable thoughts will change the negative thoughts toward you by your enemy into good thoughts, bringing peace to the situation. This key fits many locks. It's right next to the Master Key of Love on the key chain of My Holy Spirit. My Spirit will alert you to this key; but you, yourself, must use it. When you do, you inherit a portion of your inheritance, which is peace with everyone. You will live in peace which My Son, the Prince of Peace, brings to every situation when you use the proper Keys. Your Loving Father Matthew 5: 21-26; Matthew 5:38-49; Matthew 7:1-6; Matthew 7;24-27; Romans 12:17-21; Ezekiel 10:2-5.

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