Saturday, April 19, 2014


Dear One, My Instruction Book says that all things will work together for good to those who love Me and who are called according to My purpose, the same purpose to which Jesus was called. My purpose, as elaborated in that book, is that My children would be conformed into My image, just like Jesus was, that you will be so filled with a revelation of My love for you and others that you will pass My love on to others and you will be known as ministers of My love in the earth. People will know Me by your love for them. So ministering unconditional love in the earth is My divine purpose for you. Another part of My purpose is that you will be a minister of My peace in the earth, always bringing My peace into every situation. I can give you My very own peace, the peace that passes human understanding, for it is a product of My Holy Spirit who lives inside of you. By keeping peace with everyone, religiously, politically and socially, you will known as My child.
So ministering the peace that passes human understanding every place you go, which is called putting onto your feet the gospel of peace, is a segment of My purpose in your life of being conformed to My image. Another important purpose is that you will become led by My Spirit in all matters, that you will be like Jesus when He said that he only said what He heard Me say and He only did what He saw Me do. That is being dependent upon My Holy Spirit to be your guide, your revelation of truth, your ever constant help, your standard of conduct. When My purpose was being revealed by Paul to the Romans, he elaborated further on My purpose when He said to pray in the Spirit, that the Holy Spirit knows all things about Me, knows all things about you, about your family, about your circumstances, and He will orchestrate the solutions to all problems, the perfect workable strategies which will perfect everything that concerns you. He said that if you will pray in the Spirit and if you are led by My Spirit that all things will work together for your good. When you are walking in My love, I will do exceedingly, abundantly above all you dare think or imagine, according to the power that is in you. That power is the power of the Holy Spirit, who pours forth My love to others without limit, because nothing can separate you from My love and nothing can separate others from My unconditional love that is shown through you. All things will work together for your good when your purpose is to be forgiving, nonjudgmental, loving, kind, good, merciful, faithful, joyful and patient because My Holy Spirit ministers those attributes to people in the world through you. My purpose is that you will be so conformed into My image that others will see your works of love and know that I am living in you. They will say, "Look, that person is the exact image of the Heavenly Father." They will want to know Me because you have represented Me as love in the earth. I am love. Make unconditional love your purpose. Love, God Romans 8:1-37; John 5:19-20; Ephesians 1:16-22; Ephesians 3:14-20; Ephesians 6:23.

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