Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Dear One, Energy is power and power is energy. The power to operate energy plants comes from the burning of some type of fuel, usually coal. Energy is created as a result of the burning of fuel. That energy can light homes, businesses and plants, warm and cool homes, provide energy to run the machinery to create products which enhance your life, and also run the machinery which enhance your recreational activities. Energy and power can be good but it can also be bad for humanity.

 A glitch in the energy created to light homes can cause fires which destroy homes, businesses and machinery rather than enhancing the lives of people. The wrong use of energy or power by humans can electrocute them, burning them to a crisp. That is caused by a human being's wrong use of energy which was originally given to enhance their lives. Instead it can destroy life. Apply the same principles to the keys to My kingdom of thoughts, attitudes, words and actions. I give you good thoughts which create attitudes which produce emotions or power to bless others, blessing them with My love, blessing them with My forgiveness, blessing them with My mercy, blessing them with My kindness and goodness, blessing them with My peace and calmness, blessing them with My grace and blessing them with My joy. There are often glitches from hell which enter into your mind causing you to think hatred instead of love, division instead of unity, enmity instead of peace, judgment instead of mercy, turmoil instead of peace and calmness. Those thoughts, if dwelt upon, will produce power or energy to kill rather than to bring life. They will curse others and yourself instead of blessing others which will result in your being blessed. In those instances of negative, injurious thoughts, the seeds of destruction take root and produce the energy to relay to another person his or her lack of value, beating the person down with an attitude of being worthless. That is why Jesus taught so forcefully about thoughts and attitudes. He said if a person has lust in his heart, or his thoughts, then he or she has already committed adultery. That should give you a picture of the power of thoughts. Jesus said that you have heard that you should not kill, but He said if you are angry with someone you are in danger of judgment. He was telling you about the power of your thoughts, that evil thoughts, when dwelt upon, can bring the judgment of hell upon you. Relate that same truth to the energy or power from the power plant which is used wrongly and injures people and yourself. I do not judge you because of bad thoughts, but the originator of the bad thoughts, the devil, will bring judgment upon you. That is why he tempts you, so that he can bring judgment upon you, the judgment of destruction. I only give good, healthy, clean, pure, truthful, honest, just, lovely, positive, virtuous thoughts. I told you in the Bible to think on those things. The rest of them, the negative thoughts, you must reject. I told you to resist the devil and he will flee from you. If you want to live a peaceful life, only entertain My thoughts and develop My attitudes which bless others, and speak only My words which bring grace to the hearer. Then you will live a peaceful life, full of love and joy. There is a constant battle for your mind. The evil one puts evil, strife filled thoughts into your mind. I put gracious, kind, loving thoughts into your mind. The choice is yours. I said that the devil's gate is wide that leads to destruction, but there is a narrow gate which leads to the abundant life and it is often hard. I didn't make it hard. Your enemy makes it hard. You often contribute to the hardness when you choose to embrace the thoughts and attitudes of your enemy. I gave you the power and ability to stand up to the evil one, rejecting his thoughts. That power and ability is My Holy Spirit. He has the energy and the power to defeat the works of the devil. If you will defeat the devil in the realm of temptations in thoughts, you will find that the way to My abundant life is easy. Choose life-giving thoughts and live the abundant life. Your Loving Father Matthew 5:27-30; Matthew 5:23-26; Matthew 7:1-2; Matthew 7:13-4; Philippians 4:8-9; James 1:12-21; James 3:5-18.

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