Sunday, April 20, 2014


Dear One, For it was My Holy Spirit who jet propelled Jesus from the grave and hell back to the earth where He was observed by many people. And it was My Holy Spirit who jet propelled Jesus from the earth into My heaven after He appeared to multitudes of people. I say "jet propelled" so that you can in some way understand the power that is available in you. However, the Holy Spirit's power is infinitesimally greater than the power of jets. Yes, Jesus was crucified for you and He went to hell for you and He rose from the dead for you and He ascended into My heaven for you. He did it all for you. Jesus had told His followers that He would come to them again, that He would not leave them without comfort. He told them that He would send My Holy Spirit to them to live in them and to give them the supernatural power and the abundant life that He promised. My Holy Spirit defeated the devil in his own territory when Jesus rose from hell and death. Jesus restored My authority and power into the lives of My children who would choose to receive My Spirit, restoring the power and authority that was robbed from them in the Garden of Eden.
Jesus said on the cross that it was finished. He finished His earthly ministry. He meant that the separation between Me and My children that the devil had caused to all men in the Garden was over because Jesus was going to send My very own Holy Spirit into the lives of the people who would receive Him. Jesus said that He was sending into the earth the same Spirit who gave Jesus the power to heal, to cast out demons, to bind up the brokenhearted and to free those people who were in bondage to evil, He was sending the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. Jesus called My Holy Spirit the Promise of the Father, the One who would restore the one-on-one relationship between Me and My children. My Holy Spirit multiplies the works of Jesus in the earth by living inside of My children who will receive Him. My Spirit envelops My children in My love. He gives to My children My power and makes them spiritual supermen, with the ability to defeat evil in their own lives, the lives of their family members, and in the earth. My Spirit quickens or makes alive their mortal bodies with My power so that they can intimately know Me. The life, Crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus made Him the Super Hero of My children because of His life of sacrifice. The thrilling part of the ministry of Jesus is that He sent the same power into you that raised Him from the dead. He sent My Holy Spirit into those people who would receive Him. He gave to you the same power that He had, the same abilities that He had. You must give to My Holy Spirit the same honor that you give to Jesus Christ. We are One. We are the Same. The earthly ministry of Jesus never really stopped because He sent into the earth the power that was resident in Him. He sent to you My promise that I made from the beginning of the earth, that I would live in you and I would be your Father and you would be My child. Your brother Jesus is your Hero. He sent My Holy Spirit into your life, the same power that made Him your Super Hero. His ministry never stopped. He just gave it to you and the rest of My children who choose to receive the same Power that He had. He sent into you his Super Power. That Super Power is My Holy Spirit. Love, God John 14: 12-27; John 15:7-11; John 16:7-15; John 19:30; Acts 1:4-8; Acts 2:1-4: acts 2:38-40; I Corinthians 12:4-11: Romans 8:10-14; I John 3:8.

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