Dear One,
Make sure that everything you say brings peace and grace to the hearer. That is the way to guarantee peace in your own life.
When the things you say bring anger, depression or guilt to the hearer, you are not fulfilling the instructions that I gave through Jesus to love others just like I love you. Love will only speak words that leave the hearer with a good feeling of self worth, of being loved and whose existence is validated.
When you are in a situation where there is a threat of disagreement, if you will speak the truth in love it will be received and appreciated. If it is not received, then you should be gracious and do what Jesus said to do, knock the dust off of your feet and leave without furthering the disagreement. Forgive the person and don't speak about that situation to others.
James said that a person who tames his tongue is a person who is spiritual. He said that a human being cannot tame his or her tongue, that only I can coach them by giving the revelation of the power of our words.
James said that My children bless Me but they curse others. He said it should not be so. He said that the untamed tongue is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. He also said not to speak evil against anyone, but to only speak words that bring grace to the hearer.
Jesus said that by your words you are justified and by your words you are condemned. That should convince you of the power of your words, knowing that if they bless others that you will be blessed, but if they condemn others that you will be condemned.
With My words I created the earth and all that is in it. Your words do the same thing, they either create or they destroy.
Tame your tongue. Let it be an extension of My Holy Spirit who lives in you.
Love, God
Ephesians 4:29-32; James 1; James 2: Matthew 12:37.
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