My Dear Precious Child,
I have told you through the wise insights of Jesus how to easily get your prayers answered and My Holy Spirit amplified those insights in His writings through the disciples of Jesus who wrote letters to My children and to you. One of the most clear and precise ones is through Peter who said for husbands to love their lives, being considerate and kind to their wives so that their prayer will not be hindered. (I Peter 3:7) It could not have been made more clear relating to how for husbands to treat their wives today in your world in order to get their prayers answered.
In more understandable words, men who are not kind, considerate, loving and respectful to their wives won't get their prayers answered by Me. It's not that I don't want to answer their prayers, but disrespectful, inconsiderate, unkind, unloving, selfish actions from husbands toward their wives are motivations from hell, and those motivations produce actions in the husbands which block My ability to deliver the answers to their prayers because the husbands have made the devil their fathers instead of Me. (John 8:44) They have sown the devil's seeds in the earth and so the husbands have invited demons to stand between themselves and their answered prayers, blocking them from entering into their lives. (Isaiah 59:1-4) Isaiah said that My ears are neither so dull that I can't hear you, nor are My arms so short that I can't save you from catastrophes, but your iniquities have set up a barrier between us.
I said that men should treat their wives just like Christ treats the church, (Ephesians 5:25) When He walked the earth, the actions of Jesus Christ toward My children were then, and are now in your earth, to love them unconditionally, to cherish them, to be kind toward them, to do good toward them, to immediately forgive them, to be merciful toward them, to be patient with them, to be joyful with them, and to be faithful to them. Many of My sons treat their friends with the honor that is due their wives, preferring the company of their male friends. Their prayers are hindered because of that misplaced devotion.
My instructions to women to submit to the opinions of their husbands was never followed by the reason being that their prayers would be hindered from being answered if they do not submit to their husbands. However, My Holy Spirit said that in Christ there are no males or females, that they are equally loved in My heart. (Galatians 3:28) Therefore, living considerately, lovingly, mercifully, respectfully, kindly, with patience, joy and goodness toward all people will keep the roads from heaven to earth clear so that My blessings and answers to your prayers will have clear passageway into your life in the earth. Because you have chosen My ways instead of the devil's evil ways, you have chosen My kingdom to be manifested in your life instead of the kingdom of hell.
Jesus told you that when you treat your neighbors like you want your neighbors to treat you, that you will ask what you will and it will be done to you if you are also nonjudgmental. (Matthew 7:1-12) He said to seek My kingdom and to seek My righteousness, which is to love other people unconditionally, and everything good will be added to your life because you have chosen good over evil. (Matthew 6:24 and 33) He prayed that you would do my will in the earth so that My kingdom will come into your life. (Matthew 6:10) By the power of My Holy Spirit living inside of you, I gave you the power to do My will.
Doing My will in your life will open the pathway from My heaven to your life so that My blessing will flood into your life. Choosing to do evil over My good in the earth builds spiritual barriers so that My answers to your prayers are blocked from coming into your life. Forgiving other people and doing good to those people who do evil to you will clear the path for My goodness to overtake you. It's all a matter of your choice between good and evil. (Deuteronomy 30:15-16; Hebrews 13:5-8)
Choosing good over evil will result in your prayers being successfully answered because there are no demonic barriers intercepting your blessings. But if you choose doing evil toward other people instead of choosing to do good toward other people, you authorize the demons from hell to intercept your blessings from being delivered to you. It's that simple.
My Holy Spirit gives you the power to love others and to do good to them so that the answers to your prayers can easily be delivered to you. That is My desire for you, that all My blessings overtake you!
Your Blessing Producing Father
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