Dear Precious Child,
I have spoken to you many times in My Instruction Book, your Bible, about rebellion and how rebellion has gotten My children into the devil's playground many times, costing My children their peace, their families, their reputations, their confidence, their financial security, their worldly goods and eventually their lives. Being ignorant of My instructions to you and disobeying some of My instructions is not rebellion. Rebellion is when you know the value of My instructions to you, know that the wages of engaging in the devil's sins are judgment and death, but you still don't take My Fatherly advice and instead do the evil will of the devil, then that is called rebellion. Knowing My will but refusing to do it is called rebellion.
As an example, My Holy Spirit used the children of Israel and their journey to the promised land that I had set aside for them. I had given to them rules for gaining a safe entrance into their promised land, rules that kept them from falling into evil traps from hell. I knew that their enemy, the devil, would sabotage their journey so I gave them rules and regulations written in stone by My angels. Yet, when the journey became difficult, they rebelled against Me. They griped and groaned about the food, the grain and the quail from heaven. Even though their shoes never wore out on the 40 year journey, they blamed Me for their discomforts. They got tired of wandering and even said that I tempted them with problems to try their faith. They did not know Me. They were like Job, knowing Me only by the hearing of their ears, having never known Me face to face. (Job 42:5-6) Later generations learned that they tried Me instead of their being tried by Me. They tried My patience, and they rebelled against Me. (Hebrews 3:16-19) They knew My written words sent to them in stone about having no other gods but Me, yet they made images and worshiped them. (Hebrews 3:7-15) Those children of mine never entered into My rest. Unbelief, rebellion, griping and groaning caused by the devil's temptations in their thought all kept that generation of people out of the promised land. I could not allow them to enter because their unbelief, griping, dissatisfaction, rebellion and complaining would have polluted the spiritual atmosphere of the promised land. Their children were allowed to enter, but not the elders who had been delivered from bondage in Egypt.
Many of My children today are in the same boat, not being able to enter into My rest because they don't believe Me. If they know My will in their lives, as written in the Instruction Book, they often say the wisdom is not for today, that it was for a specific people at a specific time. That is called rebellion and it is put in their minds by the father of rebellion, the devil. Rebellion comes from unbelief.
When Jesus said not to repay evil for evil, He meant those words because they were My words. He knew that repaying evil for evil done to you increases the power of the devil in your world. Yet, My children who call themselves by My name constantly replay evil for evil, seeking revenge against anyone who crosses them. They even teach their children to repay evil for evil and so the devil's curses continue for generations.
My Son Jesus said to always repay an evil done to you with good. When you repay evil done to you with good, you rob the devil of his plans and he has to leave the situation because good always overcomes evil. However, when you repay evil for evil done to you, you multiply the evil in the world and you will suffer from the devil's reward for you, which is destruction. Jesus taught many times about the seeds that My children sow in the earth and that if they sow evil seeds they will bring evil deeds upon themselves. He said whatever seeds you sow, you will also reap. (Galatians 6:7-8) It cannot be more clear. Yet, many of My children delight in returning evil for evil done to them. When stricken, they strike back. When ridiculed, they ridicule. They know that I said to do good acts toward someone who does evil acts toward you; yet, they choose to return evil and they suffer the devil's consequences which is destruction and sometimes even death.
So be alert to the temptation to be vengeful. It comes many times a day to your mind. I told you not to seek revenge but to let Me avenge you. My way of avenging you is to come against the demonic spirit behind the person who did evil to you. My vengeance is at the devil and his evil spirits, not the person. By your returning good to the person who hurt you, struck you, talked about you, maligned your personally or lied about you, it releases Me to take revenge against the devil who instituted the evil deed. When you return good for the evil done to you, you give Me the opportunity to flood your life with My blessings.
You and I are in this together, to save the world from evil. Jesus said he did not come into the world to judge the world, but that it might be saved. When you obey every word that Jesus told you to do, every act of goodness that you do increases My ability to bring My goodness into your world, saving it from evil.
You are My child of goodness and when you return good instead of returning evil for evil done to you, you have furthered My goodness in the world. By the power of My Holy Spirit you can do it every time you are tempted to do evil. Blessings await you.
Your Father of Love and Goodness
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