My Dear Precious Child
I said that the peacemakers are called My children.
When you see multitudes of people marching in the name of justice and mercy, you are seeing multitudes of My children gathered in unity in My name because I am the Peacemaker. (Matthew 5:9)
I said that My children should avoid people who bring division and strife into situations, whether political, religious or both. (Romans16:17; James 3:14-18) My Holy Spirit said through James that where there is strife there is every demon from hell in attendance. I said for you to distance yourself from them. Jesus told the religious and political leaders of his day that they were of their father, the devil, and that they promoted his lustful desires in their lives.
I also said where people are peacefully gathered together in My name and are seeking mercy and justice for oppressed people, of course I am in their midst. I have told you that I never miss a family reunion. When people are peaceful, loving and kind, I am there with My myriad of angels to accomplish peace, justice and mercy for all people.(Matthew 18:20) I was not speaking about gatherings of people who call themselves by My name but who do not seek after justice and mercy; but, instead, they seek after and promote division and discord. I cannot attend gatherings that display the works of evil because there is no camaraderie between the devil and Me. He is evil and I am all good. Never the two shall meet.
The devil has power in the earth through people who call themselves by My name who are spiritually ignorant because they refuse to hear My personal revelations by My Holy Spirit and instead listen to false teachers. They become fundamentalists who condemn people to hell who are made in My image instead of condemning the demons to hell who are destroying the lives of people on earth. If that isn't evil enough, they add to their guilt the pride of their judgment and condemnation of people whom they call unbelievers. They participate in the devil's judgments because, even though they call themselves by My name, they don't even know Me. They only know about Me as taught by people who also do not know Me, the false teachers.
There is only one way to know Me, and that is in one-on-one Father/child communion where My love, My nature and My will is revealed to you. Otherwise you will judge people with vengeance and allow the demons to go free who are behind all of the problems in the earth. If you don't have personal revelations of My love, My power, the hope to which I called you which is to allow My Holy Spirit to minister judgment to the demons through your intercessory prayers, then you don't know Me. You must also have a revelation of the glorious inheritance that I have for you while you live in your world. Yes, I said "while in your world." Part of your inheritance is that I give to you the strongest authoritative and atomic power in the universe, My Holy Spirit, to bring My heaven into your life on earth. (Ephesians 1:17-23; Ephesians 3:14-21)
If you do not allow Me to judge the demon's evil angels by your praying intercessory prayers in the Holy Spirit's language, you will do the devil's will in the earth which is to judge My earthy children while you are just as deceived as you judge them to be. (Matthew 7:1-2) The devil and his demons go free instead of being cast into the fiery furnace which is My judgment of them.(Matthew 13:36-43) In that parable of My kingdom of heaven, Jesus Christ prophesied that when My kingdom of heaven lives inside of My children in the person of My Holy Spirit, that those people have the authoritative and atomic power to cast demons out of the earth and into hell.
Get with the plan and do your part by praying intercessory prayers in the language of the Holy Spirit and then He can do His ministry of casting the demons out of your life and into the fiery furnace. You will shine like the sun in the earth.
Your Father of Peace, Love and Joy
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