Friday, June 19, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
   After My born of the Holy Spirit and baptized in the Holy Spirit children become well established in My love, and the strength of My power that is resident in them, and the hope of their calling that allows My Spirit who lives inside of them to cast generational demons into the fiery furnace, and after they are established in their glorious inheritance from Me, then they must learn the strategies of their enemies who are the demons. (Ephesians 1:17-23; Ephesians 3:14-20) 
   Until you know your enemies by the tutoring of the Holy Spirit, you will be powerless and yield to them because you won't recognize them.  It's called the discerning of spirits, a gift of My Holy Spirit.  I spoke through Jesus when He told you that when the Holy Spirit came into you that He first would reveal to you the origin and works of the devil's sin and how you were wrong about their power in the earth.  Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would also reveal to you about My righteousness and how you were wrong about My power's presence in the earth since Adam turned the earth over to the devil.  Jesus also said that the Holy Spirit inside of you would give to you the authoritative power to judge and condemn the originator of sin, the devil. 
    Jesus Christ said that it is the sin of the devil who keeps people from believing in Me and seeing that Jesus Christ was righteous; yet His righteousness was evidenced by the followers of Jesus seeing Him ascend into My heaven when He came to be with Me.  Jesus continued in His teaching by the revelation of the Holy Spirit that you need to know that I have already judged and condemned the devil and his demons to the fiery furnace from the foundation of the world.  (John 16:7-11; Matthew 13:36-43)  It is the ministry of the Holy Spirit to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ in the earth through you and My other spiritual children by sending them to their judgment of the fiery furnace. 
    My Holy Spirit was the authoritative and infinite power that created Jesus in the womb of Mary and He was the power in Jesus that cast out demons, healed the sick and diseased and raised the dead.  My Holy Spirit was also the power that raised Jesus from the dead and hell.  He lives in you with the same infinite power.
    My Holy Spirit cannot work in you or through you if you yield to the devil because the devil and his demons set up a barrier between you and Me.  That is why you must have revelation knowledge about the devil and his demons, their generational curses in your life and their strategies and their works in the atmosphere around you.  Until you do, you are pawns of the devil and blind to his destructive actions.  When you are not listening to the voice of My Holy Spirit in you, the devil convinces you that evil happenings are from Me, and you are separated again from Me. (Isaiah 59:1-4)
    After you are established in My love for you and the power that is resident inside of you, then you need to ask My Holy Spirit to give to you His gift of discerning to spirits so that you will recognize your demonic enemies and be able to execute My judgment upon them by sending them into the fiery furnace, which is the hope of your calling as My child, cleansing the temple of the Holy Spirit in the earth of all offending demons.  My Holy Spirit baptized people are the temple of the Holy Spirit in the earth.  (I Corinthians 3:16; II Corinthians 3:17)   
    Your Father of Revelation Knowledge

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