Thursday, June 18, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
    I taught Adam and Eve many lessons about gardening when I put them in the Garden of Eden with all of its beautiful trees and plants.  The first thing I taught them was that every living thing produces after its own kind, every flower produces after their own kind, plants produce other plants after their own kind, trees produce trees after their own kind.  Those rudimentary teachings were to give them a basis of truth for their lives, knowing that everything produces after its own kind. 
    Adam needed to know that truth about gardening because the same principle applies to life.  I was hoping that if Adam and Eve did allow evil to come into their lives that they would apply the same principle of seed planting to their words, attitudes, speech and actions.  I was anticipating that if he and Eve allowed the devil and his demons entrance into their Garden of Eden that they would think about My tutoring of them and remember that if they chose to follow the will of the devil in their thoughts that they would also be allowing the devil's destruction from hell to flood into their lives and their lives would no longer be a Paradise but it would be hell on earth with death as the end result.(Matthew 13:4-9 and 18-23)
   You know the scenario, that they did open up their world to the devil and his demons and allow them to flood in and curse everything in their lives.  When I sent My Son Jesus Christ into the world to defeat the works of the devil in the lives of people, His emphasis was always on seed planting and harvesting.  He mirrored My teachings to Adam and Eve but since all people had already allowed the devil and his demons to be lords of the earth, people must learn to discern the evil voices in their minds in order to refuse the voices of temptation to do the devil's will in their lives or they will inherit more and more of the devil's destruction in their lives.
   In one of Jesus Christ's first parables about My kingdom of heaven He taught about seeds, soil and harvests.  He even identified the ground that is necessary to grow good plants of blessings in their lives, the ground being their minds.  He warned against their having a lack of understanding in their minds or any seed that He planted in them would be stolen away by demons.  He said that a person with a stony mind hears His words but later if persecution comes to him because of the words, that he or she would fall away from doing My will in their lives. Another scenario that Jesus warned about was people having demons in their flesh that  cause them to worry and also having demons who cause them to worship money.  He said that that person would hear My words but that those demons in their flesh would choke out My words and the person would not have My blessings in his or her life. Then He told them the good news, that there were people who had rich soil and those people would produce a bounty of some or all of My blessings, meaning some will inherit a hundredfold, some will inherit sixty percent of My blessings and some will inherit thirty percent of My blessings, depending on the seeds that they allow Me to plant in their lives through My words and the seeds that they plant in their thoughts, words, attitudes, speech and actions.  
    In that teaching about seeds and harvest, Jesus Christ was trying to tell you that if you have soil in your mind that is hard, polluted or thorny that you will inherit the devil's curses because those are the seeds that you plant in your life on earth.  But if your soil is good and nurtured by My words, the seeds that you plant in your thoughts, words, attitudes, speech and actions will grow My blessings.
   The prophet and apostle Paul wrote many times about seeds and harvest. (Galatians 6:7-10)  He wrote that if you sow seeds into the devil's garden that you will harvest corruption but if you sow seeds into My spiritual garden of love that you will reap 100% of My blessings in your life on earth.  It is such a simple but workable principle.  It is encapsulated in Jesus' words of doing to others what you want them to do to you.  Mean things done and words spoken to people will allow the devil to bring meanness into your life from someone. (Ephesians4:29-32) Angry outbursts on people will allow the devil to bring angry attitudes toward you into your life.  Name calling will cause you to sow seeds into the devil's garden and you will inherit the fires of hell. (Matthew 5:21-23) Loving, encouraging words spoken to people will sow seeds into My garden and you will inherit love and encouraging words.  Loving, encouraging deeds done to people will sow seeds into My garden and you will grow kind, loving deeds returned to you 
    Gardening is easy.  You just have to keep the demonic thorns of worry, fretting, unkindness and love of money out of your thoughts, attitudes, speech and actions while you sow love, peace, harmony and mercy seeds.  When you do, you will have heaven on earth, replicating the Garden of Eden in your life on earth. (Matthew 7:12)
    Your Heavenly Father Gardener

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