My Dear Precious Child,
There is so much hidden knowledge in your History and Instruction Book called the Bible that can only be brought to light by the Holy Spirit. In the story of creation you read that I created the first man after My own image. It is written that I created him male and female. (Genesis 1:27) In other words, the first man had both male and female genes. I created him out of the clay of the ground and blew My breath of life into him, making him a living being. (Genesis 2:7) Then it says that I placed "him" in the garden of Eden which I had created. (Genesis 2:8 and 15) Then I created trees what were delightful to look at which were good for food, and also the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life.(Genesis 9) Then it says that I placed "him" in the garden of Eden which I had created for him to care for it. (verse 15) It was at this time that I told him not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil or he would die. (verses 16-17)
It was after that scenario that the Book says that I said that the man needed a suitable partner for him. So I created animals and birds which I brought to him to name, but none of them were suitable partners. I put Adam in a deep sleep and took one of his ribs out of his body and replaced it with flesh. Then I built a woman from the rib that I had taken from the man. I took the female part of him which was part of his DNA when I created him and so I formed all of that female DNA into a woman. Adam approved of her as a suitable partner, saying that at last this one was bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh. She was called "wo man" because she was taken out of "her man". It was declared at this time that they were two equal parts, each one in submissive to the other one.
It was later when they succumbed to the temptation of the devil and made him lord of the earth that the curse came upon woman to desire a man to become her master and the curse came upon the man to dominate her as her master. (Genesis 3:16) Also I said that she would have pain in her bearing of the problems of her children and she would have pain at their birth. I told the man and woman that the demons they had allowed to enter into the earth had cursed the earth that was formerly a garden of paradise and from that day forth toiling the earth would no longer be the life of ease that I promised when I watered it Myself with water from a spring that welled up from the ground. I said that because demons were now in charge of the earth that I had created for Adam they would cause him to have to work feverishly to produce a yield of food for which to eat. I told him that the ground henceforth would yield thorns and thistles as he tried to raise crops to eat. I told them that every part of their lives would be cursed by demons because they had allowed the devil to become lord of their earth. (Genesis 3:17-19)
Hidden in the proclamation of the devil's works in cursing them and their earth was the promise that a battle would in the future ensue between the demonic seed of the devil and the seed of Eve, speaking of the coming events when demons used religious and political leaders to harass, persecute, accuse and kill Jesus Christ but that He would take away from the devil the authority in the earth that Adam had given to him, which He did when He rose from the dead and sent My Holy Spirit into the earth to live in My children, which would restore their authority in the earth over evil. (Genesis 3:15)
Later the apostle Paul said that he had a thorn, being a demon, in his flesh that kept him from being exalted by Me because of his many revelations. (II Corinthians 12:7) I told him that My power was sufficient for him, that in his weakness My power was enough to overcome the demon.
The entire emphasis of the ministry of Jesus Christ was to overcome the works of the devil. (I John 3:8) John wrote in that Book that to lead a sinful life is to belong to the devil but to live a holy life is to belong to Me because My Son came into the world to destroy the devil's works. After Jesus Christ was raised from the dead He sent My Holy Spirit, His source of power, into you and My other children in order for you to have the same power in your life to destroy the works of the devil. My Holy Spirit is the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead. (Romans 8:11) He brings My life into your human body with My power so that you can pray in the words of the Holy Spirit which sends all of the demons who are in your human generational DNA into the fiery furnace. (Matthew 13:36-42) I said that you will shine like the sun in the earth when they have left your body. You will have heaven on earth, which the first man and woman had before they allowed evil to curse their lives.
Allow My Holy Spirit to clean up My temple in the earth, which is your body and the other bodies of My children of promise. (I Corinthians 3:16) I said that My Holy Spirit is Lord in the earth in the lives of My children. (II Corinthians 3:17-18) Let Him be Lord by allowing Him to pray in His intercessory prayer language at all times and in all occasions so that He can cast those generational cursing demons out of your life and into their final judgment.
My Spirit wrote that the whole earth waits as in childbirth for My children to realize the power that they have inside of them so that the demonic curses on the earth will be removed. (Romans 8:19-24) He said that you don't know how to pray powerful enough words in your own language so I gave My own Words to you to pray in the language of the Holy Spirit. Solutions to all of your problems and the problems of your earth are in those words. They are the creative words that I spoke when I created your earth as a paradise and the first man and woman, the animals, the birds and said that it was all good. Allow Me to replicate that paradise in your life by casting all offending demons out of your life and into the fiery furnace, according to the parable of My kingdom of heaven as spoken by Jesus Christ. (Matthew 13:36-42)
Your Father of Authoritative and Dynamic Power
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