Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Dear One,
     Remember that you only know one side of every story.  That is why judging others is so dangerous to you, you are joining with one person against another person without knowing what the motivation is or was behind the actions of the seemingly offending party.  That person might not be the offending party, after all.  It might be the person whose story you have heard.  The danger is that your judging will return to you as judgment from others.  It's the seed sowing that is dangerous to you.
    When you listen to one person speak condescendingly or with ranting, railing or raving or judgment about someone else, program yourself to consider the other side of the matter, knowing that the position of the other party might be just as viable as the one to which you are listening.   They might both be right from their perspective or they might both be wrong in the matter.  It's not up to you to make that judgment.  The minute you take sides you have entered into judgment of the other side.
     Lending a listening ear does not mean that you need to make a judgment for or against either party.  The person to whom you are listening might have an agenda in mind, which might be getting some reinforcements for his or her side in order to feel better.  When you involve yourself emotionally, you become a participant in the strife and can inherit the evil work that the strife-filled situation has already attracted.
     Immediately begin to pray for the situation and everyone involved, forgiving them because they truly don't know that they are sirring up evil spirits to minister curses to everyone involved. 
     Encourage forgiveness to the tale bearer in relation to the offending party.  That should put an end to the situation as far as you are concerned.  Then begin to bless the people on both sides of the situation.   That should put an end to your involvement.
     Be sure you don't participate in the strife by participating in the emotional situation and judging either party of being wrong.
     Avoid emotionally charged situations as much as you can.  Pray for everyone involved.
     Love, God
Matthew 5:9; Matthew 5:44-48; Matthew 7:1-5; Matthew 12:57-59; Matthew 18:21-22; Romans 14:13-14; Ephesians 4:3; Philippians 4:7-8;

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