Monday, February 18, 2013


Dear One,
     Would you like to be justified as being right in matters of disagreement? 
      If so, is it worth being patient enough to let circumstances that I initiate  prove that you are right? 
      Are you comfortable enough in your trust in Me to be thought by others to be wrong in matters when you know you are right? 
     When you intimately know Me, you know that right will prevail and be revealed.
     Consider this:  You might actually be completely wrong in a matter in which you insist that you are 100% right. You have experienced that many times.  If you insisted that you were right in the matter, you looked foolish when the truth was revealed.  You had to eat humble pie.  It's so much better if you are humble at the beginning of the matter, humble enough not to insist that you are right.
     Have you ever thought that an outgrowth of humility is never insisting that you are right?  Pride in a person insists he is right all the time.   Humility in a person concedes that the other person might be right and a humble person is willing to let Me prove the accuracy.
     Remember that the fruit of My Spirit is always a collection of My personal attributes, My personality.  The fruit of kindness is flexibility which results in humility, an activity of righteousness which stems from never insisting on your own way, always being willing to take a back seat, keeping peace and allowing others to be right.  That is called righteousness.
     I will reveal truth in every matter.  Then the prideful person will be embarrassed and the humble person will be justified.  You must not gloat if you are right in the matter.  Let humility continue.
     Humility has its rewards just like truth has its rewards.
     Love, God
I Corinthians 13:1-7 (Amplified version); Proverbs 16:18-20; Proverbs 18:12; John 16:7-11; Romans 3:24-26;  Psalm 52:1-3; Proverbs 27:1;    

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