Tuesday, February 28, 2023


My Dear Precious Child, When Jesus Christ taught His disciples He used parables to teach certain truths in order for His disciples to understand them, but the Pharisees, Sadduccees, priests and religious politicians were blind to the truths contained within them. There were more of the parables that Matthew remembered and wrote about than the ones that Mark remembered, understood, and wrote about. Mark wrote about the sower of the seed of My Kingdom of God in its entirety just like Matthew did. Mark wrote that the harvest of the sower in rich soil yielded a harvest thirty, sixty and a hundred fold. His story about the harvest of the people with good soil would yield a harvest of differing degrees, indicating that some people would hear the truth about being born again, believe in the ministry of Jesus Christ and be satisfied with that harvest of 30% of truth in his or her life on earth. There are people who hear the same teachings about Jesus Christ and His marvelous ministry in the world but they only understand 60% of the teachings of Jesus Christ and those seeds only grow a partial crop of joy unspeakable and peace immeasurable, but there are still 40% more teachings about truths that the seed from the sower did not uncover in order to bring a 100% harvest of blessings from the seed; that being the truths about being baptized in My Holy Spirit which allows My children to pray in the language of My Holy Spirit, which produces the highest harvest of all prayers. The people who do bring a 100% harvest in their lives on earth are the ones who hear the truth about My Kingdom of God coming to live in the life of a person, that person seeks Me and finds Me by understanding more truths, incorporating into his or her life every truth found in the teachings of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John which they remembered and wrote about in the parables. (Mark 4:13-20) Matthew wrote that a benefit of some of My children who yield a 100% harvest means that those of My children hear My truths about the harvest of truths, incorporate all of the truths into his or her life and become bright as the sun because all the demonic causes of offenses are cast into the lake of fire in the abyss. (Matthew 13:36-43) Instead of teaching about My children receiving My Kingdom of God into his or her life and casting the demons out of your life and becoming bright as the sun, Mark wrote about not hiding your lamp of truths under a bed, because everything that is hidden must be revealed, that nothing relating to My mysteries and secrets should be kept secret. Then Mark wrote that anyone who has ears to hear, let him listen to truths. (Mark 4:21-23) Mark was less extensive in His explanation of the many parables of Jesus. That is why I included all of the writings of the disciples/apostles, in order to include all of the teachings of Jesus Christ. Matthew was much more blessed with the knowledge of truths in the parables, thus He was blessed with revelation knowledge which produced more blessings in his life on earth. Your Father of Hidden Treasures

Monday, February 27, 2023


My Dear Precious Child, Jesus Christ taught His disciples the foundational facts about My Kingdom of God which was going to come into their lives. All of those truths were hidden within the parables. He taught many of the truths and then explained the truths to them in explanations that His disciples could understand. The truths were new to them because My Kingdom of God which was going to descend upon the disciples in a short time was prophesied to the Israelites but much of it was misunderstood by the people. Their misunderstandings were based upon the beliefs that My Kingdom of God would be physically in Jerusalem in the form of Jewish rule in the earth. They were misled into believing that My Kingdom of God was going to be a political/national kingdom of earthly laws but the truth was that My Kingdom of God is a spiritual kingdom that is established inside of people who seek My righteousness and My truth, both Jews and Gentile pagans who seek Me. The fact that pagans would be included was foreign to the Israelites because they always sought for world domination instead of dominance over the devil and his demons in the spiritual world that influences the natural world. After Jesus Christ taught His disciples and other people who followed Him about My Kingdom of God in the parables, He asked them if they understood what He was trying to teach them. They replied that yes, they understood, although that was completely doubtful because of the past misperception of the old covenant prophesies. They would understand more fully by coupling them with the teachings of Jesus Christ and His disciples. Jesus told them that every student of the prophesies, called scribes, who became a disciple of My Kingdom of God is like a householder who brings forth out of the storehouse of his mind things both new and old. (Matthew 13:51-52) After Jesus Christ had finished teaching the parables He left the area and went to his home town, teaching in the synagogues in such a way that the listeners were astounded at His wisdom and knowledge, asking each other where Jesus had gotten all of that wisdom and miraculous powers to heal the sick, the injured and the diseased. The people there asked if He really was the carpenter's son, the son of Mary with brothers named James, Joseph, Simon and Jude, and His sisters who were with them in the synogogue. They asked where He had gotten all of the wisdom and power that He had. They were so filled with doubt and unbelief that they did not believe in Him. Jesus said that a prophet is without honor in His or her own country. Jesus Christ had been demonstrating the revelation that He is the Rapha, the Healer, and that He is the Shalom, My Peace, to everyone who finds Him, but He was unable to do any miracles in that crowd of people because of their unbelief. (Matthew 13:53-58) The truths that Jesus Christ taught were so foreign in nature to the Israeli Jews that threats began to form in the Pharisees, the religious leaders, priests and religious politicians. They became threatened that the people would join in the sect of Jesus Christ that was forming and take over the temple, uprooting and convincing their own believers to join with Jesus Christ. The popularity of Jesus Christ and all that He had to offer to the people far outweighed what the priests of the laws of Moses had to offer them. It was necessary for My Character and Power to be demonstrated by My Son in order to convince the masses that I sent Him into the earth to change the entire world. The disciples of Jesus did not yet know what was to come, that He would be crucified for the sins of the world. There were many more old covenant prophesies that needed to be fulfilled, so Jesus Christ continued to teach and preach to the masses, demonstrating My power to heal and cast out demons, which was making obvious the Truth that Jesus Christ was My Son in the earth. Some of My children, Jews and Christians alike, are still convinced that Jesus Christ is coming back to earth, establishing My Kingdom in Jerusalem as My authoritarian presence in the earth. They don't know Me. If they did, they would know that I am not, and have never been, a ruler over people. I proved that fact by giving free will to humans, which is the true indication of freedom. Instead of their ruling over people, I desire, through them, to rule over evil spirits through My Spirit baptized people in the earth and cast the demons into the lake of fire for their final judgment which is weeping and gnashing of teeth by their burning for eternity. (Matthew 13:36-43) Jesus taught that truth in the parable of the wheat and darnal. When My children allow My Holy Spirit to uproot the devil's demons from their own flesh and the world, and allow My angels to usher the demons into the lake of fire in the abyss, then My children will shine like the sun in the world because evil has been defeated and the entire world will experience victory over evil. (Romans 8: 18-30) It's happending one by one through My Spirit baptized children praying in the Holy Spirit with the authority of Jesus Christ over the demons who remain in the earth. Your Father of Freedom and Victory

Sunday, February 26, 2023


My Dear Precious Child, Jesus hid the mysteries of My kingdom of God from the Pharisees, priests, Sadducees and the religious politicians because of the blindness in their hearts and minds caused by what the devil did with the Law of Moses, using it to condemn and judge people instead of using it for what it was intended by Me, which was to reveal the works of the devil in the earth until the ministry of Jesus Christ was revealed and My Kingdom of God was instituted in the earth by My Holy Spirit living inside of people with My Power to overcome the devil and his demons' temptations so that people could avoid sinning. (Galatians 3:19) In the parable of the dragnet which Jesus Christ taught to His disciples He included something that would have angered the Jewish religious leaders and religious politicians if they had understood it. In His parable of the dragnet He taught that My Kingdom of God is like a drag net that is thrown into the sea to catch whatever fish it caught, regardless of if it had snagged edible fish or inedible fish or both. When the net is full, the fishermen drags the net onto the shore and sitting down they separate the good ones from the bad ones, casting aside the bad ones. Jesus said that it would be like that at the time of the end of the first covenant with Israel when My Kingdom of God came to live inside of My children in the earth. He said that the angels would come and separate the wicked demons from the just people and throw the demons into the blazing furnace were there would be weeping and grinding of teeth. (Matthew 13:47-50) That parable of the dragnet is further revelation of the parable of the darnal that Jesus Christ had already taught. (Matthew 13:36-43) What the disciples and the other followers of Jesus Christ did not realize is that when My angels would come into the earth to serve My children who inherit salvation and to separate the evil from My good, there would be pagans also along with the Jewish followers of Jesus Christ who would receive My Kingdom of God into their lives. I chose Saul, later known as Paul, to minister salvation to the pagans, which further angered the religious Jews and hypocritical priests who were under Jewish law who believed that they were the only people to whom the Messiah would appear. (Galatians 3: 19-14) The laws of Moses were never meant by Me to justify a person for salvation if they obeyed them. They were only meant to label the devil and his demons as rogue angels who were cast out of My heaven and eventually entered the earth, by permission of Adam and Eve, to be used by the devil to tempt My children in the earth. My salvation is open to all people in the earth, Jews, pagans, slaves and the free, women and men by their faith in Me and in Jesus Christ, according to My promise to Abraham, which was a prophesy relating to Christ Jesus and His crucifixion, death, trip to hell for the sins of the world and His being raised from hell and appearing in the earth. What followed was His ascending into My heaven to sit down with Me and send My Holy Spirit, who was His souce of My Power, into the earth to be received by people who seek Me and My kingdom of God. The hidden truth in the parable of the dragnet is that Christ Jesus died for all of humanity, not just the Jews, who to this day in the earth as a nation have not accepted the salvation of Jesus Christ as their Messiah. Individual acceptance is My plan for every person, Jews, Gentile pagans, women and men, slave and free. (Galatians 3:28; I Corinthians 12:13) When My Holy Spirit comes into the life of a person, My angels accompany Him and My angels separate the fish as in the dragnet, into the demons who caused offense in the lives of My children, and those demons are thrown into the lake of fire for eternity. It is then that My children shine like the sun in the earth, glorified by My Kingdom of God. That parable is proof that My children in the earth have varied national earthly heritages but they all become One with Me in My Kingdom of God regardless of their former heritage. Your Heavenly Father of Saving Truths

Saturday, February 25, 2023


My Dear Precious Child, In the parables of Jesus Christ there exists all of the mysteries of My Kingdom of God. He taught about My marvelous plan for the salvation of the earth and humanity in the parable of the darnal, meaning weeds. In His explanation of the meaning in that parable He said that the Son of Man was the sower of the good seed in the earth and the devil was the sower of the bad seed and the harvest would be at the end of the age of the old covenant and the beginning of My new covenant of the Holy Spirit when My Holy Spirit came to live inside of other people with the same power that Jesus Christ possessed, In that parable Jesus Christ said that the Son of Man would send His angels to gather out of His Kingdom all of the causes of offenses and all who do evil, speaking of the devil's demons. He said that the angels would throw all of those demons into the lake of fire where there would be weeping and grinding of teeth. As a result, Jesus said that the righteous people in the earth from whom who the demons had been extracted would shine like the sun in the earth. He told His disciples to listen carefully to that parable. Without there being bodies that are inhabited by My Holy Spirit in the earth, that would be impossible because Jesus had come to sit down with Me in My heaven. (Matthew 13:36-43) Another one of the parables of Jesus Christ that contains truths relating to My Kingdom of God coming into the world, Jesus Christ told His disciples that My Kingdom of God is like a merchant who is looking for fine pearls. When He finds one of great value he goes and sells everything that he owns and buys that pearl. That pearl of great price is the Holy Spirit who was hidden in Christ Jesus when He was in the world doing miracles and teaching about My Kingdom of God coming into the world just like a pearl is hidden inside of an oyster. When Jesus came into My heaven to live with Me and sit down with Me, meaning to relinquish His authority in the world, He instigated My New covenant of the Holy Spirit where Jesus Christ opened up His heart and sent His power, My Holy Spirit, into the world to live inside of other people, just like the parable when a man finds a pearl in the shell of an oyster and he sells everything he owns and buys the pearl. (Matthew 13:45-46) When My children in the earth are looking for fine, valuable pearls in the earth to enrich their life and they hear about the baptism in the Holy Spirit and the power that comes with it over all evil in the word, they often give up everything in the world of value to themselves and ask Me to baptize them in My Holy Spirit because they have heard that the My words of His are My words of power which rule the entire universe. Jesus used pearls of great price in relation to My Holy Spirit because it is from Him that My pearls of wisdom, knowledge and prophesy come which are the truth that makes a person free from troubling demons in the world. It is well worth getting rid of anything and everything that is treasured by you and your becoming baptized in My Holy Spirit. Often becoming baptized in My Holy Spirit requires a person to separate himself or herself from father, mother and siblings who are valuable to him or her, and that person will bind himself or herself to Me and My Holy Spirit, just like Jesus Christ taught in the parable of the pearl and in His teaching about a man's foes being the people of his own household. Jesus said that anyone who loves his father or mother more than Him is not worthy of Him. (Matthew 10:37) The pearl of great price signifies the words of My Holy Spirit through whom the entire world was created. (Genesis 1:1-3) He was also speaking about the words of My Holy Spirit from whom prophesy derived which formed Jesus Christ in the womb of the virgin Mary when My Holy Spirit overshadowed her. (Luke 1:1-35) The pearl of great price signifies the words of Jesus Christ in His parables which sets people free from the works of the devil and My words that proceed from your mouth when you are baptized in My Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:1-4). The pearl of great price is to become baptized in My Holy Spirit. It is the ultimate gift from Me. John the Baptist said that Jesus Christ would baptize people in My Holy Spirit and Fire. After Jesus Christ rose from death and hell and was ready to ascend into My heaven to sit down with Me, He said that His disciples were to go to the upper room and wait for "THE PROMISE OF THE FATHER." (Luke 224:49; Acts 1:3-8) I told you that you could give up "a life of familiar garbage and inherit a life of unfamiliar gold" if you would become baptized in My Holy Spirit and you made the right choice. You have reveled in a life of My blessings and rewards by your seeking My Kingdom of God instead of your remaining in the garbage heap of life that the devil afforded you. There are enormous life-enriching Truths in My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit. (Jeremiah 31:3-34) Jesus' teachings about My Holy Spirit confirmed My respect for the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the earth which He took over in the earth after Jesus Christ relinquished His ministry in the earth to My Holy Spirit who came to live inside of people and reveal that He is the pearl of great price. Your Father of Hidden Truths

Thursday, February 23, 2023


My Dear Precious Child, When teaching His disciples Jesus told the parable of the mustard seed which signifies that when My Kingdom of God comes to live inside of a person that My power multiples and grows and grows until it is so powerful in authority that My angels are dispensed from heaven and they come into the earth and minister as servants for My people who have inherited My salvation in My New covenant of the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 13:31-32; Hebrews 1:7-8; Hebrews 1:13-14) Immediately after disclosing that gift of inheritance from Jesus for My children, which is their having angels as servants fighting the demons for them and the angels bringing the other blessings of My inheritance to them, Jesus confirmed that truth by using another allegory that reveals a further benefit of My Kingdom of God coming into your life which is hidden in Jesus' parable of the yeast. Jesus told His disciples that My Kingdom of God is like when a woman places a measure of yeast into a mixture of flour. With a mixture of ingredients It multiplies and multiplies until the flour mixture is not only completely mixed but also that it has increased many times over in size. In My Kingdom of God what that signifies is that My Holy Spirit increases immeasurably in My children, beginning in their spirits, increasing into their soul or mind, and then entering into their body, with My Spirit in their spirit changing their mind and body until they are changed into the image of Jesus Christ, some 100%, some 60%, some 30%, as talked about in the parabele of the seed. The truth being that some will completely change until they are brilliant reflections of My Son, their being 100% changed, some will only change 60% and some only change 30%, just like He spoke in the parable of the seed. (Matthew 13: 33) There are some of My children who are 100% devoted to seeking My Kingdom of God, some who only want to commit 60% of certain parts of themselves to Me, and certain ones who are born again and outwardly want to go to a church but never desire to seek revelations themselves in intimate prayer time with Me and the Holy Spirit. They are only 30% committed. They are all My children but they only receive their complete blessings and rewards if they are 100 % committed because the 60% and 30% are cheated out of some of their inheritance while they live in the earth by the devil because of what percentage of their lives are still carnal and not devoted to Me. Instead they remain devoted to some evil ways. They are sometimes satisfied with only 30% of their inheritance that is available from Me through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Jesus said that He taught his disciples in parables, trusting that they would understand because they had been enlightened by My Holy Spirit to understand His teachings. He said that the old covenant prophet Asaph had prophesied that future truths would be spoken in parables which were hidden things which had not yet been been revealed but that would be eventually revealed and be spoken. (Matthew 13:34-35; Psalm 78:2) In My heaven the parables of Jesus are jewels because in the earth they give valuable insight to My children who live in the earth and help them to overcome the works of the devil while they still live in the earth. There are keys to My Kingdom of God in the parables of Jesus. The Holy Spirit will unlock them for you. He has the Master Key. Your Father of Valuable Insights

Wednesday, February 22, 2023


My Dear Precious Child, In the parables taught by Jesus Christ He buried the truth about My Kingdom of God eventually coming into the world to live in people after He went to hell for the sins of the whole world. My Kingdom of God had already suffered much violence in the heavens between John the Baptist's ministry and during the ministry of Jesus Christ in the world, as professed by My Son Jesus. (Matthew 11:12) The devil did not want My Son Jesus' birth into the world to become reality and so he sent King Herod to kill all of the babies born on the day that the star appeared, but Jesus was saved from the slaughter by His earthly father Joseph being led by an angel to take the baby to Egypt, far from Bethlehem. (Matthew 2:7-15)It was the same type of battle in the heavens that happened when the devil and My angel Michael fought over the body of Moses when He was a baby and the wicked Pharaoh endeavored to also kill all of the male babies by their being thrown into the river at birth. Pharaoh's daughter, entering the river to bathe, heard him and saw him in a basket and saved him, raising him as her own. (Exodus 2:1-10) There was equally as much opposition in the heavens to My Son being born in the earth and the opposition to His earthly ministry from the scribes and Pharisees and priests. That was one reason for Jesus' teachings about My Kingdom of God to be hidden in parables, so that the Pharisses would be spiritually blind and refuse to turn from their wicked ways. He told His disciples that they would be able to understand His parables but the religious Jews, Pharisees, priests and scribes would not. His first parable related to the truths in the parable of the sower which identified that only a few would enter into My Kingdom because of the condition of the hearts of the masses. He identified them as a person with a hard heart, a person with a rocky heart, and a person with a thorny heart, and a person with goodnessin his or her heart, saying that only the person who has goodness in his or her heart would understand the truths in the parables and yield products of goodness in their lives on earth. (Matthew 13:4-9) Jesus Christ next taught about the reality of demons being in the earth because Adam and Eve allow themselves to be fooled and they allowed the devil through his temptation of them for the devil to sow his demons into the world. Jesus taught what would be the eventual judgment of the demons in that parable, that judgment resulting in the salvation of the world through My Son Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross, His going to hell, His being raised from the dead, His ascending into My heaven and His sitting down with Me, and then His sending My Holy Spirit into the earth to live inside of people and pray in the Holy Spirit which allows My Holy Spirit to send the demons, one by one, into the lake of fire in the abyss, which I said was My final judgment of the devil for what he did to My earthly family. That truth was hidden in the second parable that Jesus taught, called the parable of the darnal or weeds. (Matthew 13:36-43) His disciples were beginning to know that salvation of themselves and the earth would be a battle between good and evil, between My Holy Spirit endued people and the devil's demons who rule the earth. Their minds were beginning to enlarge with Truth! The next parable is the parable of the mustard seed. In that short parable is hidden the truth of what happens when one of My children with the good ground receives the Holy Spirit into his or her life, of whom there is the least knowledge concerning Him in Jewish prophesy. But when the person of the Holy Spirit is grown inside of a human and becomes a big shrub and then a tree, it's then that the birds of the air come and shelter in its branches. The truth is that the seed, being My Holy Spirit, grows inside of a person and My angels come and surround the person, sheltering in the Kingdom of God that surrounds them, to act as servants of My children who inherit salvation. I wrote through the apostle Paul that My angels are servants for the people who inherit salvation. (Hebrews 1:7-8; Hebrews 1:13-14) They come and nestle around you when you become baptized in My Holy Spirit, sent from Me to lead you into complete salvation, spirit, soul and body. Paul also wrote that the angels appear as winds and fire, which is how they manifested themselves in the earth on the day of the first Pentecost when they filled the upper room and baptized the people in the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:1-4) That was the fulfillment of what John the Baptist prophesied, that he baptized people in water but that My Son would baptize people in the Holy Spirit and fire. (Matthew 3:11-12) In Jesus first teachings about the mysteries of My Kingdom of God, He identified the good ground which receives My kingdom and He identified the devil's kingdom in the earth which consists of his demons. The disciples were well on their way to having a graduate course in My Kingdom of God via the parables of Jesus Christ, which was soon to come into their lives on earth.. (Acts 2:1-4) Your Father of Complete Truth

Tuesday, February 21, 2023


My Dear Precious Child, When My Son Jesus Christ began teaching in parables they were the mysteries of My Kingdom of God. He told His disciples that the reason that He taught in parables was because the Pharisees and Jewish leaders had demonic blinders over their spiritual eyes so that they could not perceive or understand the teachings of Jesus. I did not put those blinders over their eyes. The devil did. My prophet Isaiah spoke of it when he spoke that the Jews would listen over and over and not understand; plus, they would see miracles and not perceive that they were performed by Me. The devil did that spiritual blinding because of his desire to keep them from being healed of their spiritual ignorance. (Isaiah6:9-10) Jesus told His disciples that their spiritual eyes were open and their ears were open to hear spiritual truths. Then He began to teach his first explanation of the truths in his first parable about seeds and the sower which explained the problem with the hearers of the parables of Jesus Christ's teachings, within which the mysteries of My Kingdom of God are concealed. He had already told the parable but then He further explained the meaning. He explained that in a group of people that there are people with different hungers in their hearts for My righteousness. He explained that there would be people with hard hearts who hear My words but the devil comes and steals the truths from them because of the hardness of their hearts. Then He explained that there would be people who hear the mysteries of My Kingdom and welcome it into their heart but when persecution comes because of their belief in the mysteries of My Kingdom that the truths just fall away. Then there are people who hear the truths of the mysteries of My kingdom and assimilate the truths but the demons of greed or demons of worrying, whom Jesus called thorns, choke the truths out and the people have no blessings from knowing the truths. He said that there will always be some people also who hear the words of truth and immediately understand them and they yield a harvest of My blessings of 100 times over, 60 times over and 30 times over. That parable was a good first parable for Jesus Christ to begin teaching. Then He spoke the parable about the wheat and the weeds, explaining a basic truth about the earth being covered with demonic spirits as well as My children. It explained the reason why I didn't destroy the entire earth in order to rid the world of the demons, as was revealed in the parable. I decided to let them remain until the end of the old covenant and the beginning of the new covenant when My children would have the anointing of My Holy Spirit to cast the demons out of people and out of the earth into the lake of fire that I created for the demons before the foundation of the world. That was one of the greater things that My children of the New Covenant of the Holy Spirit were anointed to do that Jesus could not do when He ministered in the world because He had not yet been to hell for the sins of the world and wrestled back from the devil the authority to heavens and earth. After He rose from the dead and hell, He declared that He had the keys to the heavens and earth and that the disciples should make more disciples in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:16-20) He was referring to the new disciples of My Kingdom of God having the authority of My Holy Spirit to cast the demons out of the earth and into the lake of fire in the abyss. (Matthew 13:24-30; Matthew 13:36-43) In Jesus' explanation of the meaning of the parable about the wheat and the weeds, the darnal and the wheat, He identified the darnal or weeds as all things that provoke evil offenses in people, meaning demons, and the sower of them in the earth as being the devil, but He said that the good seed are My children who understand My mysteries in parables and follow them. He said that at the end of the Law and at the installing of My Kingdom of God in the world that My angels would cast the darnal, or weeds, into the lake of fire, having been ushered there by My angels where there would be weeping and gnashing of teeth. The Good News in that parable is that Jesus said that the virtuous would shine like the sun in My kingdom of God. He said to heed His word if you have ears to hear. He was teaching about the hope of your calling, the glorious inheritance of the saints and the power which you have received, of which the prophet Paul in His writings eventually taught that His followers in Epheses needed to pray for those truths to be revealed to his followers. When you know the power of the Holy Spirit that you have inherited from Jesus Christ as your inheritance and that the hope of your calling is that when you pray in the Holy Spirit that He commands the demons that offend you to leave you and that My angels usher them into the lake of fire in the abyss for their final judgment, then their leaving you will cause you to shine like the sun in the earth, (Ephesians 1: 17-3) The promise in that parable was the glorious plan for the salvation of the earth which is waiting for My children to have revealed to them My glorious plan that began on the day of Pentecost when My Kingdom of God came into the earth. (Romans 8:19-28) Your Father of Perfect Instructions

Monday, February 20, 2023


My Dear Precious Child, Jesus Christ, in His great wisdom from Me, did not reveal to His disciples in His first teachings about the demonic activity that is rampant in the world in order for the devil, Himself, to fulfill His desire to completely conquer the world. That truth would have been too depressing for My children in the world to know about if they also did not know that I have the power to defeat the devil and his demons. First, Jesus had to convince My children that the people in the earth who seemed to be their enemies were not really their enemies, but they were only bodies used by the devil to do his work in the earth. Jesus' first teaching relating to attitudes were His first insights into how to treat people, mercifully, kindly and peacefully, and they were My first hint at the truth revealing of who are your real enemies in your world, the devil and his demons. (Matthew 5:1-12) Then Jesus' teaching that gave more insight into that truth came when He taught His disciples not to hate their human enemies but instead to forgive them. That was completely opposite to their custom of returning evil for evil done to people by returning an eye for eye. (Matthew 14-15 and 20-26 and 43-48) In that same teaching Jesus told His disciples not to judge anyone, which was opposite to their customs and traditions because they were used to judging of her people by the Laws of Moses. (Matthew 7:1-5) Jesus told His followers to treat people the way you want them to treat you as a way to reinforce his previous words. (Matthew 7:12) In His efforts to convince My children that He and I are constantly endeavoring to reduce the burdens that accompany their life in the earth and to demonstrate My mercy, Jesus Christ not only taught truths but He demonstrated His mercy and compassion by healing the sick, the demon possessed and all injured people. He never turned away a person. His healings were eventually viewed by multiple crowds so as to be a testament to My mercy, My love and My power. During all of that time Jesus was teaching about My Kingdom of God soon coming into the world to live inside of people. After the Pharisees accused Jesus of healing by the power of the devil, He refuted that belief by saying that the devil wouldn't cast out the devil. So there were more talk and more revelations coming about the devil being the originator of evil in the lives of people. Jesus even gave His followers an insight into where He was going and what He was going to do when He gave hints about Jonah being in the belly of the sea monster for three days, telling His followers that it was prophetic of His own future sacrifice for the sins of the world. His revelation that people would actually eventually have the opportunity to make their lives good instead of evil was definitely Good News. (Matthew 12:33-37) Jesus also clued His disciples and other followers into the truth that evil spirits would leave the bodies of people and wander around looking for a new home after sacrifices were made under the Law. He said that often the demons would return and bring seven more evil spirits with them, occupying the same body as before. He was telling them that under the old law of sacrificing animals for their sins only lasted for a year and then they had to do the same thing over and over, year after year. The truth relating to His eventually sending My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit into their lives which is found in My Kingdom of God would be a sacrifice for sins of humanity once and for all. It was definitely Good News. In His fulfilling of His teaching about My Kingdom of God coming into the world, Jesus began to teach in parables so that only His followers would understand. He wanted His truths to be protected from the scribes and Pharisees. His teachings in the parable of the sower and the parable of the darnal gave the followers of Jesus great faith into the future success of My children in their overcoming the works of the devil and his demons in the earth and their final judgment of evil in the lake of fire in the abyss which I prepared for the devil and his demons before the foundation of the world. (Matthew 30:18-23; Matthew 13:36-43) Your Father of Revealed Knowledge

Sunday, February 19, 2023


My Dear Precious Child, After Jesus made it clear that there was a kingdom of the devil that was ruling the world, but that there would soon come into the world My Kingdom of God which was to supplant the devil's works in the earth, He demonstrated to His earthly mom and brothers and other people who were around them that His Heavenly family was more important to Him than His birth family was. While Jesus was teaching to a crowd of people his birth Mother Mary and His brothers appeared and were standing outside and were eager to speak with him, probably about a contentious family matter. Jesus asked of the man who notified Him of His mother and brothers wanting His attention, Jesus asked who was His mother and who were his brothers? He stretched His hand toward His disciples and said, "Here are My mother and My brothers. Anyone who does the will of My Father in heaven, He is My brother, My sister and My mother." In other words, He needed to be about His Real Father's business, not diverted from it to settle some minor birth family problems. That action of His made it possible for His birth family to know that His loyalty was to My children who do My will. (Matthew 12:46-50) That same day Jesus went to the lakeside but crowds gathered around him and so He got in a boat. People stood on the beach to listen to Him. He started teaching in parables. The first parable relating to My Kingdom of God which was soon to come into the earth was the parable of the sower, telling them that a sower went to sow his seed. As he sowed his seed some of it fell on the edge of the path and birds came and ate those seed. Some other seed fell on patches of rock where there was very little soil so there was no depth of earth, and as soon as the sun came up they became scorched with few roots and they died. Other seed fell among thorns and the thorns grew up and choked the tiny plants. Other seed fell on rich soil and produced good crops, some a hundredfold, some sixty and some thirty. He told the people to listen if they had spiritual ears. (Matthew 13:4-9) Jesus explained to His disciples the meaning of that parable. He said that when anyone hears the words of the Kingdom of God without understanding is the one whose seed fell on the path, and so the devil comes and steals away those seed. The man whose seed fell on rocky soil is the man who welcomed the seed with joy, but the seed had no root in him so the truth in the seeds did not last. As soon as trials come and persecution because of the Word, the man whose soil is rocky will fall away immediately. The man who received the seeds in thorns is the man who hears the Word and understands it, but the worries of the world and the lure of riches choke the Word and the man produces nothing. The man who received the seed in rich soil is the man who hears the Word, understands it and yields a harvest of a hundredfold, now sixty, now thirty.(Matthew 13:18-23) The disciples of Jesus were beginning to understand the Truth of My Kingdom eventually coming into the world. They did not realize that it was the kingdom of hell which had cursed the lives of My children. Until Jesus began teaching, the people thought that I was good on one hand but vengeful on the other hand. They were ignorant of basic spiritual truths. The disciples of Jesus Christ were beginning to get a peek into the heavenly dimensions where good spirits and evil spirits exist and influence the lives of people. The parables of Jesus Christ relate to My Kingdom of God which came into the lives of the followers of Jesus who were in the upper room on the day of Pentecost. (Acts 2:1-23)It was then that those followers of Jesus began to have the truths that Jesus taught become revelations in their understanding from the inside of them where their Tutor, the Holy Spirit, shined His light on the truths that Jesus taught and brought Life to them, just like Jesus told them would happen. It all culminated in the Word becoming flesh in them just like it did in Jesus Christ when all of the prophesies relating to Jesus came together and formed the Savior of the world. Your Father of Perfect Plans

Saturday, February 18, 2023

BLESSED BY GOOD, SOUND FRUIT My Dear Precious Child, After Jesus Christ was accused by the Pharisees of casting out demons by the spirit of Beelzebub, Jesus taught to the disciples more clearly about the two kingdoms in the earth. He taught that a person whose house is built on the foundation of demonic knowledge would find his house destroyed when winds and storms come, but anyone whose house is built upon My Holy Spirit's wisdom will withstand every storm. He even taught that every person's sins are forgiven except a person who blasphemes the Holy Spirit. After establishing that truth, Jesus taught that His disciples must make a tree sound and its fruit sound, speaking about the words of their mouth and the state of their heart. He exphasized that a tree is known by its fruit, meaning the state of a person's heart will be known by the words that he or she speaks. He called the Pharisees a brood of vipers because they had said that Jesus cast out demons by the prince of demons. He said that a good person brings forth good fruit out of the abundance of goodness in his heart, and a bad person brings forth evil fruit out the abundance of evil in his heart. He said that for every evil word that a person speaks, on the day of judgment they would answer for them because it is by your words that you are acquitted and by your words you are condemned, calling attention to the Pharisees and Jesus' disciples and the difference between them. (Matthew 12:33-37) In retaliation of the wisdom of the words of Jesus Christ, some of the scribes and Pharisees present said that they would like for Him to show them a sign to prove that His words were true. Jesus answered them by saying than only an evil generation of people asks for a sign. He said that the only sign given would be the one by the prophet Jonah. He reminded them that their scriptures teach that Jonah was in the belly of a sea monster for three days and three nights and so would the Son of Man be in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights, and on the day of judgment for the devil and his demons that the Queen of the South would rise from the dead and stand up with that generation and condemn it, speaking to the scribes and Pharisees, because she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon and there is something greater than Solomon who was speaking, meaning Himself, the Son of God. (Matthew 12:38-42) Jesus Christ, in His teachings about evil and good, evil spirits and good spirits, He told the listeners that when an unclean spirit goes out of a person, it wanders around through the waterless countryside looking for a place to rest but cannot find one. So it decides to return to the home from where it came, meaning the person. He finds the place swept clean, unoccupied by other evil spirits, clean and tidy, so it goes off and collects seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they go in and set up house there, too, in the man so that the man ends up being worse than he was before. (Matthew 12:43-45) He explained that that's what happened to that evil generation of people. It was in those teachings of Jesus that I was letting My children know that the problems in the earth are caused by evil spirits who occupy the bodies of people. Every year when they made their sacrifices for their sins and the demons left them, during the next year those demons returned and brought more demons with them, and so the people became more and more cursed in their lives. They needed "a once and for all" Savior. I sent Jesus Christ into the world to die for the sins of people, to go to hell for their sins, to wrestle from the devil the authority to the earth and heavens, then to rise from hell back into the earth to teach more about My Kingdom of God coming into the world. Then He came to sit down with Me from His ministry in the world and send My Holy Spirit, who is My power over all evil, into the world to live inside of all people who have been cleased by the blood of Jesus Christ so that their houses are clean. Then My Holy Spirit establishes My Kingdom of God in the lifes of the people whose sins have been forgiven, and they are taught and guided by My Holy Spirit, who is the same Spirit who raised Jesus Christ from the dead. (Romans 8:11) It was then that My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit began with humanity in the earth on the day of the observance of Pentecost and continues every day that a person becomes baptized in My Holy Spirit and fire. (Acts 2:1-21) For those of My children who have been born of My Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit, there is no need for sacrifices to be made every year for their sins because My forgiveness is eternal and everlasting. It is then that those of My children are My ministers in the earth, forgiving the sins of other people and ministering My healing to the sick and diseased, My casting out of demons, and My restoring all problems to My divine order and perfection. That is My intention for My children who carry around inside of their bodies the same anointing that Jesus Christ had, that anointing being My very own Holy Spirit. You have good and sound words of the Holy Spirit living inside of you if you are baptized in My Holy Spirit because your heart is sound. Praying in My heavenly prayer language can rid your life of all of the evil spirits and their evil fruit of judgmental, cursing words. Those good, sound words of the Holy Spirit must be spoken out in order for them to become prophesy; speaking forth My will in the earth for you. I created a new heaven and a new earth in My children. Go and establish it by praying in the Holy Spirit. (Ephesians 6:10-19; Romans 8:26-30) Since I am for you, nothing can defeat you! Your Truly Good Father

Friday, February 17, 2023


My Dear Precious Child, After Jesus healed the man with the withered hand, He withdrew from that district but first warned all the people not to let it be known the many miracles that He had performed because He wanted to delay the inevitable, which was that He would die on the cross for the sins of the whole world and go to hell to pay the devil's price for all sins of people. He traveled on to another district and many people followed Him. He cured all of their diseases but warned all of them not to let it be known what He had done. It was fulfilling the prophesy of Isaiah that said that, "He was the servant that I had chosen, My beloved, the favorite of My Soul. I will endow Him with My Spirit and He will proclaim the true faith to the nations. He will not brawl or shout, nor will anyone hear His voice in the streets. He will not break the crushed reed; nor will He put out the smouldering wick until He has led the truth to victory. In His name the nations will put their hope." (Isaiah 42:1-4) Every aspect of the life of Jesus Christ needed to be prophesied in the earth before His true mission could be completed. The people brought to Jesus Christ a blind and dumb demoniac and Jesus healed him so that the dumb man could see and speak. Everybody was astounded and asked if He truly was the Son of David, as was in their old covenant. When the Pharisees heard that identification of Jesus, they repeated the accusation that He cast out demons by the power of Beelzebub, the prince of devils. Jesus knew what they were thinking and Jesus said to the crowd that every kingdom that is divided against itself is headed for ruin, and no town or household that is divided against itself can stand. He said that if satan casts out satan, he is divided against himself, so how can his kingdom stand? He said that if He cast out demons through Beelzebub, then by who do their real experts cast them out? He said to let them be the judges of the people. Jesus then proclaimed that if it is through the Spirit of God that He casts out demons, then they must know that My Kingdom of God has overtaken them. (Matthew 12:25-28) Again He proclaimed a truth, that being how can anyone make his way into a strong man's house and rob the man's property unless He has first tied up the strong man? He was clearly talking about the battle between good and evil, My kingdom of God and the devil's kingdom of hell. Jesus had to come into the world, go to hell to bind up the devil who is the destroyer through his demons in the earth, and bind him in hell. Then My ministers and I in the earth, accompanied by My angels, can arrest the demons in the earth and take them into the lake of fire in the abyss for their final judgment. (Matthew 12:29; Matthew 13:36-43) Jesus proclaimed that anyone who is not with Him is against Him and he who does not gather with Him scatters people. It was then that Jesus proclaimed that every person's sins and blasphemies will be forgiven, but he said with one exception, that being that anyone who blasphemes against My Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. Jesus said that a person who says anything against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. He continued by saying that anyone who speaks against the Son of Man will be forgiven but let anyone speak aginst the Holy Spirit and He will not be forgiven either in this world or in the next, speaking about the difference between Jews under the old covenant of religious law and My children under My Kingdom of God. (Matthew 12:30-32) Jesus had never spoken so clearly or plainly contrasting My old covenant with the Isrealites through Moses and My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit which was soon to come into the world after Jesus went to hell for the sins of the world and rose from the dead, ascended into heaven with Me, and sent My Holy Spirit into the earth to complete His ministry in the earth. The old covenant became null and void when the new covenant was instituted. People can't put new wine into old wine skins successfully. Pay heed to His words. Your Father of New Beginnings

Thursday, February 16, 2023


My Dear Precious Child, When Jesus Christ began speaking about the mysteries in My Kingdom of God to His disciples, He stopped and thanked Me for hiding the mysteries from the learned and clever people and revealing them to mere children in spiritual matters. He said that that is what pleases Me the most, and that everything that had been hidden had been revealed to Him because I trusted Him to keep them in His heart and only reveal them to the disciples whom I had given to Him. He proclaimed to Me that no one in the earth knew the Father except Him, the Son, and to whom those whom He chose to reveal Himself. (Matthew 11:25-27) After thanking Me for revealing some of the mysteries of My Kingdom to Jesus and to His disciples, Jesus told the crowd who began to gather that if they were heavy burdened that they must come to Him and He would give them rest. He told them to be yoked to Him and to learn from Him, for He is gentle and humble in heart, and they would find rest for their souls. He repeated that, yes, His burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30) In that invitation to His disciples Jesus Christ was speaking of My Holy Spirit as being His yoke because He said that they would learn about Him and Me from His yoke, a yoke being something used to bind two things together. Jesus Christ knew that it was My Holy Spirit in Him to whom He was bound by My yoke because the disciple John wrote in His record of His times with Jesus that Jesus had lectured His disciples at length about My Holy Spirit. Plus Jesus said that My Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth who would lead them into all truth, even taking the things that Jesus had taught them that they could not understand, that My Holy Spirit would explain in clear language to them from the inside of them, those being His revelations of Truth. Jesus had told the disciples that it was when they were yoked to the Holy Spirit that He would lead them into all Truth. Jesus knew that all of humanity was looking for a Savior to come to help them and He knew that He was the only perfect One who could bear their burdens by the power of My Holy Spirit. (John chapters 14, 15 and 16) Jesus had made it plain by His many teachings that He had the power that the people needed to overcome the problems in the world. He even made it apparent to them by His performing many miracles to demonstrate to the people that He is the healer of humanity. He needed to demonstrate to the people that their Mosaic Laws were not their savior. After that teaching Jesus thanked Me for revealing the mysteries of My Kingdom of God to people and then He invited all people to come to Him and find rest for their souls. One sabbath day Jesus took a walk through some cornfields. His disciples were hungry and began to pick ears of corn and they began to eat them. That action on a sabbath day was against the Jewish Law so it inflamed the Pharisees who were following along with the admiring crowd. They called it to the attention of Jesus that His disciples were breaking the Law forbidding laboring on the sabbath. Jesus did not chide His disciples. Instead, He asked the Pharisees if they had not read what David did when he and his followers were hungry, how they went into the temple and ate the loaves of offering which neither he nor his followers were allowed to eat, but which were reserved only for the priests to eat. Jesus also asked the Pharisees had they read in the Law that on the sabbath the temple priests break the sabbath without being blamed for it. Jesus told the Pharisees that something was greater than the temple or the sabbath in that instance. He told them that they needed to understand the meaning of the words, "What I want is mercy, not sacrifice." He told them that if they had understood they would not have condemned the blameless, for the Son of Man is Lord of the sabbath. (Matthew 12:1-8) Not only did Jesus Christ upset the Pharisees by breaking their religious laws, but He also taught His followers that He is merciful by demonstrating His refusal to condemn them. Afterward, He went to their synagogue and encountered a man with a withered hand. The people asked Jesus if it was against the religious law to heal on the sabbath day, hoping to have something to use against Jesus to condemn him to the authorities. Jesus used logic with them, telling them if any of them had a sheep that fell into a hole on the sabbath day, would they not get hold of the sheep and lift it out? He told the people that a man is more important than a sheep, so it is logical that it's permitted to do good on the sabbath day. Jesus Christ told the man with the withered hand to stretch forth his hand. The man stretched forth his hand and it was as normal as the other one. That action on the sabbath day was too much for the Pharisees, for they went out and began to plot against Jesus Christ, discussing how to destroy Him. (Matthew 12:9-11) Even though Jesus Christ spoke truth to them about the sabbath day, amplifying to the Pharisees that people are much more important to Me than the Laws, it was too much for the religious and political leaders, who were the Pharisees, too much for them to agree with. Their Law was more important to them than people. It was necessary for My compassion and mercy to be shown to the religious and political leaders, in order for them to understand the names which I had spoken to them through the prophets, those names being that I AM peaceful, merciful and the healer, Shalom, Rapha and Shammah. Jesus Christ was always demonstrating My revealed character to people, those being the names that I had told the Israelites were revelations of My true being as revealed by Moses when He prophesied that I would make My goodness pass before them in My presence and that I would declare My name as The Lord, that I would be gracious, and that I would show mercy and loving kindness to My children. (Exodus 33:19) I had earlier said that I would always be with people and give them rest. (Exodus 33:14) Jesus mirrored My words to His disciples, the same words that I had spoken through Moses to the Israelites to let them know that I am merciful. Your Heavenly Father, The Lord

Wednesday, February 15, 2023


My Dear Precious Child, When Jesus Christ was speaking personal words to His 12 disciples relating to their ministering for Him and for Me, He told them that anyone who welcomed them was welcoming Him, and the people who welcomed the disciples that He was sending was also welcoming Me, who sent Him. He also said that anyone who welcomes a prophet because He is a prophet will have a prophet's reward; plus anyone who welcomes a holy man or woman will have the same reward as the holy person. He also said that anyone who gives a cup of water to someone who is a disciple will surely not lose his or her reward. After He finished His personal instructions to His 12 disciples, He moved on to teach and preach in their towns. John the Baptist was in prison and there he had heard what Jesus' disciples were doing and what Jesus was doing, so John sent his own disciples to ask Jesus if He was the One who was prophesied to come, meaning the Messiah, or did they need to wait for someone else? Jesus answered John's disciples by telling them to go back and tell John what they heard and saw, that the blind people could now see, that the crippled could walk, that lepers were cleansed, the deaf could hear, the dead were raised to life and that the Good News was preached to the poor and that anyone who did not lose faith in Jesus Christ was happy and fulfilled. His wise teachings and His compassionate actions confirmed His ministry as My Son in the earth. As the messengers of John the Baptist left, Jesus began to speak to the other observers who were gathered around in the crowd. He asked them what they expected to see when they went to the wilderness, did they expect to see a reed swaying in the breeze? He answered his own question by saying, "No." He continued to ask them what they expected to see when they went to observe John the Baptist, were they expecting to see a man in fine clothes? He answered his own question again by saying that, "No, people who wear fine clothes are found in palaces." Then Jesus continued talking about John the Baptist when He asked them again what they expected to see when they went to the wilderness, maybe a prophet? Finally Jesus told the listeners that, "Yes, John the Baptist was much more than a prophet, that he was the person who was prophesied as My messenger who was sent before them to announce Jesus's own coming." He told them that of all of the children born of women, a person who is the least in My Kingdom of God is greater than John the Baptist. He was speaking about My children in My Kingdom of God having My Holy Spirit resident inside of them, but John the Baptist died before My new covenant of the Holy Spirit became reality in the world so he was unable to enter into My Kingdom of God while he still lived in the earth. Jesus Christ proclaimed that since John the Baptist came into the earth that My kingdom of God had suffered much violence and that the violent were taking it by storm. In other words, Jesus was telling the people that there were battles going on in the heavens to which human beings were not privy. He said that it was toward John the Baptist that all of the prophesies of the prophets and the prophesies in the Law were pointed, saying that he was Elijah who was to come. Then Jesus shocked the people by saying that if they could believe what He was going to say, let them listen attentively to His words. He said that John the Baptist was Elijah who was prophesied to return to the world, speaking about the close proximity of My Kingdom of God which was still resident in the heavens surrounding the earth but would soon be resident in My children in the earth, as promised by Jesus Christ. Then My Son Jesus quoted a prophet when He said that his description for that generation of people in the earth was like children shouting to each other as they sit in the marketplace saying, "We played the pipes for you and you wouldn't dance; we sang dirges and you wouldn't mourn." Then Jesus said relating to John the Baptist that he came neither eating or drinking and the Jews said he was possessed by demons, but the Son of Man came eating and drinking and they said of him that He was a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of sinners and tax collectors; yet real wisdom had been revealed by his actions. Jesus was calling to the attention of the Jews that the ministry of Jesus Christ of healing the sick and casting demons out of people was proof that He was certainly My Son. He was trying to convince the Jews that even though they were expecting their Messiah, their Savior, to establish his kingdom in Jerusalem in the elaborate temple, that I had sent John the Baptist into the wilderness in crude clothing, only eating food he found in the wilderness, and then He, the Messiah Himself, Jesus came eating and drinking and the Jews rejected Him also, even though His actions proved that He is My Son. He told them that I had done everything possible to show that Jesus Christ was their Messiah, My Son who came in the flesh of men to do My will in the earth, but the Jews refused to believe that He was whom He said that He was, even though His appearance confirmed all of the prophesies and His actions toward the poor, the sick and the demon possessed was what I said He would do. I sent Him into the earth for the poor, not the rich, for the sick, not the well. The righteous did not need My help. Only the people who were and are under the influence of the demons in the earth need My salvation. Jesus was the Perfect One. Your Father of Great Mercies

Monday, February 13, 2023


My Dear Precious Child, When Jesus Christ was preparing His disciples to begin their ministry in the earth, He warned them not to be afraid of any men but that they should beware of their attitudes and actions. In relation to the evil in men, He told His disciples that everything that is covered up would finally be uncovered and everything that is hidden will be revealed. He was talking about the demons who are at the basis of all evil, all diseases, all sicknesses, all abuse, in fact all evil behavior. Jesus Christ had already demonstrated by casting demons out of people that diseases were healed, sicknesses were cured, and people who were mentally ill became normal. He said that whatever the disciples hear from My Holy Spirit, to tell it in the daylight, and what they heard in whispers from Me, to proclaim it from the mountaintops. Those admonitions related to words of wisdom and knowledge which reveal Truth related to the two kingdoms in the earth, the devil's kingdom from hell, which is evil, and My Kingdom of God, which is all good. (Matthew 10:26-33) Jesus Christ told His disciples not to fear a person who can kill the body of a person but who cannot kill the soul of a person, speaking of a human being. He said to be afraid of the devil who can destroy both the body and the soul of a person in hell, speaking of the devil and his demons. In telling His disciples their worth to Himself and to Me, He said that even though they could buy two sparrows for a penny, yet if one of them falls to the ground, I know what has happened to it and so I also know every hair on your head. So there is no reason for you to be afraid because you are worth more than a hundred sparrows to Me, Your Heavenly Father. (Matthew 10:28-31) While preparing His disciples for ministry, Jesus Christ told them that if any one of them binds himself or herself to Me in the presence of people that He would declare that person to be bound to Me in My presence, but if anyone disowns Jesus Christ in the presence of men, Jesus Christ said that He would disown that person in the presence of the Father in His heaven. (Matthew 10:32-34) Jesus said that His presence in the world in human flesh would not bring peace to it. He said that, because of Him, a man would oppose his father, a daughter would oppose her mother, and a daughter-in-law would oppose her mother-in-law. (Matthew 10:34-36) He said that while He was in the earth that there would not be peace but instead that He had brought a sword. I later said through the Holy Spirit that My words are quick, powerful and sharper than a two edged sword, piercing the dividing line between the soul and the spirit, the joints and the marrow, and is a discerner ot the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12-16) I have told you in the past that your thoughts form your attitudes, and your attitudes affect your speech and your actions toward other people. Therefore, you must keep guard over your thoughts in order for your attitudes, speech and actions to be righteous. In the teaching of Jesus Christ relating to the ministry of His disciples, He was eager for them to begin helping Him to minister to the huge crowds but He wanted them to be prepared for everything, the Pharisees, the Sadducees and the religious and political Jewish leaders who were not eager to share the earth with Jesus and His disciples. Jesus knew that His disciples would be persecuted and harassed just like He had been and would continue to be. Jesus spoke to His disciples about loyalty. He said that anyone who preferred their father or mother to Him is not worthy of being a disciple and follower, or anyone who prefers his or her son or daughter to Him is not worthy of Me. He said that anyone who does not take up his or her cross and follow in His footsteps is not worthy to follow him. He said that anyone who finds His life in things of the earth will lose His life because the devil is determined to destroy everything in the lives of My children. (Matthew 10:37-39) Jesus Christ also said that anyone who loses His earthly life that is influenced by demons, if he or she abandons that life for My sake will find Life Eternal, with My supernatural power that will destroy all of the works of the devil in the earth, just like Jesus did when He encountered them. (I John 3:8) The inclusion of My body of Christ was expounded upon by Jesus. He said that anyone who welcomes Him will also be welcoming the One who sent Him, that being Me, the Father of all Life. Also He said that anyone who welcomes a prophet will earn a prophet's reward and anyone who welcomes a holy man will have the reward of a holy man. He also said that anyone who gives a cup of water to one of the least of the brethren, then he or she will certainly not lose his or her reward. He will be rewarded graciously. (Matthew 10:40-42) In preparing His disciples for ministry, Jesus Christ covered all areas of concern for His friends and co-ministers. When He was speaking to them again before He was crutified, Jesus Christ in His prayers told Me that He had not let one of them go astray except Judas who was prophesied to deny Him. (John 17:5-8) Jesus loved and treasured His disciples just like He loves you. He wanted His disciples to be safe after He was crucified but He knew that they would be persecuted for following Him so He prepared them for the inevitable, the time that the devil would influence unbelievers in Jesus Christ to harass, persecute and even kill whoever believed that Jesus Christ is My Son. You must also heed these teachings of Jesus Christ. There are still present in the earth, the demons who influence people to persecute you, harass you, accuse you and even kill you. If you will forgive those people, pray for them and do good to them, you will change the minds of the avengers and they will eventually receive you as a brother in Christ because they have seen Him and Me in you. Your Father of Forgiveness For Your Enemies

Sunday, February 12, 2023


BLESSED FOR SURVING TRIBULATIONS AND PERSECUTIONS My Dear Precious Child, By their being yoked to My Son Jesus by My Holy Spirit, His disciples were told by Him that soon events would happen in the world that would upset the entire current scheme of things. He didn't fully explain to His disciples what was to happen to Him that would upset the heavens and the earth. Jesus Christ did tell His disciples to beware of men because during tumultuous times they would turn His disciples over to the authorities and beat them in the synagogues. He said that the disciples would be taken before governors and kings for His sake, to bear witness in front of them and also in front of pagans. (Matthew 10:17-18) The warning by Jesus Christ was that they should not worry about what they were to say to their persecutors, but instead that they would be given what to say by My Holy Spirit because it would not be themselves speaking, but instead it would be My Holy Spirit INSIDE OF THEM who would be doing the talking. That portion of His speech was confusing to His disciples, but it was to eventually come because My Covenant of the Holy Spirit was being prepared to come into the world. (Matthew 10:19-20) Jesus Christ warned His disciples that they must be cautious because brothers would betray their brothers, fathers would betray their children, children would rise up against their parents and have them put to death. Jesus added that the believers in Jesus Christ would be hated for His name's sake, but the person who stayed firm until the end would be saved. (Matthew10:21-22) He warned His disciples that if they were persecuted in one town, they were to go on to the next, and if they were persecuted in that town to go on to the next one, and if they were persecuted in that one to take refuge in the next town until they were welcome in a town where believers in Jesus Christ were not persecuted. That was His wisdom and insight, for them not to put down roots where they were being persecuted for believing in Jesus Christ. That certainly doesn't sound like He and I were calling them to be martyrs. He was telling them how to avoid persecutions and death, telling them not to yield to them. Then He gave them a clue as to His coming back to dwell with them. He said that they would not have made the round of towns in Israel before He, Jesus Christ, came back to earth, speaking of the day of Pentecost when My Holy Spirit came to live inside of them and gave them power over all of the works of the devil, just like He did in Jesus Christ. (Matthew 10:23; I John 3:8) Jesus told His disciples that they were not superior than their Teacher, that being Him, and that neither was the slave more superior than his master. He said that it's very valuable to grow up to be like Him, Jesus Christ. He was responding to what the Pharisees said about Jesus doing miracles by the power of Beelzebub, the devil. He was indicating that His disciples would also be persecuted in the same way that He had been persecuted and would continue to be persecuted. He indicated that if the Pharisees accused Jesus of getting His power from the devil, then they would also accuse that His followers also got teir power from the devil, which they certainly did and even continue to do so even in your time on earth. (Matthew 10:24-25) Their eyes continue to be blinded to My miracles. It takes the Holy Spirit to remove the blinders is what My Son Paul wrote in the book of I Corinthians. (I Corinthians 3:11-18) Persecutions of My children has not ceased. The devil does not want My Son and Me to get any credit for all of the good in the world that My Holy Spirit does, so the devil put blinders on the minds of the Jews and the Pharisees, who were the governing and religious leaders of Jesus's day on the earth. Those blinders remain to this day on the minds of their descendants and can only be removed by My Holy Spirit is what the Apostle Paul revealed to the Corinthians in that scripture. Be grateful to Me that the blinders were removed from your eyes and you can see and hear My Truth as revealed by My Holy Spirit, as was prophesied by Jesus Christ when He taught His disciples about the ministry of My Holy Spirit who assumed the ministry of Jesus Christ when Jesus sat down beside Me in My heaven. (John 14, 15, 16; Acts 1:1-11) Jesus taught extensively about the ministry of My Holy Spirit which came into His ministry in the earth on the anniversary of the feast of Pentecost after Jesus ascended into My Heaven to sit down with Me, but We came back to live inside of My children in the person of My Holy Spirit. (Acts 2: 1-21) My Holy Spirit is Lord in the earth over all of the works of the devil. (I Corinthians 3:16; II Corinthians 3:17-18) Jesus said that He would lead you into all Truth and even clarify the things that Jesus taught to His disciples that they were unable to understand at the time. If He lives inside of you, you have His power over evil, just like Jesus Christ did. "Christ" means the anointed One. When you are baptized in My Holy Spirit you have My authority to be called "Christian." Without the anointing of My Holy Spirit in people, they are not "Christians" because there is no anointing. When a person is born again but not baptized in My Holy Spirit, therefore without My Anointed Power, often they will seek to have power over people in other ways, politically, religiously, emotionally or intellectually, which is demonic. They have yielded to the lies of false prophets instead of yielding to the wisdom of My Holy Spirit, whom Jesus said would lead you into all Truth. Your Father of Pure Spiritual Power


My Dear Precious Child, After Jesus Christ healed the blind man and told him not to tell anybody what had happened to him, as soon as Jesus left the that area a man was brought to Him who was a dumb demoniac. When Jesus cast out the demon, the man began to speak to the surprise of everyone who was gathered together. They were all amazed. The people began to say that nothing like that had ever been done in Israel. The Pharisees, whose minds had been darkened to the miracles of Jesus, said that Jesus was casting out demons by the power of the prince of demons. The people who were amazed at the miracles were building their houses on rocks and the Pharisees who were lying about the miracles were building their houses on sand. The Pharisees whose houses were built on sand would have no houses when tribulation came after Jesus Christ was crucified. The devil would blow away their possessions with winds, rain and storms, which is what he does, destroy the lives of his children. Jesus toured all the towns and villages around Jerusalem, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the Good News of My Kingdom of God and curing all kinds of diseases and sicknesses. My Good News is always followed by good works in the earth. Jesus was moved by Compassion for the people because they were like a sheep without a Shepherd, being hopeless and dejected. Jesus in His Compassion told His disciples that the harvest was rich but the laborers were few. He told them to ask Me, the Lord of the harvest, to send more laborers into My harvest. It was at this time that I chose the disciples of Jesus Christ. Prior to that time Jesus Christ was My only anointed One who was preaching about My Kingdom of God. I had already asked Matthew to follow Jesus Christ but the need was great so Jesus called Simon Peter, James the son of Zebedee, Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew the tax collector, James the son of Alphaeus, John, Thaddaeous, Simon the zealot, and Judas, the person who was to betray him. Jesus Christ sent those 12 men out into the harvest with instructions. He told them to go to the lost sheep of Israel proclaiming that My Kingdom of God was close at hand. He told them to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers and to cast out demons. He told them not to charge anything for their ministry because they had freely received so they must give freely. He told them not to take any silver coins with them because as workmen, they deserved their keep, meaning that I would prepare places free for them to stay. He said wherever they went that they were to ask for someone honest and stay with that person until time to leave. He told His disciples that they should bless the houses where they stayed, to honor it, and if the house deserves it to speak peace upon the house. If it did not deserve peace, then He said to let their peace come back upon them. Jesus Christ told His disciples that if a house or a town or village did not receive them, listen to them or welcome them, that they were to walk out of the house or town and shake the dust from their feet. He said that on the day of judgment that it would be worse for those towns than for the towns of Sodom and Gomorrah. Then Jesus added to His admonition that they were to be as wise as serpents but harmless as doves, indicating that they needed to be at least as wise as the people who were led by demons but their own attitudes toward people must be to be as gentle as doves, who are not savage birds but are peaceful. With people they were to be as peaceful as Jesus Christ but be just as smart as their spiritual enemies so as to escape their demonic traps. Jesus equipped His disciples with kind but definite instructions. He had told them to do and act just as wise as He had acted with His spiritual enemies during His ministry. Jesus knew that His real enemies were the devil and his demons. Your Father of Wise Admonitions

Friday, February 10, 2023


My Dear Precious Child, Jesus Christ demonstrated to His followers the Truth that I desire that all of humanity experience My healing abilities in My character of being Jehovah Jirah, your Provider. When some people pray for healing they say to Me, "if it be thy will". If they will read about the multiple times and ways that Jesus Christ healed people they will see that I covered all kinds of diseases, accidents and sicknesses in His healing of people. They will see that some afflictions are caused by demons and that the demons need to be cast out of the person in order for the person to be healed. Some are caused by the person having sinned, so those people need to know that I forgive sins and that their sins are forgiven. You need to know that My healing covers everything because all imperfections are from the devil in some form, not just certain things. After the woman who had bled profusely for 12 years was healed by merely touching the fringe of the cloak on Jesus Christ she was told that her faith had made her whole, then Jesus went on to raise a young lady from the dead. After performing those miracles n the earth Jesus went on his way to find another place to teach about My Kingdom of God coming into the earth. While walking down a road, two blind men followed Him shouting at Jesus to take pity on them, and they called Him the Son of David. When they reached the house where Jesus was headed, Jesus Christ asked the blind men if they believed that they would be healed. He asked them if they believed that He could heal them. Both of the men said, "Yes, we do." Jesus touched their eyes and proclaimed that their faith deserved for them to be healed and so it would be done. Their sight was retored. Jesus Christ told them not to tell anyone about their sight being restored, but they couldn't remain silent. They talked about Jesus Christ restoring their sights everywhere. It was too marvelous to remain silent about. (Matthew 9:27-31. Jesus knew that the time was soon approaching when He would be crucified for the sins of the world, per My design. He had multitudes to heal and truths to teach, so He desired to remain on the earth doing My will of healing people as long as possible. When Jesus told the man who desired to join with Him that foxes have holes and birds have nests, but that He had no where to lay His head, He was explaining that even though He did supernatural events that His flesh had no permanent home in the earth in which to rest. Though He could maintain that pace by His anointing of the Holy Spirit, He doubted that any human could keep the same pace. (Luke 9:58) He prayed all night after He had ministered and taught the entire day. He had much to do but limited time in which to do it, so He didn't want His time to heal people to be cut short. Jesus Christ, being My Son, had My compassion and My mercy and My pity for people who had been afflicted by the devil in every way, whether by sinning, yielding to demons, being afflicted by demons in the womb, becoming diseased by unclean habits or other ways. He wanted to heal as many people as possible while He was occupying the earth. It was necessary for humans to observe My Love, Mercy, Compassion and Pity that was resident inside of Jesus Christ, having heard Him say that if you see Him, you have seen Me. (John 14:6-14) Healing the blind men was another orchestrated situation by Me, having established the knowledge that yes, I have the will and the power to heal blind people. His ability to heal was evident and it has remained resident in people who are in need of healing. As Jesus Christ was in the world, so was I also in the world in the Person of Jesus Christ. Your Father of Great Mercy

Thursday, February 9, 2023


My Dear Precious Child, Jesus taught His followers about not putting new wine into old wine skins, meaning that they were not to combine My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit with the old covenant of the Law which became the Law of sin and death by how the Pharisees used it to judge people as they were programmed by the devil to do. That was all part of Jesus Christ's teaching about My Kingdom of God which was to come into the world. As Jesus Christ taught the Truth about wineskins, one of His followers who was an official bowed in front of Him and told Jesus that his daughter had just died but if Jesus would just come and touch her that her life would be restored. Jesus and His disciples immediately followed the man and right behind them a woman came who had hemorrhaged for 12 years. That woman did not stop Jesus and His disciples in their walk to the official's home, but instead she merely touched the fringe of Jesus's Christ's cloak, thinking to herself that if she could touch his garment that she would be well again. Jesus saw her touch His garment and said to her to be courageous because her faith had restored her to health. From that moment the woman was well, confirming that the prophesy that I am the Healer was made evident again in that woman. (Matthew 9:18-22) When Jesus Christ arrived at the home of the official whose daughter was dead and Jesus saw and heard the funeral music being played and the crowd making a commotion He told them to get out of there because the girl was not dead, that she was merely asleep. The people in the crowd laughed at Jesus' pronouncement but they left the place. Jesus went inside the house, took the hand of the little girl and she stood up alive. News spread all around the entire countryside that Jesus Christ, My Son, could raise the dead. (Matthew 9:23-26) Jesus Christ displayed in that miracle that He even had Victorious power over death. Some of the disciples of Jesus had been also given the gift of casting out demons and healing the sick because the demands of the crowds were too many for Jesus to minister to everyone, so My desire to convince humanity that I am the healer, as prophesied by the prophet that I am Jehovah Rapha, God with the Power that Heals, became more and more evident as Jesus Christ demonstrated His healing powers and His power over death. (Luke 9:1; Exodus 15:26; Jeremiah 30:17) Just hearing from the prophets that I desire to heal and restore people to life was not enough to convince people of My power, so I sent My Son Jesus to earth in order to prove that the prophesies of the old covenant prophets were right when they prophesied My true character. When Jesus Christ came to earth with My powers to heal and restore life, then multitudes of people believed and were healed. He demonstrated My power over death and My power to heal. Not only did that revelation open the eyes of people that I am the Healer and the Restorer of Life, but word spread over the entire earth that Jesus Christ was certainly My Son with supernatural power over death and sickness. By demonstrating My power over the works of the devil in the earth, Jesus proved My character trait of Jehovah Nisi, the God of Victory and Deliverance over evil. People were beginning to see that the devil was their enemy, not Me, as it was previously believed by some people that I was both good and evil. (Lamentations 3:1; Isaiah 30:14-15; Psalm 66:11) Instead, they began to believe that I AM Love and the God of Victory over the works of the devil in the earth, as John described the ministry of Jesus Christ as His coming to earth to destroy the works of the devil. (I John 3:8) Word spread about My Kingdom of God coming into the world. Little did people know that they would have supernatural power over the works of the devil in the earth also when My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit began as I came to live inside of people who were born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit. Your Father of Great Mercies

Wednesday, February 8, 2023


BLESSED BY SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE My Dear Precious Child, After Jesus Christ told His followers that He and I want Mercy from My children instead of sacrifices, some of John the Baptist's disciples came to Jesus and asked Him why they and the Pharisees fast and Jesus' disciples don't fast. They expected their own practices and customs to be the same as those of the followers of Jesus. Jesus gave them an analogy before He spoke the Truth to them. The analogy was that a bridegroom's attendants don't mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them, but when the bridegroom is taken away from them, that is when they fast. Then Jesus went on to explain even more simply because John the Baptist's disciples were still confused. He said that no one sews a piece of unshrunken cloth onto an old coat because when the coat is washed the new patch will shrink, pull away from the coat and the tear is worse. The Truth that Jesus Christ was trying to convey to the disciples of John the Baptist was so important for them to know that Jesus Christ gave an even more easily understood example that He thought they could understand. Because wine was such a constant part of their lives, He reminded them that people don't put new wine into old wine skins because if they do then while the wine is fermenting the old wine skins burst, the wine runs out on the ground and the wine skins are lost. He cleared up the Truth that He wanted them to understand, that being that people put new wine into new, fresh wine skins and so both the wine and the wine skins are saved. (Matthew 9:14-17) Jesus was saying that under My old covenant with Moses that fasting was a necessary practice because of the need to refrain from gluttony and other sins of the flesh so that the people would meditate on spiritual matters instead of fleshly matters, hopefully so that they would gain spiritual Truths. So fasting was a way to not only refuse to yield to the demon of gluttony but a way to dedicate oneself to seeking My Kingdom of God, which Jesus was teaching. He was saying that in My Kingdom of God, which was still to come, that fasting is not required or desired because of the presence of My Holy Spirit, who was coming to live inside of them, more readily giving them access to spiritual Truths. At that time it was not necessary for the disciples of Jesus to fast because Jesus, Himself, was with them and He was endued with all of the wisdom of My Holy Spirit. He was ready and able to speak about Truths constantly and He was present with them to teach Truth to the followers of Jesus Christ and to all who would listen. So not only did Jesus demonstrate My righteous character traits to humanity, but He continued to feed Truth to humanity in order to alert them to the presence in the earth of the kingdom of the devil with his many curses distributed by demons, but He also came to earth to also teach people about My Kingdom of God in My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit which was soon to come to live in everyone who seeks Me and My righteousness, making spiritual knowledge more easily accessible. (Matthew 6:33; Jeremiah 31:31-34) Your Father of Vast Spiritual Knowledge

Monday, February 6, 2023


My Dear Precious Child, When Jesus Christ came to earth from heaven He exemplified all My personal characteristics, the same ones that I spoke about through the prophets to Abraham and his descendants. Hearing about My personality from the prophets was not sufficient for human beings to form a truthful image of Me and My character. That's why one of the reasons for My Son Jesus Christ to be manifested in the flesh of humans was so that the human beings would have a really full and true image of Me in their mind of Me as Love. We talked about how Jesus Christ healed the sick in order for His disciples in the earth to know that in sickness, disease and injuries that I am your Healer, how He provided wisdom and knowledge to them as your Provider, how He guided them onto green pastures and around the devil's traps as your Shepherd, how He comforts you in the midst of a storm as your Comforter, that in relating to their enemies I am your Righteousness with the power to return good for evil done to you, how in spiritual battles with demons from hell I am Victorious, and how in times of mental turmoil and confusion that I am your Peace. When My children come to Me in search of Peace for their raging mind, I send My Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Peace, to minister to your mind. Burdens lift immediately as you release the burdens to Me and I assume the burdens for you. You can experience Shalom, a sense of Divine Peace which permeates every cell in your human mind. Peace comes as a result of My children turning your heavy burdens over to Me like Jesus Christ said, by refusing to worry or fear. He spoke at length about your refusing to worry or fear because I know your needs and I will supply them when you come to Me and allow Me to provide the solutions and the Peace that come from being free from burdens instead of being heavily laden with multiple burdens as suppled by the devil's demons who operate in the earth as his distributor of curses. (Matthew 6:25-34) My spiritual characteristics of being your Peace, Shepherd, Provider, Comforter, Victor, Righteousness and Healer all go together to show you that I am Love Itself and your constant help in times of trouble. Because of My Righteousness displayed through Jesus Christ My children in the earth are able to trust Me with your burdens, your illnesses, your worries, your doubts, your fears, your confusion and your battles with evil forces. I displayed in the human flesh of Jesus Christ all of My character traits and through Him My children are able to trust Me and have faith in the power of My Holy Spirit who was able to duplicate My character in Jesus Christ and strives to duplicate My character in you and My other born again and Spirit baptized children in the earth. (I Corinthians 3:16) It is through the ministry of the Holy Spirit in you that I am able to assume all of your burdens and your fears. Trust Me with them and you will experience My Peace that passes human understanding. Your Father of Loving Character Traits

Sunday, February 5, 2023


My Dear Precious Child, We discussed about the fact that I manifested My characteristics through My Son Jesus Christ, displaying to His followers that I am the Healer and the Victorious One over evil. He also showed them that He and I are the Comforter, comforting them in time of turmoil such as when the sea obeyed Him. The disciples were fearful because the winds were bigger than their boat, causing their boat to almost capsize. They woke Jesus and expressed their fears to Him. (Matthew 8:23-27) After He woke He rebuked the winds and the sea calmed, giving comfort to His disciples. I had manifested Myself to the followers of Jesus as Jehovah Shamah, the Comforter, which is one of My characteristics by whom I had already revealed Myself through the prophet (Ezekiel 48:35) It was necessary for Me to demonstrate through Jesus Christ all of My characteristics so that His followers would know that He is My Son and that He and I are One. One of the reasons that I sent Him to earth was to to reveal My true character to people. Another one of My personal characteristics that Jesus revealed in His actions is that of being Jehovah Tsidkenu, the Righteous One, (Jeremiah 33:15-16; Matthew 9:1-8) Only by being Righteousness could I forgive the sins of everyone. Jesus went to Capernaum and some people appeared bringing a man who was paralyzed and lying on a bed. Jesus Christ said to the man that he must have courage because his sins were forgiven. Some of the scribes who knew the Mosaic scriptures accused Jesus in their minds of blaspheming Jesus. Jesus Christ knew that was in their minds and asked the naysayers why they had such wicked thoughts. He asked them which was easier to say, either your sins are forgiven or get up and walk? Jesus Christ told the naysayers that to prove that He had authority to forgive sins that He merely said to the paralyzed man to get up, to pick up his bed and to go on home, upon which the man got up and went home healed of the paralysis. Because Jesus Christ had the mission in the earth to forgive sins it was because of His Righteous character that He was able to forgive the sins of the paralyzed man. In that instance the man's paralysis was caused by some recurring sins that he committed by yielding to temptations of the demons. Jesus Christ knew the cause of the man's paralysis, and so He forgave the man for participating in the demons' sins which caused the affliction. Forgiving his sins meant that Jesus Christ caused the man's sins to be forgiven, or "give forward" by leaving him, which made the man's paralysis also leave, as well as the demon who caused it. Jesus said that in order to show that He had the Righteousness to forgive sins because He is My Son, it was necessary for Him to speak forgiveness in order for the demon to leave the man. (Matthew 9:5) That truth was a monumental truth because it was believed that only I could forgive sins of men. However, Jesus spoke truth when He asked which was easier to say, that the man's sins were forgiven or merely to pick up his bed and go home? Jesus Christ said that in order to demonstrate to those of His followers that He, as My Son, has the power to forgive sins, that he simply said it, that the man's "sins were forgiven," proving that He is My Son with the power to forgive sins. Later when He went to hell, He went to pay the price for the sins of all of the world. Jesus exemplified My nature and characteristic of being Righteous with the power to forgive the sins of people. The demons who tempt people to sin and thus inherit the devil's curses in the earth have their judgment by Me of spending eternity in the lake of fire where they will weep and gnash their teeth but nobody will hear and rescue them. (Matthew 13:36-43) Jesus Christ proved My Righteousness and His Righteousness when He forgave the sins of the man who was paralyzed. As soon as the demon behind the sin left the man, the man was healed because He was forgiven. My children who become born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit also have My power to forgive sins because it is My Holy Spirit in them who exercises that Righteousness. Your Righteous Father Who Forgives Sins of People

Saturday, February 4, 2023


My Dear Precious Child, When My Son Jesus came to earth, He demonstrated to eye witnesses in real time My character that I revealed to the children of Abraham through prophets. One of the prophets prophesied that one of the characteristics of My personality is Jehoval Jirah. For those words to become truth to humanity that part of My nature needed to be demonstrated to the visual senses of humans as healer, so I gave to My Son Jesus the power to heal people when He became baptized in My Holy Spirit. Jesus said that when He healed people that they had seen "The FATHER." That portion of My personality became experienced by My children in the earth as reality. I had already given to My disciples and other followers of Jesus a birds' eye view of My personal character of Jehovah Raah, My being their Shepherd, through Jesus when He taught them the principles of My Kingdom of God such as the truth of how important attitudes are to the life of a person. He taught extensively at the beginning of His ministry on earth by Shepherding My children in the earth in the righteous thoughts to think, attitudes to maintain, words to speak and actions to take. That is what a good Shepherd does is lead the sheep to good pastures and avoid pastures that have poisoned waters. When Jesus Christ cast demons out of people, He was demonstrating My personal characteristics of always becoming victorious in battle, demonstrating My promise of deliverance. He demonstrated the power of My deliverance when He cast a demon out of a person. When He cast many demons out of the demoniacs, He demonstrated My authoritative power over multiple demons at the same time. Not until Jesus became the Christ, being gifted with the power of My Holy Spirit when I spoke from heaven and identified Him as My Son, that was when He was revealed as the Christ. Jesus was not identified as the Christ until He was baptized in My Holy Spirit, Christ meaning the Anointed One. He had already told His followers that to see Him was to see Me, the Father. It was necessary for My created children in the earth to see Me and experience My character in the earth and that was the duty of Jesus Christ to demonstrate My character and personality. You will see through further actions of Jesus Christ how My entire character was demonstrated for the world to see and attest to as eye witnesses because they were seeing the Christ, My Son who was anointed by Me. My Truth makes you free. Your gaining knowledge of how I manifested My character in the world through Jesus Christ to My children is Truth and Truth makes you free because blinders fall off of your spiritual eyes. Your Father of Revealed Truth

Friday, February 3, 2023


My Dear Precious Child, You can only imagine how thrilling it was to hear that My Son had come to earth and was healing people. There were few doctors and most were witch doctors or chemists, and My reputation as being the Healer was not well established in religious circles even though I had revealed Myself as Rapha, the Healer, to the Israelites earlier. In many temples leprosy was said to be My punishment for sinning. Lepers were completely ostracized from civilization. When word began to circulate that My Son Jesus Christ, the Messiah, was in the world healing the sick, diseased and injured, people traveled from near and far to be ministered by Him. After the military officer's servant was healed from a distance by Jesus Christ speaking healing to him, Jesus went to Peter's house where He found Peter's mother-in-law in bed with a fever. Jesus merely touched her hand and the fever left her and she got up and began to wait on Jesus. (Matthew 8:14-15) Jesus Christ ministered many different ways. That evening many people were brought to Him who were possessed by demons. Jesus cast out those demonic spirits with and word and healed all who were sick. The prophesy that said, "He took away our sicknesses and carried our diseases for us," was fulfilled. (Matthew 8:16-17; Isaiah 53:4) When Jesus observed the huge crowds, He gave orders for them to leave for the other side of the lake. One of the scribes of the temple came to Him and told him that he would follow Jesus wherever He went. Jesus told that man that foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head. One of the men in the crowd told Jesus not to go anywhere because the man needed to go bury his father first. Jesus told the man, "Follow Me. Leave the dead to buy the dead." In the short time that He ministered in the earth, Jesus Christ performed many miracles in order to identify Himself as My Son. Jesus went toward a boat and got in it. Immediately a storm broke out over the sea. The waves were so violent that the waves of the sea were breaking right on top of the boat. Jesus was asleep so the disciples went to Him and woke Him up, being fearful that the boat was going down. Jesus asked them why they were being so fearful, they were supposed to be men of faith. Jesus stood up and rebuked the winds. The sea calmed completely. The followers of Jesus wondered what kind of man that Jesus was because they had observed the wind and the sea obey Him. My power was being manifested through My Son and people were astounded. Jesus Christ did not fit the description that the Jews wanted in a king, even though He was said to be My Son. (Matthew 8:23-27) The demons didn't like for Jesus to be doing miracles in their area so when Jesus was in Gadarenes two of the men who were demoniacs came out of their tombs. They were so fierce that no one could pass by them. The men who were possessed by the demons yelled to Jesus asking why He was bothering them, was He there to torture them before their time of judgment? There was a large herd of pigs close by and the demons asked Jesus to cast them into the pigs. Jesus merely told them to, "Go, then." The demons came out of the men and went for the pigs. The whole herd ran over the cliff and all of the pigs died. The caretakers of the pigs went to town where they told the entire story about what happened to the demoniacs. The entire town went to meet Jesus and when they did they asked Him to leave their neighborhood because they feared a man with such power. (Matthew 8:28-34) There were many different reactions to Jesus' performing miracles. In many towns He was welcomed and people took advantage of His power to heal and cast out demons. Some towns didn't want Jesus to do miracles in their towns. He knew not to stay where there was a lack of faith because no one would be healed. Not only did Jesus Christ prove His authority over diseases and sicknesses but He also proved that He had authority over the seas, over demons and over winds. He proved Himself to be My Son which angered the Pharisees in the temples who were waiting for the Messiah to set up a kingdom in their temple in Jerusalem. Jesus did not fit the description that the Jews wanted in a king, even though He was said to be My Son. Your Father of Great Miracles