Thursday, February 16, 2023


My Dear Precious Child, When Jesus Christ began speaking about the mysteries in My Kingdom of God to His disciples, He stopped and thanked Me for hiding the mysteries from the learned and clever people and revealing them to mere children in spiritual matters. He said that that is what pleases Me the most, and that everything that had been hidden had been revealed to Him because I trusted Him to keep them in His heart and only reveal them to the disciples whom I had given to Him. He proclaimed to Me that no one in the earth knew the Father except Him, the Son, and to whom those whom He chose to reveal Himself. (Matthew 11:25-27) After thanking Me for revealing some of the mysteries of My Kingdom to Jesus and to His disciples, Jesus told the crowd who began to gather that if they were heavy burdened that they must come to Him and He would give them rest. He told them to be yoked to Him and to learn from Him, for He is gentle and humble in heart, and they would find rest for their souls. He repeated that, yes, His burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30) In that invitation to His disciples Jesus Christ was speaking of My Holy Spirit as being His yoke because He said that they would learn about Him and Me from His yoke, a yoke being something used to bind two things together. Jesus Christ knew that it was My Holy Spirit in Him to whom He was bound by My yoke because the disciple John wrote in His record of His times with Jesus that Jesus had lectured His disciples at length about My Holy Spirit. Plus Jesus said that My Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth who would lead them into all truth, even taking the things that Jesus had taught them that they could not understand, that My Holy Spirit would explain in clear language to them from the inside of them, those being His revelations of Truth. Jesus had told the disciples that it was when they were yoked to the Holy Spirit that He would lead them into all Truth. Jesus knew that all of humanity was looking for a Savior to come to help them and He knew that He was the only perfect One who could bear their burdens by the power of My Holy Spirit. (John chapters 14, 15 and 16) Jesus had made it plain by His many teachings that He had the power that the people needed to overcome the problems in the world. He even made it apparent to them by His performing many miracles to demonstrate to the people that He is the healer of humanity. He needed to demonstrate to the people that their Mosaic Laws were not their savior. After that teaching Jesus thanked Me for revealing the mysteries of My Kingdom of God to people and then He invited all people to come to Him and find rest for their souls. One sabbath day Jesus took a walk through some cornfields. His disciples were hungry and began to pick ears of corn and they began to eat them. That action on a sabbath day was against the Jewish Law so it inflamed the Pharisees who were following along with the admiring crowd. They called it to the attention of Jesus that His disciples were breaking the Law forbidding laboring on the sabbath. Jesus did not chide His disciples. Instead, He asked the Pharisees if they had not read what David did when he and his followers were hungry, how they went into the temple and ate the loaves of offering which neither he nor his followers were allowed to eat, but which were reserved only for the priests to eat. Jesus also asked the Pharisees had they read in the Law that on the sabbath the temple priests break the sabbath without being blamed for it. Jesus told the Pharisees that something was greater than the temple or the sabbath in that instance. He told them that they needed to understand the meaning of the words, "What I want is mercy, not sacrifice." He told them that if they had understood they would not have condemned the blameless, for the Son of Man is Lord of the sabbath. (Matthew 12:1-8) Not only did Jesus Christ upset the Pharisees by breaking their religious laws, but He also taught His followers that He is merciful by demonstrating His refusal to condemn them. Afterward, He went to their synagogue and encountered a man with a withered hand. The people asked Jesus if it was against the religious law to heal on the sabbath day, hoping to have something to use against Jesus to condemn him to the authorities. Jesus used logic with them, telling them if any of them had a sheep that fell into a hole on the sabbath day, would they not get hold of the sheep and lift it out? He told the people that a man is more important than a sheep, so it is logical that it's permitted to do good on the sabbath day. Jesus Christ told the man with the withered hand to stretch forth his hand. The man stretched forth his hand and it was as normal as the other one. That action on the sabbath day was too much for the Pharisees, for they went out and began to plot against Jesus Christ, discussing how to destroy Him. (Matthew 12:9-11) Even though Jesus Christ spoke truth to them about the sabbath day, amplifying to the Pharisees that people are much more important to Me than the Laws, it was too much for the religious and political leaders, who were the Pharisees, too much for them to agree with. Their Law was more important to them than people. It was necessary for My compassion and mercy to be shown to the religious and political leaders, in order for them to understand the names which I had spoken to them through the prophets, those names being that I AM peaceful, merciful and the healer, Shalom, Rapha and Shammah. Jesus Christ was always demonstrating My revealed character to people, those being the names that I had told the Israelites were revelations of My true being as revealed by Moses when He prophesied that I would make My goodness pass before them in My presence and that I would declare My name as The Lord, that I would be gracious, and that I would show mercy and loving kindness to My children. (Exodus 33:19) I had earlier said that I would always be with people and give them rest. (Exodus 33:14) Jesus mirrored My words to His disciples, the same words that I had spoken through Moses to the Israelites to let them know that I am merciful. Your Heavenly Father, The Lord

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