Wednesday, February 15, 2023


My Dear Precious Child, When Jesus Christ was speaking personal words to His 12 disciples relating to their ministering for Him and for Me, He told them that anyone who welcomed them was welcoming Him, and the people who welcomed the disciples that He was sending was also welcoming Me, who sent Him. He also said that anyone who welcomes a prophet because He is a prophet will have a prophet's reward; plus anyone who welcomes a holy man or woman will have the same reward as the holy person. He also said that anyone who gives a cup of water to someone who is a disciple will surely not lose his or her reward. After He finished His personal instructions to His 12 disciples, He moved on to teach and preach in their towns. John the Baptist was in prison and there he had heard what Jesus' disciples were doing and what Jesus was doing, so John sent his own disciples to ask Jesus if He was the One who was prophesied to come, meaning the Messiah, or did they need to wait for someone else? Jesus answered John's disciples by telling them to go back and tell John what they heard and saw, that the blind people could now see, that the crippled could walk, that lepers were cleansed, the deaf could hear, the dead were raised to life and that the Good News was preached to the poor and that anyone who did not lose faith in Jesus Christ was happy and fulfilled. His wise teachings and His compassionate actions confirmed His ministry as My Son in the earth. As the messengers of John the Baptist left, Jesus began to speak to the other observers who were gathered around in the crowd. He asked them what they expected to see when they went to the wilderness, did they expect to see a reed swaying in the breeze? He answered his own question by saying, "No." He continued to ask them what they expected to see when they went to observe John the Baptist, were they expecting to see a man in fine clothes? He answered his own question again by saying that, "No, people who wear fine clothes are found in palaces." Then Jesus continued talking about John the Baptist when He asked them again what they expected to see when they went to the wilderness, maybe a prophet? Finally Jesus told the listeners that, "Yes, John the Baptist was much more than a prophet, that he was the person who was prophesied as My messenger who was sent before them to announce Jesus's own coming." He told them that of all of the children born of women, a person who is the least in My Kingdom of God is greater than John the Baptist. He was speaking about My children in My Kingdom of God having My Holy Spirit resident inside of them, but John the Baptist died before My new covenant of the Holy Spirit became reality in the world so he was unable to enter into My Kingdom of God while he still lived in the earth. Jesus Christ proclaimed that since John the Baptist came into the earth that My kingdom of God had suffered much violence and that the violent were taking it by storm. In other words, Jesus was telling the people that there were battles going on in the heavens to which human beings were not privy. He said that it was toward John the Baptist that all of the prophesies of the prophets and the prophesies in the Law were pointed, saying that he was Elijah who was to come. Then Jesus shocked the people by saying that if they could believe what He was going to say, let them listen attentively to His words. He said that John the Baptist was Elijah who was prophesied to return to the world, speaking about the close proximity of My Kingdom of God which was still resident in the heavens surrounding the earth but would soon be resident in My children in the earth, as promised by Jesus Christ. Then My Son Jesus quoted a prophet when He said that his description for that generation of people in the earth was like children shouting to each other as they sit in the marketplace saying, "We played the pipes for you and you wouldn't dance; we sang dirges and you wouldn't mourn." Then Jesus said relating to John the Baptist that he came neither eating or drinking and the Jews said he was possessed by demons, but the Son of Man came eating and drinking and they said of him that He was a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of sinners and tax collectors; yet real wisdom had been revealed by his actions. Jesus was calling to the attention of the Jews that the ministry of Jesus Christ of healing the sick and casting demons out of people was proof that He was certainly My Son. He was trying to convince the Jews that even though they were expecting their Messiah, their Savior, to establish his kingdom in Jerusalem in the elaborate temple, that I had sent John the Baptist into the wilderness in crude clothing, only eating food he found in the wilderness, and then He, the Messiah Himself, Jesus came eating and drinking and the Jews rejected Him also, even though His actions proved that He is My Son. He told them that I had done everything possible to show that Jesus Christ was their Messiah, My Son who came in the flesh of men to do My will in the earth, but the Jews refused to believe that He was whom He said that He was, even though His appearance confirmed all of the prophesies and His actions toward the poor, the sick and the demon possessed was what I said He would do. I sent Him into the earth for the poor, not the rich, for the sick, not the well. The righteous did not need My help. Only the people who were and are under the influence of the demons in the earth need My salvation. Jesus was the Perfect One. Your Father of Great Mercies

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