Tuesday, August 31, 2021


My Dear Precious Child, The apostle Paul used a marriage union to explain the Roman Christians, and your, being delivered from religious Law and enjoying freedom from the works of evil by the power of My Holy Spirit. He explained that religious Laws have power over a person until he dies. As a example he said that a married woman is bound to her husband only as long as he lives, but when he dies she is released from being bound to him regarding what the Law says about husbands. While he is alive and she does not commit adultery she is bound to the Laws about marriage. Paul wrote that, in the same way, as long as you were alive in the flesh and dead spiritually, you were subject to religious Laws. But when you died to the flesh and were born of the Holy Spirit, you became dead to religious Laws because you became bound to something greater than religious Laws, My Holy Spirit. When you were alert to the passion in the flesh and subject to the demonic passions from hell, religious Laws pointed out your sin to you and even condemned you. But now that you are alive with My Holy Spirit's power, the same power that raised Jesus from the dead, you are dead to religious laws which were the reason for the devil's guilt in your mind. You are dead to what bound you and you are alive to what gave you a new Life, My Holy Spirit. (Romans 7:1-6) He wrote to the Roman Christians that he was not saying that the law was the same as sin. Yet, it was only through the Law that the demons from the devil became known as the temptation behind all sins. You would not have known not to covet if there was not a law that told you not to covet. So the devil used the Law to rouse in you every temptation and evil desire. Without the Law, sin is dead because there is nothing by which to tempt you to do evil deeds. So when the Law came, sin came to life and you died in the flesh by yielding to the temptations of the devil. My commandments in the Law were used by the devil as a legal reason to condemn you of being a worthless sinner and then to kill you with the guilt. However, the Law and its commandments are holy, just and good. (Romans 7:7-12) It's how the devil uses the Laws to make you guilty and to condemn you that are evil. Did the Law become death for you? No. The devil, in order for his temptations to become sin, used what was good, that being the Law, to bring about your spiritual death by misusing the commandments and condemning you with them. You know that the Law is spiritual, whereas your flesh is weak, being sold by the devil into bondage to sin and death. Instead of doing only what you know that you need to do, you do what the demons through temptations compel you to do. Paul said, "I do what I hate." That indicates that it is not you who do the evil deeds, but instead it is the devil and his demons who do the dastardly deeds through you. When you do what you don't want to do, that is an indication that it is not you but the devil, or sin, who resides in you. No good thing dwells in your flesh, The desire to do right is there, but unless you are baptized in the Holy Spirit, the power is not there to do good. That means that if you always do what you don't want to do, a law that leads to wrong-doing is always ready in your flesh. Your inner self, your spirit where My Holy Spirit dwells, is at war with your flesh and your flesh is at war with My Spirit who lives in your flesh. (Romans 7:13-23) Paul wrote that he was a wretched man because of the war between the demons in the flesh and the Holy Spirit in his spirit. He asked who could free him from his body which was under the power of death. He answered himself by proclaiming that, Praise God, as he wrote, with the flesh he often served the devil but with His Spirit he served Me.(Romans 7:24-25) At that time Paul was conflicted in his war against the devil in his flesh. When he conquered the condemnation from the devil, My Spirit of Life took over his flesh as well as his spirit. Learn from Paul about the war between the flesh and the Spirit. Choose the Holy Spirit's and you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh that are sent as temptations from the devil to kill you. Your Father of Spiritual Power

Monday, August 30, 2021


My Dear Precious Child, After Paul wrote trut to the Roman Christians that where the devil's sins abound, My grace does much more abound, He asked them if they believed that they should continue in sin so that My grace will be more apparent? He answered his own question by writing, "Certainly not!" He asked them, "How can you, who died to the devil's temptations, go on living by obeying them?" In order to explain that, he asked them, and I ask you, if you are aware that when you were baptized in the Holy Spirit that you were baptized into Christ's death, and through being baptized into His death you were buried with Him through being, in His likeness, baptized into death, and so are you also like Him baptized unto His resurrection? (Romans 6:1-5) In other words, when you were born of His Holy Spirit you became as He is in the world, so it is the life of the Holy Spirit in you who has already experienced death on the cross, traveled to hell where you in Christ wrestled away from the devil the authority to the earth, you were resurrected back to earth by the power of My Holy Spirit, you were sent the power to cause you and Jesus Christ to ascend into heaven. He is the same power that was poured out upon people on the day of Pentecost when they, and you, became born of My Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit. You were in Christ by the person of the Holy Spirit when you became a new person in Christ Jesus. (II Corinthians 5:17) You were united with Jesus Christ in His death and also in His resurrection, experiencing the same things that He experienced. You must know this, that your old body was crucified with Him so that your old sinful body of flesh might no longer be a slave to the devil's temptation to sin. So if you died with HIm, then you must believe that you can also live by the same power that was in Him, the Holy Spirit. If you died with Him, you must now live by His presence in your life in the person of the Holy Spirit. A dead man is free from the devil's temptations. So we know that Christ will never die again because He was already raised from the dead, so death no longer has power over Him. He died to sin, that being the devil's temptations and works. Since you are dead to sin, you are completely alive to Me and My kingdom of God. (Romans 6:6-11) Therefore, since you are dead spiritually to the devil's temptations, which is sin, you must not allow sin to rule your body and make you obey its many lusts; no more will you yield the members of your own body to obey the lusts of your body to be weapons for evil. Instead, offer your body to Me to be a weapon for the salvation of the world as a person who has come back from death to life and your body as a weapon for Me for salvation of the earth. Sin no longer should have control over you; you are now under the grace and guidance of My Holy Spirit not under religious Law which condemns you and brings death. (Romans 6:12-14) So since you are no longer under Law but under My favor it doesn't mean that you are free to sin. Of course not. Realize that you are a slave to whatever you yield that is of the devil's demons, you are a slave to sin when you yield to sinful temptations. Thanks be to God, even though you were once a salve to sin, you are now a slave to righteousness which was taught to you by My Holy Spirit and by the Jesus Christ. Having become free from sin's slavery, you are now a slave of My salvation and righteousness for the world. Just like once you were a slave to impurities and degradation, you must make your body a slave of your sanctification, meaning your salvation. (Romans 6:15-23) What benefit did you enjoy when you were a slave to sin? Only things you were ashamed of and all of them led to death. Now that you are dead to sin and alive to Me through the voice of My Holy Spirit speaking in you, you are inheritors of all of My blessings and rewards of eternal life. The wages of sin are death; but My gift to you is eternal life in Christ Jesus your Lord. There is no real choice for you between them. One is death and one is Life. Choose Life and live a blessed existence in the earth. Your Father of Benefits and Rewards

Sunday, August 29, 2021


My Dear Precious Child, The apostle Paul, in his letter to the Christians at Rome, reiterated that he had evangelized many areas and then he had gone on to evangelize other Gentile areas, trusting that his teaching to his associates Apollos, Timothy and Titus had been passed on to the converts in Rome. Just in case they hadn't, Paul went into long detail in his letter to them about the ministry of Jesus Christ in whom they had believed and been baptized in the Holy Spirit. He went all the way back to Adam and how Adam had allowed the devil and his demons from hell to enter into the earth and curse the entire earth and all generations of people with demonic DNA actions of their flesh. Paul explained it by saying that it was through one man, Adam, that sin entered into the world and with sin death also entered, death coming to all people because all people sinned by obeying the devil. He wrote that that was before the Law of Moses was given. So even though the devil and his sin was in the world, sin was not counted against people because they had no knowledge of sin until the Law identified the actions of sin that people did. Paul wrote that from Adam to Moses sin, meaning the devil's actions, ruled the earth and still does except in the lives of My children who have partaken of the Spirit of Life which came from Jesus Christ. (Romans 5:12-14) Paul had told the Corinthian Christians that the devil is the god of this world. (II Corinthians 4:4) To My children who are born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is Lord of their world if they are led by Him. (II Corinthians 3:17) My gift of life is not like the offenses of the devil which are called sins. Even though through one man, Adam, sin and offenses entered into the world and all people eventually died as a result, how much more did My grace and the gracious gift of Jesus Christ cover the earth for all who choose to believe. My gift of salvation from the evil of the devil is entirely different than the sin that was committed by Adam which allowed the devil to have all authority in the earth. In the first case, the sentence of condemnation and death followed that one offense of Adam of believing the devil which allowed him to have authority in the earth; but in the second case of Jesus Christ it was through Him that My gift of Life came into the earth after many, many, many offenses or sins by people; the result which was forgiveness and everlasting Life for all who believe in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Since death came into the earth through one man, Adam, because of his sin, how much more do those people who receive My overflowing grace and gift of righteousness live and reign in the earth through one man, Jesus Christ. (Romans 5:16-17) In simple terms, just as a single sin brought condemnation and death to all people, the single righteous act of Jesus Christ of dying for the sins of the world brought to all men salvation from the devil's works of evil and brought My righteous life to live inside of them. Or in even more simple terms, just as through one man's disobedience to My instructions (Adam) all people became sinners, so through one Man's obedience to My instructions (Jesus Christ) all people shall become righteous. (Romans 5:18-19) Paul also explained the reason for Mosaic Law. He said that the Laws called attention to the fact that there are demonic actions which tempt people in the earth to sin but, despite the devil's sin being alive in the earth, My favor and grace surpass all the power of the devil which is called sin; so that, as sin reigned through death, grace reigns by way of My salvation by empowering people to have eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 5:20-21) Paul repeated it by saying that where sin abounds by causing death in the earth, My love and favor does much more abound by bringing My Life into the earth. In those phrases by Paul, he explained the entire story of My salvation from the works of the devil in the earth. In your terms it might be said that Adam let a murderer into the earth who killed all mankind, but Jesus Christ came into the earth to resurrect the dead and breathe Life into them. Jesus said that the devil was a murderer from the beginning and He accused the political Pharisees of being children of the devil because of their actions toward Jesus Christ. (John 8:44) That accusation continues into your days on earth. The devil brings death but Christ brings Life. Heed these words from Paul. They mirror the Words through Jesus Christ. Your Life Giving Father

Saturday, August 28, 2021


My Dear Precious Child, In Paul's letter to the Roman Christians he stressed the importance of their realizing that they were at peace with Me because of their having the faith of believing My words and the words of Jesus Christ which caused them to be born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit. It was through His sacrifice on the cross and His going to hell for their sins, then being resurrected from the dead, and their belief in those phenomenons that had caused them to become immersed in My grace and favor, the hope for which they could only boast in My plan for salvation of the earth. Paul wrote that not only do they boast in My works for them but the believers also boasted in their afflictions because their afflictions increased their endurance, their endurance increased their virtue and their virtue increased their hope; even in their afflictions at the hands of the unbelieving Jews and also the believing Jews who wanted them to return to having faith in the Law to save them instead of their having faith in Me. (Romans 5:1-4) His assurance was that the hope in them would not disappoint them because My love for them had been poured out in them by the Holy Spirit who had been given to them to live inside of them and become their umbilical cord connecting with Me. Paul impressed upon them that it was not when they were perfected by obeying every Mosaic Law that Christ died for them, because there was no justification under Law; instead it was while they were still sinners that Jesus Christ died for them. (Romans 5:5-6) Paul said in his letter that it was rare for any man to die for the sins of another man and it's barely possible for someone to have the courage to die for a good man. So it was by the crucifixion and death of My Son, Jesus Christ, that I proved My love for people; that while they were still sinners that Christ died for all of humanity. Therefore, he wrote, now that they had been declared righteous by the blood of Jesus Christ, it was more than ever certain that they would all be saved from My wrath that I pour out upon the devil and his demons. To put it even more emphatic, Paul wrote that it was while people had made themselves My enemies by binding themselves to the devil and his works, it was then while they were still sinners that I reconciled them to Me by sending into them the same life that was in Christ, which is My Holy Spirit. Not only that, Paul wrote that believers can now make Me their only reason to boast because of My perfect plan for the Lord Jesus Christ, through whom they had gained their reconciliation and fellowship with Me. (Romans 5:7-11) How wonderful it is that My plan for the salvation of the world did not involve the will of people but instead it involved the will of Jesus Christ who chose to come to earth, minister My love and power to people, then He was crucified even though he did not sin, He then went to hell where he took away from the devil the spiritual authority to the world and also paid for the sins of all of humanity, and then he was catapulted out of hell by the power of My Holy Spirit. Then He walked the earth and told His believers to wait for My power of the Holy Spirit to come to live in them and surround them. He ascended to heaven, sat down with Me in heaven and He sent the same power that catapulted Him out of hell into the earth to live inside of My children, through whom I speak My words of salvation in intercessory prayers to send the demons out of the earth and into the lake of fire which I created for their demise. That phenomenon cost humanity nothing except the sins that ruled their lives from the beginning of their birth in the earth. When they choose to accept My life into them by being born of My Holy Spirit, they return to having the same one-on-one relationship with Me that Adam had at the beginning before he listened to the devil and made him lord of the earth. When a person, Jew or Gentile, chooses to unite with Me, he or she has the same relationship with Me that Jesus and I have, the one for which He prayed, that WE would be One just like He and I are One. What a joyous occasion when My plan comes to fruition in the life of even one person. That person becomes super-natural, with My power to execute My judgment upon all of the demons from hell who pollute the earth and pollute people with the devil's evil. Salvation came to earth when Jesus Christ came to earth and the salvation of the earth continues through the ministry of My Holy Spirit in the earth now in Spirit born and Spirit baptized people who are led by My Spirit and pray in My language of My Holy Spirit. Paul wrote later that if you are led by the Holy Spirit plus pray in My Holy Spirit that all things will work together for your good. (Romans 8) Don't forget that formula: Be led by My Holy Spirit + pray in My Holy Spirit = all things working together for your good. Your Father of Excellent and Workable Plans

Friday, August 27, 2021


My Dear Precious Child, After Paul wrote to the Romans in his letter about the difference between the law and faith, he reminded them about Abraham whom the Jews considered the father of faith. When I told Abraham that he would be the father of many nations, he was happy and joyful because in fleshly possibilities the chances were zero. However, Abraham believed Me and because he believed Me, he bound himself to Me and My blessings. His believing Me put him in the column of crediting him as being righteous, paid up, his heavenly account paid in full, all because he believed My promise to him. So having faith does not mean that a person has done anything to deserve My blessings. It just means that that person has believed Me and the power of faith has placed him or her in the "paid in full" column of the Book of Life, in the position to receive all of My blessings. (Romans 4:1-6) Faith is the power of spiritually believing without any doubt. Faith does not depend upon any person working toward receiving My promises. It only depends upon the person having faith that I will do what I said. Abraham did not have faith because of his doing any deeds. If so, he could have boasted. But when a person does nothing but believes in Him who justifies the sinful, his faith is credited to his account as "paid in full", meaning that he is rightous. The prophet and King David said, "Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, whose sins are covered up. Blessed are they whom the Lord imputes no guilt." (Psalm 32:1; Romans 4:6-8) Paul asked a question in his letter to the Roman believers of does this blessedness apply only to the circumcised or to the uncircumcised as well, since we say that Abraham's faith was credited to him as justice? What were the circumstances in which it was credited? Was it after he was circumcised or before? It was before. In fact, he received the seal of circumcision attesting to the justification that he received through faith while he was uncircumcised. So, he was the father of all of those who are uncircumcised but who believe me, so that for them, too, faith might be credited to them as righteousness as well as the father of the uncircumcised who are not merely so but who follow the path of faith which Abraham walked while still uncircumcised. (Romans 4:9-12) The promise made to Abraham and his descendants that they would inherit the world did not depend upon the law; it was made relating to faith. In fact, Paul wrote that the law serves to bring down wrath, for where there is no law there is no transgression. Therefore, to those people everything is grace. That promise is true for all of Abraham's descendants, not only those who have the law but for those people who had his faith but no law. Scripture says, "I have made you the father of many nations." Yes, he is our father to all who believe, the God who restores the dead to life and calls into being those things which had not ever been. (Romans 4:13-17) Hoping against hope, Abraham believed and so he became the father of many nations as it was told him that his descendants would be numerous. He never questioned or doubted Me; yet he was strengthened even though he often thought of the weakness of his own body and the dead womb of Sarah. He was persuaded that what I promised I would do. Therefore, his faith was credited to him in the Book of Life as being righteous.(Romans 4:18-22) Those words of "being credited" to him were not written relating to him alone because they were meant for you, too. Your faith in Jesus Christ are credited to you also if you have believed in Me who raised Jesus from the dead for your sins and raised Him up for your justification as being righteous. It is free. It costs you nothing but your believing that He died for your sins and was raised to life so that you are also raised to life when you believe in Him.(Romans 4:23-25) It may seem unjust to you that Jesus Christ suffered so that you do not have to suffer going to hell for your sins. I am God and that was My way to cause you and My other children to be able to become credited with My righteousness. In My eyes it's a glorious exchange. Let it be so in your own eyes. Your Father of Mercy and Forgiveness

Thursday, August 26, 2021


BLESSINGS IN BEING NONJUDGMENTAL My Dear Precious Child, After Paul wrote to the Romans the truth about the evil that is in the world and the source of it being the devil, he also wrote that everyone who judges someone is guilty of judging of a sin; and that the person is, in reality, judging himself because of the spiritual law of seed sowing. Anyone who judges another person will receive back upon himself or herself the same degree of judgment with which he or she judges another person. (Romans 2:1-2; Matthew 7:1-2) When you are tempted to judge someone, you are being tempted by a judging demon who tempts you so that you will judge someone and the judging demon is then authorized by you to judge you by exacting upon you the devil's curses, too. Evil forces take advantage of the spiritual law of sowing and reaping to exact their judgment upon people. So Paul was correct in his warning about judging other people, mirroring what Jesus Christ taught to his disciples who then became the apostles. In his explanation to the Romans, Paul wrote about My plans from the foundation of the earth for My eventual judgment of the devil and his demons which finally began on the day of Pentecost and proceeded forward when My children who are born of My Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit allow My Spirit to pray in His spiritual language, which allows Me through the authority of the Holy Spirit's language spoken through the mouths of My children to execute judgment upon the alien demons who gained authority to the earth from Adam and Eve. However, My judgment is for the demons themselves for harassing, tempting, deceiving and dominating My children in order for the demons to manipulate My children to do the devil's evil deeds in the earth. Since the beginning of the earth, I have been waiting for a generation of My children who have the authoritative power of My Holy Spirit living inside of them to cause them to speak My words of authority to the demons which will send the demons from the earth into the abyss of the fiery furnace which I prepared for them after Adam was deceived into allowing the devil and his demons to corrupt the earth that I gave to Adam and Eve. (Romans 2:3-8; Matthew 13:36-43) I was patient to wait until the appointed time when some of My children in the earth became filled with My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit so that they could speak My definite words of authority to the demons to exit the earth and enter into the fiery furnace for their judgment from Me, their being escorted there by My angels. As far as people are concerned, My kindness is always waiting for people to repent and follow My voice in their thoughts instead of following the devil's temptations which cause them to curse themselves and their earth. For the unrepentant people, by osmosis of their being bound to the devil and his commands, they inherit the judgment that I send upon the devil and his demons. It grieves Me that even one person is lost. The mystery is that when a person is bound to hearing My words and following them, that person inherits My wonderful blessings in his or her life on earth. When a person is bound to the devil by listening to his words of temptation and obeys them, that person not only directly inherits not only the curses of the devil but he or she also inherits My judgment that I command for the devil and his demons simply by the person's osmosis of their being bound in agreement with the devil by following his temptations. It's certainly not by My will that anyone be judged and cursed because My will is that everyone comes to a knowledge of the truth.(I Timothy 2:1) All of My wrath, anger and judgment is reserved for the devil and his demons because of their having cursed My children and their earth that I created as a paradise for them. (Romans 2:9-11) Sinners who do not have religious laws perish without knowledge of it, but sinners who perish with knowledge of the law are judged in relationship to the laws. It's not those people who merely hear religious law who are just, but it's those people who do what the laws require that are just in My eyes. When Gentiles, who have no religious law, do by instinct what the law requires, those people serve as the law unto themselves, showing that the laws are written on their hearts. Their conscience bears witness to what the law says, so their thoughts will either accuse them or defend them, according to their actions when either the devil's judgment comes upon them or when My forgiveness covers over every act of sin, forgiving the sinner. (Romans 2:14-16) Paul, in his letter to the Romans, explained the principle of blessings or curses by telling them to imagine that you are a man who is a Jew who lives firmly by Mosaic Law and you pride yourself on the Law, and you make choices according to the Law and you feel certain that you can make decisions to help guide the religiously blind people and enlighten the darkness in them, that you can discipline the foolish people and teach the simple people, and you feel that, because of the Law, that you have the upper hand in truth and knowledge. Now, are you a failure in teaching yourself when in reality you preach against stealing but in reality you steal? Do you forbid adultery but you commit religious adultery? Do you hate worshiping idols but you make idols of things? You dishonor Me by breaking the Laws that I gave as guidance in order to teach you, as a Jew under Mosaic Law, how to avoid the evil that is in the world. Scripture says that you dishonor Me and make My name contemptuous among unbelieving pagans by your breaking My laws of guidance. (Romans 2: 17-24; Isaiah 52:5) Then Paul in his writing attacked the situation that was really going on in the Roman church. He mentioned circumcision, saying that if you are under Jewish Mosaic Law that circumcision is of a benefit, but if you break the law you might as well be uncircumcised. So if an uncircumcised person keeps the Law, then he will be considered circumcised. If the man who is uncircumcised keeps the Law, then he will judge the circumcised who have many, many written laws but who break it. Paul wrote that it's not physical appearances that make a person a Jew. He wrote that it's not a sign of the cut of circumcision in the flesh that makes a man a Jew, but it's the circumcision of the heart where his life source is the Holy Spirit, not the letter of the Mosaic Law. Such a person who experiences the circumcision of his heart by My Holy Spirit receives his or her praises from Me and not from people. (Romans 2:25-29) In his letter to the people in the church at Rome Paul endeavored to teach them about the evil place that the devil and his demons play in the earth, the place that My children play in the earth and the judgment that comes upon the devil and his demons by My children of promise, which some of the Romans had become. He was definite in his endeavors to contrast the old covenant of Religious Law and My new covenant of grace of the Holy Spirit. Your Father of Divine Mysteries

Wednesday, August 25, 2021


My Dear Precious Child, Not long after Paul wrote his second letter to the Corinthians he went to visit with them and stayed for a while. It was while he was there that it is believed he wrote his letter to the Roman Christians, even though it was never apparent that he had evangelized them in the past. In the beginning of his letter to the Roman Christians Paul assured them that he had been called by Me to be an apostle of the gospel of Jesus Christ, called by Jesus Christ personally. First in the letter he had to establish his belief in the ministry of Christ who was a descendant of David in the flesh and made My Son in power by the Spirit of Holiness and then by His resurrection from the dead by the power of My Holy Spirit, His being My Son the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul claimed his true apostleship from Me so that he and the other apostles could spread the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and bring to obedient faith the Gentile unbelievers to whom he wrote would be the recipients of the letter that he was writing. (Romans 1:1-6) First of all in the letter Paul wrote that he gave thanks to Me through Jesus Christ for all of the Christians in Rome because their faith was celebrated throughout the world. He mentioned that the God that he worshiped in the Spirit by preaching the gospel of My Son would bear witness to the fact that he mentioned the Roman Christians in his prayers, praying that somehow he would be able to visit with them. He longed to see them and share some of the gifts that he had received from Me, gifts of wisdom and knowledge that would strengthen them. He also wanted to experience the encouragement that he received from them when he shared their faith. He assured the Christians in Rome that he had wanted to visit with them on many occasions but was delayed. He wanted to do some worthwhile work among them, the same ones that he had done with other Gentiles. Paul professed that he was under obligation to the Jews and to the non-Jews alike to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to them. (Romans 1:7-17) It was in Paul's letter to the Romans that he wrote the most clear definition in his writing of the gospel of Christ when he wrote that he WAS NOT ASHAMED OF THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST, explaining that IT IS MY POWER THAT BRINGS VICTORY OVER THE WORKS OF THE DEVIL IN THE EARTH TO EVERYONE WHO BELIEVES IN ITS SALVATION, TO JEWS AND GENTILES ALIKE. Paul went on to write that in the Gospel is revealed My justice over evil which begins with faith and ends with faith, in which he quoted from his Hebrew 10:38 and Galatian 3:11 letters. (Romans 1:16-17) Paul revealed the truth that My wrath is only against the irreligious spirits who motivate men and hinder My truth in them. He said that, in fact, whatever can be known about Me to people is clear to them because I made it so. In fact, he wrote that from the beginning of the world My eternal power and divinity had become visible through the things that I made in the world. Therefore, he explained, people are inexcusable because they certainly had some knowledge of Me, yet they did not glorify Me as their God and give Me thanks. Instead, their thankless hearts were darkened by evil. Even though they claimed to be wise, they turned into fools instead. They exchanged My immortal glory for images representing mortal man, birds, beasts and snakes. Consequently, I had to give them over to the choices they had made, which were their lusts in the unclean actions as they had enaged in the mutual degredation of their own bodies. They exchanged My truth for a lie and worshiped and served created things instead of Me, the Creator.(Romans 1:18-21) That was Paul skillfully writing about the fall from grace of people when the devil obtained control of the minds of people. The people had chosen to worship fake gods instead of worshiping Me, their Creator. Because they had made the choice of worshiping false gods, I had to take My presence away from their sinful works because Light cannot tolerate darkness. Women exchanged natural intercourse for unnatural and men gave up intercourse with women and burned with lust for other men. Men did shameful things with other men and thus received in their bodies the devil's penalty for the perverseness. Because they did not acknowledge Me or choose to worship Me, I was forced to give them up to the devil's perverseness, such as every kind of wickedness, malicious behavior, greed, ill will, murder, bickering, deceit, evil craftiness, gossip, haughtiness, boasting, insolence, rebellion toward their parents and inventive in their wrongdoing. Other people see in them people without conscience, without loyalty, without genuine affection and without pity. He wrote that even though they know that such evil behavior brings death, they not only do them but they approve the same evil actions in others. (Romans 1:24-32) Paul's rendition of the downfall of people from My grace through Adam and Eve was accurate in his description, but then he was also accurate in his description of My grace entering into the world through the Lord Jesus Christ who died for those sins so that they are forgiven forever. First he wrote about the devil's motivations in the world and then he wrote about My grace in sending My Son Jesus Christ to die for those sins and redeem people from the devil's consequences for their yielding to his temptations. Jesus Christ, who never sinned, was crucified in place of all people who continually yield to sin. He was resurrected from death and hell, ascended into My heaven and sent His power source, My Holy Spirit, to live inside of people who accept Him as Savior, giving those people power and authority over the principalities and powers of hell, those being the devil's demons. That is the Truth of the Gospel, the Holy Spirit living in My children and being My power over evil that's in their world. Your Understanding and Forgiving Father

Tuesday, August 24, 2021


BLESSINGS IN CHASTENING My Dear Precious Child, In Paul's first letter to the Corinthians which are recorded in My History and Instruction Book called the Bible he chastened the believers there in many, many areas because while he was in Ephesus ministering there he got word that the believers in Corinth were not only returning to pagan practices of sexual sins but they were quarreling among themselves about doctrine. He wrote to them in his first recorded letter and chastened them for allowing sins to remain in the body of Christ without any kind of censorship. Paul chastened the Christians in Corinth for being spiritual babies, still drinking milk but refusing to seek the meat that would cause them to grow into the image of Christ. They were eating food sacrificed to idols, which some of them had also returned to worshiping. He chastening them by asking them if they had begun their walk in the Gospel by means of the Spirit or of the flesh, which was what many of them had adopted into their lives along with the gospel of Jesus Christ. He advised them in the first letter that when they ate food sacrificed to idols that they were eating food sacrificed to demons. Some of the Christians in Corinth were suing other members of the church in pagan court, for which Paul chastised them sternly because of their lack of trust in their own fellow members of the church to be able to mediate between them. Some of the members of the church were questioning Paul's being an apostle because he didn't walk in the flesh with Jesus Christ like other apostles had. Also some of the sins that Paul called to their attention in his letter related to their eating the Lord's Supper where they were supposed to allow the poor to eat first. Instead they crowded to the front of the line and the poor were left with nothing. Another area of concern to Paul was in the ministry of the Holy Spirit of speaking in tongues. The members were using them in a disorderly and ridiculous way, only speaking in tongues during the entire meetings instead of yielding to other gifts of the Holy Spirit. Paul wrote to them advice for orderly use of My gifts of the Holy Spirit which brought praises to Me instead of ridicule. In his first letter to the Corinthians Paul also lectured them on things like marriage, the attitudes of the unmarried toward marriage and other matters, acting like a father guiding his children. Paul considered himself their spiritual father and he was embarrassed to hear of their immature, sinful practices in worship and in their lives in the community. In that first letter he gave to the Corinthian Christians both My wisdom and his own wisdom, hoping that both corrections would be put to work in their lives so that My name would be glorified in them. Also in his corrections he lectured them about the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the coming resurrection of themselves, because some of them had adopted the teachings of the Saduccees who did not believe in the resurrection. The resurrection of Christ was the basis of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Some people had departed from the truth and had yielded to the false teaching of false prophets who were sent to them from the Jewish/Christian churches in Jerusalem. In Paul's second letter to the church at Corinth, he wrote to them about his physical and mental suffering on their account and on My account as a testimony of his being a real prophet, which was still being contested in many churches and also at Corinth. Many things had caused an estrangement between the church and Paul, as attested to in his first letter to them. However, Paul had received word through Titus that the Corinthians had taken his first letter to heart and had corrected most of the sins for which he had chastised them in that first letter of correction. He wrote in the second letter his forgiveness for the person whose sexual sin was being tolerated until Paul wrote about it in his first letter and the necessity of his chastisements in the first letter. He included an apology for his being so stern in his corrections in the first letter, but when he was with them he was mellow. In the second letter, the ministry of the Holy Spirit as being Lord in the earth was stressed to the Corinthians in an effort to stress to them the importance of allowing the Holy Spirit to complete the work in them of molding them into Christ by the renewing of their minds. The old question of his being a true apostle was worrisome to Paul, which was still reflected in his second letter to the Corinthians by his insistance of his being ever much an apostle, and maybe even more than an apostle than the ones in Jerusalem who were dedicated to converting the Jews to being in My kingdom of God. Paul's calling to the ministry to the Gentiles was never less of a calling than the apostles in Jerusalem, and in some ways it was a more necessary calling so that My gospel would be preached to the whole world, which is confirmed in Jesus' teachings in John 3:16-17. Many old covenant prophets had prophesied about My favor being on the Gentiles as well as the Jews when My kingdom came to earth as it is in My heaven which happened on the day of the feast of Pentecost. (Acts 1:1-8; Acts 2:1-41; Acts 9:1-30; Acts 13:44-52) Paul's letters to the Corinthians contain words of correction that have been applicable to all people through the age of the covenant of the Holy Spirit and are still applicable in your life because the devil never ceases to continue to tempt My children to depart from the gospel of Jesus Christ, which brings life, and return to Jewish law, which brings death. Pay heed to the voice of the Holy Spirit and reject the temptation of the devil to yield to false prophets who seek to corrupt My children so that My children will not inherit My blessings while they live on earth. Your Father of Valuable Chastisement

Monday, August 23, 2021


BLESSED IN OBSERVING SPIRITUAL WARNINGS My Dear Precious Child, In Paul's warnings in his letters to the people in the church at Corinth in his second recorded letter he became very specific and bold in his warnings. He reminded them that when he came to visit them that it would be the third time. He used a judicial truth to confirm the need for his third visit. He wrote that it was a judicial fact that with a second or third witness speaking the same testimony that a matter is established as being true. He used that truth as a basis of proving that in his second visit with them he stressed that there were people who had sinned openly and refused to repent, and he wrote that when he came the third time that he might not spare any words in his correction of them. In the letter He reminded them that some of them had accused Paul of being firm in his letters but weak in his personal words to them. He assured them in the second recorded letter that if they were looking for some strength of firm guidance from him that he would speak as proof that Christ could speak through him. He affirmed that Christ was not weak in dealing with them but is always, in person, powerful in them. Paul admitted that Jesus Christ was weak in his yielding to the cross but he was raised from the dead by My power. He told the Corinthian church members that, just like Christ was weak by yielding to the cross, that he and the other ministers were often weak in Christ on occasion but that they lived by My Power inside of them, that being the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead. (Romans 8:11; II Corinthians 13:1-4) In the second letter Paul told the members of the church at Corinth that they must test themselves to see if they were living by the power of faith or still living a life of fleshly passions. He challenged them to examine themselves. In fact, he told them that they might not fully realize that Christ Jesus lived personally in them, unless they had failed the profession of their faith which was to live by faith. He wrote that he hoped they understood that neither he nor his fellow ministers had failed them. He told them that he prayed that they would do no evil, not just so that they would appear to be approved when he arrived at Corinth but merely for the purpose of their doing good. He claimed that he and his fellow ministers would never do anything against the Truth, only doing things for the sake of the Truth. He wrote that he and his helpers rejoiced when they, themselves, were weak and when they were strong and that their prayers were for the completion of the Corinthians until they walked completely in faith as spiritually mature people. (II Corinthians 13:5-8) In conclusion, Paul wrote in his second recorded letter that he wrote in a stern way so that when he was with them he would not have to exercise with severity the authority that I had given to him, reminding them that he had My power to build up rather than destroy. As a final command he challenged them to live in harmony and peace so that I, the God of peace, would be with them in their endeavors. He even instructed them to greet each other with a holy kiss. Paul sent to the Corinthian church the love of his fellow ministers. As a final blessing, Paul prayed that the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God and the fellowship of My Holy Spirit would be with all of them.(II Correction 13:9-13) It was with stern corrections, stern warnings and a stern challenge to always walk in faith that Paul wrote so much in his second letter of explanation, apology and guidance to the fellow Christians at Corinth. He was speaking for Me in spurring them on towards compete repentance, also the determination to walk in the guidance of the Holy Spirit and to crucify the dictates of the flesh. That's the only way to win over the devil's temptations and curses in your life. Your Father of Great Mercy and Kind Correction

Sunday, August 22, 2021


My Dear Precious Child, In Paul's seemingly sarcastic apology in his second recorded letter to the people in the church at Corinth relating to his loving relationship with them, he mentioned the fact that he never accepted money from them for his evangelistic support. He asked them to tell him if there was any injustice in his never asking them for money. His insecurities about his being looked down upon by the other apostles came from the apostles' concern that he never walked and talked personally in human flesh with Jesus, like they had. However, he had enumerated to the Christians at Corinth the many times that he had received revelations from Me that were equal to his having walked in the flesh with Jesus Christ as the two to three years that the other apostles claimed to have done. Paul had spent two to three years in the desert with only My Holy Spirit to teach him, His being the same Spirit of Revelation who spoke through Jesus to His disciples before He was crucified and resurrected. But, still, the accusations from the other apostles occasionally became a burden to Paul. Near the end of his second recorded letter to the Corinthians, Paul told them that he was going to visit them a third time and that he was still not going to become a burden to them because he did not want their money. He wrote that the only thing that he wanted was themselves and their love. He reasoned with them that children do not save up in order to help their parents, but parents save up in order to help their children. In other words, Paul was saying that he, as their spiritual earthly father, was to help them financially instead of his depending upon them for funds. He said that he would gladly spend his money on them. Even in the area of loving them, he reasoned that if he loved them too much that he would not be loved by them any less. He reminded them that he never depended upon them for funds but instead depended upon other groups of Christians. He called that move on his part as "being crafty" by "a little guile." He asked in his second letter if he ever took advantage of them through any of the men he had sent to him? He mentioned Titus and asked if Titus, whom he had sent to minister to the Corinthians, had ever taken financial advantage of the money that was intended for other churches? He asked if Titus and he had walked in the same footsteps of integrity? He finally called attention to the fact that in reading his second letter that they would think that Paul was defending himself. He told them, attesting before Me, that everything that he did was for them, to build them up because of his love for them. Paul's fear was that in his coming to them for the third time that he would not find their actions to his liking, nor that they would find him to their liking. (II Corinthians 11:19-21) He wrote that he was afraid that he would find discord, jealousy, angry outbursts, selfish ambitions, slander and gossip, self importance and disorder in their midst, which had been reported back to him by some of his helpers. Another fear that he had was that when he came to them the third time that he would be humiliated before Me and that he would mourn over and over about the many Corinthians who had sinned earlier and had not repented of their uncleanness, fornication and sensuality that they had recently practiced. Paul grieved more about the sins, disorder, division and uncleanness of the Corinthian Christians than he had been concerned about their pagan lives before their conversions because of his being told about their having been deceived by false prophets who had sown strife, fornication, iniquity and idolatry in their church. He had little reason for worry because his first letter had been dictated by My Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit's words had the power to change their focus and motivations, causing the people to repent. Paul found that out later. Your Father Who Has Time To Reason Together With You

Saturday, August 21, 2021


BLESSED IN VISIONS AND DREAMS My Dear Precious Child, In Paul's momentary lapse in wisdom, in his second recorded letter to the church at Corinth, Paul resorted to bragging about his many horrid and painful adventures in My name that, as he said, came with his appointment by Me of being an apostle of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, bragging that he had had more persecution than the other apostles. After he was finished with his boasting, he went on in his bragging and told them about his many spiritual adventures in receiving revelations and visions from Me. He acted as if they had happened to another man, but he spoke of a man who fourteen years earlier, whether in the body or outside of the body he could not say, was snatched up to the third heaven. Paul, himself, was once snatched up into heaven to hear words that could not be spoken in human languages by mere men. Paul said that he would boast about that man but not about himself unless it was about his weaknesses. He wrote that if he were to boast that it wouldn't be folly because he would be telling the truth. (II Corinthians 12: 1-6) He wrote finally that he would not claim that adventure into heaven happened to him because it would cause people to think more of him than what they observed in person. He wrote that, unless he got too proud, he was given a thorn in his flesh, a demon from satan, to beat him up and keep him from getting conceited. Paul wrote that he prevailed on Me three times to be healed but that I had said that My grace was sufficient because in weakness My power is sufficient. So Paul boasted in his weakness so that My power would rest upon him. Therefore, he decided that he would be content with his weakness, with mistreatment, with distress, with persecutions and difficulties for the sake of Jesus Christ because when he was powerless was when I became strong in him. (II Corinthians 12:6-10) Continuing with this self elevation, Paul wrote that he had become foolish but that the Corinthians had driven him to it. He told them that they should have been commending him. He wrote that even though he truly was nothing, he was in no way inferior to the other "super apostles." He wrote that he had performed before them the great signs, wonders and actions of My power. Paul attested to the fact that the churches where he ministered were not inferior to the other ones except that he had been no burden to them. With a little sarcasm Paul wrote that the people in Corinth must forgive him for not being a burden to them. He wrote his second letter with several thoughts in mind, one being to gently boast at his being equal to other apostles, another being to praise the people of the church for repenting so quickly in answer to his first letter of stern correction, and another to thank them for their giving money to another church. Paul was very verbose in his two recorded letters to the Corinthian church. He had been wounded by their lack of spiritual maturity, considering it a bad reflection upon himself. Your Father of Dreams and Visions

Friday, August 20, 2021


My Dear Precious Child, In Paul's second recorded letter to the Corinthians, a few times he apologized for being so stern in his corrections in his first letter to them in which he outlined at least 10 areas of behavior that needed to be corrected in the lives of the Corinthian church members, some of them individually and some of them collectively as the body of Christ. In his second letter he asked them to put up with some light hearted boasting from him. He insinuated that his first letter of correction was based on his jealousy of them, calling it righteous jealousy from the fact that he had given the Corinthian believers in marriage to one husband by presenting them to Christ as a chaste virgin. He admitted that his fear was that, just like the devil seduced Eve by his cunning, he was fearful that the thoughts of the Corinthians would also be corrupted so that they would fall away from their sincere, complete devotion to Christ. He wrote that the reason that he was so concerned was because when someone came to them preaching another Jesus other than the one that he and his fellow ministers preached, or when they received a different spirit than the ones that they had received from Me, or they had received a different gospel than the true one which they had accepted, he commented that they seemed to have endured those temptations very well. Paul revealed his real fear when he wrote that he did not consider himself to be inferior to the "super apostles" from Jerusalem in anything, even though he considered himself to be more unskilled in speech but he knew that he was certainly not inferior in spiritual knowledge, spiritual knowledge that he and his fellow ministers had made evident to the Corinthians in every way. He even reminded them that he had preached the gospel to them free of charge, asking if that had been wrong in some way? He admitted to them that he had in essence robbed other churches by accepting gifts from them but not from the Corinthians. He revealed that when he came to Corinth in need he accepted no monetary help from them because the church at Macedonia had supplied all that he needed. He assured them that in every way he tried to keep from being a burden to the people in the church at Corinth and that he would continue to keep from being burdensome to them. (II Corinthians 11:5-9) He assured all of the members of the church at Corinth of his love for them, being assured that he had shown them his love. He promised that he would keep on doing what he had always done, depriving at every turn some of the other apostles who looked for a chance to say that their much vaulted ministries worked under the same terms as Paul and his team. Paul then put his feelings into words by calling those apostles "false apostles," writing that they practiced deceit in their disguise as apostles of Christ, which he said was no wonder because the devil himself always disguises himself as an angel of light. He said because of that truth that it's no surprise that the devil's ministers disguise themselves also as ministers of My justice. He prophesied that their end would correspond to their actions because their seeds would return deceit to them. (II Corinthians 11:10-15) Paul slipped out of the Spirit in his writing, and he admitted it by asking that the people in the church not think of him as being foolish but, if they did, he asked that they would accept him as being temporarily foolish and allow him to participate in self assured boasting. He admitted that his boasting was not as I desire, but that it was like the manner of a fool. He said since other apostles seem to be happy in their boasting, that Paul was also going to brag. He accused the Corinthians of putting up with people who exploited them, opposing them and putting on airs, even with those people who slapped their faces. He admitted that he and his fellow ministers were too weak to do such things -- admitting to still be speaking foolishly -- he said that he would try to dare to speak like those those self acclaimed apostles in his boasting. He asked if those false prophets were Hebrews? He admitted that so was he. He also asked if they were Israelites? He admitted that so was he. He asked if they were of the seed of Abraham? He admitted that so was he. Then he asked if they were ministers of Christ? Instead of replying that he also was a minister of Christ, Paul admitted to speaking foolishly in claiming that he was more of a minister of Christ than those men whom he called false prophets. He wrote that he had more imprisonments and hard labors, that he had far worse beatings and brushes with death, that he had receive 40 lashes, less one, five times at the hands of the Jews, that he had been beaten three times with rods, that he had passed away days and nights on the seas, that he had traveled continually, had been endangered by floods, robbers, persecuted by his own people, those being the Gentiles to whom he ministered as well as the Jews, that he had been imperiled in cities, in the desert and at sea by false brothers, that he had endured labor, hardship, sleepless nights, that he had been hungry, thirsty and had frequent fastings in cold and nakedness. He wrote that he left other sufferings unmentioned but that there was the daily pressure of his having anxiety for the churches. He was affected by their weakness toward accepting the words of the false prophets. He asked the people of Corinth in the letter who was scandalized in the churches by false prophets that he was not affected by it? Paul boasted in his own tragic experiences, knowing that I would attest to the fact that he did not lie about them. He even admitted that in Damascus that the king had kept a close watch on the city, watching for the chance to arrest him, but he was lowered in a basket through a window in a wall and escaped the hands of the king. (II Corinthians 11:16-33) It was because of Paul's calling to take the gospel to the Gentiles that he had suffered so much at the hands of the unbelieving Jews but he also had suffered at the hands of the believing Jews who had entered into Gentile cities with false teachings to lure Paul's Gentile converts into embracing the Mosaic Law after Paul had ministered to the Gentiles and brought them into My kingdom of God. Those Jewish believers in Christ were threatened by the freedom from Law of the Gentile believers, as was also attested to in Paul's letter to the Galatian Christians where he accused them of being bewitched, having begun in the Spirit and yet having embraced the curses of the Law delivered to them from false prophets. (Galatians 3:1-5) In Paul's defense of himself, he was, in essence, glorifying My gospel of Christ. In Jewish prophesy I had many times professed that My salvation would also include the Gentiles as well as the Jews. (Isaiah 11:10; Isaiah 42:1-6; Isaiah 49:6-22; Isaiah 54:3; Isaiah 66:12-19; Malachi 1:11; Luke 2:32; Acts 10:45; Acts 13:46-47) Most of Paul's persecutions came from religious Jewish leaders and their followers who objected to My salvation being extended to the Gentile pagans. Paul was justified in some of his self boasting. I chose him from the womb to take the message of salvation to the Gentiles because of his genetic ancestral programming of being strong in his convictions, the strength in his loyalty, the tenacity of his character, and the depth of his genetic progamming of love for Me. Only a person of strong character could bear the burdens of taking My message of salvation to the unbelieving Gentile nations. His character held up under the persecutions from his own family, his former Jewish fellow officials and his Christian brothers. The persecutions forced Paul to seek My comfort, My wisdom, My knowledge and My Guidance instead of seeking them from other Christians who for years had questions about his real calling from Me. Time and continuity caused the doubters to finally accept his apostleship as being genuine from Me. Your Loyal Father Against Human Persecutions

Tuesday, August 17, 2021


My Dear Precious Child, The poor, poverty stricken people in the churches of Macedonia became overjoyed when the church at Corinth conferred an abundance of charity upon them. Paul wrote to the church at Corinth that the deep poverty in the people of Macedonia had produced overflowing joy and abundant generosity in the believers in Corinth. He said that he could attest to the fact that the believers in Corinth had insisted on having the favor of sharing in serving the Macedonians. He wrote that, beyond his hopes, the Corinthians first gave themselves to Me and then to the apostles to take their bounty to the people in need. He had asked Titus to complete the serving of charity to the people in Macedonia. Titus has already begun the work of charity and so the help of the church at Corinth brought it to full completion by their giving. He complimented the people in the church at Corinth for their being rich in every respect, in faith and in the works of their faith, in knowledge in concern for other people and in the love that Paul and his fellow ministers conferred upon them which led them to abound in charity. Paul used the occasion to teach about My Love and the Love of Jesus Christ, by which he tested them in their knowledge concerning giving. In his second letter to the Corinthians, besides his complimenting them for their immediate repentance after receiving his first letter of correction, he also complimented them on knowing about My Love. He acknowledged that they knew that the Lord Jesus Christ had made himself poor by coming to earth while He was rich in My kingdom, coming to earth to die for the sins of the world and make them rich by His own earthly poverty. Through his teaching, Paul gave them advice on both being rich and being poor. He wanted them to continue to again help supply for the needs of people willingly. He wanted them to carry it through to completion, according to their own means, not to go beyond them. He wrote that the relief of others should not impoverish them, that there should be equality in both. Paul gave them wisdom when he wrote that their giving of their having plenty at the present time should help supply the needs of others but only to the degree that their own surplus would some day also supply their own needs, always with equality. He also wrote that, "He who gathered much had no excess and he who gathered little had no lack," quoting My instructions to the Israelites when they were traveling to the promised land, making sure that no one had more than anyone else on their journey in order to lighten their loads. (Exodus 16:18; II Corinthians 8:8-15) He praised Me for giving an equal zeal to Titus, who had welcomed the appeal of the poor, and who had gone to the Corinthians with the appeal to help with the poor in Macedonia. Paul had sent along with Titus the brother that had such a good reputation for preaching the gospel, his having been appointed the traveling companion of Titus as Paul carried on the work of charity for the churches for My glory. One thing that Paul wanted to avoid was any blame for the way he handled the collection. He not only wanted My approval but the approval of other men also. He gave acclaim to Titus because of his being a loyal companion and fellow worker in the churches to the glory of Christ. (II Corinthians 7:16-21) One of Paul's closing remarks was for the people of the church at Corinth to show love to all his fellow workers in the church, proving why Paul boasted about them all the time for all the churches to see their virtues and charity. In this letter Paul wanted to affirm to the Christians at Corinth that because of the love of Jesus Christ in giving His life for all people by dying on the cross, that should be their motivation for their sharing their wealth with the poor and underprivileged. He wanted the charity of Jesus Christ in His ministry to continue through the people in the Church at Corinth in supplying the needs of the poor. That's the way it works, from Me through Jesus Christ and then through His believers directly to the poor in answer to their prayers. That's the way the chain of mercy works, as attested to by Paul in his writing in his second recorded letter to the church at Corinth. (II Corinthians 7:22-24) Your Loving Father or Mercy and Charity

Monday, August 16, 2021


BLESSINGS IN REPENTANCE My Dear Precious Child, There are blessings galore which flood into the lives of My children when they repent and walk a different way, changing from walking an evil route to their walking a righteous route. True repentance has little to do with lamenting in sackcloth and ashes as a sign of being fleshly sorry for your sins. True repentance has much to do with your changing from obeying the impulses of the devil from hell in your mind and you begin to walk in obedience to My voice which leads you to walk in a way that is loving to other people, making peace with everyone and, as a result, your having joy unspeakable. It's not a joy that you conjure up in your human emotions. It's pure, unadulterated Joy, Love and Peace that flow from the nature of My Holy Spirit being present in you, His nature of Love, Joy, Peace, Goodness, Kindness, Mercy, Patience and Self Control. (Galatians 5:22) So repentance is putting on My nature through acceptance of Jesus Christ as your Savior and taking off the nature of the devil who was formerly your motivation in life through your obeying his impulses in your mind. In Paul's first recorded letter to the Corinthians, he had chastised them for twelve things that were caused from their having been led astray by false prophets, or simply led astray by evil thoughts in their minds, or led astray by other people in the church. Paul's feelings were injured because he had led them out of darkness into the Light and had hoped that they were still continuing on the path of righteousness, but his fellow ministers had informed him about the spiritual condition of the people in the church at Corinth, that they were spiritual babies who had been led away from Christ and were delving into many areas that were motivated by hell instead of My voice from heaven. In his second recorded letter to the church at Corinth Paul encouraged the Corinthians to purify themselves from every defilement from the flesh and spirit, and in respectful awe of God to strive to fulfill their consecration of faith perfectly. He asked them to make room for himself and his fellow ministers in their hearts. He reminded them that neither he nor any of the other ministers like Titus, Barnabas, Timothy and Apollos had done anything to injure anyone in the church, nor had they corrupted anyone, nor had they cheated anyone, like other ministers had done. He reminded them that he had, in the past, told them that they were in his heart even to their sharing of life and death together. He reminded them that he spoke with frankness to them and that he had boasted about them many times. Paul wrote that he was filled with consolation from them and that although he had many afflictions, his joy knew no bounds. (II Corinthians 7:1-4) He made an effort to excuse his own behavior when he first arrived when he was exhausted and restless, under all kinds of stress from his having quarrels with other Christians and his even having fears within himself. However, Paul, in his fellowship with Me said that I had given heart to him when he was so low in spirit and I gave to him strength when Titus arrived with good news about the repentance of the Corinthians. He wrote that Titus not only brought the good news about their changing their behavior but that he had also written to Paul about it, telling that he had received confirmation of the repentance of the Corinthians of the very things for which Paul had written in his first letter. Paul had also been informed that the Corinthians were concerned about Paul's grief and his state of mind over their sinning. The information from Titus It gave joy to Paul to know that they were deeply concerned about him. (II Corinthians 7:6-9) In his second letter to the people in the church at Corinth, Paul wrote that he had no regrets for his stern correction and chastisement of them in the first letter. He said that he was concerned about their reaction to his first letter, but he had no regrets for being so blunt and exact in his chastisement of them. He wrote in the second letter that even if his first letter caused them grief for some time, the end result was glorious because Paul was happy again, not because they were saddened at the tone of the letter, but that the first letter had led them to repent. They were filled with a sorrow that came from Me, so they did not suffer any loss from Paul. He wrote that sorrow for My sake produces repentance without regret and leads to salvation; yet worldly sorrow produces death. II Corinthians 6:8-10) Paul wrote about the truth that had emerged from his letter of correction, a fruit of sorrow that came from Me. Instead of worldly sorrow that causes death, a sorrow that comes from Me brings holy zeal which does not defend oneself, but instead it brought to the Corinthians a zeal of indignation, awe and longing to restore the balance of holy justice to their church. He wrote that in every way the Corinthians had displayed their innocence in the matter. In other words, the sternness of the first letter produced repentance in all matters. He said that his first writing was not for the person who was a victim of the offence or for the person who gave the offence, but instead it was to make the Corinthians realize the level of love and devotion that they had for Paul and his fellow ministers. Since that was one of the results of the first letter of correction, Paul was comforted. Beyond the consolation that Paul was still in good favor with the people in the church at Corinth, he and the other ministers rejoiced that Titus' mind had been set at rest by the church. Paul affirmed that even though he had first boasted about the Corinthians, he was not put to shame after their repentance. His boasting about the church to Titus had been proved true. Paul wrote that the heart of Titus embraced the people in the church with an expanding love as he recalled the obedience that the Corinthians showed to Me in spiritual awe and fleshly trembling. (II Corinthians 7:14-16) Paul affirmed that he trusted the people in Corinth because of their speedy change of direction after receiving his first letter of correction which resulted in their changing from being a church ruled by demonic flesh into being a church led by My Holy Spirit. The end result would have been different were it not for the Divine Spirit of Repentance which was a result of Paul's first letter of correction and chastisement. Your Father of Loving Correction and Loving Chastisement Which Spurs You Onto the Right Path

Sunday, August 15, 2021


My Dear Precious Child,
     Paul wrote his letters to the people in the church at Corinth as fellow workers in Christ, begging them not to receive My grace in vain.  He told them that the day of salvation was then, and quoted Isaiah as saying that in the future, "In an acceptable time I have heard you. On the day of salvation I have helped you."   He assured them that they were in "the day of salvation" because of My grace delivered through Jesus Christ.  He assured them that there was in no way the desire for him and the other ministers to offend anyone so that their ministry would not be blamed.   He was still trying to justify his ministry as being viable after being accused by the Jewish Christians from Jerusalem of not being a real apostle. (II Corinthians 6:1-3)
    He affirmed several times in his letters to them that in all that they did that they justly presented themselves as ministers of Mine with patient endurance during trials, difficulties, distresses, beatings, imprisonments and riots, as more mortal men familiar with hard work, sleepless nights and fastings, conducting themselves with innocence, knowledge and patience in the Holy Spirit in sincere love as men with a message of truth and My power while wielding the weapons of righteousness with both of their hands whether honored or dishonored, spoken well of or spoken ill of.  He acknowledge that they were called imposters, yet they were truthful; called nobodies when in fact they were well known; called dead yet they were alive; punished but not put to death; sorrowful but always rejoicing; poor yet they enriched many people.  He said they seemed to have nothing while in fact they had everything. (II Corinthians 6:4-10)
    Then he addressed them as the Men of Corinth, writing that he and his fellow ministers had spoken to them frankly by opening their hearts to them.  He wrote that there was no lack of room in the hearts of the ministers for the Corinthians, but in fact that there was narrowness in the Corinthians for Paul and his fellow ministers, saying that he was speaking to them as a father to his children, asking them to open their hearts wide to his writings.
    Then Paul wrote good counsel to them by telling them not to be yoked to unbelievers because righteousness and lawlessness don't have anything in common and because light and darkness cannot exist together.  He told them that there is no fellowship between Christ and the devil, no common interest between the believer and the unbeliever.  He challenged them to tell him if there is any common interest between My temple and the temples of idols.  Then Paul reminded the people at Corinth that they were the temples of the Living God, reminding them that I said, "I will dwell with them and walk among them.  I will be their God and they will be My people.  Therefore, 'Come out from among them and separate yourselves from them,' says the Lord, 'and touch nothing that is unclean.  I will welcome you and be a father to you and you will be My sons and daughters,' says the Lord Almighty," quoting My words through both the prophet Isaiah and the prophet Jeremiah.
     He went on with his challenge to the Corinthians, telling them that since they have such wonderful promises from Me that they must purify themselves from every defilement of flesh and spirit, perfectly fulfilling their consecration to Me.   He was speaking frankly about the poisons of the false prophets who were endeavoring to introduce an old and powerless gospel of their being bound by Mosaic religious laws. (II Corinthians 6:14-18)
    On occasion Paul had a case of "poor me, other apostles don't respect me."  Those were sent from hell to cause Paul to become self reflective instead of his being focused on Me and My power that was available to him in the Holy Spirit.  He eventually snapped back to rejecting those self defeating thoughts.  (II Corinthians 6)
    Your Father of Rejoicing Thoughts

Friday, August 13, 2021


My Dear Precious Child,
     Paul had revealed to the people in the church at Corinth the trials and tribulations of himself and other apostles in the whole scheme of ministry of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  He revealed in his second letter to them his occasional desire to be with Me in My heaven.  He wrote to them that they must also realize that when the earthly body, or tent as he called it, is destroyed that all humans have a dwelling already prepared by Me, a dwelling place in the heavens that will last forever because its not made with human hands.  He admitted that, as humans, all people groan while in human bodies even as they desire that their heavenly home would envelop them, which eventually it will if they continue to put on Christ and are not found naked of the spiritual clothing of Love.  He admitted that while still in the flesh that certainly all of the apostles had occasionally groaned, weighed down because they did not wish to be stripped naked of the covering of Christ but instead to have the heaven dwelling envelop them, which means that the mortal body may be absorbed by Life Itself.  He assured the people to whom he was writing that I had fashioned all men for that very thing and that I had given to them the Holy Spirit as a pledge of it. (II Corinthians 5:1-5)
     Therefore, as Paul wrote, there is reason to be confident, knowing that while humans are still dwelling in human bodies that they are away from Me and so they walk in faith, not by human sight.  He assured the Corinthians that he and the rest of the apostles were confident that they would rather be with Christ instead of continuing on in human flesh and so they made it their desire to please Him whether they are with Him or away from Him.  He assured the Corinthians that all of their lives would be revealed before the court of Christ so that each one would receive his or her just recompense, whether good or bad, according to his or her life while still in the body.  (II Corinthians 5:6-10)
     It was the ministry of the apostles, as revealed by Paul, that they live to persuade people to believe in Christ, but what they are is only known to Me.  He assured the Corinthians that their consciences already know what will be revealed.  He told them in the letter that he would not try to recommend himself to them again about his going into the heavens so that they may have something to say to the people who take pride in outward appearances and not what lies in the recesses of the heart.  He assured them that if he was ever caught up out of himself again, that it would be again for the sake of the people and that it is My works, not his.  And, he wrote, that if it were to happen to others, that they would also be brought back to their senses in human bodies but it was still for their sakes.  (II Corinthians 5:11-13) 
    Another confession of faith in Christ was written by Paul when he wrote that My love had convinced them that since One person, the Christ, died for all, then all people had died, his having died so that those who live might never again live for themselves but instead that they would live for Christ who, for their sake, had died and was raised up.  (II Corinthians 5:15)  Paul wrote that, because of that, they could no longer judge anyone.  He said that if they had one day also regarded Christ as such, that they no longer knew Him by that past standard.  It means that if anyone is in Christ that he or she is a new creation, things of the old order of old commandments are passed away and all things have become new.  All of those new standards are of Me, changed by Me who has reconciled the world to Myself and I have given to people the ministry of reconciliation through the power of the Holy Spirit. (II Corinthians 5:16-17)
    In the second letter to the Corinthians Paul made it clear that I, in Christ, had reconciled the world to Myself, NOT COUNTING MEN'S TRANSGRESSIONS AGAINST THEM, but instead I gave to humans the message of reconciliation, making them ambassadors of Christ, with My pouring out the newness of Life through the Holy Spirit in them. (II Corinthians 5:18-19)
    He implored the Corinthians that if they were not already reconciled to Me, then He implored them, in Christ's name, to be reconciled to Me.  He assured them that it was for the sake of everyone that I made Jesus the Christ, who did not know sin, to become sin, so that in Him they might become My holiness.  (II Corinthians 5:20)  That miracle is only possible through the blood of Christ and the baptism in the Holy Spirit.  It is called the New Covenant of God, the promised Kingdom of God having come into their lives.
    Your Father of Miraculous Transformations


My Dear Precious Child,
    Paul straightened out the believers in the church at Corinth through his stern letter of correction about, one, the denominational divisions among them; two, their still being babies in spiritual matters; three, their allowing and therefore approving of the man who was sleeping with the wife of his father; four, their suing one another in the courts of unbelievers; five, their eating food sacrificed to idols; six, their allowing emotional displays of only speaking in tongues in communal gathering; seven, their making idols of earthly materials and worshiping them; eight, their arguing and wrangling with each other; nine, some of them had adopted the doctrine that there is no resurrection of the dead; ten, that some people had adopted belief in the old covenant doctrine of Mosaic religious Law being combined with the new covenant of the Holy Spirit and several other beliefs of false prophets.  He was distraught about their having abandoned devotion to the precious earthly treasure of having the Holy Spirit live inside of them.  It was because of their infantile amount of spiritual revelations that Paul chastised the believers in the Corinthian church so sternly. (I Corinthians 1:1-2)
     After the believers in Corinth received Paul's stern letter of correction and took the corrections to heart as being from the Holy Spirit, Paul wrote them a second letter, one of commendation that they had repented and sought to re-establish My new covenant of the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives.  He explained in detail My good works in enlarging the working of the Holy Spirit in their midst and explained in detail that My power is resident in the Holy Spirit.  He referred to My Holy Spirit as a treasure in earthly vessels in the earth in the lives of people, that they possessed the Holy Spirit through My mercy, so therefore they must not yield to discouragement.  Rather than becoming discouraged, Paul wrote in the second recorded letter that they must refuse shameful, underhanded practices.  He wrote that My children do not resort to trickery or falsifying My words.  (II Corinthians 4:1-2)
     Paul assured the Corinthian believers that My children do not resort to trickery in the ministry of the Holy Spirit, but instead they speak the truth openly and he commended them to every person's conscience before Me.  He proclaimed that if their gospel was called "veiled" in any way that it was only veiled to those people who were headed for destruction.  He told them again that their unbelieving minds had been blinded by the god of the earthly world, his being the devil, so that they did not see the splendor showing forth by the glory of Christ, who is My image.  (II Corinthians 4:3-5)
      In his profession of faith, Paul wrote that it was not themselves that the apostles preached, but that it was always Jesus Christ and themselves only as His Servants.  He gloried in the truth that I had let the Truth of "My light shine out of the darkness," in the world so that they might know My glory shining on the face of Christ.  It was in that comparison that Paul wrote that believers have My treasure of the Holy Spirit in their own earthen vessel so as to make it clear that His surpassing power is definitely from Him and not from humans. (II Corinthians 4:6-7) 
    It is because of that power of the Holy Spirit inside of believers in Christ that they are often afflicted but are never crushed, they are full of doubts but never yield to despair, they are persecuted but never abandoned, and they are often struck down but they are never destroyed, all because they carry about in their bodies the dying of the flesh of Jesus so that the life of Jesus Christ might be revealed in their mortal flesh.  He wrote that death is often apparent in the apostles while life is increased in the believers.  Paul reveled in the Spirit of faith that confirmed the scripture that said, "Because I believed, I speak out." knowing that I, who raised Jesus Christ from the dead, place Him and all believers in My presence.  He affirmed that everything is ordered by Me for the benefit of My children of faith so that My grace bestowed upon them may bring more greater glory to Me, because the people who give thanks to Me are many.  (II Corinthians 4:9-15)
    Another profession of faith and assurance was written by Paul in the letter which affirmed that believers do not lose heart because the inner person is being renewed every day even though the human body is being destroyed at the same time.  He said that the burden of being tried by the devil is light in relation to My power of the Holy Spirit, and His Spirit earns for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison because we do not fix our mind on what is seen with human eyes, but we fix our mind on what is unseen, because what is seen is certain to change but what things that are unseen will last forever because they are eternal. (II Corinthians 4:16-18)
    Paul's affirmation of faith in his second letter to the Corinthians has always been the standard supplied by Me for My children to set as their goal, that being to intimately know Christ through the revelation of the Holy Spirit.  In that endeavor, My light shines in the darkness and My eternal light heals and reveals all things.
    Your Father of Light               

Thursday, August 12, 2021


My Dear Precious Child,
    In Paul's letter of commendation to the church at Corinth, he called attention to the fact that his writings in the letter might have seemed self serving by his elevating himself, but he assured the people in Corinth to whom he was writing that he was only claiming to have joy relating to their devotion to him because of his having led them to belief in Jesus Christ.   He wrote that they were, themselves, a letter of Christ which he had delivered, a letter not written with ink but written by My Holy Spirit, and not on tablets of stone but instead written on the flesh of their human hearts.  They were visual representations of the work that My Holy Spirit had done in them, especially after they had succumbed to his stern corrections in his first letter and had returned to having their loyalty firmly established in Me instead of denominational divisions. (II Corinthians 3:1-3)
     He proclaimed that they had confidence in Me through Christ, declaring that they could not take fleshly credit for anything because their sole credit for anything done inside of themselves and through them was done by Me alone, who had made the apostles qualified ministers of a new covenant, a covenant NOT OF WRITTEN LAWS, BUT INSTEAD A COVENANT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.  He declared that written religious laws kill but the Spirit brings life.  (II Corinthians 3:4-6)
    In contrasting the old inefficient covenant, which he called the covenant of death carved in stone, contrasting it with My new and beneficial covenant,which he called the covenant of the Spirit and Life, Paul wrote that if the old one was accompanied by such glory that the Jews could not look on Moses' face because of My glory on it, even though it was a temporary glory, then how much greater is the ministry of the Holy Spirit, which is the covenant ministered by Jesus Christ.  In other words, if the ministry of the covenant that caused the devil to condemn people had great glory, then greater by far is the covenant of the Holy Spirit which justifies people as being My children.  When you compare the limited glory of the old covenant with the lasting glory of the new covenant of the Holy Spirit, there is not even any comparison because the glory of the old covenant would seem at having no glory at all.  Paul surmised that if the covenant that was to pass away was delivered to people with limited glory, then the glory delivered to people in the new covenant of the Holy Spirit is far greater and it endures forever.  Paul wrote to the Corinthians that because their hope was also enduring and lasting that they acted with confidence in Me. (II Corinthians 3:7-12)
     Paul wrote to the Corinthians that the children of the new covenant of the Holy Spirit were not like Moses who used to hide his face with a veil so that the Jews could not see that the glory of the old covenant was fading and then finally would fade away.  He assured the Gentile converts that when the old covenant was read by the Israelites that the veil between understanding and ignorance of the spiritual world is still present.  He proclaimed that it is only in Christ, being anointed by the Holy Spirit, that the veil is taken away.  To this day, even when the laws of Moses are read there is a veil that covers their understanding.  That veil is a demon.   However, when any of the Jews turn to the Lord, then the veil over their understanding is removed and they can say that once they were blind but now they see.(II Corinthians 3:14-16) 
     Paul was speaking of something which he had personally experienced, one day being a child of Mosaic law with blinders over his mental understanding relating to spiritual matters, and the next day his being completely and totally changed in the twinkling of an eye into a new person in Christ Jesus by his being changed by the Holy Spirit's glory on the road to Damascus.  In Paul's writing to the people in the church at Corinth, he proclaimed that under the new covenant of the Holy Spirit in the earth that THE LORD IS THE SPIRIT, AND WHERE THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD IS, THERE IS LIBERTY. (II Corinthians 3:17) 
   He wrote to the people of Corinth that all of us, by gazing on the Lord's glory with unveiled faces, that those people are being transformed from glory to glory, by revelation to revelation, into My image by THE LORD, WHO IS THE SPIRIT IN THE EARTH.   (II Corinthians 3:18)
    With unveiled spiritual eyes, My children see Me by the power of My Holy Spirit and they become more like Me every day by the working of the HOLY SPIRIT, WHO IS THE LORD IN THE EARTH.
     Paul went on to write that because humans possess the treasure of the Holy Spirit in human vessels it is made clear to them that the greatness of My surpassing power in them comes from Me and not from their human nature.  (II Corinthians 4:7)
    What a glorious treasure to have living in your human body, the Mighty Spirit of Power yet the Merciful and Compassionate Holy Spirit.  That is reason to celebrate every day of your life.
    Your Father of Enlightenment and Power  

Wednesday, August 11, 2021


My Dear Precious Child,
    Paul's original letter of complaints, stern corrections and attempts to restore the people in the church at Corinth back onto the paths of righteousness had worked beautifully. (I Corinthians) In the second recorded letter, II Corinthians, he complimented them on their attention to his corrections and Paul assured the people of Corinth that he would not visit them again under the same painful circumstances of his having to speak My words of chastisement to them, as he wrote in his first letter, which produced My desired results. The result of his stern corrections was to restore them to My Grace by encouraging them to abandon any of the teaching of the false prophets which had caused division among them.  The Jewish Christians had previously been dispensed from Jerusalem to manipulate Paul's converted pagans to sacrifice their freedom that they had found in Christ and they had become slaves to the Mosaic Law in many ways.  Paul's corrections in his first letter resulted in their becoming obedient to the guidance of the Holy Spirit instead of their being manipulated by the false prophets from Jerusalem. (II Corinthians2: 1-4)
    In Paul's second letter he commented that even if he had caused them pain after they read the first letter that even though they were the same people who had caused him pain they were also the same people who had made him happy when he heard that they had paid heed to his complaints and had returned to the Gospel of Jesus Christ with no allegiance to the Mosaic Law of death.  Paul even explained that he had been stern in his corrections in order that when he did come to be with them in person that he would have no more complaints about their actions which would sadden him instead of causing rejoicing to be his actions.  He wanted them to know that their changing course from their being rebellious to their again being obedient to Christ, which was repentance, their getting back on track onto the paths that led to righteousness had caused Paul great happiness.  He assured them that his corrections in his first letter were written in great sorrow and anguish with many tears, not to make them sad but to convince them of his great love for them.
    In order to make amends, Paul wrote in the second letter that if anyone had taken offense to the letter, that that person was not only hurting Paul but also the entire congregation of believers.  He assessed that the punishment had already been inflicted by the majority of people in the church on the person who caused an offense, in which only one punishment was enough.  He encouraged the congregation that they needed to affirm their love for him so that he would not be crushed by such a great weight of sorrow.  Paul said that his former letter of correction was to test the people in the church of Corinth to see if they would remain loyal to the Truth and remain faithful in all such matters.  His command in the second letter was to forgive the offender and restore him to their love.  He wrote that if they forgave the man that he would also forgive him.  Paul wrote that in forgiving the man he did it for the sake of the congregation so as not to give satan a chance to outwit the church and the people. (II Corinthians 2:5-11)
     Paul was so grateful for the opportunity to have preached Christ to the Gentile unbelievers in Corinth and had taught them originally how to remain on the right paths of righteousness, but his later missionary work that caused him to leave them had allowed the devil to enter into the church at Corinth and corrupt the many vessels there.  But Paul's letter of correction did its necessary work and the people in the church were restored to their having a relationship with Me through the Holy Spirit's works in their lives.   He thanked Me, saying that I had unfailingly led My children efficiently back onto the triumphal train and encouraged them to diffuse the fragrance of My knowledge everywhere.  Paul wrote that the Christians were an aroma of Christ for My sake to those people who were saved and also to those who were on the way to destruction because the latter had the aroma of death even though the former, the believers, had the aroma of life.
    In his letter he wrote that he and the believers at least were not like the people who traded on My name but instead that they spoke in Christ's name from pure motivation, being conscious of being sent by Me and of their standing in My presence with them. (II Corinthians 2:12-17)   
    Paul used his wisdom in calling to the attention of the people in the church at Corinth that My correction of them in his first letter had worked in restoring the people in the church to fellowship with Me and spurred them to abandon the works of the false prophets who had caused them to veer off of the path of righteousness.   It took strong words and words of correction in more than ten areas of corruption that were present in their church that needed to be addressed and corrected.  It was in that manner of chastisement that his words from Me had restored the Corinthians to their freedom from the works of the devil.  My stern chastisement with My loving words are all part of My saving My children from the corrupt works of the devil.
    Your Father or Restoration and Freedom 

Tuesday, August 10, 2021


 My Dear Precious Child,
    The apostle Paul, though he had been divinely appointed an apostle by Me, had occasional misgivings about his being a true apostle of Jesus Christ's ministry in the earth because of some of the attitudes of the other apostles who had walked and talked and lived with Jesus Christ for three years while Paul was persecuting Jesus and his followers.  However, Paul's consolation was in the fact that he was personally chosen and called by Me for special ministry to the Gentile nations.  His calling was special, being the only one that was implemented after Jesus Christ rose from the dead and then appeared to Saul before he became Paul with a one-on-one personal encounter with the Risen Christ.  Paul became blind from gazing upon the glory of the Christ but was healed when he became baptized in My Holy Spirit.  So Paul's personal experience of meeting Jesus Christ and his absorbing His glory was divine and comforting to him.  
    Paul's one-on-one experience of his personal encounter with the Risen Christ assured him of My comforting and merciful forgiveness of him.  So his second recorded letter that he wrote to the people in the Corinthian church was filled with his attesting to My being the God of every consolation, comfort and encouragement, the God who consoles and comforts people so that they will also comfort, console and encourage other people who are in any kind of trouble or distress.  After having himself been comforted by The True Comforter, Paul was able to comfort and console other people who needed comforting.  (II Corinthians 1:1-4)  
    Paul knew his own need to constantly be comforted by My Holy Spirit in his service for Me in the earth in which he was persecuted, beaten, reviled and harassed for Me in his ministry, and he knew My readiness to comfort and console him in his distress; therefore, his being able to offer the same comfort to others.  Paul wrote that if he and his assistants in the ministry were troubled and afflicted for the sake of other believers, that it was for their sake that he had suffered and patiently endured the same evils that he had also inflicted on believers before he was converted by Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus.  He wrote that he was assured that just as they were unwavering in their constant expectations that they would share in the rewards of comfort, consolation and encouragement that he received from Me, Paul wanted to make sure that the Corinthians were not ignorant of the suffering that Paul and his assistants experienced in Asia, how they were utterly weighed down and even despaired of life itself.   Indeed, they felt like they had received the very sentence of death so that they wouldn't depend upon themselves but instead that they would depend solely upon Me.  He professed that it was Me, and only Me, who saved them from human death, being convinced that I would again deliver them from destruction and danger and draw them to Me. (II Corinthians 1:1-10)  
    In his gratitude for the Corinthian church, Paul was so grateful for their intercessions for him and his fellow ministers, cooperating with them in their working for the saints in intercessory prayers.  He assured the members of the church that it was their prayers which saved him from death many times.  (verse 11) His belief was that he and his fellow ministers had conducted themselves in the world with devout and pure motives and sincerity, not in fleshly wisdom but by My grace, that being My unmerited favor and merciful kindness toward all people, which turns them to Me and then keeps them in the faith, strengthening them and increasing them in Christian virtues.  He was still perturbed that some had left the flock and chosen more legalistic ways, having been influenced by Jewish Christians who were determined to rob them of their freedom in Christ Jesus.  That mindset influenced Paul not to visit the Corinthian church, as was previously expected.   
    Paul had planned to visit the church at Corinth since he had evangelized them, but his ministry took a different route and he apologized that he had not been able to visit with them in the flesh.  He wrote that the change in his plans did not mean that he was unstable but instead meant that what he planned to do in the flesh might not be My perfect will for him at the time.  He asked them if his decision meant that he said yes at one minute and no at another minute when he did not visit with them.  He wrote that in Christ Jesus the answer is always a driving,"Yes," just like My promises always find their "Yes" in Me, which is the reason My children always add their "Amen," their "So Be it," in Me, to My glory.
    In this apology by Paul for his not rewarding them with a visit from him, he told the Corinthians that My promises are always Yes and Amen, confirming that it was by My putting My blessed Holy Spirit inside of My children that was My security deposit and fulfillment of My promise to them.  Paul told the people of the church at Corinth that his decision not to visit them was to avoid hurting them with his rebukes, and so he did not appear in Corinth at the time that he was expected.  He had to get over his disappointment in their being such fleshly motivated people before he could minister My Truth to them in love.  He wrote that he neither had dominion over them nor did he lord any control over them, but instead they were all fellow laborers, with the hope of promoting their joy and welcome their belief that Jesus was the Messiah through whom they all obtain eternal salvation in My kingdom of God, in which they stood firm.   In that hope they could agree and remain in unity.
    After the church at Corinth had read Paul's first letter of exhortation and rebuke and they regretted his reluctance to reward them with a visit, they repented of their fleshly ways and cleansed their church of their numerous rebellious ways, which pleased Paul.  He knew that  his first letter of rebuke had done its intended work, which was to urge the church at Corinth to return to its purity and single minded efforts to become My image in the world.
     Your Father of Truth and Purity