Thursday, December 31, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
    Luke, the disciple of Jesus whose occupation was a doctor, was especially attentive to the teachings of Jesus Christ when He taught about the woes from the calamities that were going to come into the lives of the politicians and lawyers because of how they treat people.  Luke had learned to humble himself because of his becoming a servant of people instead his acting like a professional elitist.  He was telling the Jewish politicians that one of the reasons for the woes that were coming upon them, as governmental officials, was because of their demanding and expecting preferential treatment in the synagogues and their insistence on receiving elitist respect in public, indicating that they felt they were above other people in importance. (Luke 11:43)  
    Jesus had said in His teachings that anyone who desired to be great in My kingdom of heaven must first have the attitude of being a servant instead of having an elitist attitude, as reported by the disciple Mark.  (Mark 9:35; Mark 10:44)  Yet the elitist politicians, lawmakers, lawyers and religious leaders dressed in elaborate robes and displayed little boxes called phylacteries which contained scriptures in full display around their necks so as to call attention to themselves and separate themselves from the common worshipers; or, as Jesus described, so as to be seen by people, their even having enlarged the trim on their robes to indicate their being in the upper class of society.  (Matthew 23:3-8)  
   Their attitudes and actions of making laws that placed additional burdens upon the backs of already burdened people instead of their relieving the burdens of people was what qualified the Jewish leaders for receiving the woes of having experienced calamities from hell in their own lives.  Those offensive attitudes and actions are what Luke was also referring when He said that the Pharisees, scribes and religious leaders were going to inherit woes from hell for their elevating themselves in importance above people who depended upon their help in making laws which benefited the poor.  Those elitist attitudes and actions are what Jesus Christ warned his followers to refrain from doing because the politicians, lawyers and religious leaders were hypocrites, according to the assessments by Jesus. (Matthew 23:3)
    It is also the attitudes and actions of the common people toward the governmental officials that adds to the corruption of politicians, lawmakers,  lawyers and religious leaders by the people attributing to them elitist roles in society instead of their treating them as equal servants of the people, which they are.  So it is the two things, the combination of the special treatment that politicians require from common people, plus the willingness of the common people to give undue privileged honor to the politicians, and those things corrupt the very people who are called to be servants of the people.  Those actions corrupt the officials and cause them to become power seekers.  
    If the politicians, lawmakers and lawyers maintain a servant's attitude, then they escape the woes that come upon the officials who oppress the poor, the widows and the orphans.  If the people continue to treat officials special, by elevating them to a position of great honor, then they have created idols and they will also inherit the same woes.  Do not allow any human person to be elevated to a place of being an idol in your eyes because of the woes that follow.  
    Treat all people as equals to you, neither below nor above you, and you will regard them as servants who are called, along with you, as My emissaries to help Me to meet the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of people by pointing them to Me as their Supplier of all things.  Do not put anyone in My place of being your Father, for I am you Guide and your Teacher. Jesus Christ said that all other people are your brethren, your brothers and sisters in Christ who are equal to you as My children. (Matthew 23:8-12)
    The tradition of the Jewish worshipers is difficult to overcome because of their habit of making idols so easily.  Place no person, man or woman, in a place of importance over other people as a ruler over others.  Only treat them as equals in your eyes, along with you, per the teaching of Jesus Christ, of being equals together in Christ Jesus.  When you can do that, you will avoid the woes spoken about by your Brother Jesus Christ.   
    Your Father of Righteous Attitudes

Wednesday, December 30, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
    Luke, the disciple who later became a prophet and recorder of the teachings of Jesus Christ, was listening intently to the teachings of Jesus, the One whom he called Master and Teacher, when He said that woes would come upon the rich when My kingdom of heaven came to earth, for which Jesus taught the disciples to pray.  Luke wrote that Jesus said that the rich had already received their earthly consolation and so they would be the least joyful people when My kingdom came to earth if they continued to bind themselves to their riches.  (Luke 6:24)  
   Jesus was not being selfish or vindictive relating to the rich inheriting the woes from hell instead of My rewards from heaven.  He was laying the groundwork for His eventually teaching the parable about the rich man who did not enter into My kingdom of heaven because he wouldn't give any of his money to a beggar. The rich man went to hell, in the allegory by Jesus, and the beggar went to heaven.  The rich man asked Abraham, the father of the Jews, if the beggar could dip his finger in cool water to cool the tongue of the rich man who was tormented.  Abraham told the rich man that all of his life he had good things and the beggar had evil things, but in heaven the beggar was comforted and the rich man was tormented because of their choices while they were in the earth.
   In the parable/allegory that Jesus taught about the rich man in hell and the beggar enjoying all of My rewards in My heaven, He said that the rich man asked Abraham if he would send the beggar to his five brothers and tell them the testimony so that they would give their riches to the poor and not have to endure the fires of hell like the rich man.  Jesus said that Abraham told the rich man that his brothers had the writings and words of the prophets and even Moses, so let his brothers learn from them.  In the allegory Jesus said that the rich man replied that they would surely repent if a dead man such as the beggar told them.  He concluded His parable/allegory by saying that Abraham would tell the rich man that if they would not learn from the writings of Moses and the prophets, then they would not be persuaded even if a person rose from the dead.  In that parable Jesus was prophesying that rich people would not repent and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ even after He rose from the dead and appeared to many people. (Luke 16:19-31)  
   In that same teaching session, Jesus had already told the people that a person cannot serve to two masters, God and mammon. (Luke 16:13) l later told My children through Paul that the love of money is at the root of all evil. (I Timothy 6:10)  
    All of those teachings confirmed what Luke remembered about Jesus' teaching, that woes would come into the lives of the rich people who are bound in loyalty to their money instead of their giving it to the poor. There are a few very wealthy people in your days on earth who are committed to giving away their money to the poor and to groups who meet the needs of the poor before they die.  They will enjoy My kingdom of heaven in their lives on earth.  
    Remember that woes are not caused by Me.  Woes are caused by a person yielding to the temptations of the devil and so that makes him your god.  The rewards from hell are called woes and calamities which come into your life on earth by your choosing to do the devil's will on earth instead of your doing My will on earth.
    I am Love.  Love warns My children about the calamities that come into the life of a person that cause the person to be woeful, all because they have obeyed the voice of temptation to do the devil's evil deeds instead of their choosing to do My good and kind deeds in the earth.
   My warnings about woes through Luke reflect the ones found in Matthew and Mark, and a few more.  Heed them and live a life of joy in the earth.
    Your Father of Joy and Peace 

Tuesday, December 29, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
   Jesus Christ was so adamant about the Pharisees and scribes, those being the politicians and lawmakers, that He spoke seven times in a row at one teaching session about the calamities and woes that were going to come upon them as a result of their doing different things that are not reflective of My works and My will in the earth.  They were making laws that oppressed people and they were pridefully exalting themselves in the temples and synagogues.  Jesus told His own followers that they should obey the laws of the land so as not to be arrested but He told them not to imitate the attitudes and actions of the politicians or they would inherit the same woes from hell that the political and religious leaders were going to inherit.  
   In one of His prophesies to the Pharisees and lawmakers Jesus said that they built beautiful monuments to the saints and tombs for the prophets and he quoted them as saying that if they had been alive when their fathers killed the prophets that they would not have done such a thing.  (Matthew 23:29-31)  He told them that their own attitudes and activities showed that they were sons of the murderers.  He told them that they had filled themselves up with the same evil that had been measured out to their fathers.  Jesus even identified them as a brood of serpents and said they were vipers' nests.   He said that they would not escape the judgment from hell.  
    Jesus knew the darkness in their hearts and He observed the way they rejected the poor and robbed from the widows and orphans.  He said that they would do the same thing that their fathers had done to the old covenant prophets.  He said they would persecute and oppress the wise men and messengers of My New Covenant, the very people that He would send to bring Salvation to them.  He said that they would kill His new covenant prophets by crucifying them, beating them in the synagogues and hunting them down from city to city until retributions overtook them for all of the blood of the just people whose blood had been shed on earth all the way from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah whom their fathers had most recently killed.  Jesus prophesied those woes as their fate, which happened for generations to My new covenant church.  He was also speaking of being crucified as His fate and also referring to His followers that were to become filled with My Holy Spirit, becoming My temples in the earth. (Matthew 23:32-36)
    Those Jewish religious and political leaders, because of the evil in their hearts, would certainly follow after the sins of their fathers.  Jesus spoke about My love for the world and humanity when He lamented to the Jews of the old covenant that, "Even though you stoned the prophets whom I sent to you, how often I yearned to gather your children, like a mother bird gathers her young under her wings, but you refused Me.  So you must recall the words, 'You will find your temple deserted.'  I tell you, you will not see Me from this time on until you declare, "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!' "  By that proclamation, Jesus was saying that My temple in the earth would no longer be made of earthly building materials, but instead My temple would be the bodies of My children of promise who allow My Holy Spirit to live inside of them.  The old Jewish temple would no longer be My dwelling place.  I live inside of born again, baptized in My Holy Spirit children.  (I Corinthians 3:16; I Corinthians 3:17-18)  
    Jesus Christ declared that I loved the world so much that I sent My own Son so that anyone who believes in Him will not die but will have eternal life resident inside of them.  He said that He did not come into the world to condemn the world, but instead that the world might, through Him, be saved from the works of the devil.  (John 3:16-17)
    Joining in unity with political or religious leaders who are false prophets who neither know the scriptures nor My power will cause you to also be qualified to inherit the devil's woes in your life as well as the political and religious people will inherit woes in their lives in the earth. (Matthew 22:29)  Always discern the spirits operating in people who call themselves by My name.  If love and forgiveness are not extended to everyone, then you must reject their judgmental, condemning words and actions. Be cautious that you do not adopt their judgments or you will find yourself being judged by the devil and inheriting the same woes that they receive in their lives on earth. (Matthew 7:1-4)
    When you are led by My Holy Spirit and pray in My Holy Spirit, there will not be an occasion for you to say, "Woe is Me."  Instead, you will be victorious over every evil that is in the world.
    Your Father of Forgiving Grace

Monday, December 28, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
    Your Brother Jesus Christ told the political and religious leaders of His day that they were white washed tombs, scrubbed clean and beautiful on the outside but inside they were filthy and filled with the bones of dead people. (Matthew 23:27-28)  Their laws added burdens onto the backs of poor people, widows and orphans, as reflected many times in the teachings by Jesus.  They heaped burdens onto the backs of poor people that cost the people their lives while the Pharisees and scribes went around dressed beautifully in their opulent lifestyles without a worry because they benefited from the laws that they made which added burdens to the lives of the poor by taxing them and taking their vineyards and farms from them as payment for fines.   
   The politicians and religious leaders expected the people who were born into poverty to pull themselves out of the poverty and become self sufficient and privileged like the political and religious leaders while it was impossible because of the generational curses of poverty in their human lineage.  Also, the fines and taxes placed on the poor by the officials caused them to become more and more impoverished because of being burdened by the fines and debts that they owed to the national treasury, and so the officials made it impossible for the poor to ever succeed.  It was the judgment and condemnation of the Pharisees, lawmakers and religious leaders that constantly pushed the poor further downward into poverty because of the burdens from additional laws generated by the officials. 
   The additional laws were always punitive, always seeking more punishment of the poor for their lack of money necessary to pay their fines.  My influence of the Holy Spirit would have caused the Pharisees and scribes to make new laws which would be restorative and rehabilitative by the leaders equipping and teaching My ways out of the generational curses of poverty to the poor.  My life change is possible that takes the poor from being cursed with generational curses to their having My power to be blessed with My new birth with the spiritual power of My Holy Spirit.  That comes from My kingdom of God living inside of My children who seek My kingdom.  It is the only way out of the generational curses of poverty because of the new motivations and the new power of My Spirit that is resident inside of them to guide them out of poverty into the blessings of My kingdom of God. 
   Still, and yet, with My power of the Holy Spirit being available to everyone in your time in the earth, political and religious leaders continue to add burdens onto the backs of the poor, the widows and the orphans, adding so many burdens of fines and lack of professional training that they cannot work their way out of poverty in the richest nation in the world.  I told the leaders that the poor would always be with them, yet the privileged officials of your nation continue to burden the poor with taxes and fines which cause them to be incarcerated, making them unable to work in order to pay their fines which are added by the governing officials.  Instead of the officials making provisions to teach the poor how to overcome the poverty that they were born into, which is My cure for the poor overcoming poverty, as long as the officials continue to burden the poor with punishment instead of rehabilitation, it will always be necessary for your nation to provide basic necessities for the poor.  Until the public servants who are politicians and lawmakers decide that the way to rid the world of poverty is to rehabilitate the poor, you will always have the poor with you to help them in their days on earth.    
    You can see by Jesus Christ's lecture on the woes from hell which were to come upon the political and religious leaders that He was deeply distressed by the hypocrisy of the politicians and religious leaders toward the poor.  In His lecture to the political and religious leaders He spoke frankly and prophetically about the consequences of woes that were to come into the lives of the privileged few officials because of the burdens they had added onto the backs of the poor.  The laws became more and more punitive, adding heavy fines and taxes to the backs of the poor who were already financially distressed.
   I identified the political and religious officials as being filled with hypocrisy and evil inside of them while they looked scrubbed clean and holy on the outside.  Things never change.  It's the same in your day with politicians who call themselves by My name but they continue to punish the poor instead of rehabilitate them by teaching them to overcome the demon of poverty. 
   Hopefully you understand Jesus' disdain for the political and religious leaders who were appointed or elected to serve the people because of their what seemed like insight and wisdom.  The problem was, and still is, that the politicians are still dealing with the poor the same way that the Jewish government did in the time of Jesus on earth.  Even though their traditional ways in dealing with the poor obviously have not worked for generation after generation after generation, they are so conservative that they are reluctant to change their ways of dealing with the poor. Their liberal constituents desired, and still desire, to take care of the poor and lift their burdens instead of adding to their burdens like the conservative ones.  However, there is still more than either one, conservative or liberal ways.  I have effective ways for the poor.  My ultimate and effective way is the new birth with  the poor becoming baptized in My Holy Spirit which releases them from  the demon of generation poverty in their DNA and makes them the head instead of the tail, above instead of below the devil's curses of poverty in their lives.
    There is much to be done, including first changing the mental attitudes of the conservative political and religious leaders who call themselves by My name but still cling to the Jewish laws which are based on punishment. (Romans 8:2) Those leaders need a revelation of My new covenant way of rehabilitation of the poor which can only come by My Holy Spirit changing the nature of the poor who have a generational heritage of poverty, allowing My Holy Spirit to change them into the new national heritage of My kingdom of heaven making them into My blessed children instead of their being the devil's cursed children.                   
    Instead of clinging to the old way, which is called the conservatism of being reluctant to change, political and religious officials must initiate into their legal system My new covenant which changes the poor from a life of curses into a life of blessings.  My resources are available in the baptism of My Holy Spirit.  But first it will take changing the hearts of the officials from politically and religiously clinging to the laws of sin and death of Jewish laws, which require punishment, into a life change of the officials into their desiring to incorporate My new covenant of life and love into their political beliefs which bring rehabilitation and restoration into the lives of the poor in the earth. (I Corinthians 15:56-58)
   It's time for My children of your nation to be released from the old covenant laws which they so willingly incorporated into their political and religious beliefs.  They were led by false prophets to add their old ineffective covenant laws to their new life of liberty and freedom in the Holy Spirit.  It should not be so.  Those Jewish laws are the laws of sin and death, which have continued to cause the officials to add burdens to the lives of people instead of rehabilitating the poor by the power of My Holy Spirit's teachings of freedom from the demon of poverty.  They are prideful in their Judeo-Christian beliefs when My Holy Spirit said that they added the laws of old to the freedom of My Holy Spirit's liberty. (Galatians 3:1-5 and 10-14) 
   Out with the old punitive ways that curse people.  In with the new ways of love and rehabilitation which I call the ministry of reconciliation.  (II Corinthians 5:18)  I said that My children are called to the ministry of reconciliation, reconciling all people to Me.  When My children accept that calling, then they will see that the poor are reconciled to Me and are no longer punished by the laws.   
   Your Father of New and Loving Ways  

Sunday, December 27, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
   Twice Jesus Christ called the political and religious leaders of His day hypocrites when He was prophesying the woes, which are calamities, that were to come upon them as a result of their hypocrisy.  He told them that they cleaned the outside of themselves, calling it the cup and dish, but the inside He said was filled with extortion and lust. (Matthew 23:25-26)  As a correction He told them to clean their insides first so that the outside will also become clean.  He labeled them Blind Pharisees, referring to their spiritual blindness. 
   Previously I had told the Jews through Isaiah that woes would come upon them because they erroneously went into the homes of widows and because of their lust for money they left with some of the widow's money which she was incapable of giving.  My instructions for the priests and politicians were for them to take care of the widows  and orphans, not to take from them money which they could ill afford to give. (Isaiah 10:1-2)   The politicians and religious leaders of Isaiah's time in the earth experienced calamities and woes in their lives, just like Isaiah had said, because when they yielded to the devil's temptations to oppress widows and orphans, they placed themselves in the devil's kingdom of hell and they suffered the consequences of choosing to be bound to the wrong associates,  ones from hell, while they live in the earth. 
   Earlier in the dissertation about the woes that were to come upon the Jewish officials, and also their nation as reported by the prophet Mathew, Jesus Christ told the politicians and religious leaders  that they go into the houses of widows and extort money from them.  He said that they prayed long prayers to deceive the widows into giving money to the officials.  (Matthew 23:14)  The opposite should have been true.  They should have given money to the widows and orphans instead of taking money from them.  They were hypocrites because they, themselves, did the opposite to what they preached that people should do.
    Jesus Christ was very emphatic in his teachings about the way that the ministers who call themselves by My name act toward the widow and orphans  instead of extorting money from them.  He said My children are to teach each other that the political and religious leaders are to do what I said, to take care of the poor, the widows and the orphans. 
    There are many politicians and religious leaders in your time in the earth who bind together to make laws that take money from the poor, the widows and the orphans.  Not only do they extort money from them in religious and political appeals, but they also condemn and heap guilt upon the single mothers and their children for not having a man to be the head of their houses, which happens by no fault of their own.  The men have abdicated their own responsibility to take care of their wives and children, yet the politicians and religious leaders heap guilt upon the women who remain and take care of their children.  It should not be so, that they be judged by the leaders.   Because of the judgment of the women by politicians instead of the politicians and religious leaders educating the fathers to assume responsibility for their own children, woes come upon the leaders for their judgment of women and children, which Jesus referred to as the widows and orphans.
   Jesus Christ called the Pharisees and religious scribes by the name of Blind Guides because they judged, extorted from and lusted after the money that the leaders were supposed to use to take care of the widows and children.  My instructions for them were that the consequences of their judgment of fatherless children and their mothers would cause woes and consequences from hell to come into their lives on earth. 
   Those political and religious leaders in your world are identifying themselves as  Blind Guides and hypocrites who judge and persecute women who are raising their children alone, labeling them by the derogatory term of "single mothers" as if it were a curse.  Instead of the politicians and religious leaders doing what I told them to do for generations, which is to take care of the widows and orphans, meaning the single women and their children, the leaders heap judgment and condemnation on them because of the fathers of the children refusing to care for their own children. 
   If your country is experiencing calamities in the form of a diseased pandemic, increases in multiple floods, multiple fires, multiple hurricanes, multiple droughts,        
multiple riots, multiple killings, multiple poverty stricken families, with hatred, division and strife abounding in your country, then you had better check the attitudes, words spoken and actions taken toward the widows and children by your governmental leaders.  If they are enhancing the wealth of a few while the widows and children are unfed and unhoused, then you better elect political officials who are willing to do what I have asked them to do since earthly governments were formed, which is that they take care of the widows and orphans, not declare them as losers in society.  The fathers of the children abandoned their children and yet the politicians and religious leaders persecute and blame the mothers who have stayed to care for their children.  It should not be so.  The mothers should be heralded as heroes instead of being looked upon as losers in society. 
   I said multiple times that when politicians and religious leaders refuse to provide for and care for the widows and orphans they are sowing seeds in hell for the devil to curse the country with his calamities.  The politicians and religious leaders only planned for the widows and orphans to suffer by the judgment of the leaders, but the devil brings his curses into the entire country because he was given full access to curse the country by the leaders who persecute the poor, the widows and the orphans.  The leaders bind themselves to the devil and inherit his curses in every area of life in the earth.  I said that pure and undefiled religion before me is this: To take care of the fatherless and the widow in their affliction and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.  (James 1:27) 
   Jesus Christ said it more effectively when He said that what you do to the least fortunate of people, you do to Me.  (Matthew 26:34-40)
    Do not bind yourself to political or religious leaders who blame single mothers and their children for the problems of your country.  It's the leaders' judgment of mothers and their children which brings woes and devastation into your country and your world.  If you bind yourself to them in agreeing with their judgments, you also suffer the same woes.  If you refuse to join in their judgment and instead do what I said for My children to do, which is to care for the widows and their children, then you will not be affected by the woes that come as a result of politicians and religious leaders' consequences and woes from hell that come upon your country because of their prejudice and judgment of women and children.
    Learn this truth so that you will not be deceived by their judgments of single women and children as being the losers in society.  I instructed the prophet to warn about it to the Jews under the old covenant and Jesus Christ emphasized the truth in His teachings to the masses.  My Holy Spirit teaches that truth to My children of the new covenant of love.  My children who walk in that truth will be the head and not the tail, above and not below, in every area of life.
    When I said that if a man does not work that he should not eat, I was talking to born again, baptized in the Holy Spirit people who have the power of My Holy Spirit to change work habits in them.  I was not talking to hardhearted men who use those scriptures to judge women and their children who have been abandoned by the father of the children.  Do not use that scripture to judge women outside of My body of Christ by that scripture.    
    Your Father of the Lost Sheep

Saturday, December 26, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
    Jesus Christ was emphatic when He spoke of the woes that were to come upon the Jewish people who did not accept Him as My Son, neither because He approved of the curses nor was He going to send them.  They were going to come upon the Jewish people, especially the politicians and religious leaders, because their religious laws had become the laws of sin and death instead of the first ones which I gave to them from Moses being for the purpose of identifying the devil's works so that they would avoid yielding to them.  The devil programmed the political and religious leaders to use their old laws from Moses to condemn the people and heap guilt upon them.  They used the laws to punish people rather than using them to free the people from doing the works of the devil in the earth by identifying evil.  As a result they suffered from the devil the woes or consequences of their lawbreaking. (Galatians 3:19; Romans 7:5-8)
    You know from your knowledge of the accusations, arrest, trial and crucifixion of Jesus Christ that the laws were often used many times to execute innocent people, making them unjust laws in those cases.  In the instructions of Jesus He warned the officials about the woes which were soon to come upon the people because of the injustice, lack of mercy and lack of faith that they had.  Jesus even called the politicians and religious leaders blind guides, hypocrites and a den of snakes.  His identification of them was directed at the demons who had become their lords in the earth after the politicians left Me and became led by the devil.  Jesus told the politicians that they needed to incorporate My faith, along with justice and mercy, into their lives in order to fulfill His and My promises to them of enjoying My kingdom of heaven in their lives on earth. (Matthew 23:23-24)  
    My faith can only come by knowing My voice.  I said that faith comes from hearing, and that that hearing is directly from hearing My personal voice spoken to people by My Holy Spirit.  The Jewish politicians and religious leaders knew the old covenant scriptures and they even studied the warnings of the old covenant prophets given to their ancestors regarding the woes that were prophesied would come upon the Jews because of their having joined with the idols of the devil for their guidance and protection instead of continuing to seek Me, the Father of Life. for guidance and protection.  They knew the scriptures, but they did not know the Holy Spirit's revelations of truth in the scriptures because the Holy Spirit had not yet been given to them. (Mark 12:24; Mark 12;38-40)  It is those revelations of truth that produce faith in My children who know My voice because they trust in Me because of their intimate knowledge of Me.
     One of the longest and most precise teachings of Jesus Christ had to do with My teachings through Him concerning the calamities which He called woes that come upon people when they put their trust in human politicians, scribes and religious leaders and look to them to be the lords of their lives on earth.  Those officials are human beings who are easily led astray by demons just like you are.  The only government that is stable, immovable and everlasting is My government in the kingdom of God which Isaiah prophesied would be a new spiritual government which would be upon the shoulders of Jesus Christ and His ministry.  (Hebrews 12:22-29) It is the New Heavenly Jerusalem which first came into the earth from heaven on the day of Pentecost; and My kingdom comes to earth every time one of My children becomes baptized in My Holy Spirit.  I construct, through the mouths of My children, a new heaven and a new earth every time they pray in My Holy Spirit because My words flood the earth with My will.  That is called having faith in Me, as produced by the power of My Holy Spirit.  Faith is power.
    My efforts since Adam obeyed the devil has been to restore human beings to a person relationship with Me.  I have used every means possible and they all led up to the Pentecostal experience where My heaven enters into earth's atmosphere in the life of a person who seeks My kingdom.  Faith replaces fear when that happens because My love is revealed.  Perfect love casts out all fear in you. (I John 4:18)
    When My Holy Spirit is Lord of your life on earth, then justice, mercy and faith are your personal characteristics because My Spirit has produced them in you as you are transformed into My image in the earth.
    Your Merciful, Just and Faithful Father 

Friday, December 25, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
   Jesus was very emphatic about the woes that come upon politicians and religious leaders who are judgmental instead of being merciful.  He said that they should not only tithe their herbs, mint and seeds, which was required under Jewish law, but that they had neglected the most important actions which are justice, mercy and faith. (Matthew 23:23) The laws were judgmental, declaring punishment and even death for anyone who broke the laws.  Remember that those Jewish laws were given by Me to identify the works of the devil so that people would avoid them; but instead the devil caused the religious/political leaders to use them to condemn and punish the people.  My ways to handle sin is to forgive them because I am merciful instead of judgmental. (Galatians 3:19-29)  The laws were judgmental instead of merciful under the actions of the political/religious leaders.
   The laws were for training about the identity of evil actions so that when My children were tempted to do evil by the devil, they would remember that I said it was the devil who was tempting them and they would refuse to act upon the temptation.  However, under training by the devil himself, the politicians and religious leaders used the laws to condemn and punish people for the tiniest infractions, making them feel guilty for their wrongdoing instead of their remembering that I am merciful and forgiving.  My reputation in the world was negatively affected by the actions and reactions of the Jewish people to the transgressions of people.  Instead of My being known as being merciful and forgiving, I was erroneously known, because of the Jews, as being judgmental and condemning, which is blasphemy.  (Matthew 12:31; Mark 7:11-23)
   In Jesus' teaching about how to avoid woes coming into your life, He admonished the religious/political men to be merciful instead of being punitive, which they were by their always eagerly watching for any breaking of the laws in order to do what they did best, which was to punish people for wrongdoing. That is what they did to Jesus, accuse Him of wrongdoing to the Roman authorities which led to His being crucified. (Psalm 117:2; Psalm 119:76)
   In the instructions of Jesus Christ to the politicians and scribes, who were the political lawmakers, He told them that they had neglected to be merciful toward all human beings by forgiving infractions of the law instead of their desiring to punish people for the tiniest infraction.  David, the king and prophet, wrote that a merciful person does good to his or her own soul.  In other words the merciful person obtains mercy from other people, but the person who is punitive and judgmental is also cruel and troubles his own flesh. (Proverbs 11:17)
   In even more compelling truth, when Jesus was telling his disciples the benefits of following My words, He said that the merciful person will always obtain mercy from other people.  In fact, He said that a merciful person is blessed and so fortunate that they are often envied by judgmental people.  (Luke 6:36)
   Religious people in your day are always bound to religious laws and so they become judgmental to everyone instead of being merciful and forgiving, like Me.  Everyone has sinned and fallen short of My glorious actions, but My love and mercy cover all sins.  (James 5:20; I Peter 4:8)
    I told the political Pharisees that they strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.  That means that they hide in their hypocrisy their own camel sized sins of cruelty that they do to other people, but they still declare other people deserving of strict judgment and punishment over a simple infraction of the laws.  (Matthew 23:24)  I called them blind guides, meaning that they were leading other people down the wrong paths to judgment instead of leading them to become merciful and forgiving of the sins of other people. 
   Because of My being merciful and forgiving of you, you must return the same degree of mercy to other people.  The rewards for being merciful are magnanimous because they further My kingdom of love in the earth and the acts of mercy reverberate back more love and mercy to you from other people.
   Your Merciful, Forgiving Father 

Thursday, December 24, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
   Jesus Christ taught about the woes that were already coming into the lives of people because of the seeds that they had sown and some woes which were going to continue to come upon them after He fulfilled His ministry in the world.  He was speaking directly to the politicians, the lawmakers and the religious leaders, all which were part of the government of Israel.  He told them that they were doing religious things that were of some interest to Me, which were tithing mint, herbs and seeds for the good of the priests to use, but Jesus said that they were neglecting to do what is very important to Me, which are justice, mercy and faith.  He told the politicians and religious leaders that they needed to do both instead of only tithing things and expecting them to suffice for lack their righteousness.  He even said that what they had omitted to do, which are the most important ones required by Me, are related to their treatment of other people.  
   In other words, Jesus said the most important thing to Me is how you treat people, one being your seeking justice for people who are falsely accused of doing things.  There are many people who have been falsely accused of serious crimes because the lawmakers, the policemen, the government attorneys and the heads of the State rush for judgment of someone they think committed a crime, when all the time the guilty party goes free.  In that scenario the falsely accused person and his family suffer mental torture because of the injustice that has been done to their family member which also affects all of the family of the innocent person.  You've read about the falsely accused person who has finally been released because new evidence came to light that showed that the governing authorities were unjustly eager to arrest, try and convict anybody just to get the public off of their backs.  It happens regularly because the Jewish law is punitive, always eager to punish, and the lawmakers and people who work for the law become of the same thought pattern, arrest anybody just to get the case off of the books and make the politicians look good.  In that situation the laws of the nation and the lawmakers become more important in society than the falsely accused people.  
   Often, to make matters worse, when the truth is revealed and the innocent man goes free, it is rare for the government officials to rejoice that an innocent man has gained freedom.  The nation's officials of the law often persist that no error was made on the part of the governing officials, even after many years in prison has been served by a person who is innocent according to new and compelling evidence uncovered by a merciful lawyer.  To the punitive government officials, the laws are very often more important than the innocent person.  That should not be done.
   Continuing in that vein of thought, injustice is also done in the governments of earthly nations when bully policemen injure and kill innocent people who are only stopped for simple misdemeanors which should involve a ticket or fines but the innocent person ends up dead at the hands of rogue police officers.  Those rogue officers often have a generational gene of racism or authoritarianism which spurs the police officers to detain a person, arrest that person, judge the person guilty, and then injure or kill that person for simply defending himself or herself.  In that scenario, an injustice has been done and woes from hell automatically come upon the entire police community for allowing rogue officers to remain in the police system instead of disciplining the officers at the first offense, then retraining the rogue officers in how to humanely execute their jobs or firing them from their positions instead of the entire legal community applauding the rogue officers for becoming not only the arresting officers but also becoming the judge, jury and executioners, all because injustice is the prevailing mindset in the entire legal/judicial community.  I said through Jesus Christ that injustice brings the devil's woes from hell upon people who further his injustice in your world. (Matthew 23:23; Micah 6:8; Psalm 82:2)  My desire is that My children who call themselves by My name do justly in all matters which concern transgressions, lawbreaking, etc., because injustice comes from hell and the people who bind themselves to injustice inherit the woes from hell in their lives on earth.    
    People who are bound to Jewish laws are punitive, always wanting to punish people. whether they are guilty or innocent, because those laws are the old laws of sin and death which My Holy Spirit said to avoid and from which you must divorce yourself. (Matthew 23:23; Romans 5:12; Romans 8:2)
    In worldly judicial/legal situations in all countries where the laws are punitive rather than just, the emphasis is most often to make the city, state or nation look good and to make an innocent lawbreaker look bad, regardless of the guilt or innocence of the person. All of that is at the behest of the devil who delights in injustice because he can bring woes upon entire nations because of their acts of injustice in the lives of innocent people.  
   Now to more individual injustice, gossiping is a form of injustice because your gossip declares a person guilty of something without your having any real evidence.  Gossiping is an act of injustice.  I call it false witness.  (Exodus 31:1; Proverbs 6:19; Proverbs 19:9)  Bringing false witness against anyone qualifies you for the woes of the devil to flood into your life because injustice is the work of hell.     
   Lying in court or in normal conversation is the same, it declares a person guilty of something without any evidence of guilt.  Lying is injustice because it brings judgment upon another person, causing you to be judge, jury and executioner of the person. Communal injustice and communal lying floods your world with the devil's woes which are extreme griefs,  problems, troubles, calamities, heartaches, afflictions, sorrows, regrets and distress of some degree, usually in weather extremes which curse the lives of an entire population of people, all because a community of people have adopted a lie spoken by their politicians as the truth.  That is the devil's most perverse work.   (Jonah 2:9; Ephesians 4:24-27)
   Joining in unity with the devil by doing his works in the earth of gossiping, lying, speaking falsely or acts of injustice against anyone will always bring the woes of hell into your life on earth.  Injustice, lying and gossiping all come from the same demonic family, which is being a false witness, which I said would bring curses from hell into your life on earth.  Avoid them at all costs because they sow seeds in the devil's garden which will grow evil plants in your life.  (Exodus 20:16; Romans 13:9)   
   I warn My children, caution you, advise you, and protect you by giving you insight into the consequences of your doing unjust actions.  That is all part of My guidance from the Holy Spirit for you.  You do the same for your children.  How much more do I give guidance, correction and loving discipleship to My children.    
  Jesus Christ said that My children are like trees, growing either good or evil fruit in the world.  He said that My children are pruned by My words.  That is why I give you insight and revelation, so that you will more effectively choose to think, speak and act justly toward all people.
    Your Counseling Father

Wednesday, December 23, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
    When I sent the old covenant prophets to the people of Israel and Judah My messages to repent and turn from their wicked ways of oppressing the poor, the widows, the orphans and the immigrants who are fleeing oppressing governments, also to repent for their engaging in blood shedding wars and to repent for their worshiping idols such as money and graven images, they not only ignored My instructions but they killed most of the prophets who brought the loving message which commanded the kings, princes, religious leaders and citizens to return to Me and stop uniting with the devil to do his works in the world.  
   My message was the same from Jesus Christ for the Pharisees and scribes, who were the politicians and religious leaders of His day, warning them that if the governmental authorities continued in their evil ways that the people of their countries would suffer woes in the form of calamities, diseases, plagues, earthquakes, floods, droughts, tornadoes, hurricanes, volcanoes and other destruction as a result of their allowing the devil to increase his curses in their lives when they allowed their governments to oppress the least fortunate people of their country by the politicians and religious leaders.  He called the politicians and religious leaders frauds, saying that they erected tombs to the prophets and decorated monuments to saints, yet the politicians said that if they had been alive in their fathers' time that they would not have joined them in shedding the blood of the prophets.  Jesus Christ told them that they were just as guilty of the acts of their forefathers toward the disenfranchised people of the world by their own opulent lifestyles and their ignoring My words through Jesus Christ.  He said that their actions and deeds toward people showed that they were sons of their own murdering forefathers.  (Matthew 23:29-31)
    Jesus was even more emphatic in His message to the political and religious Jews of His time.  He said that it was their turn, that their actions and deeds had sown seeds that would return to them evil events that were measured out to fill their lives with the same woes of their forefathers from hell.  He called them vipers nests, broods of serpents and He said that they would not escape the condemnation from hell. (Matthew 23:32-33; Matthew 13:36-43)
    Jesus said that He was going to send to them more prophets, wise men and wise scribes but that they would also kill them, crucify them, flog them in the churches, and hunt them down from city to city, which happened after Jesus Christ was crucified, after He went to hell for their sins, rose from the dead and came to live with Me in My heaven.  Jesus said that Israel would experience those woes over and over again until retribution overtakes them for all of the blood of the just people that they had killed on earth all the way from Abel to the prophet Zechariah whom they murdered between the temple and the altar.  He assured the people the same tragedies would be the fate of that generation, which eventually came to pass. (Matthew 23:34-36)  
   My Son spoke the grief of My own wounded heart when He told them this: "OH, JERUSALEM, JERUSALEM, you are murderers of the prophets and stoners of those whom I sent to you.  How often have I yearned to gather your children as a mother hen gathers her young under her wings, but you have refused Me. "     Jesus told the rulers of Israel, whose capital city was Jerusalem, to remember that it had been prophesied that they would find their temple deserted.  He told them that they would not see Me from that time on into the future until they eventually declare, "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord," speaking of Himself, Jesus Christ.  
    When individual Jews accept Jesus Christ, My Son, as their Savior, they escape from the woes and curses of their forefathers.  As far as the nation of Israel, any nation that  binds itself to that nation in their rebellion to Me and My warnings also inherits the woes because of the prophesies which they continue to refuse to heed.
    Do not bind yourself to an old covenant that is called the law of sin and death or you will experience the woes of Israel in your life on earth.  My new covenant of the Holy Spirit causes you to experience life in all of its glory instead of experiencing sin and its woes which are destruction and death.   
    Your Father of Reliable Prophetic Utterances          

Tuesday, December 22, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
    Jesus told His disciples to follow all of the commandments that I gave to the Jews through Moses because they warn about the works of the devil which come in the form of temptations.  The disciples had asked which of the commandments was the most important.  He replied that loving Me and loving people is the most important one because all of the other nine commandments are covered in those two.  He also said that the Pharisees and scribes, those being the politicians and lawmakers, were learned in those laws and the people must do what they teach about the ten laws, but He warned the people not to do what the politicians do in their practicing of the laws because they are now and were then, hypocrites, which has been true throughout history.(Matthew 22:34-40)  
    Governing officials always seem to begin as servants of the people with good intentions, but the devil's thirst for power overtakes them and they eventually become pawns of the devil.   They oppress the poor, burden the widows and orphans, add laws that are burdensome on the least fortunate people in the nation, and they quickly resort to worshiping idols when things are not going their way because of their transgressions.  (Matthew 23:1-11)  He said that the politicians do not follow their own laws, but instead they add more and more burdens onto the backs of the people, not ever lifting their hands to share the burdens.  He said that the politicians of His time went around in robes of royalty so as to be noticed in the marketplace and to be praised by people.  They took and still take seats of honor in the churches and gatherings as if they are royalty while all the time they are supposed to be servants of the people.
    Then Jesus gave the ultimate warning that anyone who exalts himself or herself will eventually be humbled by the devil's circumstances but anyone who humbles himself or herself will eventually be exalted by Me.  (Matthew 23:11-12)  
    Jesus continued by calling attention to the woes that would come upon anyone who is a politician.  He called them frauds who shut the door of My kingdom of heaven in the faces of people and neither do they enter themselves. (Matthew 23:13-14)
    He went on to warn about another woe what politicians would experience if they continued in their hypocrisy.  He again called them frauds and told them that they travel everywhere to make converts and then they make those converts twice as wicked as themselves.  (Matthew 23:15-22)   Jesus had very little good to say about the Pharisees and scribes who were the politicians and lawmakers of His day.  He told them that it was a evil time for them, that they were blind guides for the people.  His insight is valuable because Jesus knew that demons were behind most of the laws by the Pharisees and scribes that were added to the original ten given by Me to Moses.
    Jesus was mainly concerned about the politicians causing people to swear by anything that had to do with the religious leaders or the temple because He knew the spiritual law of being bound to anything other than to Me produced results that would cause woes to flood into their lives in the form of calamities, curses, devastation, destruction, problems, weather extremes, worries and other mental torture that accompanies the devil's works.  He chided the Jews for insisting that the people swear allegiance to the gold in the temple instead of swearing allegiance to the temple itself, asking if the gold is more important than the temple itself.  He said if people swear allegiance to My kingdom of heaven, then he or she is bound to My words that come from My heaven.   But if a person swears allegiance to the temple or anything in the temple, then He or she is bound to the woes that come upon the temple, such as the devastation which was soon to come when My kingdom came on the day of Pentecost, as prophesied.  
   If a person swears allegiance to Me and My heaven, then He or she is obligated to think, act and follow Me and My conduct requirements which bring heaven into their lives on earth.  In other words, swearing allegiance to anything that is of the earth causes a person to inherit the woes that are upon that thing in the earth.  However, if he or she is in unity and dedication only with Me and My kingdom of heaven, then My blessings can flow into his or her life. (Matthew 18:18)  There are no woes as a result of being in unity and bound to Me and My kingdom of heaven, but there are many woes to swearing to be in unity with anything of the flesh, including anything that is in the temple or the temple itself or the politics of the religious activities because they were the same.   They are temporary, both the religious practices and the politics  (Matthew 23: 16-22) My kingdom of heaven is forever, stable and everlasting.
    Learn from the teachings of Jesus Christ.  My insights through Him are built upon the rock of revelation knowledge and nothing can come against those truths.  They endure forever.  Determine that you will not bind yourself to anything that is temporary because anything temporal, as being of the world such as anything that is of the temple, the gold on the altar, the altar itself or the temple itself, will pass away.  My kingdom of heaven will never pass away.  (Matthew 23:20-22; )  Every earthly nation will eventually pass away because they are of the flesh, not of Me.  Everything that is spiritual is eternal, not subject to the passage of time or deterioration.
    Jesus was clear in His teachings about your yielding to any temptation which requires your dedication and loyalty to anything to do with earthly matters.  They are temporary, subject to change.  My kingdom of God is stable, immovable and permanent in your earthly life and your future life in My heaven.  Your allegiance  reflects something to which you bind yourself.  Let it be only to Me and My kingdom of God.
     Your Father of Warnings of Woes

Monday, December 21, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
    My warnings to My children in the earth did not cease when the old covenant was ending because the devil never gives up on his ability to tempt people to do his deeds in the earth and thus inherit his destruction and death in their lives on earth.  My Son Jesus Christ also taught about people who lead My children astray, saying that there would always be occasions to yield to evil temptations.  He said that WOES would come into the world because of people committing offenses against other people and Me, but that special WOES would come upon people through whom the devil works to entice people to lead other people astray.  (Matthew 18:5-7)
    Jesus related the reason to flee from people who are causing you to sin against Me and My other children by telling you how to avoid the WOES that follow sinning because the devil rewards his followers with destruction and death. Jesus used the human body to represent people with whom you are temped to join in unity.  He said if your eye causes you to offend Me or some person, for you to gouge your eye out and cast it away from you and if your hand causes you to offend Me or someone else, for you to cut off your hand.  He was relating a truth that He later taught through the Holy Spirit that believers are My body.  His allegory was to let you know that you must be careful with whom you join in unity because some people will be used by the devil to tempt you to disregard My advice.  After you are born of Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit, Jesus said that it's better for you to enter into My kingdom of heaven without the people who had tried to lead you to perform an offense against Me or other people than it is for you to try to enter My kingdom while you are still in fellowship with evil influences such as false prophets.  (Matthew 18:8-9)
   The warning from Jesus emphasized that temptations to do offensive, evil or wicked things will always come to you in your life on earth, but the person or demon through whom a temptation comes will also be an inheritor of great WOES along with you if you yield to the temptation.  A person or demon who presents the temptation that is pleasing to your eyes in the form of some kind of lust, or a temptation that is in your thoughts as a desire for greatness with demonic wisdom, or someone who tempts you with a gluttonous desire for food or drunkenness of wine will always inherit WOES in his or her life on earth. (Genesis 3:6)
   The setting of this important lesson from Me through Jesus Christ was given to His disciples when they inquired of Jesus who was going to be greatest in My kingdom of heaven when it came into the earth, indicating their selfish desires for importance.  Jesus called a little child to himself and used the child to demonstrate what is the attitude that I desire for My children to have instead of a desire for greatness.  He told them that anyone who comes to Me must come like a child, with the lowliness of mind of a servant, humble, teachable and willing to learn from Me instead of desiring to be greater than anyone else.  (Matthew 18:1-4)  He said that the greatest people in My kingdom of heaven are the humble and unselfish people, not the ones who crave greatness and the attention of other people.
    Relate the humbleness of attitude to the teaching of Jesus when He taught you to pray in your prayer room alone with Me instead of praying in front of other people to be noticed and praised.  He said that when a person prays in front of other people that they are already getting their desire, which is to be thought greatly religious.  They already have their reward.  He said that when you pray that you should pray alone in your prayer room where only you and I are together.  He said that I am able to reward you openly when you pray alone with only Me in attendance. (Matthew 6:6)
    Give heed to My teaching about a demonic desire to be great.  The devil loves to tempt you to be great so that he can elevate you and then plunge you to the WOEFUL depths of despair when he brings misery, devastation, destruction and grief into your life, which is what he does.  It is the pride of life that is at the basis of his works.  My humility, the same as was in Jesus Christ, allows me to elevate you in My family above the devil's temptations and works instead of your desiring to be elevated above people.  Jesus said that WOES will come upon people who desire to be greater than other people because they always leave a trail of injured people on the way to greatness.  Then they are plunged by the devil to nothingness because of pride.  Pride always precedes a fall from notoriety and greatness.
    Pay attention to the teachings of Jesus relating to the WOES that come into the lives of people as a result of their fellowshipping with the devil, doing his dastardly works in the earth instead of their fellowshipping with Me and doing My good works in the earth.  Doing My good works to other people brings even greater good works from Me into your life on earth.
   Your Father of Cautions and Warnings

Sunday, December 20, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
    Some of My spokespersons, the prophets of the old covenant, were chosen by Me to warn the nations of Israel and Judah to end their unity with the devil and their evil works in their nations and the rest of the earth.  Rarely did they take My advice and break their unity with hell and return to unity with Me and My heaven nation.  Their evil works of oppressing the poor, robbing from widows and orphans, engaging in multiple wars which shed innocent blood in order to increase the wealth of their countries by ravaging the castles of the countries of their enemies continued.  Also they continuing in their propensity to worship idols which they had built themselves as if there was any life in those idols made of wood and decorated with jewels, silver and gold, which was putrid in My sight because they expected guidance, protection and provision from lifeless dolls instead of their continuing in unity with Me, the creator of the world.  They also sacrificed their children and goods to those man made idols, hoping to gain favor with those artificial gods that were made with human hands, and the people made money their idol.  
   That scenario in the history of Israel repeated itself over and over and over, as you have noticed in your study of the woes that I said would come upon Israel and Judah if they continued in their rebellion against Me which caused them to join with demons.  Exactly what I prophesied through the prophets happened to them, and Israel continued to reap from other countries the evil that they had sown in the past, just like I had warned them would happen.  I was not the author of the calamities that produced the woes that came upon them.  The devil was the instigator and he used the kings, priests and other political officials to do his evil deeds in the earth instead of their doing My will which I promised would bring peace and happiness to them.  The crowning evil deeds were that the kings and officials of Israel and Judah even killed My very emissaries, the prophets, instead of their listening to My guidance through them.  
    In the fulfillment of prophesy, I sent a prophet named John the Baptist to Israel to again call the Jews to repent from doing evil in their nation and the world and to encourage them to wait for My Salvation to come into the earth.  John the Baptist looked less like a prophet than anyone I had used.  He wore only the skin of a camel tied with a leather strap, ate only grasshoppers and honey and he lived in the desert.  John was the farthest thing in looks from any prophet sent from Me.  However, John's message was the most compelling message of all.  He told the people, along with the officials, that he came to baptize them for repentance but that someone greater was coming to be the Savior of the world.  Common people went in droves to John to repent and be baptized for repentance.  (Matthew 3:1-6)
    John, as a prophet, was not intimidated by the political and religious leaders who went to him to be baptized.  He called them a den of snakes and asked them who had told them to experience John's baptism.  He doubted their desire to repent, suspected their desire was to spy on him.  He told them that his baptism was only a precursor to the baptism that was to later come from Me, called the baptism in the Holy Spirit by a person who was much more powerful than John was. (Matthew 3:7-12)
    Later when Jesus came to John to be baptized in water, John recognized the deity of Jesus, so John tried to refuse to baptize Jesus and said that he, himself, should be baptized by Jesus.  Jesus told John that they must do what I ordained so that it would fulfill other prophesies.  Sure enough, later after Jesus rose out of the water I spoke from heaven and identified Him as My Son, in whom I was pleased because He was following My guidance in the earth. (Matthew 3:13-17)
    The Jews were later also responsible for killing John the Baptist because he was My prophet.  My prophets never looked like the Jews wanted them to look.  They wanted them to be on equal physical standards with their royalty because their interpretation of the coming of their Messiah was one who was to rebuilt their kingdom in Jerusalem where the temple had been.  They could not accept the fact that He would not be a friend of royalty, but instead that He would be a friend of tax collectors and other sinners, enjoying the humility of the lower class of society at the time.  
    Jesus knew that John was in prison awaiting his fate.  In answer to a question from John if He was My gift to the world for whom they waited, Jesus sent back a message that said that the blind were seeing again, the diseased were being healed, cripples were walking, dead men were being raised and that good news was being preached to the poor.  He sent the message to John that anyone who found no stumbling block in Him would be blessed. (Matthew 11:1-6)
    Jesus spoke to the crowd who gathered and asked them what they expected My prophets to look like.  He asked them that when they went to be baptized by John the Baptist did they expect to see a reed swaying in the wind or did they expect to see someone who was luxuriously dressed like their politicians and religious people?  He said that people who were dressed luxuriously were found in royal palaces.  He said that My prophets were not dressed like royalty.  In fact, Jesus said that there had never been a person born who was as great in the history of the world as John the Baptist.  He said that eventually a person who is least in My kingdom of God would be greater than John the Baptist.  He chided the people for judging John by saying that he was crazy and also judging that Jesus, Himself, was a drunkard and a glutton because He loved being with tax collectors and people who did not obey religious laws.  He said that eventually wisdom would show who was real spiritual royalty. (Matthew 11:7-19)
   It was then that Jesus Christ said that woes would come upon the cities in which He ministered many miracles but where the people did not repent.  He said that the people were going to experience WOES from hell for refusing to turn from wicked behavior in their treatment of people. They had sowed seeds from hell and they would experience WOES in the form of problems, troubles, devastation, destruction, griefs and miseries as a result of furthering the works of the devil in the earth instead of returning to Me as their God and in turn receiving My blessings. He told them that if the miracles that they had witnessed being done by Jesus had been done years before in Sodom, that the people of Sodom, who were guilty of committing the most vile iniquities known to man, they would have repented and Sodom would have remained a city.  (Matthew 11:20-24)  Jesus told about more WOES that were coming to the inhabitants of some of the cities where He did mighty miracles but the people refused to turn from their evil ways.  
    The Jews neither accepted My prophets nor did they accept My Son who did mighty miracles in front of their eyes.  They persisted in believing that their Savior, whom they expected as their Messiah, that He would come as royalty, never as a servant.  Instead, My Son came to earth as a servant, never seeking to be adored as a king or other governing official.  In His humility He served My love, My healing, My forgiveness, My guidance, My freedom, My provisions in time of need, My mercy and My kindness to humanity who were humble and in need.
   Yes, the WOES from hell persisted in the lives of people who refused to accept My Son as who He was, My gift to the world for the forgiveness of sins, the visual example of My Love and Grace.  He came to earth as a humble man instead of a king and so the Jewish officials refused to accept His deity.  The believers in His Godliness reaped the benefits of My love instead of the curses of the devil.
   Woes are always in operation in the world because of the demons from hell who have placed a veil over the minds of people as well as the Jews in order for them to ignore My prophets and ignore even My Son when they had valuable warnings to the contrary.
   My children of promise in your day can walk free from the WOES if they are guided by My Holy Spirit and pray intercessory prayers in the Holy Spirit, never looking to the left or the right to political officials to be their idols, but only looking straight ahead to the guidance of My words through My Holy Spirit. They have heaven on earth when they make My Holy Spirit the Lord of their lives on earth.  (I Corinthians 3:16; II Corinthians 3:17-18)  Bind yourself only to goodness and kindness, never to hatred, anger, division and strife, or you will find yourself inundated by WOES, just like the Jews of old.    
   Your Father of Perfect Solutions                                           

Friday, December 18, 2020


 My Dear Precious Child,
   If you will notice, when I spoke through every old covenant prophet I spoke that I would have a remnant of people who had remained loyal to Me every time when the kings, priests and people of Israel and Judah left our mutual arrangement in a covenant and bound themselves to the devil's work.  To those people who did not remain loyal but instead oppressed the poor, shed blood in wars, robbed from disenfranchised people, worshiped money, gave in to lust, became prideful, worshiped idols and those people who had other excuses for their leaving My protection, I said that because they had united with the devil in doing evil to other people that they would inherit the devil's curses in their lives in the form of woes like calamities, troubles, problems, floods, droughts, earthquakes, failed crops, being invaded by armies that they had previously defeated and other devastation.  The seeds that they had sown in the lives of people would return to them producing the same crops of curses.  Those people of Israel would inherit woes because of their tendency to bind themselves to the works of evil from the devil.  (Zephaniah 3:1-4) However, when I prophesied the woes that would come upon the people as a result of their sins, I said each time that I would have a remnant of people who never left Me, and it was through them that I would bless the earth because of their continued loyalty to Me.  (Zephaniah 3:12-15; Isaiah 37:32; Jeremiah 44:28; Ezekiel 6:8; Amos 5:15; Micah 5:8; Joel 3:32; Zechariah 8:12)  
   To Zephaniah I spoke the joy that would eventually come in the future as a result of My new covenant of the Holy Spirit.  (Zephaniah 3:16-18)  I said that I would be a mighty Savior in their midst, that I would rejoice over My children with joy and that I would renew them in My love.  He professed that I would sing joyfully because of them. That was My great hope for the Salvation of the world, when My new and last covenant of the Holy Spirit came into the earth.  
    My constant forgiveness for the remnant of the nation of Israel for the sins of that nation was necessary because the human part of My Son Jesus was to come from Abraham's seed, his DNA, so a portion of Israel, a remnant, had to remain as pure and just as possible in order for My Holy Spirit, who overcame Mary and impregnated her with My sperm to create My Son who was son of man and Son of God.  He would have authority in the earth over demons because of his being part human and part Spirit.  So you can see why it was expedient that I have a remnant of people from every generation who would pass down Abraham's good DNA through their children so that Jesus Christ would start out with more good human qualities than bad human qualities when He was born in the earth.
    Through the prophet Zephaniah I said that people with pride would not be in that remnant of people in every generation of Israel, that there would no more be haughty officials who were in the remnant of people that I set apart from every generation that went astray and served the devil.  I said that I would set aside only the humble and lowly of spirit people who still trusted in My name because they would not be prideful, that they would not do iniquity, nor speak lies, neither have a deceitful tongue because they would feed on My words and not be afraid.  It was in that remnant of people in every generation that I identified as people who would pasture their own flock and be undisturbed by the politics and religion of the masses and undisturbed by the kings and priests down through the ranks who were oppressive.
    If it had not been for the remnant portion of every generation it would have been impossible for Me to send My Salvation into the earth in the person of Jesus Christ and My Holy Spirit.
    You and other people are blessed to be partakers of the faith of that remnant in every generation or you would not have been born of My Spirit and baptized in my Holy Spirit, through whom I desire to destroy the works of the devil in the earth. (John 3:16-17; Matthew 13:36-43; I John 3:8)
    When you are baptized in my Holy Spirit, guided by My Spirit and pray in My Holy Spirit in intercessory prayers, then you participate in My kingdom of heaven becoming evident in the earth because you have allowed My Holy Spirit to be Lord in your life. (I Corinthians 3:16; II Corinthians 3:17-18)  That is when I, as Zephaniah prophesied, rejoice over you with gladness and and sing joyfully because of you.
    Your Father of a Great Salvation 

Thursday, December 17, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
    In his vision of the opening of the heavens, Zechariah saw My disappointment that I had that the people of Israel had again deserted Me in favor of following the voice of the devil and in doing his wickedness in the world.  I told them that if they would eventually return to Me that I would certainly return to them.  I instructed Zechariah to tell the people that they should not be like their forefathers who were warned by other prophets to return to Me but they continued in their evil ways and wicked deeds.  I told them that the prophets did not live forever but My decrees and prophesies spoken through the prophets lived longer than the people who heard them.  I told Zechariah that people would eventually recognize that they were treated in their lives according to their own deeds toward other people, just like was foretold to them.  Other prophets had told them the same thing, that they were doing acts upon people that were not of Me and that they were actions guided by the devil.  (Zechariah 1:1-6)
   As a demonstration the prophet Zechariah was shown in the vision many actions past and present for which the nation had eventually suffered woes, misfortunes, problems, troubles, miseries, deaths and calamities.  I showed him the lesson that I had shown through Isaiah about their fasting, which was supposed to be their acts of mourning to Me for their wicked deeds.  The prophet Zechariah mirrored the vision and truth of Isaiah when he told the people of Israel the fasting that was true fasting in My eyes.  He told the people that their traditional fasting was for themselves, instead of being for Me.  He said that they ate for themselves and drank for themselves, not  in obedience to Me as to what My true fasting is. 
   Zechariah told the people that My true fasting was to render true righteous judgment and to show kindness and compassion toward each other. He told them that My fasting is to not oppress the widows and the orphans, the immigrants and the poor and not to plot evil against one another in their hearts just as Isaiah had prophesied through the prophets to the people of his time. (Isaiah 58) Zechariah told the people of Israel that they had stubbornly turned their backs and stopped up their ears so as not to listen to My warnings to them throught the prophets.  He told them that they did not listen when I called and the barrier that they had authorized to be placed between us caused Me not to be able to listen when they called out to Me in their misery when their own wickedness overcame them through the other nations. (Isaiah 59:1-15) Their pleasant land was turned into a desert, just like Isaiah had foretold, and they inherited the woes of the devil because they failed to follow My instructions.  (Zechariah 7:1-14)
    An angel quizzed Zechariah about everything that he was showing him, asking if he understood the meaning; to which Zechariah replied that he did not understand because he had been taught that I was both good and evil and retribution came from Me.  The angel spoke that My message to him which revealed the key to all of the things that he was spiritually observing was an episode which Joshua experienced, that message to Zechariah being: "Not by an army, nor by might, but by My Spirit, said the Lord of Hosts."  (Zechariah 3 and Zechariah 4:1-6)  In other words, every important battle takes place in the spiritual dimension between the devil's forces of evil and the power of My Holy Spirit accompanied by My angles working in My behalf.  It was an insight that My children should never place their faith and dependency upon the human battles that the devil institutes between  humans, but that all things only change permanently by the power of My Holy Spirit.
    Zechariah was privileged to spiritually see the Salvation which was to eventually come into the earth through Jesus Christ in the future. (Zechariah 9:9-17, chapter 10 and Zechariah 12:7-11) He was privileged to observe all of it as prophesy because the veil between heaven and earth was removed for him to see the future Salvation of the earth. 
    The woes that came upon the nation of Israel were the same as spoken by all of the other prophets, that as a result of how the kings, priests and people of the nation of Israel treated the poor, the widows and orphans, the immigrants, each other and their enemies, those actions signaled the forces of evil to come against them with the same wickedness that the people of Israel had done to other people.  Not until My Salvation came into the earth through Jesus Christ was there My power present in human bodies to defeat evil; first through Jesus Christ and then through My children of promise who are born of My Spirit, baptized in My Holy Spirit, pray in My Holy Spirit and are led by My Holy Spirit.  When that began to happen in the earth, beginning on the day of Pentecost, there was a new heaven and a new earth instituted.  There was a new heaven because when Jesus was crucified the barrier between earth and heaven was removed and the prophets and saints of old were released from the graves and appeared to many people.  They entered into My heaven when Jesus came to sit down with me.  Their presence and the presence of the glorified body of Jesus Christ changed the constituency of heaven. (Matthew 27:50-53) The old passed away and all things became new on earth also when My kingdom of heaven, in the person of My Holy Spirit, came to earth to live in people who sought Me with their whole hearts, beginning of the day of the first Pentecost.  The constituency of the world also changed on that momentous day. I made the bodies of human beings My temples in the earth. (I Corinthians 3:16) It was the culmination of the prophesy of Jeremiah. (Jeremiah 31:31-34; Romans 8:11)
    My children of promise must learn more fully the treasure of the Holy Spirit that they have in their earthly human bodies so that My cleansing of the earth will proceed as planned by Me.  (Romans 8:11; II Corinthians 4:6-10)  
    Your Father of Perfect Solutions  

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

My Dear Precious Child,
   Even before Jeremiah prophesied to Judah, I sent Zephaniah to tell the kings and priests to correct the sins of religious degradation of their adding the worship of former gods to their worship of Me.  Religious rites from former pagan idol worship had been added to their worship of Me and so in their eyes we became a dual deity, of which there is no such thing.  Their sins were much like My children who generations later had accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, become born again of My Holy Spirit, were baptized in My Holy Spirit and then returned to their old Jewish traditions of worship which were dead rites and liturgies and requiring observing the old covenant laws which I called the laws of sin and death.  That old covenant was null and void, passe and powerless.  False prophets in both instances were responsible for the degradation of adding the powerless old practices to My current and workable practices.  When the old laws were given they were sufficient, but after My new covenant of the Holy Spirit began the practices that were instituted under the old covenant were null and void.  
   While operating under the old covenant My prophesies to the cities of the country of Israel were necessary to correct their sins which placed them under the devil's curses instead of their being under My blessings.  I sent prophets to the kings and priests to urge them back onto the right paths and practices so that they could once again be blessed by Me instead of their qualifying for the curses of hell by their making the devil their god by their following his will.
    My words of correction through Zephaniah related to the many sins that the  kings, politicians and people of Jerusalem had once again committed in defiance of My previous counsel to them which caused them to remove themselves from My protection and guidance because they had chosen other gods instead of Me. I told the people of certain sections of Jerusalem that they would wail from the curses because their wealth would become the pillage of other countries, that they would build houses but not live in them, that they would plant vineyards but not drink their wine.  I said that they would be hemmed in without escape and that neither gold nor silver would be able to save them because of their signing on to  inherit My wrath which I have for the devil and his demons by their binding themselves to the devil by their following the devil's temptations instead of My guidance.  (Zephaniah 1:11-13)  Their binding themselves to the devil and his demons in the idols had caused them to bind themselves to My wrath that is only poured out upon the devil and his demons because of what they do to My children.  (verses 14-18)
   My advice to the royalty and people was to seek Me instead of continuing to bind themselves to the demons that were present in the idols, that they seek justice and humility and maybe they would be sheltered from My wrath for the devil.  Zephaniah spoke about the curses that were coming on the coastal cities which were going to be cursed, but he prophesied also that eventually in the future a remnant was going to be restored to Me when the people returned to Me.  
    Even though I prophesied through Zephaniah about Jerusalem's inhabitants who were rebellious and polluted the earth, they also did not accept correction from Me, their priests profaned what was holy and did violence to the laws of Moses, but I said that all the time I was still the same Lord who is just and does no wrong. (Zephaniah 3:1-5) I said that there would be a remnant of people who were humble who would take refuge in My name, that they would speak no lies or have deceitful tongues.  My promise to them was that they would pasture their flocks and no one would disturb them. (verses 12-13)
   That remnant of people would shout for joy because judgment had been removed from them and I had turned away their enemies, celebrating that I would be in their midst and that they would no longer have misfortune to fear.  I told them that that eventual group of people, the remnant that remained loyal to Me, would eventually shout for joy and not fear.  I said through Zephaniah that eventually those people who were descendants of the remnant which was saved would profess this song, "The Lord thy God in the midst of you is mighty, He will save and rejoice over you with joy.  You will rest in His love and He will sing over you with gladness." (Zephaniah 3:14-17)  
   In that glorious day of My new covenant of the Holy Spirit I said that I would remove disaster from them so there would be no disgrace, that I would deal with all who oppress them, that I would save the lame and assemble the outcasts to Me.  I said that I would give those people of My new covenant of love praise and renown in the earth when I brought about My restoration before their very eyes.  That promise is the same promise that was seen by other prophets when I gave to them spiritual insights into what was to eventually come into the earth as My promise of the restoration of the earth.  (Zehaniah 3:18-20)  That prophesy related to the ministry of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in which I chose to live inside of people, creating a spiritual nation of people who would hear My voice and follow My guidance.  That prophesy was the same as the prophesies of Jeremiah, Isaiah, Joel, Amos and other prophets with each prophet speaking of a specific portion of My truth which was to be manifested in Jesus Christ and My Holy Spirit.  After it was all prophesied, then Salvation came to earth in the person of Jesus Christ and then He turned the ministry of Salvation of the earth over to My Holy Spirit when He came to live with Me, which was My plan from the beginning.
    It's called, with My power, saving My children from the works of the devil.  (I John 3:9)
    Your Father of Effective Plans        

Tuesday, December 15, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
   The prophet Habakkuk who spoke for Me to the nation of Judah prophesied the capture of Jerusalem as a result of the political rebellion and idolatry that was widespread.  My struggles with the nations of Judah and Israel were constant because of their kings and priests constantly building idols to worship and also putting their political endeavors above My will.  Their love for war, conquest and killing was notorious to other nations.  The capture of their political and religious capitol was the deepest fear of the kings and religious leaders. Habakkuk demanded an answer from the officials but first he lamented that he was going to wait for an answer from Me, as long as it took.  I answered him because of his patience and faith and I knew that he could hear from Me. (Habakkuk 2:1-4)  I told him that a person of faith would live through the woes that were coming upon Judah and Israel because of their sins against me.
   I first affirmed to the prophet that wealth is treacherous and must be avoided because its insatiable, never satisfied thirst for money until it even takes money from the poor, and that eventually wealth will take up a never ending taunt against greedy people.  I said that WOES were coming upon the king and people of Judah because they had loaded themselves down with wealth that was not theirs and so the many woes because of the sins were being accrued as debts and creditors, and that they, themselves, would be the spoils of other nations in return for yielding to the greed for wealth.  I told Habakkuk to tell the people of Judah  that because they took wealth from other nations that they would suffer the same fate, that other nations would take from them because of their bloodshed and violence done to the lands, the cities and everyone who lived in them.(Habakkuk 2:6-8)
   There were other WOES that the prophet spoke to Judah that would also come from hell to them for their sins of people pursuing evil gain for their own household at the expense of the households of other people, then trying to set their political positions on high in an effort to escape punishment, as if their elevation of their own wealth would be enough to escape punishment for yielding to the devil's spirit of greed.  It wouldn't.  It just increased their woes.  I told them that they had brought shame upon their households, cutting off many people from blessings and they forfeited their own lives to the demon of greed which tempted people to love money. (Habakkuk 2:9-11)
   Subsequent WOES that were to come upon the people of Judah from hell for their sins were as a result of their building their cities on the bloodshed of other nations and building their towns by acts of wickedness.  Habakkuk told the kings and people of Judah that those evil ways are not from Me; instead that it's My desire that people of the earth would be filled with the knowledge of Me just as the waters cover the sea. (Habakkuk 2:12-14)
   Adding to those WOES from hell, I told Habakkuk to prophesy to Judah that other WOES would come to the people of Judah who make their neighbor drink their wrath until they make them drunk with anger and expose their own nakedness, saying that they will be filled with shame, instead of being filled with their former glory which they inherited from Me, because they had brought other nations into their being drunk with wrath.  I told the people of Judah that the violence that they had done to Lebanon would return to them and cover them and that the destruction would be so terrible that bloodshed and violence would be done to their own cities and all who lived there as result of the bloodshed they had done to other cities and countries.(Habakkuk 2:15-17)
    The final WOES that I told Habakkuk to prophesy to the nation of Judah that were coming to them was because of their building idols and then telling the idols of wood, jewels, gold and silver to awake and rise and take care of them, even through there was no breath in the idols.  He reasoned with them that how could the idols do anything good for them when the people themselves had carved them, asking how could they trust in something that they had made which were dumb idols?  He reminded the people that all the time while they were building idols that I was in My temple ready for them to be silent before Me in repentance.  Until they destroyed the idols and returned to Me, the woes of calamity, distress, troubles, problems, griefs and distress would overtake them because of their refusing to keep the laws which I told them would keep them from sowing evil and thus reaping evil.(Habakkuk 2:19-20)
    Habakkuk's faith in Me is professed in his final words to Me.  He said that even if the fig tree did not blossom, and if there was no fruit on the vines, if the yield of the olives failed and the farms produced no food, and even if the foul disappeared and there was no herd in the stalls, "YET, I WILL REJOICE IN THE LORD AND GLORY IN THE GOD OF MY SALVATION, FOR HE IS MY STRENGTH, MAKING MY FEET AS HINDS' FEET, MAKING ME TO WALK AND NOT STAND IN TERROR, PROGRESSING TOWARD THE HIGH PLACES ABOVE TROUBLE AND SUFFERING." (HABAKKUK 3:17-19)
    That kind of faith is rewarded when you have prayed and prayed but you do not see the results of your prayers, yet you continue to praise Me for the answers, realizing that it takes time to facilitate the answers to your prayers, desires, needs and wishes because I am working through other human beings to bring the answers to your prayers to you.  That is why I said that it is with faith and patience that you will receive My promises.
    Heed the truth about the woes that I told you about that come to every person who sheds blood in war or in anger at his neighbor, also to the wealthy person who has made money his or her idol at the expense of the poor, and remember the woes that come to people who worship idols that they have made with their own hands.  
    The woes that come upon people for what they have done to other people are legendary.  Don't make them part of your legacy.  Learn from Israel and Judah's mistakes under the old covenant.  Make My Holy Spirit your guide, your protector, your provider, your wisdom, your knowledge, your healer, your Truth and your always present help.  (I Corinthians 3:16; II Corinthians 3: 17-18)
    Your Father of Constant Provisions

Sunday, December 13, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
   The prophesies to Israel were numerous because the kings, priests and people were constantly abandoning their relationship with Me and building idols to worship the demons inhabiting them.  They desired gods that they could touch and feel instead of their depending upon Me for their guidance.  There were plenty of false prophets who stepped in and prophesied to them from the devil, just like there are in your world.  My interest and dedication to the nation of Israel was that the physical body for My Son Jesus was to come through that nation because of Abraham's purity and faith.  I tried to guide and protect Israel for generations in order to take care of the human blood line which would produce as pure a body as possible for Jesus to inhabit in the earth. 
    When Jesus Christ was born, died and was resurrected, My old covenant with the nation of Israel was over and My new covenant of the Holy Spirit began which was offered to Jews, Gentiles, males, females, slaves and free people because all are equal and One with Me in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:16 and 26-29) When a person is born of My Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit, the person's human nationality is no longer of importance because he or she is One with Me and his or her new nationality is My kingdom of God. (Romans 10:4)  Many false prophets lead My children back into being under the old Mosaic laws which are the laws of sin and death.  Any prophesies for the nation of Israel are null and void for My children who are of faith because the old laws bring destruction and death.  It's a new day and a new life for My children who seek Me with their whole heart.   The personal words of My Holy Spirit to My individual children take the place of all laws and covenants from the past because My Spirit becomes their guide.  (Galatians 3:1-5)
   The old covenant prophet Micah said that he was woeful because there were no righteous people in Israel.  He said that there were no upright men in the earth, that they all laid in wait to shed blood and they hunted every man with a net so that they would do evil with both of their hands.  He accused the prince, the judge and great men of having mischievous desires. He said that the best of those men were briars, and the most upright men were sharper than a thorny hedge but he proclaimed that the day of watchmen and My visitation would some day come and the perplexity of the evil doers would be great.  Micah even cautioned the people of Israel not to even trust a friend and not to place any confidence in a human guide. 
   Micah wrote that everyone was deceived, that sons dishonored their fathers, that a daughter rose up against her mother, the daughter-in-law came against her mother-in-law and that a man's enemy would be of his own household.  In his distress Micah said that the only real hope that he knew was to call upon Me and wait for My salvation.  He confessed that I would hear his prayers.  He had confidence in My plan that was to come upon the earth.  He said that I would do marvelous things in the earth and the nations of the earth would be confounded by My power.  He was prophesying My salvation coming to earth in the person of Jesus Christ.
    Micah was so impressed by My power that was to come into the earth that he asked who is a God who pardons iniquity and passes right by the transgressions of the remnant of his heritage, a God who delights in mercy?   It was by faith that Micah spoke of the new covenant in which I would have compassion on everyone, that I would subdue the iniquities of Israel and cast all of the sins into the depths of the sea.  The people had not seen those attributes in My personality because they attributed both good and evil to Me. Micah wrote that I would speak truth to Jacob and mercy to Abraham which I had sworn in the past to their fathers.
    Even though Micah was overcome with the amount of sins in the nation, he still had faith in My compassion and My ability to cast demons into the abyss. (Micah 7:18-20; Matthew 13:36-43) Jesus Christ also prophesied those same events would come by the power of My Holy Spirit after He was resurrected. (John 16:13)
    The woes that Micah prophesied that were to come upon Israel because of the rich people exploiting the poor, the fraud of merchants upon the poor, and the corruption of kings, princes, judges, priests and prophets were mostly centered on the capital cities of Jerusalem and Samaria where the governments were located.  Yet, Micah could still see into the future and prophesy the eventual coming of My salvation into the world when My compassion and mercy would be revealed. 
    Micah was like all of My prophets that I sent to the nation of Israel in that he pointed out the sins, and the woes that came from hell because of the sins, and yet he ended the prophesies with hope and the promise of My salvation.
    The study of the woes of misery, destruction, devastation, griefs and distress that come upon people as a result of evil actions toward other people is a picture of the devil's evil rewards for people who do his will in the earth. The study of the woes provides insight into why people suffer evil events in their own lives.  As you can see by the woes that always seemed to come upon Israel, most woes come as a result of governmental agencies which can do more gross amounts of domination of the poor than individuals.  The cure-all for eliminating the cause for woes in your life are all contained in My history and Instruction Book called the Bible.  The examples of woes having come from hell and visited on a group of people include instances of generations of evil actions of the nation of Israel and the woes that resulted in their lives on earth for falling for the temptations of the devil to cheat, injure, rob, steal from or afflict the poor and least fortunate of people in the earth. The woes that came upon that nation as a result of abandoning Me and making idols of earthly things are certainly not worth the agony caused by the woes.
    The prophesies always included in some form the promise that I made to Abraham, that through his children's children's generations down the line I would cause My Son Jesus Christ and My Holy Spirit to bring salvation to the earth in which I would remember their sins no more, that I would blot the sins out as if they never happened, that I would give to everyone who seeks Me the power of My Holy Spirit to refuse evil and to cast the demons into the fiery furnace so that My children would shine like the sun in the earth.  The entirety of that promise was made to Jews and Gentiles, males and females, slaves and free people through all of the prophesies of My calling.
   Under My new covenant of the Holy Spirit, My power of the Holy Spirit is resident in the earth in My children of promise who have sought Me and found Me and continue to seek to know Me personally.  My personal words of prophesy to each person are their Guidance, their Truth, and their Light, all of which are the rewards for which the prophets under the old covenant foretold but never experienced.  You are blessed and fortunate to have inherited the promises of which they prophesied.  I aid that you have this treasure of the Holy Spirit in your earthen vessel.  You must treasure Him and allow Him to be your Lord in the earth by becoming your Father in life.  (I Corinthians 3:16; II Corinthians 3:17-18) 
    Your Father of Magnificent Ways and Means