Tuesday, December 1, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
   You have heard it said that pride goes before a fall.  In other words, the prideful people of the earth have the guarantee of falling from a place of honor to a place of dishonor if they do not become humble.  Because every prideful person views himself or herself above other people in certain gifts, humility is nowhere to be found inside of the person.  The prophet Jeremiah told the people of Babylon very dramatically that their nation was going to fall and that he should not hide the news but instead that he was to announce it and publish it among all of the nations that Babylon was taken by an enemy, her images put to shame and her idols shattered.  An army from the north had advanced toward her with the intent of turning her land into a desert so that no one should find it fit to live there because all animals and humans had left.  (Isaiah 50:37)
    I told Jeremiah that Babylon had suddenly fallen and been destroyed.   He said the people were howling and had become devastated.  I said that I would be an avenger of My children of Israel and defend their cause with success so as to give rest to the earth, but unrest would come to Babylon because it was a land of idols and the people were made fearful of the things they idolized. The woes that were coming upon Babylon because of their depending upon idols were named.  He said that only wildcats and beasts would live there, and ostriches would occupy it, that people would never again live in it from age to age.  (Jeremiah 50:38-39)   A great wind would lay waste the land.  Jeremiah told the people to flee the land.
    At one time Babylon had been a golden cup in My hand which made the whole earth drunk with admiration.  (Jeremiah 51:7)  However, the pride of the kings, priests and influential people had caused their idols, which were inhabited by demons, to flood Babylon with devastation which came to them through their enemies. The whores of Babylon had robbed from the poor in order to enable the rich to become more opulent in their lifestyle.  I said that we had tried our best to heal Babylon but she would not be healed.(verse 9)  My observation was that every man who constructed the idols was stupid, ignorant and put to shame.  (verse 17)  I identified the idols as being nothings, ridiculous works that would perish in their time.  17-18) Because of their idolatry and their evil actions toward Israel, Babylon's heads of government sowed seeds that came upon them with vengeance.  Their former glory became forgotten because of their sins of pride and idolatry. I said that woes would even come upon their oxen. (verse 27)
    All of the words of the prophesy from Jeremiah were recorded and I instructed Seraiah to read the words of the prophesy through Jeremiah to the entire population of Babylon.(Jeremiah 51:60-63)
    Woes are terrible conditions which come upon people because of their joining in loyalty with the devil which causes them to inherit his evil actions which he lies in wait to flood upon the earth.  Like I said to Babylon, I wanted to heal that country but the kings and priests refused to give up their idols and their cruel works that come from pride and idolatry.  So they, in essence, chose the ending to their country.   Pride and idolatry always result in woes that come in the form of devastation.
    Don't choose to yield to the devil's temptations to become prideful.  Jesus Christ even warned His disciples not to rejoice when the demons obeyed them.  He said only to rejoice that their names were written in My book of life.  That was one of the ways that Jesus taught about pride and its consequences.  Jesus was telling His disciples that just because they cast out demons did not mean that they had done any powerful act because it was My anointed power that caused the demons to flee, not anything that they had done.  (Luke 10:19-20-Luke 11:20)
   Humility protects you from pride which builds idols for yourself.
   Your Father of Warnings                   

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