Monday, October 31, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, When My mature children only get their wisdom and knowledge secondhand from their preacher or teacher, their relationship to Me is akin to being like My stepchildren, having no real continuing blood relationship to Me. Since Life is in the blood, and My blood flows through their own spirits, there is no real cleansing that My blood does by divine revelation as it flows through their own spirits directly from My Holy Spirit if they don't have revelation knowledge and wisdom from Me. They are still My children because of being born again by My Holy Spirit, but there is no continual one-on-one communication with Me that allows My Holy Spirit to mold them into My image because it personally takes the Spirit of Life to accomplish that feat. If there is no constant flow of the Spirit of Life in them, there is no change in their thoughts, attitudes, speech and actions so they remain motivated by their flesh. Most often, they are like the person who has rocky ground where the seed does not take root and when tribulation comes they fall away because there is no stability in them or they are like the person who has thorny ground, and those demons keep the person consumed with the worries of the world or the love of riches and the person produces no fruit of the Holy Spirit in his or her life. (Matthew 13:20-23) The ministry of the church through apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers and pastors is to lead My children into being perfected and mature, their having been cleansed by the ministry of the Holy Spirit so there are no demons remaining in their flesh to lead them astray and that they are firmly established in hearing from My Holy Spirit so that they are not tossed about by every wind of doctrine that the devil sends to lead them astray. (Ephesians 4:11-14) I spoke through the apostle Paul My desire that all of My children speak My Truth in Love, having grown into the image of Christ. (Ephesians 4:15) My Spirit also wrote through Paul that without your having a one-on-one relationship with Me so that My personal words are treasured by you, your understanding can become darkened, being alienated from the power of My Life through the blindness of your heart, given over to perversion and the works of uncleaness and greediness. He wrote that in that void you have not learned that from Christ. The maturity and perfection of the saints can only be achieved by your putting off the old person which was corrupted by lusts and that you become renewed in the spirit of your mind, putting on the new Christ person which is created in you by Me in righteousness and holiness. The outer person needs to be regenerated just like the inner person is. That is done in you only by revealed knowledge by My Holy Spirit. The ministry of the church is to teach you to become dependent upon My Holy Spirit who lives inside of you. He is the Tutor who gives revelation knowledge to My children which leads to the perfecting of the saints, equipping you to grow into full maturity into the image of Christ. Allow the ministry of the church to guide and lead you to hearing the words of My Holy Spirit, who is the personal Tutor of each of My children. Only in My words of Understanding through Him will you become stable and immovable, always abounding in My work, knowing that your labor which is led by Me is not in vain. (I Corinthians 15:58) Your Father Who Shares Your Body With You As My Temple

Sunday, October 30, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, My fruit of the Spirit of fortitude is available to all of My children during serious illnesses and trying situations that cause long tribulation. Fortitude goes beyond mere patience which is necessary during incidents that contain problems which make your flesh feel uncomfortable for a while. Fortitude comes from My supplying My gift of courage to you during situations that are extreme and rare to most humans which require faith as well as hope necessary to endure the long suffering of tribulation that is required. Fortitude is My courage that I supply for My children when it looks like the emotional and physical suffering will never end. The patience that is the foundation of fortitude gives to My children My courage and strength to endure for the long run in a situation that looks like it is forever but you know that I have the end of the trying situation in My works of orchestration if you can just be patient under the extreme suffering. That is when I supply My fortitude as a gift of My Holy Spirit which produces the fruit for enduring a situation that might kill the fainthearted. Fortitude goes beyond human courage necessary to run races and win or pain that brings tears to your eyes. Fortitude supplies the courage to endure even the kind of pain that makes a person scream out in the kind of pain that seems to have no end. Fortitude is so supernatural that the person who experiences it knows that the power in the fruit of fortitude goes beyond human abilities. Moses knew the fruit of fortitude and its strength of great courage. So did Joshua in his many battles in the promised land. My prophets told both of them to be strong and of good courage many, many times. (Deuteronomy 31:6; Joshua 1:6-9) My children are not called upon to have the kind of fortitude that Jesus Christ had on the cross where He experienced in His body every sin known to man and died for it. Yet, in My preparation of Him for the event, when He imagined the thought of having to access My courage in order to endure the pain and rejection of His coming destiny, it caused Him to sweat blood. (Luke 22:44) My fortitude proved that I produced the courage for Him to continue with My plan for His destiny, which was for Him to die for the sins of the world. There are times when human beings do experience the kind of pain that seems unending, and I am there to supply their need for My courage in the form of fortitude. There are times when a child is experiencing pain and the child's mother almost feels the same amount of agony because of her bearing the child's pain in her own body. That courage is called fortitude. There are times when the circumstances produced by adversity cause emotional pain that is much like physical pain. In those instances I supply the courage for My children to not only endure the pain but I also provide the way out of it. (Luke 21:36; I Corinthians 10:13) The apostle and new covenant prophet Paul wrote to his converts that when you are tempted and tried by the devil that other people have also experienced the same trials. He wrote that you can trust Me not to let you be tempted beyond your ability to endure, that when any trial comes into your life that I will provide you a way of escape and the strength to bear up under it with My fortitude. I don't leave you without comfort. Jesus Christ said that I would send My Holy Spirit to comfort you. I always do. Your Loving Father of Great Fortitude.

Saturday, October 29, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, One of the attitudes behind the fruit of patience of the Holy Spirit is your having courage in the face of adversity. In other words, when your enemy, the devil, comes into your life, flooding it with adverse events such as sickness, disease, harassment, failure, conflict, anger, judgment or other demonic activity in order to rob you of your good humor, you know that he really wants to rob you of your joy, thus, rob you of Life Abundantly, which is My Life. If he can rob you of your joy, he robs you of your physical, mental and spiritual strength. In the presence of adversity, if you access the courage of the Holy Spirit who lives inside of you, you are suddenly filled with patience and you mount up with wings as angels. My joy returns to you which renews your strength. You will run and not get weary, and you will walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31) My Holy Spirit lifts you above the problem so that you are over it in my power instead of your being under the burden of the circumstances. My joy floods into your life as a standard and renews your strength. When you can access My courage which empowers you during adversity and tribulation. You become the head and not the tail because you are empowered during the situation instead of your being the tail with all of its weakness and depression. (Deuteronomy 28:12-13) When I told the children of Israel that I would make them the head instead of the tail, you must realize that in the head of all people are the brains which control the entire body, its movements, its thoughts, its power and strength, its ability to coordinate wisdom and knowledge, and it charts the course of a person's life. The only beneficial thing under the lower end of a person is its ability to discard a product made from excess food particles which are rejects of the body's already having processed it and used what is useful for nutrition. Being the head for all animals is far superior to being the tail. For humans, when you are the head, you prosper in all that you do. I do not faint or grow weary and I give My power to the weary and fainthearted who have no strength. (Isaiah 40:29) My observation was that even young people often faint and grow weary and the most admired of men stumble and fall down exhausted. (Isiah 40:30) But My promise to My children who seek to hear My words, obey them and then wait upon Me, is that I will renew their strength and power. They will certainly be lifted up over the adverse circumstances like eagles and those children of Mine shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not become tired, all as a result of seeking My words, hearing them and doing them. I said in that promise that the people who WAIT upon Me with PATIENCE and COURAGE are the ones who become the head and not the tail. Eagles are unique birds in that they climb in the air until they catch a current of air and then they rest and let the current move them on their way. The eagles waste very little energy when they fly. They let the current in the air do all of the work. That is what I want My children to do is to mount up with wings, like eagles do, and then allow the Holy Spirit to empower them with My power of the Holy Spirit, allowing My children to soar through adversities with very little human energy. It is My energy that empowers them. When you wait patiently I supply the courage, I supply the strength and the energy via My joy. (Isaiah12:3-4) Jesus Christ said that the good ground are people with an honest and good heart who, having heard My Word, keep it and with patience bring forth fruit. (Luke 8:15; Psalm 31:24; Psalm 27:14) Your Father of Mighty Power and Courage

Friday, October 28, 2022


My Dear Precious CHILD, When Jesus Christ was teaching about My kingdom of God coming into your life with more spiritual power than atomic and hydrogen bombs combined, you never assumed that you would need that must spiritual power to defeat your demonic enemies. You didn't know at that time that those demons prowl the earth looking for people whom they could and easily would devour. (I Peter 5:8) You never dreamed that you would occasionally have to suffer for a long time in tribulation when the devil would invade your life with his troubles, trials, tests and tribulation in an effort to entice you back into serving him instead of your being devoted to Me by your obedience to My guidance but that My power of the Holy Spirit would be more than enough spiritual power to defeat him. When Jesus Christ taught about the seed of My kingdom being planted in your life and He warned that you might be one of the people of whom He elaborated that would reject My appeal to follow Me or that you would begin and then cease following Me. When He spoke about the seed that falls on hard ground, you didn't think that your ground might become hard by your being deprived of hearing constantly about My love, compassion and mercy in your studies. It seemed impossible to believe that I might have those tender virtues instead of My being judgmental and condemning which Jewish Law inferred or the tenets of your denomination might still believe. It is possible for you to have sat and heard about My kingdom of God yet your heart could have never been turned from a heart of stone into a heart of soft flesh by hearing about My compassion which invited you to be born again. And so the devil can come and steal the seed of My kingdom from you if you are not born of My Holy Spirit with His FORBEARANCE. (Matthew 13:18-19; Isaiah 11:19) You might have known about the word of My kingdom of God which was being taught to you and you welcomed it with joy, but the seed did not take root in you because you did not seek My kingdom for yourself. You let the pastor seek revelation for you. So when the devil's tribulation came into your life, which Jesus Christ said it would, you did not know about My Holy Spirit's fruit of LONGSUFFERING that could be found inside of you which can make My seed send down deep roots in your own spirit.(John 16:33) If there would be no deep roots from My seed when the devil's persecution comes, you fall away at once. You missed the lesson that was taught about tribulation which would come into your life to steal the seed about My kingdom and there was no personal revelation in your heart, so it was easy for you to fall away because there were no roots in you which would cause you to ABIDE IN ME.(Matthew 13:20-21) It's possible that sometime in your spiritual walk you hear the words about My kingdom of God without your having previously allowed My Holy Spirit to cleanse you by the blood of Jesus, getting rid of the thorns (demons) in your flesh which the devil had sown in either your generational DNA or the demons that you took on in your experiences in the earth. Many of My children do not know that if My words of My kingdom of God do not produce revelation knowledge about the demons who are your enemies who might be hiding in your flesh such as sexual impurity, greed, lying, stealing, bitterness, judging or condeming others, rebellion, political extremism, and other of satan's robbers which need to be either cast out of you into the lake of fire or your resisting them until they leave you, those demons who remain in your flesh can choke out My words of My kingdom of God from you and there will be no production of the fruit of the Holy Spirit of ENDURANCE that causes you to abide in Me forever. (Matthew 13:22; Matthew 13:36-43) Jesus Christ, in His teaching about My seed of My kingdom of God being taught and heard by someone who has well plowed and moist, soft ground which would welcome My words, someone who has sought My kingdom of God for himself or herself and has continued to seek Me for himself or herself and having personally received revelations, plus also having yielded to My Holy Spirit and gotten rid of the the demonic thorns that had existed in his or her flesh by casting out demons or resisting them until they flee from you, if you are one of those people you will have rich soil from your faith and PATIENCE so you will yield a harvest of blessings and produce 100 fold, 60 fold or 30 fold in My kingdom of God. (Matthew 13:23) The fruit of the Holy Spirit of patience, endurance, longsuffering and forbearance will serve you well and cause you to seek to abide in Me with My words abiding in you. It is then that you will reject slothfulness and with faith and patience that you will inherit My promises. Your Father of Fruit of the Holy Spirit

Thursday, October 27, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, Your Brother Jesus Christ told you in His last teaching lecture to His disciples concerning the benefits of their having My Holy Spirit live inside of them that, "In the world you WILL have tribulation; but, be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." (John 16:33) He was insinuating that you can also overcome the evil in the world by the power of the Holy Spirit. I had given to them a peek into their own lives after the Holy Spirit came into their human lives. Jesus told them that it was the Holy Spirit who had empowered Him with My authoritative power and My supernatural dynamite power and that He would be inside of them just like He, the Holy Spirit, was inside of Christ. He was letting them know that it was My power which had given Him the ability to overcome the world and that My other children would also have the same power that raised Jesus from the dead by the Holy Spirit's power living inside of them. Jesus Christ wanted His disciples, and you, to know that the Holy Spirit, Himself, has the power of spiritual endurance which would make them loyal to Me through the power of loyalty that is resident in My Holy Spirit. He was telling them that they would endure tribulation just like Jesus Christ had endured the harassment, the temptations, the accusations and the judgment of every demon in the earth aimed at Him through the Jews in an effort to defeat Him, but He had ENDURED their DEMONIC oppression with divine endurance, remaining loyal to Me instead of His leaving Me and binding with the devil, and then expecting to have the devil's help in getting out of problems and troubles. How could that be beneficial since the devil is the father of evil and lies, as Jesus had said, a liar and a murderer from the beginning. (John 8:44) Endurance is suffering something patiently. Jesus never complained about the religious and political Jews whose purpose in life was to destroy Him. They appeared at every event where He was teaching and healing, harassing Him for breaking Jewish laws. They harassed Him when He was merely teaching, asking Him questions about His teachings, comparing His teachings to Jewish Law, which was supposed to be their salvation as taught by the priests, but instead it brought condemnation and guilt to them. Jesus' teachings brought life and peace to people instead of condemnation and guilt and that is what caused hoards of people to listen to His teachings. Being blessed with the spirit of endurance during trials and tribulations and allowing My endurance to put to work the patience that is inside of you via the Holy Spirit's power will help you to persist until the end of the trials by the devil. It is then that you will receive the blessings and rewards that I have for you. I said that it's with faith and patience that My children inherit My promises if you are not slothful and impatient. (Hebrews 6:12) The victors in any military battle are the soldiers of endurance who fight until the end, enduring every trick of their enemies until they defeat every one of the enemy's soldiers. It is the ones left standing that get the spoils of battle. If you are slothful in battle you will get killed. If you fight your demonic enemies until the end, you will win the prize. (I Corinthians 9:28; Philippians 3:14) Your Father of Patient Endurance in Battle

Wednesday, October 26, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, One of the ways for you to perfect and ripen the fruit of patience that lives inside of you in the person of the Holy Spirit is for you to abide in Me during tribulation and tests from the devil, also during loving and kind chastisement from Me, during undeserved afflictions, during lengthy unanswered prayers and during harassment from family or friends is for you to constantly abide in Me, regardless of trying circumstances and negative situations. The devil is counting on your retreating from keeping your mind on Me and instead your joining with him in impatiently letting your mind become obsessed with doubt and unbelief because of a delay in answered prayers instead of your abiding in Me, which means your living in constant communion with Me. Your abiding in Me can overcome impatience and doubt because both come from hell as well as the stings of chastisement, afflictions and harassment. Where the thoughts of your mind are planted, either in meditations about Me or meditations about a tribulation or unpleasant situation, that determines whether you are going to have peace and patience in your mind or if you are going to have turmoil and unrest in your mind. Doubt and unbelief from hell are constantly ready to occupy your thoughts in relation to situations about which you have no control except through intercessory prayers and your causing your own thoughts to abide in Me as the constant subject matter that captures your thoughts. Your allowing doubt and unbelief to take up space in your thoughts will rob you of the answers to your prayers because the meditations of your mind reveal with whom you are in constant contact, either Me or the devil. In My Written Word it says that Jesus Christ said, "If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, whatever you ask it will be done to you." (John 15:7) There are no ifs, ands or buts in that statement related to whether you will have your prayers answered or not. I said you will have your prayers answered if you live in Me and My words live in you. So your abiding in Me and your allowing My words to abide in you are the prerequisite to your prayers being answered because your thoughts being entirely on Me means you are abiding in Me. Knowing the scriptures related to your need which is the subject of your prayers will double up the power of My Holy Spirit in your life because you are not only abiding in Me but you have searched scriptures or asked Me to provide the scriptures related to My promises which you need to occupy your thoughts. There is power in unity with Me in your thoughts and there is power in My promises which I said are yes and amen, so be it. (II Corinthians 1:20) Your abiding in Me enhances My Holy Spirit's fruit of patience in you and having My promises in your mind relating to the situation causes patience to grow into maturity inside of your human mind by the power of My Holy Spirit. When you have My promise in your mind relating to your prayers, then you can speak My words to any invasion of unbelief that tries to enter into your mind and the unbelief will flee. When you say, "My Heavenly Father says" -- doubt and unbelief demons flee quickly from you. Your Father of Workable Instructions

Tuesday, October 25, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, Part of your being tolerant of others while suffering in trying situations is related to your being patient. You can't be tolerant of others without being patient with their idiosyncrasies. When you become intolerant of a person's character flaws, you become judgmental, so you invite the devil into the situation and chase Me out. So tolerance is a large part of patience. You must also be tolerant of the things about the situation that are making you suffer as part of the devil's tribulation which are part of life. That's what Jesus Christ said before He was crucified, that in the world you will have tribulation but that you should rejoice because He overcame all tribulation and so can you with the Holy Spirit's power. (John 16:33) Merely being born into the earth makes you susceptible to tribulation and intolerable situations, but your refusal to become intolerant with other people or even with the tribulation itself will work for you by causing you to attract to you My blessings and My rewards because you did not blame other people for your problems but instead you placed the blame on the devil and his demons who seek whom they may devour. You must not become intolerant of Me for not being able to quickly change the trying situations as fast you would prefer. There are things about every situation that require much prayer and guidance from Me. I can show you how to participate with Me and My company of heaven in ushering out of your life every tribulation in order to, like Jesus said, cause you to overcome it. One key is to encounter tribulation with joy which is an often difficult admonition to obey. Some trying situations are easy to bear with joy but others are difficult unless you are a champion at praising Me regardless of the situation and you can confess success no matter what the situation says. Paul said that Abraham called the things that were not as though they were; in other words, he spoke My promise to him as having come into being although he never actually experienced it. (Romans 4:16-22) The reason that I told you to rejoice when tribulation comes into your life is that My Joy brings strength to you because its supernatural. (Isaiah 12:2; Psalm 118:14) When you choose to rejoice in tribulation, the tribulation is short lived because the demon who caused the tribulation leaves quickly when praise to Me for the way out of the situation is applied to all trying situations. Your Father of Patient Tolerance

Monday, October 24, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, I suffered long with the children of Israel for generations and generations and generations. They did not take My advice over and over and over again on how to avoid the devil and his curses, and then they built idols out of stone, wood and metal, worshiping those idols as if they had life in them. Every time when they returned to Me, I took them back into My good graces and rained My favor upon them because of My promise to Abraham that I would make him the father of many nations. Also included in My loyalty to the people of Israel was My promise that I would send a Savior of the world through Abraham's lineage which spoke of My new covenant with the world. I had to suffer long with the children of Israel who enjoyed My favor but they didn't have My power to be longsuffering with Me when they prayed and the answer to their prayer were delayed because of their making another covenant with an idol. They were spoiled children who sabotaged their own position of favor with Me. (Psalm 86:15) That is why I included the Gentiles in their blessing of My new covenant of the Holy Spirit. Even though the Gentiles were not Jewish by birth line, they became more loyal to Me because they didn't have the binding Jewish laws which needed to be overcome, speaking of the curses that occurred when the devil used them to condemn and judge My children, but yet the truth contained in them needed to be understood by revelation knowledge. (Colossians 3:10-13) My children are called to be longsuffering with others, just as I am longsuffering with you. Not until the coming into the earth of My new covenant of the Holy Spirit to live inside of My children did I ask My children to be longsuffering with Me while waiting for their prayers to be answered. Through the revelation of My Holy Spirit I explained to them the truth that the devil tests them by tempting them to be impatient after they pray and are waiting for their prayers to be answered. The delay is almost always because of attitudes on the part of My children related to impatience, as in their refusing to be longsuffering like I have been longsuffering with them throughout generations. The longsuffering with other people that I provide to you by the power of My Spirit is a fruit of My Holy Spirit. I explained to you that there are demonic angels who are delaying the answers to their prayers, demons who tempt you to retreat from your dependence upon Me and build idols for yourself to worship and trust for answered prayers. The prophet Isaiah had given to the ancestors of the Jews the truth behind the spiritual activity that causes your sometimes long, unanswered prayers, that being that our own iniquities and sins (demons) had built barriers between you and Me so that there is no easy access for My angels to deliver your answered prayers in the form of blessings. (Isaiah 59) Longsuffering with other people in the form of patience is required for prayers to be answered in your life on earth. Another reason for longsuffering in the form of patience being required by My children to benefit them is because of the constant battles going on in the spiritual dimension around the earth between My good angels who work in the behalf of My children and evil demons who work in the earth to defeat My children in every endeavor. (I Peter 5:8) The demons do not give up easily. They temp My children with attitudes of anger, jealousy, bitterness, sexual temptations, unbelief, doubt, disloyalty, and many, many other demonic temptations in order to sabotage the lives of My children, especially in their relationships with other people. (Hebrews 1:7-8 and verse 14) My angels are working for you and the devil's demons are working against you. If you are persistent in faith and patient longsuffering, then the answers to your prayers are able to be delivered into your life; but if you give up and forego faith and patience, then you are the loser because often the answered prayers are right at the door of your life ready to be delivered when you close the door of your life to the blessing and begin to seek relief in drunkenness, busyness, gluttony, addictions and other idols. (Romans 13:13-14) There is rarely a clear path into your life for your blessings to flow. Most often there are obstacles in the form of negative thinking or unkindness toward other people that cause delays in your blessings being able to be manifested in your life. You walk the same walk that the children of Israel walked in relation to seeking My promised land for them, which to you is My kingdom of God; but it is your good fortune to have My Holy Spirit to give you wisdom into the need for patient longsuffering so that you will receive the blessings and the rewards that I promised. Follow the leading of My Holy Spirit and He will tell you what blocks your rewards from being delivered to you. It is never My doing. It's always the devil's doing and often he is using you in spreading his negativity in the earth. Resist him and do not obey his temptations because he is trying to keep you from having My blessings.(Romans 2:4-10) Your Longsuffering Father

Sunday, October 23, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, A forbearing attitude is a patient attitude under the pressures of tribulation, whether the tribulation is by another person who is displaying negative attitudes toward you or by your waiting for prayers to be answered by Me. In other words, forbearing means to bear up under trying circumstances or situations in life. (Ephesians 4:2) Forbearance is often a synonym for your having a pleasant attitude with My patience when another person is antagonistic toward you. Paul wrote in those encouraging words to his converts, even though he was a prisoner, admonishing that you must deal with other people in love, complete selflessness, gentleness and patience. In Paul's absence from his disciples, the devil had caused selfishness in the body of Christ, the church, which caused conflict. Paul was adamant that My childre must be patient, forbearing negative attitudes from other people so that you will preserve the unity of the Spirit in peace with other people. (Ephesians 4:3-4) Longsuffering is another word for forbearance and patience. It is often used in relation to someone provoking you to anger but your refusing to yield to the demon of anger in that scenario when you are provoked. Peter, in his writings, wrote that you must not retaliate. (I Peter 3:20) The root definition of the word patience is not yielding to provocative circumstances or emotions when you are tried by the devil. My patience which is resident in My Holy Spirit is closely associated with My fruit of hope because hope is equipped with patience in order for you to wait upon Me with patient assurance for Me to answer your prayers. (Psalm 39:7) So you must be patient, forbearing the negative attitudes of other people, but also you must be patient with Me while waiting for the answer to your prayers, knowing full well that your enemy, the demons in the earth, are actively trying to sabotage the rewards of your faith. Patience, coupled with My faith, will guarantee the answers to your prayers, although often not in your narrow time table. (Hebrews 6:12) By the power of My Holy Spirit in you, you are equipped with My patience and forbearance in order for you to calmly tolerate evil from other people and bear up under their sins. Patient forbearance does not yield to anger when confronted by anger from another person because you know that that demons are behind their anger. So if you react with patience for the person, the demon will most often flee because you have refused to lower yourself to displaying the devil's attitudes. Patience always describes your being gentle with a person who is confrontational, being wise as the serpent who is tempting you but gentle as a dove to the person who is yielding to the temptation of a demon in order to try your patience. (Matthew 10:16) My patience of the Holy Spirit also calms your mind which becomes fretful when you are confronted by evil in whatever form it comes. Patience applies love to the situation because you refuse to react from the flesh with its negative attitudes. The prophet Paul wrote that patience under trial will work experience and experience will work hope inside of you. (Romans 5:4) In Proverbs 13:12 Solomon wrote that, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick but when with patience you finally attain what you desire it is a tree of life." Your Father of Enduring Patience

Saturday, October 22, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, When the devil's tribulation comes into your life in the form of problems, trouble, illness, disease, conflict, rebellious children, etc., you must remember what the apostle Paul said about tribulation. Instead of getting upset that things are not perfect in your life, My Holy Spirit said through Paul that when tribulation enters into your life that you must, in a spirit of glory, allow My patience inside of you in the person of the Holy Spirit to put His patience to work in the form of your enduring the tribulation with My patience because you know that when patience and faith work together that there are great rewards. (Romans 5:3) Not only does tribulation require the fruit of patience that is resident in My Holy Spirit, but Paul wrote that patience will also cause you to have experience in being patient in tribulation because you have experienced many times the end result being My reward which was promised. He also wrote that the experience that comes from overcoming tribulation with patience produces hope in you for the next trial from the devil. You are experienced in applying My patient endurance to your own mind which is spiraling out of control because your human body doesn't like tribulation, even though tribulation is part of living in the earth since Adam and Eve allowed the devil to flood the earth with his demons. The hope of the Holy Spirit that wants to occupy your thoughts will make sure that you are not ashamed by having enduring faith because hope reminds you that My love is shed abroad in your heart by the Holy Spirit who was given to you as a gift by Me. (Romans 5:4-5) Paul wrote that when you were without human strength during tribulation that in the past Christ died for the ungodly, whom you certainly were, along with the rest of the world. He died for you when you were still a sinner because of His love for you; but much more, because He justified you by His blood, making you pure and righteous by His living inside of you. Even though when you were My enemy Jesus Christ died for you, you were reconciled to Me by the death of My Son, Jesus Christ, and you have My assurance that you will be saved from all tribulation by Christ's being raised from the dead. (Romans 5:6-11) Tribulation is never pleasant. Nobody dances through tribulation as if it were a joyful experience, but with My patience you can continue with the patient endurance of My Holy Spirit who is patient inside of you and wants to feed His patience into your human mind so that your thoughts calm down and allow faith in Me to put My patience to work in your mind. Battles are never easy. Tribulation is never enjoyable. However, it is part of living in the world where sins (the devil's demons) abound. All of My children will experience handling tribulation with patience, experience and hope, just like Paul wrote. Paul was certainly experienced in tribulation from the Jews who despised his confidence in Me and also he experienced tribulation from the Christian Jews who despised his freedom from the Mosaic laws. Yet in the many times of tribulation he was firmly planted in Me and My words, having experienced My hope which sustains My children until faith produces salvation from the tribulation. Yes, there is always salvation from every demonic tribulation when you have My faith and My patience. (Hebrews 6:12) Your Father of Patient Assurance

Friday, October 21, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, There are reasons for My admonitions to My children. For instance, in My instructions to you and My other children about your being patient in waiting for answered prayers, the reason is that although in My heaven the answer to your prayers are immediate, just like Jesus said, it takes some time for the answer to your prayers to become reality in the earth because of there being demonic spirits interfering in the delivery of the answer to you. There are multitudes of the devil's angels who roam the earth seeking whom they may devour and one way that they can devour your faith is to delay the answer to your prayers so that you will lose faith and give up on My answers which were on the way all the time. (I Peter 5:8-9) Your impatience, which came from hell via the demons, anyway, makes you anxious and impatient and those demons work against you by robbing you of your faith, which set up barriers, making you a participant in your own robbery. The spiritual atmosphere around you, instead of being faith filled when you prayed, had become filled with doubt, unbelief, impatience, bitterness at Me and other attitudes which set up thick barriers which block the answers to your prayers from being delivered to you. (Isaiah 59) My children forget that, in My answering your prayers, it's a constant battle between My angels and the devil's demons who had rebelled against Me in the past. Those demons never give up in their pursuits to ruin the lives of My children while you live in the earth. I gave My Holy Spirit to My children so that you would have My power inside of you to refuse the mental temptations of the demons who want to rob you of all of your answered prayers. My Holy Spirit's power also gives you the power to resist the demons' lies in your mind that convinces My children that I cannot answer your prayers or that the answer is, "No," to your requests. Those demons interject doubt, unbelief, impatience, anxiety and fretting in your mind and those negative, destructive attitudes block your thoughts from hearing My words which encourage you that I am working to reward you for your faith if you will only have patience. My promise is that if you have faith and patience that you will inherit My promises. (Hebrews 6:12) That is why the devil and his demons try to rob you of patience because My patience inside you works along with your faith to clear the path from heaven to your life in the earth. Jesus Christ told His disciples before He left the earth and sat down with Me in My heaven that whatever you ask of Me in Jesus' name, I will do it. (John 16:23-24; John 15:7; John 14:13) Paul, who had a one-on-one relationship with Me, wrote that, "All of the promises of God in Him are yea, and in Him amen, unto the glory of God by us." II Corinthians 21:20) The word "amen" means "so be it". So My promises to My children are confirmed by yes, amen, so be it! The problem with their not receiving what I promised is almost always from somewhere in the earth's end, neither from Me nor My Heaven. Lack of patience is one of the strongest reasons. That comes from a lack of understanding about the devil's plans to subvert My will in the earth and cause My children to do his will in the earth such as become impatient. My desire is always to give you what you ask in the name of Jesus Christ. Your Father of Generous Favors

Thursday, October 20, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, When the apostle James wrote about the fruit of the Spirit of patience that is resident in My children, he wrote it after an incident that caused him to need an extra dose of My patience in a trying situation. (James 1:3)He experienced the need for more patience than he humanly had, so he called upon My Holy Spirit for the fruit of His patience that is part of His character because it is My character. James knew that the Jews (Israelites) had tried My patience for generations and generations and generations by departing from My guidance and building idols to worship whom they thought would be more efficient in answering their prayers. The devil had deceived them into believing that those idols made out of things of the earth could answer their prayers. That was one of the reasons I taught James to write a dissertation on patience, because lack of patience was resident in his present DNA from centuries in the past. (James 1:2-18) James was fortunate in knowing that My patience inside of him in the person of the Holy Spirit would create an atmosphere, if portrayed in the earth personally and in his professions of faith, that would allow Me to enter into his trying situation, break down the barriers that the devil's impatience in him had previously built, and answer his prayers that he had prayed in faith. What was lacking in his situation was patience from him in order for Me to break forth in the situation with his rewards of answered prayers. Paul had taught that it's always with faith and patience that My children obtain My promises. (Hebrews 6:12) Impatience can build a barrier between you and the answered prayers so that the answer cannot be manifested. Often My children who have a gift of faith do not have the fruit of patience to go along with it. Patience is a fruit of the Holy Spirit which is resident inside of you in My Spirit. My Holy Spirit can increase patience in you by giving you rest for your mind as you wait for your prayers to be answered. Patience is rest for your mind. I am working fervently on answering your prayers from the minute of your request, but impatience in you can create negative energy in the form of demonic activity that blocks the answer to your prayers from being delivered. (Isaiah 59) My fruit of patience that is resident inside of you supplies My rest for your unruly mind with its worry, anxiety and the cares of the world, causing them to disappear into oblivion. My fruit of patience of the Holy Spirit applies My peace to your mind in order to overcome all mental confusion and unrest. In the situation involving illness or other health problems, the fruit of patience of the Holy Spirit is especially necessary in order for healing of your body to become reality. Impatience in your mind in the form of unrest and anxiety can be counterproductive to your healing because negative hormones are released if impatience is present which causes your mind to spin out of control with imaginations. If that happens, then you are called to battle those negative imaginations before you can receive a calm mind which allows Me to work to answer your prayers. Paul said in that scenario you need to cast down every imagination and every high thing that exalts itself against My knowledge. (II Corinthians 10:5) Having a calm mind is what patience brings to you. Patience supplies the calmness, serenity and rest which allows your body to receive My fruit of patience for your entire being, which refuses to let your mind get conflicted about anything. Patience in your mind produces the kind of mind that allows Me to work in trying situations. My Holy Spirit's fruit of patience allows Me the time to work in the heavens what will eventually become reality in the earth. Your Heavenly Father of Rest

Wednesday, October 19, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, People in the earth either spread hatred and bitterness or they spread My Love in the earth. I said that if you spread bitterness and strife that you grieve My Holy Spirit. My Holy Spirit's ministry in the earth is to spread My Love through the gifts of His Spirit. When My own children become jealous or bitter, then My Spirit is grieved because My children are spreading the devil's works in the earth in the form of demons which battle against My Love works to destroy goodness in the earth. My Spirit is grieved because His works have been devalued instead of valued by My own children who have switched allegiances when they speak evil words to other people. The apostle Paul wrote to the Ephesians in the church that they, "Should not let any corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, only that which is good to the use of edifying the hearers and what ministers grace to them. And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed unto the day of redemption. Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamour and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake has forgiven you."(Ephesians 4:29-32) It could not be more clear than what My Spirit wrote through Paul. There is an additional understanding of his writings if you know the battle that is going on in My heaven and also in the earth for the souls of My children, not only the souls but also the mouths of My children through which curses and blessings both flow. The apostle James also spoke wise words via the Holy Spirit in His recitation about the subject of evil speaking when He said that blessing Me with your tongue but also cursing other people with the same tongue should not be happening. He said that salt water and clean water should not come out of the same spigot. You negate your praises for Me when you curse other people who are made in My image is what the Holy Spirit said through James. (James 3:8-12) Spreading My Love in the earth is easier for people who know Me as Love and who operate in the earth as My distributors of Love. Every person is confronted with the choices between good and evil. I cautioned My children through multiple prophets to choose good and to reject evil for your own good. What you sow in the earth will be multiplied in your life, per My principle of sowing and reaping. Sow good and you will reap good. Sow evil and you will reap evil, pressed down, shaken together and running over, which means that the evil or good, whichever is sown in the earth, is multiplied. (Luke 6:35-38) Sow Love so that you are the good person who, out of the treasure of his heart brings forth what is good in the earth. (Luke 6:43-49) That is what sowing My Love accomplishes. Your Father of Good Treasures

Tuesday, October 18, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, God is Love. He is not Love on one hand if you behave and hatred on the other hand if you misbehave. God is Love. He is not kind on one hand if you are obedient and angry on the other hand if you do not measure up to His ideal for humans. God is Love. He is not encouraging on one hand and then judgmental on the other hand if you disappoint Him. God is Love. He is not gentle with His hand and with His tongue sometimes and cruel with His hand and with His tongue on the other hand when you, yourself, is cruel with someone. God is Love and this is what the prophet James meant when he wrote that there is no shadow of turning in Him. (James 1:17) In other words, God is always Love and His actions toward His children never come from anything other than Love. James wrote that every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of lights, in whom there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. I never vary in My treatment of My children. I always exemplify Love even in My discipline. The word discipline comes from the word disciple, so in order to discipline My children I do it the same way that Jesus did His disciples. He told His disciples that they were pruned with the Word. So to disciple or discipline My children, I do it with My words of Truth which enlighten them as well as show them the right course or action on which to take instead of one that will benefit the devil or allow you to fall into one of his traps which he lays for My children every day. My discipline of you leaves you enlightened and thrilled with the new revelation that comes from My words. My discipline produces children who increase in My wisdom instead of producing angry children like earthly fathers produce with what they think is good discipline because their earthly fathers disciplined them like their deceived fathers discipline them, like unruly servants instead of children of the father's own loins. Certain translations of the scriptures come with attitudes of the translators with the revelations that were available at the time. Many parents discipline their own children the way their own parents discipline them, with a rod or stick or paddle, inflicting harm upon the child. The parent then tells the child that he or she did it out of love while all the time he or she disciplined like an owner beats a servant or a farmer angrily beats his oxen instead of the parent valuing his or her child enough not to inflict emotional, physical or spiritual harm on the child. A parent who can hear My voice will wait to disciple a child until the parent obtains wisdom from Me and then the parent passes My wisdom on to the child. In that exchange of wisdom, the child gains spiritual knowledge which stays with the child until he or she has a child who will also glean My wisdom from his or her parents. Humanity is blessed instead of the parents beating the child which only teaches the child to be aggressive toward his or her own children, which continues to further cruelty in the world. Remember the Truth from the Holy Spirit through James who wrote, "Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father of Lights with whom there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning." (James 1:17) A parent who disciplines his or her children in anger will be perpetuating anger and cruelty in every future generation and eventually there will be a parent who takes the disciple too far and injures his or her child, which will cause the parent to be arrested for abuse for merely doing what his parents and their parents for generations had done. A parent who disciplines his or her children in Love, like Jesus disciplined His disciples with Words of Wisdom, will bless his children for generations and generations by passing down My insight into actions which will bless every child for generations to come. Discipline should be given to enable a child to gain wisdom and knowledge on how to avoid acting from temptations in the form of passionate thoughts and attitudes. Those temptations are always from hell and must be identified. James later in his letter to the churches wrote that a person is led astray by tempting battles within himself. (James chapter 4) His admonitions are wisdom to everyone, especially his admonition to, "Submit yourself to God, resist the devil and he will run away from you." (James 4:7)That advice is wonderful advice for children who need discipline, teaching the truth that the devil is always waiting to tempt them in order to curse their life, but as children they must learn to resist the devil. My Holy Spirit will tailor make that Truth to your child's understanding so that the child will know the source of temptations and learn a lifelong Truth. My ways are not your ways; neither are they often the ways of your own parents if they do not treat their children with dignity and Love. Abuse in the form of discipline only teaches a child to perpetuate the abuse for generations. Your Father Who Disciplines With Wise Words

Monday, October 17, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, When My Holy Spirit reveals to you that you are in the Kingdom of Love if you are in My Kingdom of God, you have advanced to spiritual enlightenment. So many doctrines of Christianity are based in the Jewish error that My kingdom is based on judgment of people instead of My love of people. About that topic Jesus Christ said that I do not judge people and that He did not judge people, yet if he does judge, his judgment is good, meaning that his judgment is for the devil and his demons, not for people who are made in My image. Of course My judgment and His judgment is for the perpetrators of evil in the world. I made the earth to be a replica of My heaven and I would never judge the people who are made in My image. (Romans 2:1-4; Matthew 7:1-6) The truth is that when people do the bidding of the devil and his demons, then the devil has become their god and his judgment on them is curses that bring death. The devil loves to deflect his judgment from Me for him onto My children in an effort to misplace blame onto Me for the evil things in the world that plague My children. Anybody who thinks that I execute judgment and condemnation onto My children does not know Me. (John 5:22; John 8:15; John 12:47) They only know the lies that circulated in religious groups under the old covenant that I am vindictive and the judge of all men. That lie came from the lack of knowledge of the devil having a kingdom in the world also, at the behest of Adam and Eve's invitation to them to set up the devil's kingdom in the earth. The only judging that I do relating to people is to judge (discern) the spirits in a person or church, all in an effort to know the motivation which the devil has falsely fed into their minds. I judge the demons which cause them to miss the marks of righteousness. When the Light breaks through to the ones who are misled, they begin to be free because My Holy Spirit has made them free, indeed; free, indeed, being a freedom that is of the utmost highest degree. It connotes not only being forgiven but that their sins are obliterated as if they never existed. That is the highest form of being free, indeed, from the works of the devil. (John 8:36) The devil is the author of the lie of the Israelites in the first covenant that I am the father of both good and evil. Because they had no knowledge of the devil being the force behind all evil, they fell for the lie that I am the author of evil, also, as well as good. That is the reason why the prophet James wrote about My truth, that I am only good, that I am not as a shadow of turning where I am good on one hand and evil on the other hand, which was still the belief of the Israelites because they were blinded in their mind about the devil being the author of all evil in the world. (James 1:13-17) Teaching under My new covenant of the Holy Spirit, James had been tutored by My Holy Spirit about the devil being to blame for all evil that's in the world. He displayed his evil nature in My heaven and that's why I cast him and his angels out into the universe. (Isaiah 9:12-17) At the first sign of an opening in a planet, he rushed in, deceived Adam and Eve and took up residence in the earth as the evil god of the earth. Not until Jesus Christ came to earth to reveal My true identity of Love did the lie of the devil become exposed. Jesus called the devil the "evil prince of this world." Before Jesus was crucified he said that My Holy Spirit, when He came to live inside of people, would reveal to them about My righteousness being of Me and evil being of the devil, and He said that My Spirit would reveal that the devil was already judged by Me as its demise being in the lake of fire in the abyss which I created only for him and his demons. (John 16: 7-13) The lies of the devil are still being perpetuated in the earth in some of My children who claim to be Holy Spirit led. They are still spouting the lies that I am both good and evil. They don't know Me. (Matthew 11:27) Your Heavenly Father of Truth

Saturday, October 15, 2022


BLESSED BY BEING FREED FROM EVIL TEMPTATIONS My Dear Precious Child, When Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt onto the route to the Promised Land, I gave to him advice and admonitions on ways to avoid falling into the hands of the devil's demons who would sabotage them from entering into the land that I had created for them, the land of milk and honey and grape branches that two strong men had trouble carrying. Those words of advice and admonitions from Me were to enable them to be able to skirt around the traps of the demons who had been in the earth since Adam and Eve had invited them into their paradise that I had created for humans. My rules and regulations were never meant to judge a person's being right or wrong. They were meant to be My guidance around traps and entanglements of the devil. Because of the demonic influences in the minds of the people traveling to the Promised Land, the advice, admonitions, rules and regulations became religious standards and measurements which the devil caused to be used in the minds of people either to judge people as being good or evilor a way for the devil and his demons to declare people as being either obedient to Me or disobedient to Me. Because of the devil causing people to be judgmental, the Israelites missed the whole reason for My giving to them guidance through My instructions. For instance, one of My instructions/commands was that the people should not kill anyone. Because of My original principle of everything sows and reaps after its own kind, the devil used that valuable principle to multiply the curses of the demons in the earth. As in their ancestor Cain's obedience to the devil's temptation to kill his brother Abel, Cain's sowing the demon of murder into the earth by killing Abel multiplied the number of demons of killing in the earth, further cursing the earth with more and more demons of death, which is his character. My character is love and life. The devil's character is hatred and death. My admonition to the Israelites was given to them as good advice so that they would know that if they killed anyone that that action would increase the killing demons in the earth. It was a warning for the Israelites in order to keep demons of killing and murder from multiplying their curses in the earth. Unfortunately, in your days in the earth it still shows that the earth is still full of the devil's demons who tempt My children to rebel against My advice and admonitions and do the will of the devil in the earth. Just like at the beginning of the earth when the devil was tempting Cain with the demon of anger and jealousy to enrage him to agree to kill his own brother Abel, I entice My children to refuse to obey the voice of the devil. (Genesis 4:2-7) I warned Cain that sin (one of the devil's demons) was crouching at the door (to his mind) and that its desire was to dominate Cain to do the devil's temptation which was to kill his brother Abel because of the demons of jealousy and anger that had tempted Cain and enraged him to carry out the demonic temptation to kill/murder Abel. That scenario is the perfect picture of temptation. The demons tempt My children to do the devil's will in the earth, but I also entice My children to do My will of not yielding to the temptation of the devil's demons and instead to dominate those tempting demons and to master them by refusing to do their bidding. Only by the power of My Holy Spirit are people able to do what I advised Cain to do, which was to master the demon of murder/killing and refuse to yield to its temptations. As far as Cain was concerned, because of that scenario happening early after My creation of the earth and humans, there were fewer demons that were available for the devil to release in the earth. But after Cain killed Abel the demons of anger, jealousy and killing increased many times in the world and allowed those demons to gain more control in the earth, thus increasing sin, which is the devil's actions in the earth. My advice, admonitions, commands, rules, regulations and laws are always given to My children by prophets in an effort for My children to be warned about the devil's proclivity to tempt My children to yield to the demons' temptations and thus allow them to flood the earth with their curses. However, as the prophet Isaiah said for me, "When the enemy comes in like a flood (just like the demons of anger, jealousy and killing flooded the earth in Cain's refusal to master the demon's temptation) My Holy Spirit always raises up a standard against the devil's temptation to sin." (Isaiah 59:19) I had spoken My standard to Cain, that he must master the temptation, but he didn't master the demons' temptations even though I spoke the standard of My Spirit in Cain's mind. Cain chose to obey the demons' temptations instead of obeying My advice to master the demons' temptations. (Genesis 4:6-7) That scenario is repeated many times every day in the minds of My children. My Holy Spirit always raises up an opposing action in the minds of people who are being tempted by the devil to multiply the devil's sins (demons) in the earth. I counteract with My perfect way to handle the temptation of the demons, which is to master them by the power of My Holy Spirit. That is My standard. First My children must be born of My Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit in order to have My spiritual power to master the demons' temptations instead of yielding to them. I also through Isaiah listed the demons that My children had obeyed and allowed to multiply in the earth which built a barrier between My children and Me. (Isaiah 59:1-18) I explained to humanity the problems that they were facing that were allowed to happen by their choices in obeying the temptations of the demons instead of obeying the guidance of My Holy Spirit which would master the demons (sins) that have been allowed to increase in the earth. I always raise up the opposing righteous behavioral choices in the minds of My children when they are tempted by the devil's demons in the earth. (Isaiah 59:19) This truth has been hidden from My children for generations by the devil. My Spirit has been able to uncover it and bring it as truth to My children who hear My Holy Spirit's wisdom and knowledge. (John 14:23-27) Learn the lessons about the war between the devil and Me in the earth for the souls of My children. The war has never been between My children and Me, which the devil has proclaimed forever in an effort to deceive you. The battle has always been between the devil and Me in a battle for your soul. By your listening to Me and taking My advice, you master the demons by My telling you to send them into the lake of fire in the abyss, authorized by the power of My Holy Spirit. (Matthew 13:36-43) Then My children shine like the sun in My kingdom of God while in the world. Your Father of Magnificent Plans

Friday, October 14, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, To My children of promise who can hear from My Holy Spirit I give the true definition of the word "sin." Sin is the personality and character of the devil. It has nothing to do with an action of people except to identify its actions as being the character of the devil. "Sin" in its original form is a noun, it's not a verb which would portray actions by humans. Every time you read the word "sin" in My written Word of the History and Instruction Book called the Bible you must relate it to the devil and his character. When My children cooperate with sin they are identified as being a sinner. The reality is that they only cooperated with sin, not that they sinned themselves. The motivation behind any person to sin is the devil. All of My anger at sinners is My being angry at the devil and his demons who are behind every action of sinning. The definition of the word "sin" in the Greek Dictionary of New Testament Words says that the word connotes a "missing of the mark," which is lost in the New Testament. In the New Testament the word "sin" is a "governing principle or power that acts through a person's body." So "sin" is an inward element, meaning the devil or his demons, that produces actions which are missing the mark of My character, meaning that sin is "the devil and his actions manifested through the bodies of My children. " My children must be born again and baptized in the Holy Spirit to have My power which overcomes the power of sin, that means to overcome the power of the devil and his demons who use the bodies of people to do his dastardly work in the earth. That is why the body of Jesus on the cross had to suffer sin in His body to enable Him to be the sacrifice for all sin. Until then, He knew no sin in his life on earth, but He became sin on the cross so that people would become righteous through his living inside of them in the person of the Holy Spirit which is made possible by the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ. (II Corinthians 5:21) Jesus Christ actually experienced every sin in His body on the cross in order for him to go to hell for the sins of the world. It was there that He paid the price to the devil for the sins of all of My children. He served their sentence, in fact. He had to become Sin because as My Son, being all righteous, He could not go to hell for the sins of the earth unless He became Sin himself. Righteousness cannot dwell with sin. So when you talk about a sin that a person does, you are talking about the devil's demon having committed the sin using the body of the person to work through. The demon is the guilty party, the human is not. That is why My children in the earth who are baptized with My Holy Spirit have the ministry of casting sin (a demon) out of the earth and sending it to the lake of fire in the abyss, which is the greater thing that My Holy Spirit-empowered children in the earth can now do which is greater than what Jesus could do when He ministered in the earth. When Jesus cast the sins (unclean spirits) out of the two demoniacs he cast them into pigs because He did not have the authority over hell in which to cast them because He had not been to hell yet and wrested from the devil the authority to the heavens and the earth. That is why the demonic unclean spirits told Jesus that it was not the time to send them into the lake of fire, which was their judgment from Me. They called Him The Son of God. After Jesus went to hell and rose from the dead, He said that all authority over heaven and earth had been finally been given to him. (Matthew 28:15-20) Therefore, He told His disciples to baptize people in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, so that they would have the authoritative power to send demons into the lake of fire in the abyss, where the demons will be tortured for eternity for causing My children to allow the devil's work in the earth to be done through them, which the earth had originally been created as a replica of My heaven for My children. (Matthew 13:36-43) When My children have My kingdom of God living inside of their bodies, they have My authoritative power to send demons into the lake of fire in the abyss as the demons' judgment from Me. My Holy Spirit reveals this truth to My children, as Jesus said, when My children are born of My Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit. Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would reveal about judgment to My children because the gods of the world, (the demons) were already judged by Me. (John 16:8-11) I told My children not to judge anybody. That is because of the truth that it's the demons behind evil actions that deserve the judgment. You have the spiritual ability to judge those demons by casting them into the lake of fire in the abyss. I said that My children will shine like the sun when the demons are cast out. Your Father of Spiritual Power to Judge Demons

Thursday, October 13, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, Freedom has many meanings to many people. It all depends upon from what you desire to be free. According to the book of Proverbs, freedom to some people means to escape from a domineering husband or a complaining wife. To some other people freedom means to be free from overwhelming debt. To some other people freedom means to be freed from an addiction to alcohol, food, drugs, nicotine, sweets, sex, pornography or the like. To some other people freedom means to be freed from a debilitating disease. To some other people freedom means to be freed from generational curses. To some other people freedom means to be set free from poverty. To some people freedom means to be freed from an abusive partner, parent or boss. There is a common denominator in all of them. It is the devil and his demons. Everything mentioned above has a demon at the core of itself, a demon who entices a person to desire to gain more than what is normal and healthy or the desire to deprive oneself of a normal portion of something that is healthy. Freedom, then, is My gift to My children when I come to live in their bodies in the person of My Holy Spirit because I alone have the power to expel the demons of either excessive or recessive passions from a person's flesh. Immediately after expelling the demons, the person has a normal passion for things instead of an excessive passion for things that he or she had before I expelled a demon or cast a demon from a person's body. When I cast the devil and his demons out of My heaven, the reason for the expulsion was because the devil wanted more praise than the praises that I got from My angels. He craved to be more important than Me because of jealousy and so he sabotaged My heaven, poisoning some of My angels and convincing them to follow him. I had to expel the devil and those angels from My heaven because of their jealousy and evil intent.(Isaiah 14:12) They were cast down to Hades as their temporary country but they desired to continue to sabotage Me so they tested Adam and Eve to find out if they would allow entry into their newly created world which was a paradise. You know the story. Adam and Eve were fooled and they allowed the devil and his demons to invade the earth and become lords over it and over Adam and Eve, cursing what was their perfect paradise. The earth began to become a replica of the devil's hell instead of My heaven. The perfect DNA of Adam and Eve became polluted with the demons and their either excessive passions or recessive passions, all which cursed their lives with eventual death instead of Adam and Eve having the perfect Life that I gave to them at creation. As you experienced in your search, you were able to identify the entrance into the earth and into Adam and Eve's personalities of the demons with their individual evil tendencies which allowed the demons to then also be birthed into the children of the first couple in their original degree. However, each demon's traits were amplified every time that the children of the first couple yielded to the either excessive or regressive passions of the demons. Throughout historical generations of every family, certain personality passions cursed the family lineage in each person either to a lesser degree or more magnified degree according to the degree of magnification of the demons. For instance, Cain's yielding to the demon of murder/killing amplified that demon in the generational lineage of his children, and his children's children passed down to their own children the demon of murder/killing which has become magnified more and more through the continuing generations throughout history until that nationality of people in the earth is known for its proclivity for killing people in varying degrees either by declaring war over people in countries or by the people inviting death causing diseases which kill their people in large numbers. There are countries which are known to favor war over peace and that demon can be traced back to Adam and Eve's son Cain who killed his brother by yielding to the demon of anger which led to the demon of murder and killing of which I had warned Cain not to yield. (Genesis 4:6-7) I told Cain that he must master that passion, but he refused and instead he yielded to the demon's temptation to kill his brother. Then Cain lied to Me when I called him to answer about the location of Abel. Lying was a demon to which Adam and Eve had yielded in the beginning. Demons continued to influence people in the earth until I saw that every imagination and intention of all human thinking was only evil continually. I couldn't save the entire generation of men from the actions of the demons whom people had allowed to multiply in the earth until the demons had cursed all of the earth with death, but I could save one man, a righteous one man named Noah and his family. The history of mankind in the History and Instruction Book called the Bible contains My methods of saving people from the effects of their own sins until I could send My Son to be the Savior. Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sins of the world which is the devil's punishment for obeying his temptations. I sent My Holy Spirit to live inside of people, enabling them to have My power to overcome the temptations of the devil which occur every moment of the day. Knowing the history of people and the war between the devil and Me for the souls of people is necessary for you to appreciate what I have done for you. This was merely a tiny introduction. Your Father of Salvation and Restoration

Wednesday, October 12, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, The apostle and prophet Paul was blessed by receiving the revelations of My truth so easily. He experienced the freedom from religious laws and rules and regulations that caused the devil to be able to accuse him of being rebellious when he broke My commandments. He experienced the joy that comes from being free from religious requirements and he experienced the liberty that resulted from his mind being free from guilt and shame for disobeying religious rules and having the devil condemn him for disappointing Me. Paul's revelations from Me through My Holy Spirit are the basis of all of his writings which comprise 66 % of the new covenant writings. Paul's writings expound on freedom and liberty from the Law, referring to Mosaic Law given to the Israelites. He knew that his own freedom had come from the revelations that Christ Jesus through the Holy Spirit had taught to him. He professed the joy of being not only free but "free, indeed". His use of the word "indeed" added to the extent or strength of his liberty, meaning that the freedom that comes from receiving truth from Me goes beyond mere human freedom and it connotes a liberty that is only found in Me and My truth. Paul echoed Jesus' description of that freedom as being explained as also being My spiritual freedom from evil and not merely human freedom from tyranny. (John 8:36) In Jesus' description of the freedom that I give to you, He expounded on human freedom by adding the word "indeed" meaning going beyond human freedom and obtaining spiritual freedom from the works of the devil and his demons who roam the earth seeking whom they may devour. In John's report of the words of Jesus he wrote that when Jesus, Himself, makes you free that you are not only free from human religious restrictions but you are free from spiritual demonic temptations and harassments. The effects of being free come from the Holy Spirit revealing to you what "free, indeed" means. It means that you not only become free from the restriction of religious human laws that bind you but you also become free from spiritual restrictions which the devil uses to tempt you to do his will in the earth. That is the "indeed" that accompanies the promise of Jesus Christ when he said, "Whom the Son makes free is 'free, indeed'." It is important to know that your liberty extends beyond the freedom that your earthly country affords to you. You can also be free from the shame, the harassment, the temptations, and the accusations of the devil and his demons because you recognize their thoughts and identify them as being from hell, so you do not participate in their meditations and musings that appear in your mind. It is through the Holy Spirit's gift of discerning of spirits that I allow you to judge the thoughts and the meditations of your heart so that you recognize the evil thoughts and meditations of your heart that harass you, accuse you, tempt you and condemn you, being from hell. Many of My children think that I am the kind of father who lies in wait until you break one of My commandments and then I condemn you and judge you as being evil. No. That condemnation, guilt and judgment comes from the devil, I wait for you to come to Me so I can tell you that you are forgiven and easily restored to My family. That forgiveness is also part of the "indeed" which is the highest form of freedom which is freedom from the condemnation of the devil if you break a religious law. "Free, indeed" is the highest form of freedom because it is My freedom, My liberty from the works of the devil by the power of My Holy Spirit which I give to My children of promise. That liberty goes beyond the power of the cross where Jesus died for your sins. It goes on and includes the covenant of My Holy Spirit where My authoritative power and dynamite power becomes your own power also, giving you power over the works of the devil and his demons who prowl in the earth seeking My children whom they can devour with their accusations, their harassments, their condemnation, their guilt and their judgment. My children who are "free, indeed" exert My power over those demons and even cast them into the lake of fire in the abyss. When that happens to scores of My children, then the earth becomes "free, indeed" from the curses of the devil. Paul wrote that My entire creation is waiting for My children to realize that they are "free, indeed," with the authority to cast demons into My final judgment of them, which is the lake of fire in the abyss. I said that when that takes place that My children shine like the sun in the earth because My kingdom of God is operable in their lives, operable by their becoming knowledgeable of My authority over all evil by the power of My Holy Spirit who lives in them. (Matthew 13:36-43;Romans 8:19-27) There is a celebration in heaven when My children realize that they are "free, indeed. " Your Father of Freedom and the Highest Form of Liberty


My Dear Precious Child, My Holy Spirit said through the prophet Solomon and the prophet James that the tongue of men holds many powers. Solomon said that life and death are in the power of the tongue.(Proverbs 18:21) James said that the tongue of men is a small member but it does mighty things. He wrote that just like a small fire can burn an entire forest, so does the tongue of men as a flame do damage just like that. In fact, he said that the tongue is a wicked world unto itself, being set on fire by hell itself. He wrote that you bless Me with the same tongue that you curse a person who is made in My image. Blessings and curses come out of the same mouth was James' discovery. (James 3:6-8) He wrote that the mouth is a pest that will not sit still, being full of deadly poison. The new covenant prophet James went on to say that it's wrong to allow blessings and curses to come out of the same mouth. He wrote that fresh water and salt water cannot come out of the same spigot, nor can a fig tree give you figs and olives. Then he went on to disclose the reason for his stern discertation about the tongues of people. There was conflict in the church in which some people were jealous of other people and bitterness had infected the church. In his lecture about the tongue being wicked by blessing Me at times and still cursing people at other times, and he identified self-seeking ambition as being earthly, animalistic and devilish. His insight was that jealousy and ambition cause disharmony and wicked things being done to human beings. He contrasted those traits to My wisdom which comes down from above from Me which is pure, always making peace and is kind and considerate, full of compassion and goodness. He said there is no trace of partiality or hypocrisy in My wisdom that comes from above. James even said that peace-makers sow seeds which bear holy fuit in the earth. (James 3:9-11) The apostle Paul cautioned the Colossians to put off anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, and filthy comunication out or their mouths. (Colossians 3:8) To the Ephesians he wrote to let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but only that which is good to the use of edifying, so that it may minister grace to the hearer. He wrote to the Romans that there were men who professed to do evil whose throats were open sepulchers, whose tongues were filled with deceit, and that the poison of asps were under their lips with their mouths full of cursing and bitterness. (Romans 3:13-14) It is true that life and death are in the power of the tongue, bringing life or death to the speaker and life or death to the listeners. If you will do like Paul wrote, "Let no corrupt communication come out of your mouth, only speak that which brings grace and peace to the hearers," then I will be able to bless you! Your Father of Blessings and Rewards

Monday, October 10, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, By knowing who your real enemies are, those being the devil and his demons who inhabit the atmosphere of the earth, then your battles become spiritual battles instead of their being earthly battles with flesh and blood people whom you usually blame for your problems and troubles. All evil actions in the earth are caused by demons who tempt humans to do evil deeds to other humans, thus causing My children to blame other human beings for their troubles. If you will research the origin of sins, iniquities and transgressions you will find the truth, that all evil events in your world are caused by the devil who works through his demons who exist in one of the heavenly atmospheres of the earth. The apostle Paul called them the gods of this world.(II Corinthians 4:4) Jesus, Himself, also said that the prince of this world would be cast out. (John 12:31) He referred to the devil when He referred to him as the prince of this world. (John 14:30; John 16:11) Paul referred to the devil as the prince of this world, just like Jesus did, saying that they work in the children of disobedience. (Ephesians 2:2) Paul even identified the devil and his demons as principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, the causes of spiritual wickedness in high places of power and influence in the world.(Ephesians 6:12) So there is plenty of evidence in the teachings of Jesus Christ as well as the apostle Paul who had a very inquisitive mind so he asked Me for answers and I gave to Him great revelations such as who are the originators of sins, iniquities and transgressions. As long as My children believe that other humans cause their problems in life, then they are tempted, and often do, to judge the humans instead of judging the demons who instigate the problem by casting them into the lake of fire in the abyss which I created for them before I formed the earth. (Matthew 13:36-43) Jesus said in that parable that those of My children who are endued with My power of the Holy Spirit will do the mighty work of ridding the earth of the demons that were allowed to invade the earth at the invitations of Adam and Eve. That is the "greater works" of which Jesus Christ spoke that the Holy Spirit would do through My born again, Holy Spirit baptized children when He, Jesus Christ, came to sit down with Me in My heaven. (John 14:12) He said that the people who are endued with My power of the Holy Spirit would ask Me for anything and I would do it. (John 15:16; John16:23-26) My Son Jesus Christ also said that when the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit, came to live inside of My children that He would reveal to them the truth about judgment because the prince of this world, (the devil) was already condemned. (John 16:11) My Holy Spirit reveals to My children that My judgment is reserved for the devil and his demons, that sin is the work of demons and that righteousness is My nature and it's a gift from Me to My children of promise. (John 16:7-11) Allowing My Holy Spirit to reveal to you the truth about My nature of Love and the truth about the devil's nature of hatred is the beginning of wisdom because that is when you can discern good spirits from evil spirits. It is then that you can identify thoughts that come from hell as being from the devil and thoughts that are pure from heaven as being from Me. You then have the authoritative power to cast out of the earth the ones from hell, casting them into the lake of fire in the abyss. That is what Paul meant when He said you are to judge the angels, meaning the demonic ones, by sending them to the lake of fire and that you are to judge the world by casting out demons, echoing what Jesus taught. (I Corinthians 6:1-3; Matthew 19:28) In the book of Wisdom the prophet wrote that the souls of the just are in My hand, and that they judge nations and rule over angels as long as I am their God through the Holy Spirit living in them. (Wis.3:9) My Holy Spirit reveals discernment in the minds of My children as a gift. He is the One who removes the veil from the eyes of people so that they will know Truth that makes them free. (John 8:32) Your Father of Divine Truth

Sunday, October 9, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, When Jesus spoke the important teaching that My children must be wise as serpents (the devil's demons who successfully tempt people) and gentle as doves (My Holy Spirit) He was speaking a valuable truth to My children. The wisdom that you receive from My Holy Spirit in the way to defeat the demons who roam the earth seeking to destroy you and My other children will cause you to triumph over evil while you are being kind and loving toward My other children whom the devil and his demons use to harass, injure, destroy, insult and distress you. You have heard it said that you must hate the sin but love the sinner. That is a good synopsis of the truth behind many scriptures. The demons who use your family members, friends, business associates and even strangers to cause havoc in your life are behind the scenes doing the devil's will in your life, so you must use the gift of discernment of spirits in your assessment of the real enemies who are behind all evil, those being the devil and his demons. (I Corinthians 12:8-10) When you do realize that truth, you will cease making people your enemies and you will place blame where it belongs, on the devil and his demons. In the case of a person who comes against you, most often that person has yielded to the evil that the demons place in his or her mind without realizing the true culprit in the situation is the devil and his demons instead of the flesh and blood whom his own mind is blaming for the evil aimed at him. In that instance, you must repent for assuming that it's the person who is to blame for your troubles and dire situations. (Ephesians 6:1-2) It's never a person who comes against you in an attempt to make you react in anger. It's always the demons who are in the spiritual dimension surrounding the earth who are motivating someone to harass you, always in an effort to engage you in a two way argument so that they can send more demonic angels to enslave you to anger, resentment and bitterness in an effort to make you an ambassador of the devil in the earth, also, if you return evil for evil done to you. ( Romans 12:17-21) In the book of Galatians the apostle Paul named some of the demons who accuse people in their mind of being an enemy while all the time it's demons who are the instigator of the accusation and then they draw other people into a stressful situation. (Galatians 5:19-22) My children who participate in the fruit of the flesh, meaning the activity of demons, will not inherit My kingdom of God because good cannot exist where evil reigns in the earth. Some of the temptations of the demons are fornication, indecency, sexual irresponsibility, idolatry, sorcery, feuds, lying, wrath, anger, envy, political factions, jealousy, drunkenness, bitterness, drunken orgies and other demons. When you are tempted to participate in the activities of those demons, you must, instead of participating in the activities of those demons, return love, joy, peace, goodness, kindness, mercy, gentleness, patience and self control to the people whom the demons use against you. (Galatians 5:22) My Holy Spirit wrote through the apostle Paul that you cannot belong to Me and Christ Jesus unless you crucify all of the self indulgent passions and desires with which the demons tempt you. He wrote that since the Holy Spirit is your Life, you must be led and directed by Him, casting away from you all conceit, envy and provocative behavior. My Spirit went on to say that you should not be deluded into thinking that you can cheat Me and expect to inherit My kingdom of God. If you choose to sow evil, you will choose to reap evil. I cannot stop evil from happening to you if you choose to sow evil in your life. If you choose to return evil for evil done to you, you will reap a harvest of more evil in your life for sowing the devil's seeds in your life in the world. (Galatians 6:7-10) If you sow good seeds of love in the world, you will inherit My goodness in your life on earth. That is worth the struggle to cast out the voices of evil from your mind and obey My voice of goodness and kindness. There is great truth within that scripture relating to your being at least as wise as the devil's demons so that you can defeat them by casting them into the lake of fire in the abyss while your actions toward all people are to be as gentle as a dove in dealing with humans; yes, even those who harass you and attempt to defeat you. (Matthew 13:36-43) That truth is written many times in different scenarios, but they contain the same truth, that being to never return evil for evil done to you or you will change your loyalty from Me to the devil and his demons, relinquishing your place in My kingdom of God. Returning to Me requires allowing the blood of Christ Jesus to cleanse you from your participating with the devil by doing his will in the earth. Your Father of Enduring Loyalty

Saturday, October 8, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, In Jesus' teachings when He sent his disciples out to teach and preach He advised His disciples to be as wise as serpents but to also be as gentle as doves. (Matthew 10:16) He precipitated His warning by saying that He was sending them out as sheep in the middle of wolves. The meaning is perfectly clear. Jesus was telling His disciples that the world was filled with men who were mean and vindictive, as it is in your world today, but that his disciples must act as doves in the way they treat those men because His disciples had the knowledge and wisdom to discern that the evil in the men was from hell, so they must treat them like they, themselves, were doves, with gentle actions. In doing that, the good in His disciples would overcome any evil being administered to them by the devil through evil men. Those wise instructions were meant to equip Jesus' disciples with a truth that would be beneficial to them all of their lives in their ministries. In other instances He had told His disciples not to try to overcome evil with evil actions because if they did they would be multiplying evil in the world. He said to overcome evil actions against them with good actions toward the people who were doing evil to them. Paul also taught that same truth of Jesus. (Romans 12:19-21) My Holy Spirit impressed many of My disciples to love the person who is doing evil to you, echoing the teaching of Jesus Christ. To be as wise as a serpent, as Jesus said, meant that His disciples must at least be as smart, knowledgeable, alert and informed as the demons who are behind every evil action in the world. In being at least as wise as the demons, you have the intellect to overcome the demons because you understand their works and their motivations behind doing evil in the earth, which is to elevate themselves in power over Me and My works in the earth. When you are smarter than those demons, you know how to not only circumvent their works in the earth but also how to turn the tables back on the demons with works more powerful than their works. When you are gentle as a dove (the Holy Spirit's image) to the person who is doing evil to you or doing anything to belittle, show hatred, injure, or defame you, then the evil of the demon using the person against you will be robbed of its demonic power because you have refused to return evil for evil, which would multiply evil in the world. Jesus said to turn the other cheek if someone strikes you on one cheek. He was being insightful in his telling you to refuse to return evil for evil and to be as wise as the serpent doing evil to you. You need to be smarter and more alert than the demons in the earth so as to overcome evil with good. It takes the ingenuity of the Holy Spirit. Your Father of Great Power and Ingenuity