Saturday, October 8, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, In Jesus' teachings when He sent his disciples out to teach and preach He advised His disciples to be as wise as serpents but to also be as gentle as doves. (Matthew 10:16) He precipitated His warning by saying that He was sending them out as sheep in the middle of wolves. The meaning is perfectly clear. Jesus was telling His disciples that the world was filled with men who were mean and vindictive, as it is in your world today, but that his disciples must act as doves in the way they treat those men because His disciples had the knowledge and wisdom to discern that the evil in the men was from hell, so they must treat them like they, themselves, were doves, with gentle actions. In doing that, the good in His disciples would overcome any evil being administered to them by the devil through evil men. Those wise instructions were meant to equip Jesus' disciples with a truth that would be beneficial to them all of their lives in their ministries. In other instances He had told His disciples not to try to overcome evil with evil actions because if they did they would be multiplying evil in the world. He said to overcome evil actions against them with good actions toward the people who were doing evil to them. Paul also taught that same truth of Jesus. (Romans 12:19-21) My Holy Spirit impressed many of My disciples to love the person who is doing evil to you, echoing the teaching of Jesus Christ. To be as wise as a serpent, as Jesus said, meant that His disciples must at least be as smart, knowledgeable, alert and informed as the demons who are behind every evil action in the world. In being at least as wise as the demons, you have the intellect to overcome the demons because you understand their works and their motivations behind doing evil in the earth, which is to elevate themselves in power over Me and My works in the earth. When you are smarter than those demons, you know how to not only circumvent their works in the earth but also how to turn the tables back on the demons with works more powerful than their works. When you are gentle as a dove (the Holy Spirit's image) to the person who is doing evil to you or doing anything to belittle, show hatred, injure, or defame you, then the evil of the demon using the person against you will be robbed of its demonic power because you have refused to return evil for evil, which would multiply evil in the world. Jesus said to turn the other cheek if someone strikes you on one cheek. He was being insightful in his telling you to refuse to return evil for evil and to be as wise as the serpent doing evil to you. You need to be smarter and more alert than the demons in the earth so as to overcome evil with good. It takes the ingenuity of the Holy Spirit. Your Father of Great Power and Ingenuity

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