Sunday, January 31, 2021


My Dear Precious Child,
    Jesus Christ lectured to His disciples about My kingdom of God which was to come into their lives after He was crucified for their sins, rose from the dead, came to sit down with Me in heaven and sent His power source, My Holy Spirit, into the world to live inside of them.  It was His first teaching after His first healing service in Galilee where He healed the sick and diseased, cast demons out of the people and spoke about My kingdom which was soon to become available to people while they lived in the earth.  His words about being blessed was Good News to the disciples.  He told them about the thoughts, attitudes, words spoken and actions that they would be able to do after My kingdom of God entered into their lives when My Holy Spirit came to live inside of their bodies. 
    He told them that they would be blessed with unspeakable joy, being enviably fortunate, happy and spiritually prosperous all because of having experienced My unconditional favor and salvation from evil.  He told them that one of My attributes that would be present in the character of each one of them would be the purity of the person, having no evil contamination from the devil in his or her heart.  He was talking about the person having allowed My Holy Spirit to do My works in their lives of cleansing My temple, which their bodies were to become, although that truth was unknown to them at the time. (Matthew 5:8; I Corinthians 3:16)  By their having given My Holy Spirit free reign to prepare their bodies for My works, My desire was, and still is, that My Spirit would make the bodies of each of My children chaste and pure, free from the devil's works of contamination and corruption that were passed down in the person's generational genes.  The result of that ministry of My Holy Spirit is that I would be able to pour My endless blessings upon them because there would be no demonic barriers formed to block My love and blessings from flowing from My heaven to them in the earth.
    The promise of Jesus Christ was that with a pure heart not only would they represent to the earth My true nature by allowing the cleansing of their thoughts, attitudes, speech and actions by the Holy Spirit who would live inside of them, but each person would have the power to heal the sick, cast out demons and witness about My Kingdom of God having come into the life of each one of them.  Also by revelation knowledge each person would have the opportunity to be able to have My Holy Spirit program them with the mind of Christ.  He would reprogram their own mind by their personally being taught by My Holy Spirit, which is called revelation. (I Corinthians 3:16; Galatians 4:19)  They would become witnesses of My Truth to unbelievers by their purity of heart, having no strife or conflict with any person.
    To the person with a pure heart, that person spiritually sees Me as whom I am, Pure Love.  Where under the old covenant there was no knowledge of My real character and it was taught that I was good on one hand and evil on the other hand, instead My Holy Spirit reveals Me as whom I really am, all encompassing, unconditional Pure Love.  As a result, each person would be able to also become pure Love in the earth, peaceful, joyful, good, kind, merciful and patient.  My desire is that each person becomes void of any conflict, strife, division, discord, sin, and other demonic mental programming so that My enviable blessings will flood into his or her life.  (Philippians 4:8; I Peter 1:3-8)
    To the pure in heart, My Spirit of Truth reveals that I am Pure Love. Therefore the person sees Me as Pure Love, desiring himself or herself to become Pure Love in a world of darkness. 
     Your Father of Righteousness

Saturday, January 30, 2021


My Dear Precious Child,
    It's no surprise that the first teachings out of the mouth of Jesus Christ concerned instructions for people on how to be blessed while they live in the earth.  All people were cursed in their lives with devastation, destruction, problems, troubles, diseases, strife, rebellion, judgments and others of the devil's deeds from hell going all the way back to Adam and Eve when they allowed evil to flood into the world cursing the lives of people by their binding themselves in unity with the devil which allowed the devil to flood the earth with his demons who do his works in the world.(I John 3:8)  With My good character previously having been their character, the first couple whom I had created to be righteous managers of the earth, after they opened the door to evil they began to have the character and personality of the devil and passed those negative traits into the lives of their children from generation to generation when they allowed demons to curse the things which they managed in the earth.   No one and nothing escaped.  
   Several generations later, in order to enable people to have some semblance of good in their lives in the earth I spoke through prophets, telling them to inform people about how to switch from being cursed in their lives to being blessed in their lives.  Unfortunately, inside of the minds of the people the devil had placed a veil over their minds so that they could not receive the truth that I am not a dichotomy, splitting into doing evil actions on one hand and doing good on the other hand.  The lie that the devil told people in their minds was that evil came from Me and also good came from Me in order to keep My children in line.  The truth, of course, was that there are two spiritual kingdoms at work in the earth, My kingdom from heaven and the devil's kingdom from hell.  Blessings come from Me and curses come from the devil. (II Corinthians 4:4; Deuteronomy 28)  Unfortunately, My covenant with the man Abraham promising that salvation would come into the earth through his generational offspring was continually broken by Abraham's descendants, who were the people in the nation of Israel, through whom My Salvation was to come into the world. The flesh of My Son of Salvation, Jesus, was to come from Abraham's generational offspring because he was the most pure person at the time and the flesh that was to contain My Holy Spirit needed to be as close to pure as possible.  The young woman Mary was chosen by Me to bear My Son Jesus Christ whose impregnation by My Holy Spirit created the Son of Man/Son of God.
    When My Son Jesus grew in stature and in My favor and in the favor of people, I baptized Him in My Holy Spirit and He was empowered for the ministry of destroying the works of the devil.  After His first miracle service of healing the sick, casting out demons and teaching about My kingdom which was soon to come into the earth. My Son Jesus Christ began to teach about how to enter into My kingdom of God.  His teachings included the thoughts, attitudes, words spoken and actions taken by the people that would cause the them to become abundantly blessed while they lived in the earth.  One of the spiritual attitudes is that you must be merciful, just as I am merciful.  He said that if they became merciful, instead of judgmental, that they would become happy, spiritually prosperous with My life joy inside of them which would produce lives of total satisfaction caused by being in My favor and having inherited My salvation in their lives on earth.  He said that they would become merciful to all of My children, and in turn that they would obtain mercy from Me and other people. (Matthew 5:7)    
    The demons from hell had infused the devil's spirits of judgment into their DNA and their nature was to be judgmental of everyone, which attracted the devil's judgment to themselves. (Matthew 7:1-6)  They had constantly received the judgment of the devil and their lives were cursed.  Jesus promised that when My kingdom of God came into their lives that they would inherit My character trait of being merciful and when they did become merciful that they would reign in life as completely blessed people.  They would distribute My mercy to people who were sinners instead of their distributing the devil's judgment into the lives of sinners.  In turn, they would receive My blessings because of their having extended My mercy instead of their extending judgment to every human.
    The works of mercy are to be forgiving of people who offend you, persecute you, injure you, rob from you, attempt to kill you, insult you, or do any other offense against you.  After Jesus taught about the attitudes, He immediately began to explain My mercy by teaching about forgiveness which is the outgrowth of mercy.  
    Let yourself be known as being merciful because of My deep and abiding mercy which came into your life when you were born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit.  You must let it become your character.  Solomon wrote, "Don't let mercy and truth depart from you."  He said to bind them about your neck and to write them on the tablets of your heart. (Proverbs 3:3) Become constantly reminded of your need to be merciful and then your becoming merciful is the key to your being in the spiritual position of receiving mercy from Me and other people because there will be no barriers of judgment which separate you from Me when you are merciful.  Remember that when you retreat into judging other people, you leave My family of love and bind yourself to the demon of judgment in which you will inherit all of the devil's devastation.    
   By the power of My Holy Spirit, if you determine to be merciful to all people, saint and sinner, then you will be abundantly blessed, spiritually prosperous, joyful, plus constantly enjoying My favor and My salvation.  You will have My heaven on earth.
   Your Informative Father

Friday, January 29, 2021


My Dear Precious Child,
    So very much of the actions behind My ability to bless My children has to do with actions and choices on their part.  For instance Jesus Christ in his teaching about attitudes and blessings said that My children who are born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit will be spiritually prosperous, happy, basking in My favor and salvation, and will be satisfied in very area of their lives on earth IF they hunger and thirst for My righteousness. (Matthew 5:6)
   My righteousness can only be attained if My children seek Me, seek My kingdom and seek the revelation of My righteous characteristics only by walking in the guidance of the Holy Spirit and fellowshipping with Me through My Holy Spirit.  It is only by one-on-one communion with Me that My righteous attributes can be revealed to you.  If you only know Me by the hearing of the ear, like Job did, you will be like him and his three friends who had polluted ideas about My character.  In the poem of Job, not until he met Me face to face, one-on-one. did he know Me intimately and I was able to abundantly restore his former blessings to him. (Job 42:1-6)
   Hungering after righteousness and thirsting after My righteousness are all related to intimate fellowship with Me. That is what the communion observation ritual signifies in your churches.  But in reality, when you eat, meaning consume, the bread and you drink the wine, meaning consuming it into your being it only is an outward practice that signifies your truly setting yourself aside from the world and enjoying true fellowship with Me.  The communion ritual only signifies your intimate one-on-one fellowship with Me where you speak with Me and I SPEAK TO YOU in specific words that only you understand.  My words to you are tailor made so that only you can understand them and they bring new power into your life on earth.  Like earthly meals of bread and wine, they enhance your entire being. 
   In Our fellowship together when you genuinely hunger and thirst to know My mysteries and My character I am able to bring new spiritual life to your body and mind in the form of revelation knowledge.  When I reveal scripture to you or when I speak My encouraging words to you, there is spiritual life that grows inside of your physical body and mind.  Your image of Me begins to be only as LOVE and the other facets of LOVE which are joy, peace, goodness, kindness, mercy and patience.  Then, by osmosis, the more you set yourself aside to receive more of My personal spiritual food the more revelation you have and the more blessings can pour into your life because you become more and more created into My image in the earth. (Galatians 4:19)
    It is never your doing.  Your only obligation is to seek My kingdom and My righteousness. You receive My kingdom of God into your life and surrounding you when you are baptized in My Holy Spirit.  That is when the adventure begins, as you hunger and thirst after more Truths which are the building blocks of My temple that I form inside of you. (I Corinthians 3:16)  Eventually Truth becomes visible in your life on the outside just like it is on the inside, and people who see you feel as through they have seen Me.
    Hungering and thirsting after righteousness which results in your hearing Truth goes from one adventure to another one.  Your exciting adventures with Me are never ending.  There is nothing that originates in the earth that is as exciting and satisfying.  That is why Jesus Christ wrote that if you hunger and thirst after spiritual food from Me which comes into your mind in the form of words, visions and dreams, you will not only be satisfied but you will be blessed beyond measure at the spiritual buffet that I have for you.
    Your Father of Spiritual Food That Never Ends  

Thursday, January 28, 2021


My Dear Precious Child,
    I told people through Jesus Christ what it takes to inherit My kingdom of God while you live in the earth.  One of the attitudes of your mind must be meekness which means to be humbly patient, long suffering, mild mannered, kind and gentle to other people, having tamed fleshly passions and having become docile to My leading.   Those are the characteristics of My Son Jesus Christ while He lived in the earth.   A pony is meek when it yields to the leading of the rider.  An oz  is meek when it yields to the reins of the worker.  My children are meek when they hear My guidance and follow it.  It is in that atmosphere that My Holy Spirit  can remove the barrier between earth and My heaven so that you can enjoy the blessings of My heaven while you live in the earth.  (Matthew 5:5)
   Ponies who rebel against the reins of the rider by bucking off the docile rider will never enjoy a loving relationship with the human.  A person who calls himself or herself My child but who rebels against My loving guidance will eventually, when his body dies, come to live spiritually in My heaven with Me, but the person misses out on glorious rewards and exciting adventures while he or she lives in the earth because of his rebellion. 
   Later Jesus Christ described My character and His own character when He professed that only I knew Him intimately and that He was the only person in the earth at the time who knew Me intimately, plus that He was the only One in the earth who knew My will for people in the earth.   Then He said that everyone who is over burdened and heavy laden by earthly troubles and problems, that they should come to Him and that He would give that person rest from their labors by His giving solutions to their consternation and fears.  Then referring to His and My meekness, He said for you in your burdened state to take His yoke upon you and learn from Him.  He said that He is meek, gentle and humble in heart and in Me you will find rest for your soul.  That rest that He promised includes having relief and ease, being completely refreshed and enjoying quietness for your mind because there is no fear.  (Matthew 11:27-29)
    In describing My character and His nature, Jesus Christ said that His yoke of guidance for you and His tutoring of you is not harsh, hard or domineering, but instead it is pleasant, gracious and loving.  He said with My power and My help that your burden becomes light and easy to bear.  (Matthew 11:30) In naming a harsh, hard and domineering yoke, He was identifying the yoke of the devil and his demons. 
    It is by My guidance of you which you have followed that enables you to ride on the high places of the earth instead of the low places with its heavy burdens.  It is with My guidance through the Holy Spirit that you become the head, enjoying all of My blessings, instead of being the tail by being burdened down with the devil's curses. (Isaiah 28)  In that chapter of scripture Isaiah enumerated My multitude of My blessings and the devil's curses in their entirety.  Later In Jesus Christ's first teaching called the Beatitudes He gave you the attitudes and character traits that enable you to access all of the multitudes of My blessings that I have for you to enjoy when you enter into My kingdom of God while you live in the earth by being born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit.
     All of the keys to My kingdom of God belong to My children.  I said that I would give those keys to you so that everything to which you bind yourself on earth you will also be bound in My heaven and everything from which you loose yourself on earth you shall also be loosed from in the devil's hell.  You will able to bind yourself to My blessings and loose yourself from the devil's curses.  (Matthew 16:19)
     Remember that to be blessed extensively means to happy with life-joy, being spiritually and physically prosperous, relishing in My favor, being saved from evil, and with a cheerful attitude because you are in total unity with Me through My Holy Spirit.  It is having My heaven in your life on earth, which is My Good News.
     Your Loving Father of Love and Blessings  

Wednesday, January 27, 2021


My Dear Precious Child,
     When your brother Jesus Christ became anointed with My Holy Spirit He said that anyone who mourns over losing someone to death, disease, divorce, religious factions, political factions, rebellious children or any other way will be so comforted by Me that they will feel abundantly blessed if they seek Me and My kingdom of God for the solution.  He was promising His followers that their spiritual eyes would be opened with the knowledge that there is no death to His followers but instead that life goes on in My heaven after the earthly bodies die.  That knowledge would certainly be a blessing.  He wanted them to know that He had spiritual powers that would heal their diseases, restore anything lost from divorce, reconcile rebellious children to them, and that He would open the eyes of the people who had become slaves to religious or political factions.  It was Good News.   
   In relationship to you, His words are encouraging that He has the solution to anything that you might be mournful about. Jesus Christ wanted you to know that He has the solution to anything that causes humans to mourn.  In fact, in the Hebrew language in which He spoke promises that people would be blessed through Him means that they will be gloriously happy, joyful even when things look bad, that they would have My favor, and that they will be spiritually prosperous even under every bad outward condition.  His promises were definitely Good News to the people who followed Him and saw Him heal the sick and cast demons out of people.  They knew that He had power over evil and that He would help them.  (Matthew 5:4)   
    Under My old covenant with Abraham, in Isaiah's revelation of his vision He told the children of Israel and Judah that I am always willing and able to meet their needs but that their sins had built a barrier between us so that I could neither hear their cries nor could I answer their prayers.  (Isaiah 59:1-4)  The only help for the problems for the people at that time under the old covenant was that they would repent of their sins and return to a relationship with Me as their God so that the barrier would come down between heaven and earth.  Isaiah said that when they repented for their idolatry and returned to Me that I would hear their cries and say, "Here I am." (Isaiah 58:9-10)  I am able to acknowledge that I have heard people when they cease in their allegiance to the devil and return to Me for My favor and mercy.
    When Jesus Christ was declaring His Good News, He was mirroring Isaiah's words of hope in his day.  The difference with the promise of My Son Jesus Christ is that under My new covenant of the Holy Spirit, which He instituted, I am able to respond to the prayers of My children individually because I live inside of them in the person of the Holy Spirit when they ask to be born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit.  I am able to speak My personal words to each one of them, not having to incorporate a prophet to speak for Me in order to communicate with an entire nation.  In My new and last covenant with people, our relationship is one-on-one, Father to Child,  because My words of correction, encouragement and guidance is individual to each person instead of being communal like it was through Isaiah who spoke to an entire nation under the old and now dead covenant.  (Hebrews 8:12)
   The promises of Jesus Christ when He first taught about the attitudes of the people, commonly called the Beatitudes, were in His very first teachings relating to My kingdom of heaven which was then soon coming to live inside of humans who seek Me.  Remembering that the first attitude that Jesus taught about My new covenant was about people being poor in spirit, meaning people who are humble in their attitudes instead of being arrogant and prideful like the political and religious leaders.  He said that only humble people would inherit My kingdom of heaven in their lives on earth in which they would become blessed, meaning gloriously happy, having My favor, and their being spiritually prosperous no matter their outward conditions. In other words, they would switch from an allegiance to an earthly nation that is fragile and unstable to having complete allegiance to My kingdom of God which is stable and everlasting if they want to have peace and joy in their lives on earth.(Hebrews 8:13)
     The formulas for inheriting My blessings and rewards in your life on earth are in the words of every old covenant prophet, the words of Jesus Christ, and in the written words of the new covenant prophets who walked and fraternized personally with Jesus, all of it found in My History and Instruction Book to My children called the Bible.  My Holy Spirit is your teacher of all the truths that are in the Books.  All learning comes with having a book and a teacher.  You have the Bible and you have My Holy Spirit living inside of you and He is your teacher.  
   You have everything necessary to having a blessed, prosperous life in the earth, if you so desire. (II Peter 1:3) You must seek Me with your whole heart.  (Mark 12:33)
   Your Father Who Seeks You With My Whole Heart (Jeremiah 32:41)

Tuesday, January 26, 2021


My Dear Precious Child,
    After My Son Jesus was baptized in My Holy Spirit where He became the Christ and He received My power over the devil's evil works in the world, the first teaching that came out of His mouth related to the thoughts, attitudes, words spoken and actions taken by you that guarantee that you will be blessed by Me.  The word "blessed" means that you are exceedingly happy, emotionally and spiritually prosperous, admired by others because of your goodness, that you will have My joy of life in you, and you are being saved from evil works by being in My favor and endued with My power.  The prophets of the old covenant who spoke for Me to kings, priests and entire countries had spoken from Me to them the ways to be blessed in the earth and the ways you are cursed in the earth.  So the first teaching of My Son Jesus Christ to His followers was about the attitudes that people must have in order to become blessed to the utmost by Me.  His explanations of the attitudes, which are referred to as the Beatitudes,  mirrored the insights of the old prophets about whether you will inherit My blessings in your life or whether you will inherit the devil's curses in your life on earth. The prophets spoke mainly about that truth. 
   The first attitude that Jesus Christ told you that you must have in order for you to become exceedingly happy and blessed because of being saved from the devil's works is the attitude of being poor in spirit, which is your having the complete opposite of the devil's attitudes through the Pharisees, Scribes, scribes (those being the politicians) and also the religious leaders of pride and arrogance.  To be poor in spirit means to be humble, placing the needs of other people above your own by your having a servant's attitude which was in stark opposition to the leaders' habits of taking money and goods from the poor for their own use.  (Matthew 5:3) A servant's attitude means that you are willing and able to share your blessings with other people. 
   The prevailing attitudes of the political and religious leaders was to consider themselves more blessed and more intelligent both mentally and spiritually than the masses of people, and they considered themselves as being favored by Me when the opposite was true.  I have no favorites.  The people who become exceedingly blessed by Me are the people who have a servant's attitude, being humbled to be considered My child, as Jesus taught in His teachings about attitudes when two of his disciples desired to be greatest in My kingdom of God.  He told those disciples that they must become servants of people first before I could bless them.
   Jesus Christ told His disciples not to rejoice because the demons obeyed them, but instead He said that they should rejoice that their names are written in the Lamb's book of life, meaning in the generational heritage of My family.  He was intimating that the demons didn't really obey the disciples.  Instead they are obeying My Holy Spirit who has taken up residence in the bodies of the disciples.  The demons certainly did not obey the disciples before Jesus prayed for them in which He imparted the anointing of My Holy Spirit to them.  Hidden within that chiding by Jesus Christ to the disciples he was cautioning  them to avoid pride and arrogance and to stay humble. (Luke 10:20)
    Anyone who is "poor" or humble in Spirit will be ripe to become born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit, thus their being birthed into My kingdom of God as My child.  The prideful, arrogant people cannot enter because their gods are their own egos, which happens very often in leaders of countries and rich people.  If a person is not humble, then he or she will become like the disciples who wanted to be the greatest, at least as great as Jesus.  Jesus told them that they would have to suffer the same death, if they wanted to be great.   They did. (Matthew 18:1-4)
    Humility is most important when a person begins to minister for My kingdom of God.  Remaining humble is easier when you realize that ministering for Me was never possible until you were baptized in My Holy Spirit and became led by My Spirit.  Rejoice that My Holy Spirit in you is working to do My work in your life.
     Your Father of Humble, Merciful Children 

Monday, January 25, 2021


My Dear Precious Child,
   The old covenant prophet Isaiah was proficient at speaking for Me to the Jews who were about to enter into the promised land that I had prepared for them.  I told them that I required that peace be sowed far from them and peace be sowed near to them; that  if they sowed peace that they would be healed, which means blessed in every area of life. (Isaiah 57:19-21) I reminded them that the wicked are like the tossed seas which cannot be calmed with its waters tossing up mud and filth with no peace for the wicked.  That is a contrast between what taking My advice can do for you and what obeying the temptations of the devil will do to you.  
    Isaiah's primary mission in speaking for Me to the people of Israel was to remind them that there were good thoughts, attitudes, speech and actions that would guarantee that My blessing would flood into their lives. But I also had to caution the people that there were also thoughts, attitudes, speech and actions that would guarantee that the devil's curses would flood into their lives with its curses.  They were fasting in repentance for their evil actions, expecting that their fasting food and drink would impress Me to bless them with My gracious gifts and rewards.  I told Isaiah to tell the officials and also the people that they had sought Me day after day like a nation that had actually done the just things that I had required of them instead of their actual actions that were in opposition to My instructions.  (Isaiah 58:1-2)
   The people had inquired of Me why I did not take into account their many fasts of food and drink plus their lamenting in sackcloth and ashes while they were still quarreling and fighting, striking at each other with wicked tongues.(Isaiah 58:3-4)  I answered them through Isaiah and told them that there were real fasts of actions that would guarantee that their voices would be heard by Me.  (Isaiah 58:5)
   I said that you must release people who have been bound unjustly to you, that you need to untie the ropes of  bondage of wickedness from you to any person as one of the fasts that I choose for you.  That means that if anyone owes you anything that you should release the person from his or her debt if it is an unjust debt.  If a person requires something of you that the person swore to do for you, you must also release that person from his oath.
    You must set free anyone who is oppressed by you by your rescinding every obligation you have required of anyone, including your pressuring anyone to do something for you that turns into a burden for the person.  Releasing the person from every obligation will free both of you from the demons of oppression.  Be careful not to be legalistic about gratitude owed to you.  Release everyone from any obligation to verbally thank you for your gifts to them or for deeds you've done for them.  (verse 6)
    The next instruction that I gave to the Jews which pertain to you also and guarantee My blessings to flood into your life is that I told the Jews and all of My children to feed the hungry, to shelter the homeless who are fleeing from oppression, to clothe the naked when you see them, and that you do not turn your back on your children or a relative who asks something of you. (verse 7)
     When you become My arms and hands of distributing food, water, clothing, vindication, appreciation and validation to the needy, then My windows of heaven open and My blessings flow into your life on earth because you have shared what I have given to you.  I said that your vindication will go before you and My glory will be your rear guard.  I said that your light will break forth and you will be speedily healed.(verse 8) That happens because you have broken your allegiance to the devil and been restored to Me.
    I reiterated through Isaiah that My light will break forth in darkness and I will guide you always and you will have plenty of everything that you need, plus I will renew your strength and you will be like a well watered garden, much like a spring of water that has no end. (Isaiah 58:10-12) I said that every regret from the past will be raised up to be a superior experience.  I said that you will be called a repairer of the breach, the restorer of ruined households because you have been My arms and hands of distribution of physical, emotional and spiritual goods in the earth,
    Part of the instructions that I gave is that you honor the Sabbath by not working yourself nor should you make a person work for you on the Sabbath.  I meant for it to be a delightful day of rest from labors, a day for your bodies to rejuvenate for the days of work ahead.  I asked My children to honor the Sabbath by not following your own pursuits to work and take workers with you to work.  I also instructed you that you can choose to speak without malice to everyone at least one day a week because you are not exhausted from being overworked on all seven days a week. (verse 13)
    When My children follow these instructions that I gave through Isaiah which were also mirrored by Jesus Christ in His teachings, then I PROMISED that you would delight in Me and that I can make you so filled with My blessings that you will ride on the heights of the earth as your heritage.  (Isaiah 58:14; Matthew 25:31-46)
    Isaiah made sure that you understand that I am your Lord who has spoken these instructions to everyone in every generation.
    I am a practical Father.  I teach My children how to avoid evil and instead to inherit My good works of blessings in their lives because they have heeded My instructions.
    Your Father of Workable Instructions. 

Sunday, January 24, 2021


My Dear Precious Child,
     In My words to My children through old covenant prophets, and the new covenant prophets who spoke by the revelation of the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ, those words which are My words were always meant to advise My children about the beneficial ways for them to continually have My spiritual thoughts, attitudes, words and actions.  My words were always meant to keep My blessings flowing into their lives on earth.  In other words, they were meant for you and My other children to avoid the curses that come from following the temptations of the devil instead of their following My instructions.  Obeying My instructions to do good will always produce blessings and rewards in your life but your obeying the temptations of the devil will always produce curses, destruction and death in your life.  Not one word from My mouth will ever produce negative results.  No temptation from the devil will ever produce good, positive results. 
   I told you that one thing that you do in obedience to the devil that robs you of My blessings, according to the prophet Isaiah, is for you to yield to the temptation to LIE in order for you to escape punishment or LIE in order to enhance your public standing in the community or LIE in court in order for you to blame someone else for breaking a law.  In My old covenant laws I called it bearing false witness. (Exodus 20:16) Being a false witness is the opposite of speaking the truth.  Jesus Christ said that the politicians and religious leaders of his day were children of the devil and that there is no truth in him. (John 8:44)  He also said that My Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. (John 15:26)  Therefore, those politicians and religious leaders were false witnesses.
    The first time that the demon of lying manifested itself in the earth after Adam fell out of unity with Me was when he lied to Me and told Me that Eve forced him to listen to the devil.  According to the prophet Moses when he wrote about the creation of the earth and man, I told Adam before I created Eve from Adam's DNA not to fall for the devil's temptation.       
In the beginning when I lovingly confronted Adam about why he had disobeyed Me by doing the devil's will, Adam blamed Eve for his giving his will over to the devil's will.  As a result I told Adam and Eve that they were cursed with demons from hell in the form of devastation in many areas of their lives by allowing the devil to flood the earth with demons.(Genesis 3)  From there on, the history of people in the earth went downhill.  
     Later when I sent Isaiah to speak for Me to the children of Israel about their sins that were keeping them from entering into the promised land that I had for them, he named some of them starting with LYING.  He also said that INJUSTICE and UNRIGHTEOUSNESS were attitudes and actions of the demons that the officials and people had adopted as their own ways of dealing with people.  They were heaping unjust punishment upon people who were either innocent or only doing what the officials themselves were doing.  As a result I could not bless them with My righteous works for them and save them from their enemy, the devil. (Isaiah 59:10-11) The people looked for light but all they found was darkness; looking for brightness and only finding gloom because My righteousness was far from them because their sins had caused the demons to build a barrier between earth and heaven, separating them from Me. (verse 9) They stumbled like blind men at midday like it was dusk, and they groped for walls to steady themselves, growling like bears, moaning without ceasing.
    Remember that Isaiah had told them that I was eager to help them and save them, but their sins had built that barrier between us so that it was impossible for Me to answer their cries. (Isaiah 59:1-4)  Isaiah named several of the offenses, crimes and sins that were apparent at the time; those being 1. transgressing My instructions, 2.denying Me as their Lord by their turning back from following My advice, 3. threatening outrage against Me by accusing Me of abandoning them when they were the ones who had abandoned Me, 4.  building idols, and 5.  uttering lies that their hearts had conceived by their listening to demons.  (verses 12-13)
    Isaiah continued by telling the people of Israel that doing righteous works were refused by them, that justice was far off, and that truth stumbled even in the community because My uprightness could not enter because of the barrier between earth and heaven that had been erected by the demons whom the people had obeyed instead of their following My instructions to let truth be in their words instead of lies and falsehoods.  I told Isaiah to tell the people of Israel that honesty was lacking and that even if a man turned from evil he was plundered by the other people.(verses 14-15)
    They could not enter into My promised land that I had prepared for them as long as they continued to yield to the temptations of the devil to lie and speak falsehoods or they would pollute the promised land. 
    However, Isaiah also saw in his vision My new covenant which I was to make with humanity years later in the future when all of the prophesies were fulfilled.  I told Isaiah that I was going to send a Redeemer to those people who turn from sin and I was going to make a new covenant with humanity where My Spirit would be within them in which I would put My words in their hearts and mouths instead of on tablets of stone.   I told him that in the day of My new covenant that My words would never depart from their mouths nor from the mouths of their children's children from now on and forever. (Isaiah 59:20-21)
   In My prophetic words of correction to the Israelites I also included My prophesies for the salvation of the entire world, the entry into the world of Jesus Christ and then the work of the Holy Spirit who would speak My words of salvation through the mouths of people in My spiritual language.
   You must heed My words about refusing to spread false witnesses about people even after you have entered into My kingdom of God by being born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit.  Your enemy, the devil, never gives up in his effort to entice you to leave My kingdom of good works and enter into his kingdom again, the kingdom of evil works where My blessings are nonexistent. 
    I always correct My children with My gentle words of guidance and love.
   Your Father of Perfect Communication  

Saturday, January 23, 2021

My Dear Precious Child,
    From the beginning of life on the earth I have endeavored to get the truth to My children that there are blessings available to you but there are also curses available to you, depending on whether you obey the voices in your thoughts from hell or the voices in your thoughts from heaven.  I told Adam, the first man, not to listen to the voice of evil when I told him not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.(Genesis 2:15-17) He did listen to the devil.   Then I told his son Cain that the devil was crouching at the door of his mind tempting him to sin by killing his brother Abel. (Genesis 4:6-7)
   Throughout history of the world I have appointed men called prophets to speak truths for Me to others of My children, valuable truths that would cause them to be able to identify and then refuse to obey the voices of the devil's demons in their minds.  My instructions were sometimes followed for a short time, but then people would return to refusing to follow My advice and begin to worship man made idols that they built with their own hands.  My children rarely related the curses that flooded into their lives with their idol worship and their rebellion in their refusal to take My advice.  They always came crying back to Me to take away their curses as if I were the manufacturer of their curses. 
    I spoke to the children of Israel and told them the reason that they were wallowing in devastation and curses in their nation and in their lives was because their iniquities had made a separation between heaven and earth so that I neither could hear their cries for help nor could I extend My arm of salvation to help them because of the demons who were responsible for their sinning having formed a barrier between earth and My heaven. (Isaiah 59:1-2)  It wasn't that I didn't want to help them.  I am always willing and able.  It was their fellowship with the devil's angels, called demons, building a wall between us that was responsible for My inability to help.
    Through Isaiah I even identified some of the demons to which they had yielded which cut off communication between us.  In fact, the first demon which I identified to Isaiah was one of the demons who was identified when, many generations before, I confronted Cain about the disappearance of his brother Abel.  That demon was the demon of lying.  When I had questioned Cain where his brother was, Cain said he didn't know, even though he had already killed his brother.  That reply to Me came from the devil's demon of lying to which Cain had yielded his will.(Genesis 4:8-9)  Years later when Isaiah was identifying the demon behind the curses in the lives of the Israelites, I told Isaiah that the reason for their wallowing in the fruits of hell in the earth was, first of all, because of their country's political and religious officials and also the people being guilty of lying, that no one was suing anyone justly and no one was pleading truthfully.  There was corruption in the courts and in their daily lives.  I said that in lying they put their trust in things that had no value when they lied in common everyday accusations or in court. I told them that in lying they conceived mischief in the earth, which is from hell and not from Me. (Isaiah 59:3-4)
    Through Isaiah I identified the earthly works behind the devil's temptation of humans to lie.  I said that the results of lying is like hatching the eggs of venomous snakes and that lying weaves webs like spiders, bringing into the web many people through whom the lie is promulgated.  Whoever eats the eggs of the snakes, signifying believing the lies of another person, will eventually spiritually die because of curses of the devil that come as a result of lying, which causes not only devastation in the life of the liar who originally started the lie but also the people who spread the lie.  Isaiah referred to lying as hatching other snakes in the lives of people who believe the lies.  I said through Isaiah that the webs that the lies spin cannot hide like clothes the nakedness of the liar, and they can't hide the works that the lies accomplish when they are repeated over and over.  Lies produce evil works in the lives of many people and deeds of violence can even result from the lies. (Isaiah 59:5-6)
    Isaiah wrote that the liar's feet run to do evil, being pressured by hell to share their lies, and they are quick to even shed blood either knowingly or unknowingly by their yielding to destructive thoughts which tempt a person to lie.  Plundering and ruin in the lives of the participants in lies are the results. (Isaiah 59:7) The demons who tempted the first person to lie causes that person to inherit death in all of his endeavors, and the people who further the lie also inherit the same. 
    To contrast their lying I told Isaiah to tell the people of Israel that they didn't know the blessings of peace and that there was nothing right in their paths because all of the paths that liars take are crooked and whoever follows the same paths as the liars will never know peace.  (Isaiah 59:8)
    Referring back to the story about Cain in Genesis who yielded to the demons of jealousy, killing and lying, the consequences from hell listed in the history book were that Cain would never have soil that yielded any produce and so he had to become a wanderer in the earth.(Genesis 4:8-16)  Lying has consequences because it is always at the expense of someone else, diverting guilt from one's self.   
    In Isaiah's prophesy to the officials of the nation of Israel I told him that he should tell the people that instead of fasting meat and drink for their festivals, which did not impress Me at all, I said that they needed to fast and remove from their midst the oppression of other people, false accusations and malicious speech. (Isaiah 59:9)  I said that if they would refuse to lie and accuse people of things and then also feed the hungry, shelter the oppressed and homelesss, and clothe the naked, that when they call upon Me that I will answer them, and when they cry for help that I will say, "Here I am." (Isaiah 58:6-8) I said that returning to Me would cause their light to shine forth like the dawn and their wounds would heal quickly.  I said that their vindication would go before them and that My glory would be their rear guard when they cease from their lying and return to doing My will.
   Returning to Me for My forgiveness is the key when My children have sinned by lying in response to the devil's temptations, and having suffered the consequences from hell for their lying.  Lying in mischief summons the devil to construct a barrier between earth and heaven so that I cannot hear the voices of My very own children whom I cherish.  Lying has severe consequences from the devil in hell.  The truth is that the devil tempts you to lie and then he showers you with curses as a consequence of your yielding to him and making him lord of your life.  Repent for the lying and be restored to Me,
    Turning to Me for forgiveness and restoration is the key. 
    I said through My Holy Spirit that you must always speak truth in order to live in My kingdom of heaven of My new covenant and that you must use the scriptures as examples of the ways to live in blessings and the way to live in curses. (Romans 15:4; I Corinthians 10:6-13)
    Your Father of Mercy and Truth  

Thursday, January 21, 2021


My Dear Precious Child,
     There are multitudes of blessings to be enjoyed when you are free from being bound to evil thoughts, attitudes, words and actions. When you recognize their temptations in your thoughts and in your experiences, you will immediately send the  demons behind the temptations to hell instead of yielding to them.  My blessings of peace, joy and love manifest themselves in your life immediately when a battle is won. (Romans 8:21)  The devil cannot stand for you to be free from his dominating activities, so he sends his demons to tempt you back into his family so he can curse your life with devastation and death. Many of My children who profess to be free and sing about My freedom are still bound to fleshly passions which curse their lives but they are too busy with the fleshly passions and allegiances to hear My voice of discernment which identifies the enemy's thoughts, attitudes and actions to which they are bound.
   When you are truly walking in freedom from the works of the devil, I cautioned you not to let your freedom be a reason for other people to sin. (I Corinthians 8:9) In other words, don't flaunt your freedom in front of other people who are not led  by My Spirit and are still weak in power against the devil.  For instance, if a friend or family member has a weakness for wine or other alcoholic drinks, don't ask him or her to join you in enjoying a glass of wine because that one glass might be the catalyst for influencing him or her to become addicted.  Your influence might have pushed the friend over the edge into addiction.  Another example is if a person has been walking in the truth of the old political/religious laws being condemning and judgmental, don't insist on their joining you in attending a teaching on the history of old laws because of the dangerous power of the devil to use the laws to entice the person to again make the laws his or her god instead of Me.  Also, another example is if a person has had or still has a problem with gluttony, don't ask that person to join you in an all-you-can-eat dinner.  It may only take that one time for the demon of gluttony to return to its former resting place in the person.(Luke 11:23-26)  You must be forever sensitive to My Holy Spirit teaching you to walk in constant communication with Me so that you will not influence someone to allow a particular demon to again gain control of his life.  (I Corinthians 8:6-13)
   Some of My children arrogantly display their freedom.  Your freedom must not be a reason for influencing someone to return to a sin.  I said that the demon of which he or she was previously bound and cast out will bring seven demons more evil than the original one if you unwisely flaunt your freedom and cause someone to think they can enjoy the same level of freedom from the devil's works that you have.  The person must first become established in My love, joy and peace.
   Very often other people have been injured by religious people who ignorantly think they are supposed to talk about Jesus Christ instead of their being cued by My Holy Spirit that it's time to speak about the Good News, so they become foolish in their witnessing.  My wisdom says that you must pray diligently for a person in your prayer closet before you even mention My name to him or her.  When you become led by My Holy Spirit you will know when the anointing is present for you to share your faith in Me,  That anointing will be present when the spiritual field in the person has been plowed and is ready for My seeds. Otherwise, you cause the person to run from Me instead of run toward Me. That is another example of your actions of arrogant freedom causing a person to reject the Good News.
   Walking in My freedom means that you walk constantly in unity with Me through the presence of My Holy Spirit living in your body which you provided for Him to be one of His temples on earth. (I Corinthians 3:16) When you are led by Him and pray in His intercessory prayers, you will have an abundance of My blessings in your life on earth because you have not offended anyone. (James 3:2)
    Cultivate a spiritually hearing ear so that you will know My voice spoken to you though My Holy Spirit.  (Proverbs 20:12)  When you have a hearing ear you will not offend anyone but you will instead know when to speak and when not to speak, when to enjoy wine and when not to enjoy wine, when to eat food and when to limit food according to the needs of other people who accompany you. Being led by My Holy Spirit will cause you to always enjoy the blessings that flow into your life from My heaven because there are no barricades between heaven and earth in your life.
    Your Father of Valuable Advice            

Wednesday, January 20, 2021


My Dear Precious Child,
    The victory over the devil that Jesus Christ won for humanity is a reason for lifelong celebration.  
    The fact that He died for the sins of the whole world is a reason for celebration.
    The fact that He came to earth to amplify the knowledge of My true character is a reason for celebration.
    The fact that He retrieved from the devil the authority to subdue the earth and gave it back to humans who become My children by being born again and baptized in My Holy Spirit is certainly reason for constant celebration.
    The miraculous fact that by accepting the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins in order to make you and My other children into entirely new creations by the power of My Holy Spirit from the inside of you is reason for gratitude, praise and celebration for My mysterious plan.
   The fact that My Holy Spirit has the assignment to change your personality and character from the character traits of the devil into My image of Love is reason to celebrate the transformation.
   The fact that My children will spend eternity in My heaven with Me where the celebrations never stop is reason for celebration in the earth also.     
   The greatest gift that most of My children miss is that I GAVE YOU AND MY OTHER HOLY-SPIRIT-BAPTIZED-CHILDREN MY POWER AND AUTHORITY OVER THE DEVIL AND HIS DEMONS' WORKS WHILE YOU LIVE IN THE EARTH.  The earth became the devil's domain when Adam allowed him and his demons to inhabit the earth that I originally gave to people.
   Many of My children wait to go to heaven before using their power and authority over the devil.  (Luke 10:19) There is no devil in heaven and there are no demons in My heaven.  I gave to you authority over the forces of evil in the earth so that you will allow My Holy Spirit to cleanse your spiritual housing in the earth, followed by your allowing Me to cleanse your physical world.  By your praying in the language of My heaven as initiated in your mouth by the Holy Spirit I am able to cleanse your body, which is the temple of My Holy Spirit. You also give to Me the authority through your praying in My tongues of heaven to cast out of the earth and into the fiery furnace all causes of offenses in the earth, those being the devil and his demons. (Matthew 13:36-43) Interceding in the spiritual languages of My heaven is one way to cleanse your life and your world of the demons who plague your life.
   Another way that My Holy Spirit gives to you the power and authority in the earth to assist Me in cleansing My temple in the earth, which is your body, is by your refusing to obey the temptations of the devil.  I said that when you submit yourself to Me and resist the devil's temptations to do his will in the earth that he will eventually leave you and give up his harassment of you. (James 4:7-10)  The demons are persistent only when you yield to them.  If you persist in doing only My will in the earth instead of the devil's temptations, then they go to someone else who will yield to them.  The demons don't take rejection well.  They leave after you have resisted their temptations in your mind to carry out their evil in the earth.
    When you are being tempted by the devil, you must use My power and authority to cast a demon out of your thoughts.  Cast those demons into the fiery furnace that I prepared for them from the foundation of the earth.  (John 15:6; Daniel 3:1; Matthew 10:1)  When Jesus cast out demons from people he could not cast them into the fire that I prepared for them because He had not yet gone to hell and retrieved authority to the earth and to the heavens.  After He rose from the dead, He proclaimed that He had been given authority to heaven and earth. (Matthew 22:13)  Now My children who are baptized in the Holy Spirit have the authority to cast the demons into the fires of hell.(Matthew 28:18-20)
   When My children use their authority to cast the demons out from their lives and into the fire, that is when real victory is celebrated in heaven and earth because My children have assumed the role of victors in the earth.  Their lives become the light of the world and they begin to have heaven on earth, just like I planned and desired.
   Real victory is celebrated in heaven and in the earth when My children assume the ministry to which I called them;  that being the word of reconciliation, reconciling the world to Me. (II Corinthians 5:18-19)  That is reason for celebration in heaven and on earth for your blessed victories over evil.
    Your Father of Reconciliation 

Tuesday, January 19, 2021


My Dear Precious Child,
    Receiving My promise to My children was made clear to the Jews who were obedient to the followers of Jesus.  He had appeared to them after He rose from the dead and told them to go to Jerusalem and wait for what I had promised.  John the Baptist had told them when he baptized the Jews in water that there was One coming who would baptize them in the Holy Spirit and in Fire.  They were so fleshly minded that they surmised that their Messiah would come and set up an earthly kingdom in Jerusalem.  Little did they know that My kingdom of God would be a spiritual kingdom that I set up inside of the bodies of the believers in Jesus Christ. (Acts 1:1-8)
    What was to happen to them would be the fulfillment of My promise through the prophet Joel that I would pour out My Very Own Spirit on all of mankind, that they would prophesy by the power of the Holy Spirit just like the prophets of old, that He would give them visions and dreams even to the men and women slaves, that there would be signs in the heaven above and in the earth below.  It was to be the fulfillment also of the prophesies of Jesus Christ every time He taught about My  kingdom of heaven which was soon to come into their lives on earth. (Matthew 6:5-10)  Every parable that He taught related to My kingdom of God which was to come inside of them.  They did not know that there would be magnificent signs of My power manifested at the time.  Remember, they were convinced by their political and religious leaders that My kingdom would be a visual, earthly kingdom set up in the city of Jerusalem.  They were surprised when it became a spiritual kingdom living inside of each one of them which I call the New Jerusalem. (Hebrews 12:22-25)
    The most marvelous thing about My kingdom of God living inside of My children who seek My kingdom and My righteousness is that barriers between heaven and earth were removed when Jesus Christ went to hell and rose from the dead.  There would be easy access for My blessings to flood into the lives of My children who had been baptized in My Holy Spirit.  It was at that time that the ministry of Jesus Christ would be given to My Holy Spirit and He would be able to do mighty works through any person who became born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit.  The prophesy of the old covenant prophets about the veil being torn from top to bottom happened when Jesus Christ tore it when He went to hell, which opened the earth to all of My blessings plus the anointing of My Holy Spirit to the people who receive My kingdom of God into their lives.  
     At the time of the first Pentecost, as an outward sign to them of what had happened in the spiritual realm, the veil in the earthly temple in Jerusalem was supernaturally ripped down the middle when Jesus was crucified, as a sign that there were no more barriers between heaven and earth for My children who become baptized in My Holy Spirit and walk in unity with Me.  Jesus went to hell where He took back authority to the earth from the devil who had been given authority in the earth by the first man, Adam.  After Jesus went to hell, then My Holy Spirit catapulted Him back to earth to be seen by many people.  The barrier had been removed by Him so that My angels had free access to the earth to carry My blessings to people.  Also, people began to have free access to Me.  (Genesis 28:12) Jacob had seen it in a dream many, many generations before Jesus assumed His ministry in the earth.  Jesus' calling from Me to go to hell for the sins of the world also accomplished the work of removing the barrier between heaven and earth so that My children had free access to Me as well as there were no barriers to block My blessings from flooding into the earth. (Isaiah 59)
    It was in breaking down that demonic spiritual barrier that I was able to make a new covenant with My children where I would send My Holy Spirit inside of them and put My words in their mouths, which allowed Me to restore the earth to its former glory that it had possessed before Adam allowed it to be cursed by the devil.  (Isaiah 59:20-21) I also caused Jeremiah to prophesy about My new covenant of the Holy Spirit with humanity. I told the Jews through him that because they had broken My covenant so many times that I would make a new covenant.  I said that I would write My words in their minds and in their hearts and that I would be their God.  Also I told all humans through Jeremiah that I would remember their sins no longer.  (Jeremiah 31:31-34)  
   In order for you and My other children to have free access to My heaven so that My blessings can flow uninterrupted to you, you must be cautious to stay in unity with Me as your Father so that the devil and his demons are not allowed to rebuild a barrier between heaven and earth so that I can't hear you and your blessings are again barricaded from flowing into the earth by the demons you have allowed to again become lords of your life.  
   False prophets are constantly sent to try to lure you away from Me and My loving gifts to you for being My child. That is why Jesus Christ warned you about false prophets.  Keep on the lookout for their deception and manipulation of you and My other children. Jesus warned you that some attitudes that are from hell that form barriers again between earth and My heaven are the lust of money, the desire to be great and the return to old covenant laws. My Holy Spirit warned you about other ones in Galatians 5:1-21 which are fornication, indecency, sexual irresponsibility, idolatry, sorcery, fighting, wrangling, jealousy, quarreling, anger, hatred, disagreements, political and religious factions, division, envy, drunkenness, orgies and similar things.  I said that My ways that guarantee that the path between heaven and earth remains open are your having My thoughts, attitudes, words and actions of love, peace, goodness, joy, kindness, mercy and patience. (Galatians 5:22)       
    Make sure that your thoughts, attitudes, words and actions are in unity with My new covenant of the Holy Spirit.  When they are in unity with My Spirit I can flood your life in earth with My kingdom benefits called abundant blessings.
    Your Father of a Clear Path

Monday, January 18, 2021


My Dear Precious Child,
    Soon after the beginning of time the first man Adam unknowingly opened the doors and windows of the earth to the devil for him and his demons to pour into the earth in order for them to curse the earth and the lives of humans whom I created to be in My image.  You have read in the Biblical history books about the demons that were first identified in the lives of humans starting with fear, blame, shame, lying and self sufficiency that appeared in the personalities of the first couple when they hid from Me because of their yielding to the temptation of the devil. (Genesis 3:1-13)  I named the demons whom they had made the lords of their lives which proceeded to curse their lives in the earth that I had meant to continue to be My heaven on earth to Adam and Eve. 
   The next two demons to manifest themselves in the lives of the offspring of the first couple were jealousy and killing when Adam's son Cain killed his brother Abel. I had told Cain before he sinned that a demon was crouching at the door of his mind in order to gain entrance into his life.  I said that he must learn to master the demon (sin) instead of yielding to it. (Genesis 4:6-7) As a result of Cain killing his brother, Cain inherited curses from the devil, one being that he and his children and their children would be wanderers in the earth.  However, in My mercy I put a mark on the head of Cain so that no one would kill him. I blessed Cain by saying that anyone who did kill Cain would be avenged seven times over. 
    In the history of man in the earth, even in the presence of curses from hell I have made every effort to bless people.  It was through Moses that I enumerated the curses from the devil that were in the earth and the blessings that were from Me.  The curses brought destruction and death to humans and I sent as many blessings as I could, which represented life to people.  That whole scenario is the scenario of the lives of humans and their choices between good and evil, blessings and curses. Many more demons were manifested in the flesh of people which We will study later.  My truth that I want you to understand is that I have tried every way possible to tell humans how to be blessed instead of their being cursed by the devil in their lives.
    I used Moses to lead the people of the nation of Israel out of Egypt where they had become slaves.  I gave Moses the assignment of leading those people through a desert to their promised land of milk and honey.  It was eventually through My plan for the nation of Israel that one of its descendants became Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. (Galatians 3:16) I needed to keep the blood line of Israel as pure as possible so that the flesh of Jesus would have as little evil as possible in his own fleshly DNA to conquer by the presence of the Holy Spirit in his spiritual DNA.  My efforts to bless humans have been varied and numerous from the very beginning.  My ever present desire has always been to bless human beings.
    The prophet Moses enumerated the blessings that would come upon the people of Israel if they followed My guidance that I wrote in stone for them. (Deuteronomy 5:6-21) Those commandments were given by Me in order to let the people of Israel know the areas in which the devil was going to tempt them in their journey to the promised land which I had prepared for them. (Galatians 3:19) You know the history of that journey, that it was only a few months' walk but because the people kept yielding to the devil's temptations which I had written in stone for them to avoid, it took 40 years because they kept getting lost by breaking My instructions to them.  I had told the people that they would avoid evil and curses if they followed every one of My instructions; and that I would be able to bless them galore, more abundantly than they could even imagine in every area of their lives. (Deuteronomy 28)
    Even with the disobedience of the people of Israel, My love and desire to bless them never ended, leading into My new covenant of the Holy Spirit which was enacted by Jesus Christ. It is through My new covenant of the Holy Spirit with all of humanity which ushers My kingdom of God into the lives of people who seek My kingdom and My righteousness. (Matthew 6:33).  My covenant of the Holy Spirit makes it possible for Me to bless people even in the event of their sinning because of the forgiveness of Jesus Christ when He paid the price for the sins of the whole world.  However, it is their acceptance of the forgiveness of Jesus Christ which precedes the ability of humans to be baptized in My Holy Spirit which ushers in My kingdom of God into their lives on earth in which My blessings galore become a constant reality.
    My Holy Spirit makes My love become real in the lives of My children of promise along with the desire and the spiritual power for you to follow My guidance because of the knowledge of the glories that present themselves with My abundance of blessings.  Fraternizing with evil by obeying the temptations from hell is rejected by My children of promise because of My blessings that are being enjoyed and the Love that is revealed by My Spirit.  The devil never gives up his temptations, but the Authoritative Power of My Holy Spirit casts the demons behind the temptations into the fiery furnace when My children of promise pray in the spiritual language of My Holy Spirit. (Matthew 13:36-43)  That is when My children of promise shine like the sun in the world.
     Just like in the life of Jesus, every time you refuse to yield to the tempting will of the devil's demons is when My angels come and minister individually to you.  My angels always manifest My glory in your life on earth. (Matthew 4:1-11)
     I said that as My child of promise you are surrounded by all of the inhabitants of My kingdom of God, including the multitude of My angels, the firstborn sons of the church, the spirits of the saints who were made perfect, Jesus Christ the mediator of My new covenant, Myself and the blood of Jesus which purifies people. It is through that New Jerusalem that I shake loose from My children the demons from hell who plague My children. I leave what cannot be shaken loose, which is My kingdom of God in your life.  I eradicate the devil's demons in your life because I am a consuming fire. (Hebrew 12:1; Hebrews 12:22-29)
    You have just read the highlights of My history of My dealings with man.  There should be enough truth in this lesson, the scriptures, and the Holy Spirit's power for you to constantly choose My life and blessings instead of your choosing the devil's destruction and death.
    Your Father of Shared Truths  

Sunday, January 17, 2021


My Dear Precious Child,
    There are instructions written in the books of My new covenant of the Holy Spirit records that coach My children on how to live in the earth surrounded by My kingdom of God.  They are testimonies that confirm My blessings that are yours when you accept My new testament's Fatherly ability in which I advise you and My other children of promise of My minute by minute desire to pour My guidance and goodness from heaven into your lives on earth.  Those testimonies are reflective of the promises that I gave to the children of Israel when I was coaching them on the necessary ways to live their lives while they traveled in route to the land of milk and honey but I also later added more advice that related to their lives when they arrived in that new land. There were instructions that I gave that pertained particularly to the physical, mental and spiritual conditions in their new land of promise.  The ten commandments that I gave to them while they were in route to the land of milk and honey sufficed until they were ready to enter into the new country.  (Deuteronomy 5:6-21)  
   However, when they were ready to enter into the promised land, I explained more fully My advice relating to the conditions of the new country.  I enumerated to them the curses that would come into their lives if they did not take My Fatherly advice and I enumerated to them the blessings that would come into their lives of earth if they obeyed My instructions after they occupied the new country. (Deuteronomy 27:14-26 and Deuteronomy 28)  There were demons who lived on the pagan idols of the inhabitants of the promised land, and My instructions were for the children of Israel not to intermarry with the pagans or the demons would become part of their DNA.  Instead I told them to drive the people out of the land.  So My instructions were enhanced because their circumstances changed.
     I always included in My warnings to the people of Israel and also later to My children of promise of My new covenant of the Holy Spirit that even if you departed from My instructive words which warned you about the evil temptations that come into your thoughts to worship other gods, I promised that I am merciful and if you repent and become restored to Me that I would reverse the curses.  I told them you that your woes that come from their fraternizing with the devil will be turned into rejoicing because you have chosen to return to Me and you have chosen My blessings over curses. (Deuteronomy 30)
    Much later when My promise of My covenant of the Holy Spirit came into the lives of the Jews and the Gentiles after Jesus Christ died for their sins, rose from the dead, spent some time in the earth again, and then came to sit down with Me in My heaven, after those events Jesus sent His source of My power, My Holy Spirit, to live inside of you and the people who have been cleansed by the blood of Jesus when He came to live in your body.  You become filled with My power of the Holy Spirit to refuse to follow the devil's temptations and you are endued with the power to allow My Holy Spirit to speak My solutions to all of your problems through your mouth in the language of My heaven. I said that I would put My words in your mouth and in your heart and that you and others would be My obedient children in the earth with the power to rid their lives of the demons who are behind all curses.  (Matthew 13:36-43)  Every time you and My other children of promise pray in My heavenly language, there are immeasurable blessings that flow into you life.
    Because all people are different and their DNA are different from the  generational curses handed down from the parents and grandparents of other people, My Holy Spirit does His individual job of casting out of the bodies of My children of promise the demons that you want extradited from your life.  My Holy Spirit speaks through your mouth and the mouths of My other children of promise and He casts out of the person and into the fiery furnace the generational demons who have cursed the life of My children who are praying in My Holy Spirit.  That plan for the salvation of the earth and of people was an alternate plan in My mind at creation when I considered the possibility that the first man and woman that I created chose to refuse My warning and allow the devil to flood the earth with his demons.  (John 3:16-17)
   I would not have created people in the beginning of the earth to have free will with its choices unless I had an alternate plan if they chose to yield to the devil's will of evil and hatred instead of My will of goodness and love.  (Joel 3:1-5; Romans 8:26-28)  As you know, the choice is made every day between choosing thoughts of evil and hated instead of choosing goodness and love.  When My Holy Spirit restores you to Me with My forgiveness if you do choose evil, and My life-flow of love is again in operation in your life.  It's called Salvation.
   Your Father of Saving Ways

Saturday, January 16, 2021


My Dear Precious Child,
    In the days of My new covenant of the Holy Spirit, which is My last covenant and most effective covenant that I made with humanity, My children who become born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit have My power in their human bodies to execute My judgment on the devil and his demons who have cursed the lives of humans since Adam allowed them to flood into the earth.  When you seek and receive My kingdom and My righteousness, you become My representatives in the earth with the same authority over the earth that I gave to Adam before he became polluted with the devil's personality instead of Mine.  My aim was, and still is, to restore the earth to its former glory, just like I restore humans who become My image in the earth to being just like Adam and Eve were before they were deceived by the devil and extended their invitation to him to become lord of the earth instead of Me.  It is through you and others of My children of promise that I desire to carry on the ministry of Jesus Christ by your allowing My Holy Spirit to be your guide and your Lord in the earth.(I Corinthians 3:16; II Corinthians 3:17&18)
    Under My old covenant given through Moses, which was My guidance to lead the people of Judah and Israel into a promised land, that covenant was broken by them many, many times when they left Me and bound themselves to idols of every sort, idols of wood and stone. They prayed to those man-made idols to assist them in their problems which were caused by them when they refused to take My advice in My words of the law which I gave to them clearly and concisely regarding good and evil, blessings and curses. My words to them in what was called the law was given by Me to assist them in recognizing evil and thus refusing to indulge in evil temptations. (Galatians 3:19) They refused to follow My guidance over and over and so the men with whom I made a covenant were unable to enter into the promised land because they broke our covenant so many times.  
    My solution to the problem was that I made a new covenant with humans, a covenant of the Holy Spirit in which I would write My words of power and guidance in their hearts and in their minds. (Hebrews 8:6-13; Romans 10:17)  The words would be My individual words of guidance because with My words of guidance the power to obey My guidance is also present as My words come from My very own Holy Spirit, in whom is all of My power and authority.  And so My last and effective covenant was not made with a country but with My furture Son, Jesus Christ. (Galatians 3:15-16)  When He lives inside of you, you become My child and I become your Father.  My individual words become Life to you because My Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Life.    
    That truth is why I told you not to ignore My personal words to you because they will lead you to having a life of abundance in the earth, mirroring what I told the people of Israel through Moses.  I said that My personal words to you, if you heed them, will cause you to be blessed in every area of your life, in the city, in the country, in your prosperity, in your children, in your animals, in your produce, in your job, in your relationships, in your adventures and in your experiences. (Ephesians 3:20)  In other words, I am able to do super abundantly, far more than you dare think, pray, dream or wish, according to the power of My Holy Spirit who lives inside of you.
    I lead you to assist the poor, the widows and the orphans, all of the least fortunate people.  My children are called upon to help Me supply the needs of the people who are poor in finances and poor in spirit.  (Matthew 25:31-46)  When you become My hands of distribution of My blessings, then you have followed My will and you will inherit My rewards and My blessings because you are My child.
    Your Father Who Turns Curses into Blessings.

Friday, January 15, 2021


My Dear Precious Child,
    If you have chosen the devil's curses instead of My blessings by obeying the voice of the devil in the form of temptations which caused you to lose all of My wonderful blessings and when you become sick and tired of having the devil as your father, then I, in My enduring mercy, am waiting for your return to Me.  If you choose to repent, which means to turn from evil ways and embrace My ways, then you become the prodigal child which I described through the teaching of Jesus Christ. (Luke 15:10-24) My welcome home for you is just as celebratory as the Prodigal in that parable. (Deuteronomy 28:1-4)
    I told Moses to tell the Israelites that when a person, including you, turns from your corrupt ways in which you inherited the consequences of making the devil your lord, that I will place you into My promised land of the kingdom of God and that I will make you more prosperous and numerous than your own fathers.  I said that I would circumcise your heart and the hearts of your descendants so that all of you will love Me with all of your heart and soul so that you will live.  You are not only granted the position of My treasured child, but the demons who caused your curses will inherit his own curses for persecuting you.  Instead of you continuing in your suffering, the demons who harassed you will pay a price for tempting you.  (Matthew 13:36-42)
    In speaking that prophesy through Moses, I said, HOWEVER, that you must again hear My voice and carry out all that I instruct you to do so that you will not fall for the evil tricks of the devil again.  If you continue to hear My voice and take My advice found in My individual words to you, then you will increase in more than goodly measure the returns from your labors, the fruit of your womb and the produce of your soil, meaning in all of your earthly endeavors you will be abundantly blessed.  I said that I would delight in your prosperity if only you will listen to Me, making Me your Lord, your God, and your keeping all of My commandments to you when you return to Me with all of your heart and all of your soul. (Deuteronomy 30:1-10)
   Not only was Moses speaking from Me to the Jews about their habit of sinning and then returning to Me after their sinning by obeying demons, he was foretelling the methods of My salvation which was eventually to come into your life when you accept the proven fact that Jesus Christ was crucified for your sins, went to hell for your transgressions and rose again from the dead by the power of My Holy Spirit.  He was foretelling that Jesus Christ would send My Holy Spirit into the earth to live in you and cause you to become My child by being born of My Spirit. Then when you seek My kingdom of God and My righteousness, the Holy Spirit baptizes you in My Holy Spirit by removing the veil between heaven and earth which was placed there by the devil in order for humanity to be forever separated from Me.  
   When you ask Me to become baptized in My Holy Spirit, He removes that demonic barrier between heaven and earth so that you become spiritually surrounded by My entire kingdom of heaven, the Heavenly Jerusalem, whose population includes innumerable angels who are gathered for the festival of your homecoming where everyone there is a firstborn child, a citizen of My heaven.  I am also in that population, also the spirits of the saints who rose from the dead when Jesus was raised, and they are made perfect.  Jesus is at My right hand and He is the mediator of the new and last covenant by His blood which is more serious and effective than the blood of the first man who was killed, Abel. (Hebrews 12:22-24)
    My children who are born again and baptized in My Holy Spirit must pay attention to the words of Jesus Christ and My prophets of the new covenant who warn you that there constantly are false prophets who seek you out because of their assignment from hell to bring you back into fellowship with the devil so that you will again be consumed by demonic curses which destroy your life. (Matthew 7:15; Matthew 24:24; II Peter 2:1; I John 4:1) My Holy Spirit gives you the power to refuse the temptations and instead for you to send those demons into the fiery furnace. (Matthew 13:36-42)  You must allow the Holy Spirit to become Lord in your life on earth. (I Corinthians 3:16; II Corinthians 3:17-18)                
    Your Father of Truth Filled Words         

Thursday, January 14, 2021


My Dear Precious Child,
   In the beginning when I created the first man, Adam, he and I were in perfect harmony, walking and communicating in love as Father and child.  Adam fell out of unity with Me when Eve, his wife, yielded to the temptation of the devil and influenced Adam to also follow the devil's temptation which allowed the devil to flood the earth with his evil demons who would take over the earth for themselves. From that day forth there was the choice between good and evil for people to make.  Hell's curses overcame My blessings because Adam and his family continued to follow the guidance of the temptations of the devil in their thoughts instead of following My guidance which would have caused them to avoid the devil's curses of destruction and death and allow My gifts from heaven to bless them.  Instead of having My blessings in their lives, they allowed their lord at the time, the devil, to bring devastation into the earth that I had created as a replica of My heaven.  (Genesis 2:15-17; Romans 5:15)
   Those curses remain in every family until someone in that family is born of My Spirit, baptized in My Holy Spirit, begins to walk in the guidance of My Holy Spirit and prays on every occasion in My Holy Spirit, which is My new covenant with people.  It is through the words of their mouths that I speak to the demons who are in their family DNA and cast those demons out of them and their generational heritage into the fiery furnace that I created for those demons.  When I am allowed to cast out the demons, then the people in that family shine like the sun in the earth.  (Matthew 13:36-42)
    Until someone assumes authority over the demons in his or her family, then the demons from hell have a successful time in the earth by cursing families for generations.  I gave every person the choice between blessings and curses when I gave them independence.  It is from My Love that I gave free will.  I didn't want puppets.  I wanted children who are made in My image, being creative, loving, peaceful, kind, merciful, joyful, good and patient.  Following My will in the earth will set you free from the curses of the devil.
    Moses set forth this truth when he identified the enormous amount of destruction that can come into the life of a person when that person yields only to the temptations of the devil.  He said, "When the devil has become your lord he raises up against you a demonic nation from the earth which shows no respect for the old or pity for the young.  The demons will consume your livestock, your crops, your animals and fowl, they will cause your walls of protection to come tumbling down in every community throughout your land.  Your enemies will consume your children and every fruit of the wombs of women." (Deuteronomy 28:49-57)      
    I also cautioned Moses to tell the Jews, "Making the devil your lord will allow him to curse you and your descendants with severe and constant blows, malignant and lasting maladies and all of the diseases of Egypt from which the Israelites fled, plus every sickness or calamity not mentioned in the books of law will come upon your family until it is destroyed, all at the hands of the devil whom you have made your lord.  The families of the earth whose inhabitants are as numerous as the stars in the sky will only have a few left, all because they did not listen to My warnings to them. In the morning they will wish that it was night and at night they will wish that it was daytime because they will live in constant dread."  (Deuteronomy 28:69)   
    In My great love for humanity and My creation I told Moses to tell the Jews that if they would return to Me, hearing My words and obeying them, then all of the curses in their lives would be changed to My blessings.  I said that I would have pity upon them, that I would circumcise their hearts and the hearts of their descendants, that they would all love Me with all of their hearts and souls and that they would live.  I told them that returning to Me was not too difficult or remote to do.  I said that it was not in the sky for someone to bring it down so that they could carry it out.  I also said that it was not in the abyss so that anyone could carry it out.  I said that it was in their mouths and in their hearts and that they only needed to carry out My will in their lives. (Deuteronomy 28:11-14)
    In My new covenant with My children of the Holy Spirit I repeated the same truth.  I said through the new covenant prophet Paul the same truth.  I said for no one to say, "Who will go to heaven to bring Christ down;" and do not say, "Who will go to the underworld to bring Christ back from the dead."  I said, "The Word of faith is in you, on your lips and in your heart, the Word of faith in which you believe." (Romans 10:6-9)  Participating in My method of salvation blots out the curses and brings blessings into your life to both the Jew and the pagan. I said that My method of salvation is your choosing to be guided by My Holy Spirit and your praying in My Holy Spirit at all times and in every occasion will guarantee that all things will work together for your good. (Romans 8:13-14 and 26-28)  When My will is done in your life, then your desires, dreams, prayers and wishes are granted, which bring heaven into your life on earth.
     I have coached people from the beginning on how to avoid the curses that the devil released upon people when he became lord of the earth at the permission of Adam.  (II Corinthians 4:4) When I sent Jesus Christ into the earth to die for the sins of the world and then I sent My Holy Spirit into the earth to empower people to do My will, salvation came to earth.  You just need to be guided by My Spirit and pray in the Holy Spirit at all times and in every occasion, which allows Me to chase the demons who plague your life into hell.
     Your Father of Workable Plans          

Wednesday, January 13, 2021


My Dear Precious Child
    In My instructions to the children of Israel, and even to My children in your world today, I named the evil curses from their lord the devil that were going to attempt to come upon all of you after you enter into the promised land that I give to you, to the Jews their physical promised land and to My children of promise their spiritual kingdom of God which can come into their lives to be their moral compass in the earth if they seek My kingdom and My righteousness.
   The curses from hell are many and varied which come from people making the devil their lord.  I told you about the sicknesses and defeat in other lessons.  Some more of the devil's evil gifts that he endeavors to bring into your life are that you be robbed continually in some way, never becoming prosperous, and no one will come to your aid.  Though you have a husband or wife, someone else will take him or her. Though you build a house, you won't live in it. Though you plant a vineyard, you won't drink the fruit of it, and your oxen will be killed before your eyes, plus your burden animals will be stolen from you and you will not recover them and your fowl will be taken from you.  (Deuteronomy 28:30-31)All of those can come upon My children who turn from Me and make allegiances with the devil, making him lord of their lives again.  
    In other words, the devil, whom you have made your lord, will see that everything will be taken from you.  Your sons and daughters will be taken by either your physical or mental enemies and you will be helpless to retrieve them.  In addition, people you do not know will consume the fruit of your soil and of your labor until you are crushed and oppressed in all that you do. Don't forget the boils that I previously said would come upon your entire body. (Deuteronomy 28:32-35)
    Nationally, the devil who is your lord because you have bound yourself to him by obeying his temptations, he will have you overcome by a strange government and you will worship their gods which will cause you to suffer even more reproach and scorn from all of the nations as led by those demons, whom you have made your lords.(verses 36-37)
    Your labors will be so cursed that you will plant plenty of seed but harvest very few crops because locusts and insects will devour the crops.  Though you plant and cultivate vineyards, you will not drink or store the wine because of the grubs that will eat the plants.  Though you have live trees, you won't have oil for ointment or cooking because the olives will drop off before ripened.  As I said before, if you have children, they will not remain with you but will go into captivity to other demonic lords.  Buzzing insects will infest your trees and your crops.  The national aliens will become higher and higher above you while you become lower and lower.  Aliens will loan to you and they will become your head and you will become the tail. (Deuteronomy 28: 38-44).  All of those curses occur because My children leave Me and cleave to the devil, making him their lord.  
    I spoke these warnings to you, and My Son Jesus Christ also spoke warnings to you, in order to instruct you not to obey the temptations of the devil or he will become your cruel lord instead of your obeying My instructions, making Me your Lord, which cause you to become prosperous in every area of your life by My blessings from heaven. (Deuteronomy 28:1-14)
    I am your Father of Love and I endeavor to teach you the difference between My peaceful voice of love and the devil's voice of hatred and discord.  The devil is waiting for you to obey his temptations in your thoughts so that he can bring all of his curses into your life, producing woes that will pursue you and overcome you until you are destroyed simply because you would not listen to My voice of love and peace nor take My loving advice.  I warned you that those curses will land upon you and your descendants as a sign and wonder for all time since you would not unite with Me, the Lord your God, with joy and gratitude for My abundance of blessings of every kind.  Because you have made the devil your lord, you will serve him in hunger, thirst, nakedness and utter poverty by your serving enemies whom the devil, your cruel lord, sends to you. The devil puts an iron yoke on your neck until he destroys you. (Deuteronomy 28: 45-48)
    All of those curses have come upon the Jewish nation because of their refusal to continue in unity with Me because they chose other gods to be their lord.   My plan for the salvation of the world came through Abraham's physical offspring Jesus/My offspring the Christ, My Holy Spirit.  The Jewish nation continued their rejection of My plan for their salvation.  The individual Jews who accept Jesus Christ as My Son become members of My kingdom of God along with a multitude of pagans.  My salvation begins in the life of a person when he or she accepts the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross for the forgiveness of their sins, thus being born again; and then when he or she is baptized by My Holy Spirit in which the veil between My heaven and the earth is removed by Me and My entire kingdom of heaven surrounds the person, immersing the person in My kingdom of God in which heaven on earth becomes a possibility and even a probability to the people who seek My kingdom and My righteousness.
   You must continue in unity with Me and reject the temptation to become unified with the devil by making him your lord.  He never gives up in pursuing you in order to destroy you.
    Your Father of Joy and Lifelong Blessings