Sunday, December 18, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, Even though the apostle and prophet Paul wrote in his first letter to the Corinthians such an accurate description about the characteristics of Unconditional Love which spurs all of My Children to strive for showing the kind of Love which is My Love, the Love that changes things that are cursed in the earth into things that are loved, the apostle John the Divine also wrote about loving others in his letter to the churches. John knew My Love as exhibited through Jesus Christ, so he wrote extensively about passing My Love on to other people. John wrote in his first letter, "Beloved, let us love one another since Love is from God and everyone who Loves Unconditionally is born of God and knows God. Anyone who fails to Love Unconditionally doesn't know God, because God is Love." (I John 4:7-8) Therefore, I tell you the same thing today, that I am Unconditional Love of mercy, grace, patience, kindness, goodness, forgiveness, joy and faith. Because I passed My Loving characteristics along to you in your new spiritual birth as My children, you have all of those Godly characteristics inside of you in order for you to pass them on to the world that is starving for Love. He also wrote that My Love was revealed when I sent My Son Jesus Christ into the world so that you could have My Life in you through Him. That is what real love is, not that you love Me but that I loved you when I sent My Son to die so that your sins are taken away completely. That is how you can prove your love for other people, when you can look past their sins and see their need for My Love that can only be exhibited by My children in the world, including you. (I John 4:10) John repeated in his writings many times that I am Unconditional Love and that anyone who lives in My Love lives in Me. He wrote that My Love has come to perfection in you when you can think about judgment without fear because even in the world you have become as Christ is. In Love there is no fear of punishment because from Me there IS No judgment for My children. He surmised that anyone who is afraid of being judged by Me is still imperfect in Unconditional Love. John wrote that you, as humans with My Holy Spirit living in you, you are to Love because He loved you first. (I John 4:19) If you have hate for anyone, then you must pray for a revelation of My Love for you and all of humanity so that your knowledge of My Love will grow in you and by your Love for people you prove that you Love Me. Make Love your aim. It begins as a determination and grows into reality the more revelations that you have that I am Love. Never forget that while you were still a sinner, Christ died for you, according to My will. Your Father of Sacrificial Love

Friday, December 16, 2022


BLESSED BY UNCONDITIONAL LOVE Dear One, I say to My children the same thing I said to Peter, "Do you love Me?"(John 21:15-17) They all say, "Yes, Lord, I love you." I reply to My children, "Then forgive and love your enemies and do good to them."(Matthew 5:38-48) Again I say to My children the same thing I said to Peter, "But do you really love Me?" And they say to Me again, "Yes, Father, I love you. I profess you before people and I pay my tithes." Then I reply to My children, "Then do not participate in bitterness, strife, dissension, division, anger and hatred toward any of My creation." (Ephesians 4:30-32) I say again to My children, like I said the third time to Peter, "But do you really, really love Me?" And they say, "Yes, Lord. I give offerings to my church and teach Sunday School." Then I reply, "If you really love Me, you will lay aside all divisive religious and political loyalties; instead sowing peace in the earth that I created for you. If you love Me, you will love all people of different colors, religious beliefs, political beliefs, cultural backgrounds and genders because I love them as much as I love you. You will strive to sow peace in order to promote My peace rather than sowing strife in order to promote your religious and political beliefs.(John 13:34) "The sheep and the goats are separated into the angels who sow love and peace in the earth and the goats are the demons who sow division, strife and hatred in the earth. You know them by their fruits." (Matthew 25:31-40) I say to My children every moment of the day, "Do you love My Son for what He did for you, went to the cross and died for your sins?" You say, "Oh, yes, I love Jesus for purchasing forgiveness for Me." I reply, "Then you will extend His forgiveness to everyone, regardless of their sins, just as I extend forgiveness to you." (Matthew 6:12) I say to My children, "Do you really love My Son for His ministry of bringing peace to the world?" You say, "Oh, yes, I love Jesus, the Prince of Peace." I reply to you, "Then sow peace everywhere in your life instead of sowing discord and conflict. When you do sow peace, you will have peace for your soul." (Ephesians 4:1-3) I say to My children, "Do you really treasure the peace, love, and joy that came into your life because you know Me?" You say, "Yes, Father, I am grateful for your miracles of peace, love, and joy that you give to Me." Then I reply to you, "Then BE My peace, love, mercy and joy in the world." I say to My children, "Do you really appreciate My goodness, kindness, mercy and patience that I perpetually show toward you?" (Galatians 5:22-23) You say, "Yes, Father, I appreciate all of your blessings toward me, all that is your good pleasure to give to me."(Luke 12:32) Then I reply to you, "If you really love Me, do the same to all people, pass on My goodness, kindness, mercy and patience toward all people." I say to you, "My child, do you treasure the gifts of My Holy Spirit in your life, My greatest promise to My children?" (Acts 1:4-5) You say to Me, "Oh, Father I treasure all of your gifts to me through your Holy Spirit." Then I reply to you, "If you do appreciate His counsel, His guidance, His truth, His tutoring, His prayer language, His wisdom, His knowledge, His discernment, His insights and His prophesies to you, then you will seek them, believe them, follow them and make them the entire motivation of your life." (I Corinthians 12:1-11) I ask you again, "My child, do you really love Me and appreciate the love I show to you?" You say, "Oh, Father, I love you totally, with all of My heart." I reply to you, "If you really do love Me, you will love everyone, feeding My peace, goodness, kindness and mercy to everyone." (I John 2:8-11; I John 3:14-18; I John 4;20-21) "The measure of your love for Me is how much love you show to others, your enemies and your neighbors as well as your family. Yes, love shown to others is the appreciation of your love for Me" Your Loving and Faithful Father

Thursday, December 15, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, The apostle Paul's letter to the Ephesians includes many messages from My Holy Spirit indicating what I want My children to know about Me and their relationship with Me, and their wisdom and knowledge relating to truths that I, as their Father, want them to know in order to overcome the works of the devil in the world. Just like a good earthly father will lead and guide his own children around traps set by evil people in order to injure or capture those children, I know the evil strategies and plans that are set for My children by the evil angels who were ostracized from My heaven by Me. (Isaiah 14:12-19) Just like I cast those evil spirits out of My heaven, it's the ministry of My Holy Spirit, who lives inside of My children, to cast the children of the devil, the demons, out of the earth and into the lake of fire in the abyss as My judgment of them. I instituted that judgment before I created the foundation of the world just in case the devil and his demons gained access into the world that I had created as a Paradise for My children.(Matthew 13:36-43) Without knowledge of what the actions of the devil's demons are in your world, you and My children are ignorant of those works, the works that Jesus Christ came to earth to destroy. (I John 3:8) When Jesus came to sit down with Me in heaven, He turned over His ministry in the world to the Holy Spirit who came to earth to live inside of My children and continue to do the work of Christ, the anointed One, of destroying the works of the devil in the earth. It was the authority and power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus Christ that cast demons out of people and healed the sick. Those evil works were evidence of the work of the demons. The power in you is the same identical Holy Spirit power whom Jesus and I sent into the earth to live inside of people to continue My identical work through them in the earth of destroying evil works. The Holy Spirit merely changed earthly bodies that had been cleansed by Jesus Christ and made them as His temples in the earth in order to continue to save the world from the works of the devil, which Jesus had said was His original ministry in the earth. (John 3:16-17) Under My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit there are many bodies through whom I can work, not just the body of Jesus. Those are My newly created children who have been born of the Holy Spirit who provide bodies through which I can live. They are the temples of My Holy Spirit in the earth. (Hebrews 10:5; I Corinthians 3;16; II Corinthians 3:17) It is through My New Covenant with humanity that My ministers are multiplied in the earth through the ministry of My Holy Spirit who lives inside of born again and Holy Spirit baptized believers. I gave to you and to them the ministry of reconciling the world to Me by the power of My Holy Spirit, the same Spirit who raised Jesus Christ from the dead. (Romans 8:11; II Corinthians 4:19) My Holy Spirit wrote through Paul that, "If the casting away of evil is the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of My Life be, but life from the dead?" (Romans 11:15) When My Holy Spirit lives inside of you, then you are given the ministry of reconciliation, reconciling the world to Me, just like Jesus Christ saved the world from the works of the devil. You are My bodies in the world, allowing Me to save the world from the works of the devil, which are called sin. Your Father's Expanded Ministry

Wednesday, December 14, 2022


BLESSED BY OBEYING THE COMMANDMENT OF JESUS CHRIST My Dear Precious Child, The apostle Paul's letters to the churches of Christ were mainly letters of correction in order to spur them on to seeking revelations for themselves relating to some basic and foundational wisdom that comes from Me. First of all, Paul told the people in the church at Ephesus that they needed to pray for what he prayed for them, that I would grant them a Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Me, seeking to know the hope of their calling, the glorious inheritance that I have for the saints and the power to My children who believe in the ministry of Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 1:17-23) He had assumed that they already knew those spiritual gems of wisdom because in their knowing those they would be rooted and grounded in Me. Yet, he prayed regularly for those revelations so they must not have known them. They were so consumed with the false teaching that Jesus was coming back immediately and set up My kingdom in the earth, so they thought they didn't need to know the facts about those glorious blessings that I had for them while they lived in the earth because many of them thought that when Jesus Christ immediately came back to earth that He would set up a visible kingdom on earth which they would be a part of establishing. That was over 2,000 years ago and He still has not set up a visible kingdom in Jerusalem. Instead, He rose from the dead, appeared to believers for 40 days and then ascended into heaven to sit down with Me, sending My Holy Spirit on the day of the feast Pentecost into the believers who had obeyed Jesus and waited in Jerusalem in the upper room for Him, Jesus Christ, to come to live in them in the person of the Holy Spirit. He came then to live in the earth in My children. We are One, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The risen Christ had told them to wait in Jerusalem for My promise, the one given to Abraham and later prophesied by the old covenant prophets that I would make a new covenant, not one like the old one which the Jews had broken over and over again. It would be a covenant where I would come to live inside of people, cleansing them from the inside to the outside, giving them the same power that Jesus Christ exhibited in the earth. The prophets had prophesied that those of My children would be eventually transformed into the image of Christ by the power of My Holy Spirit who would cause them to do what Jesus Christ had done in the world but even greater things because He was going to go into My heaven to sit down with Me and send My source of power, the Holy Spirit, to live inside of them. Christ would come back to earth in people in that scenario because it was My plan for humanity. He came back in My new covenant of the Holy Spirit. The "greater things" that they would do, as taught by Jesus Christ, was to pray in My Holy Spirit and allow Me to cast demons out of the earth and into the abyss where those demons who curse My children will burn for eternity as their final judgment by Me. (John 14:12: Matthew 13:36-43 ) In the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ, he could not send any demons into the lake of fire because He had not gone to hell yet to gain authority to heaven and the earth. Later, after He rose from the dead and came to sit down with Me, He descended upon the people and baptized them in My Holy Spirit. My power was exhibited in the earth, as was My promise. (Acts 1:1-11) It was in that baptizing people in My Holy Spirit that Jesus Christ came back to earth. We are One, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. My kingdom of God becomes a reality inside of My children who seek Me and find Me. My kingdom is a spiritual kingdom which produces earthly results, just like Jesus Christ taught His disciples to pray, that My Kingdom would come on earth as it is in My heaven. (Matthew 6:10) It happened in the upper room on the day of Pentecost and continues to happen in the lives of My children who ask to be baptized in My Holy Spirit. They become supernaturally blessed by Me when My kingdom of God comes to live inside of them in the earth. They are called into the ministry of the Holy Spirit which I called My children to fulfill in the earth. Later, Paul wrote to the Corinthians that they must realize that their bodies were temples of My Holy Spirit and that the Lord in the earth is My Spirit, for where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom from the works of the devil. (I Corinthians 3:16; II Corinthians 3:17) My children do not need to wait for Jesus Christ to come back to earth. He already came in My kingdom of God when I came to live inside of My children when they became born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:1-41) When Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to earth to live in My children, He sent the source of His power, the Holy Spirit. That is when Jesus Christ came back to earth to establish His kingdom on earth as it is in My heaven. Your Father of Already Fulfilled Prophesy

Tuesday, December 13, 2022


My Dear Precious Child In the apostle and prophet Paul's writings about My new covenant of the Holy Spirit, he wrote in his letter to the Ephesians twice that he prayed constantly that I would grant to the people some specific revelations of the Holy Spirit. His first mention of specific prayers that he prayed for them was in the first chapter of his letter and that prayer was that I would grant to them a spirit of wisdom and revelation about the hope of their calling, about My glorious inheritance that I have for the saints, and about the power that I give to those who believe. (Ephesians 1:15-23) In that letter he spoke at length comments that I had revealed to him about My Power, because it relates to the mighty power of My Holy Spirit, saying that those followers of Christ could relate to My power that had come upon them on the day of Pentecost and that it was the same power that they observed at work in Christ, the anointed One. He also wrote in relation to My power that had been given to them on the day of Pentecost that it's the same power that I used to raise Jesus Christ from the dead and made Him sit at My right hand in heaven, far in authority above every Sovereignty, Authority, Power or Domination or any name that can be named, not only in that age but also in the ages to come. Paul gave them that hint about what My Holy Spirit would enlarge upon when they sought Him for wisdom and revelation pertaining to My Power that was resident inside of them. Paul gave them another hint about the importance of their having wisdom and revelation relating to My Power, writing that I had put everything under the feet of Christ, making Him ruler over everything, and that Christ is the head of the church, which is His body, because His fulness fills the entire creation. If My children do not have firsthand knowledge from My Holy Spirit relating to My power which flows through their own body and spirit, then they will not use that Power to save the world, which is what they and you are called to do. Because Jesus Christ relinquished My power of My Holy Spirit that was resident in him when He sat down with me in the heavens and He passed His ministry in the earth over to the Holy Spirit, My plan was that My Holy Spirit would come into the lives of all believers in Jesus Christ who were gathered in the upper room in Jerusalem and those people would allow My Holy Spirit to save the world by baptizing people in My name, in the name of Jesus Christ and in the name of the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:16-20) At that time in the world My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit had already begun on the day of Pentecost and the people who had been present when My Kingdom of God came to live inside of humans who were present from every country in the world, the prophesies had all been fulfilled relating to My plan for the salvation of the world. Those people were to do what Jesus Christ had told His disciples to do, baptize people in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit which gave them power over all of the works of the devil in the earth. Those new converts were to do the same thing, spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in the world on and on until the devil and his demons were sent out of the earth and into the lake of fire that I had created for them in the abyss. (Matthew 13:36-43) However, the devil had watered down the Gospel of Jesus Christ by influencing born again Jews who were false teachers to pollute the purity of the Gospel by convincing some believers to return to the dead Law of Moses and combine it with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, robbing the Gospel of its power. They began to again observe traditional feasts as a way to overcome evil in the world, which was impossible. That endeavor added the law of sin and death to the freedom from sin that was purchased by Jesus Christ, polluting it and robbing it of My power in those deceived believers. (Galatians 3:1-5) Paul told the people who had allowed the devil to pollute My gospel in them that they had been bewitched. Having begun their new lives in the power of My Spirit, they were then living lives dictated by their flesh again, trying to gain My forgiveness by doing religious works instead of allowing My Holy Spirit to do My real work of filling the earth with the knowledge of Me, He asked them in his letter if I had given them My Spirit so freely and worked miracles among them because of their practicing the Law or because they had believed in the Gospel of Christ? They knew that they had not allowed Me to work miracles among them when they were under Jewish Law, but instead that it was after My Holy Spirit had instituted My kingdom of God in their lives on earth which allowed them to overcome the works of evil in the earth. It was a result of the gospel of Jesus Christ being preached in the world. Evil did not give up easily and still does not give up easily; but I never give up. There are still entire denominations of people who water down the gospel of Jesus Christ by teaching that My plan for humanity ended when Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to people for 10 days. They do not teach the ministry of the Holy Spirit as being My New Covenant with humanity, encouraging people to become baptized in My Holy Spirit so that they will become inheritors of My Power over the works of the devil; yes, even his deception of robbing certain of the disciples of Jesus Christ by falsely teaching them that the ministry of the Holy Spirit was only for that group of people, not teaching the truth that My kingdom of God is for the entirety of humanity in order that My children receive the power of My Holy Spirit in order to complete the salvation of the world which was Jesus Christ's reason for coming into the world. (I John 3:8) I always have a remnant of people that I preserve who will continue in teaching, preaching, and living the Truth of the entire Gospel of Jesus Christ which includes the ministry of My Holy Spirit in the world of speaking and praying in the language of My heaven, which is the language of tongues which are unknown to the world. (Acts 2:1-8) Paul, himself, wrote that he prayed in heavenly tongues more than any other person. However, in teaching and preaching, he spoke in his known language so that the listeners would understand the Truths when he spoke it. It was in his praying in unknown tongues in his prayer closet that battles with the devil and his demons were successfully won, just like in your prayer closet when you battle the devil and his demons, My angels usher them into the lake of fire in the abyss, which is My judgment of them. (Romans 8:24-28; Ephesians 6:10-20) My full gospel of Jesus Christ and the ministry of the Holy Spirit overcomes all evil in the world, saving My children from evil so that they can receive My full inheritance for themselves. Continue to spread that Truth. Your Father of Divine and Efficient Plans

Sunday, December 11, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, We have talked about the apostle and prophet Paul's revelations that placed him far above other prophets and apostles in knowledge of Me and My plan for humanity. In the early years after his magnificent conversion of meeting the risen Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus, because Paul had not had the opportunity to walk beside Jesus in His earthly ministry and become personally acquainted with Jesus Christ which would give him the opportunity to personally know Him and in that personal association with Christ to become also personally acquainted with Me, Paul went to the desert after his conversion and set himself aside from humanity in order to seek Me, find Me, and become personally acquainted with me via My Holy Spirit. He conferred with My Holy Spirit for three years, the same amount of time that the disciples had walked, talked, traveled with and listened to His teachings about My kingdom of God which was to come into their lives. Because of his seeking Me alone in the desert without human intervention, Paul became not only personally acquainted with Me but He received revelations of My plan for humanity that the disciples of Jesus Christ were not able to yet access because of their proclivity to organize into groups which eventually became factions that separated from other converts and built denominations around certain Truths. Those truths became the narrow emphesis of their group, refusing to incorporate other revealed Truths into their narrow beliefs. Some of the disciples of Christ had even returned to observing the Law and its circumcision, thinking that they needed to incorporate the old covenant of death into their new covenant of Life and Love. Paul saw the error of incorporating a dead covenant of sin and death into My new covenant of the Holy Spirit that promises Life and Love and he wrote about it many times. Paul's revelations were different than most other disciples of Jesus . During his three years in the desert Paul had received directly from Me, via My Holy Spirit, My plan for the salvation of the world. During that same time, many of the disciples of Jesus Christ became satisfied merely to become born of My Holy Spirit and being baptized in water like John the Baptist, not going on to other spiritual truths which would call them into baptizing all people in My name, which is the baptism of the Holy Spirit, equipping them with My spiritual power to overcome the works of the devil in the earth. (Matthew 28:16-20; Acts 1:1-11) Paul chastised some believers in Corinth for being babies, still drinking spiritual milk at the breast of their teachers instead of their going on to more Truths concerning how to overcome evil in the earth with the power of My Holy Spirit. (I Corinthians 2:3-17) Paul knew that they could receive the same revelations that He had received. Instead, many of the disciples of Jesus were waiting to go to heaven at the second coming of Jesus Christ which was promised to them as coming any day by their teachers. They were not the least concerned about learning about the power that they had received in order to overcome the works of the devil in their world. Their ignorance of My plan for humanity for them to overcome the works of the devil in the world, just like Jesus Christ had done and which He had told them that they would do, and even do greater things because He was going to sit down with Me in heaven and send My Holy Spirit into them in order for Him to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ in the world. Instead of their taking up the cross of Jesus Christ and defeating the works of the devil in the world, and doing greater works, they were waiting patiently to be taken out of the world, even though Jesus Christ had told Me that His desire was not that they be taken out of the world, but instead that I would keep them from the evil one, that being the devil.(John 17:15) I answered that prayer by sending My Holy Spirit, My power who raised Jesus Christ from the dead, into the earth to live inside of them to give them power over the devil and all of his evil works in the world. (I John 3:8) Yet many of Jesus' disciples persisted in doing no work of defeating the devil in the world and instead they waited to be taken out of the earth, which was taught to them by Jewish teachers who had entered into their churches and deceived them with lies.(Acts 20:31) Paul wrote to one of the churches, asking them who had come into their churches and bewitched them? (Galatians 3:1-22) He asked if they had begun in the Spirit or the law? He knew that they had been renewed by My Spirit but had returned to Jewish Law in order to add to My method of being saved, which is faith in Jesus Christ. Paul told the Galatians that after three years in the desert learning personally from Me that He had gone to confer with Peter, but not until then did he seek human confirmation. (Galatians 1:18) He was encouraging My children to also depend upon My Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, to teach them individually so that they would no longer be deceived by the false teachers. The devil won many battles against the followers of the disciples by diverting them from My Truth that they had My Holy Spirit inside of them in order for them to allow My Holy Spirit inside of them to fultill the ministry of Christ in the earth. The ministry of Christ was to defeat all of the works of the devil in the earth instead of their merely waiting for Jesus to take them out of the world. Because many of them were spiritually slothful, they succumbed to the devil who used false teachers to divert them from the Truth, the Truth being that Jesus Christ came to earth to defeat the works of the devil and the truth that My Holy Spirit, who lived inside of them, was fulfilling the ministry of Christ through them. (I John 3:8; I Corinthians 3:1-16) Paul wrote in another letter that The Holy Spirit is Lord of the earth in My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit. (II Corinthians 3:17-18) He wrote that you have His power in earthen bodies to make it clear that the overwhelming power in you comes from Me and not from men. In Paul's letter to the Ephesians, and to you, he wrote that one of the revelations that he prayed that you might receive from Me is knowledge about the power that I sent into you and surrounding you when you were baptized in My Holy Spirit.(Ephesians 1:17-28) Without that knowledge you are easily deceived by false teachers and you are identified as a spiritual baby without knowledge of My Truth, just like the believers in the Corinthian and Galatian churches. Your Father of All Truth

Saturday, December 10, 2022


BLESSED BY REVELATION OF THE GLORIOUS INHERITANCE OF THE SAINTS My Dear Precious Child, In the apostle and prophet Paul's letter to the Ephesian Christians he wrote that he prayed constantly that they might know by revelation, number one, the hope of their calling; number two, the glorious inheritance of the saints; and, number three, the power given to all who believe. Paul realized that without those areas of revealed knowledge that they would be tempted, deceived, caught, and become fodder for the demons who roam the earth seeking whom they may devour. Knowing by revelation what all is in the blessed inheritance of the saints that come from Me is one of the sound foundations of knowledge which My children must rely upon in order to access their inheritance. (Ephesians 1:17-23) In earthly families, if one of the children in the family does not know about the family fortune and their father's desire for them to be blessed by receiving their portion, then that child is ignorant of the fortune that is awaiting him or her. The will of the deceased is printed in publications in order for all of the beneficiaries to be located and identified in order to receive their portion of the inheritance. My Written Words called the Bible contain listings of your inheritance. In My kingdom of God it's the same thing. If you are not taught what is in your inheritance from Me through Jesus Christ, then you are also ignorant of all that is legally yours, that being what was purchased by the death of Jesus Christ on the cross; plus what was in the occasion of His going to hell which was to pay for your sins in order to wipe the slate clean of all of your sins, iniquities and transgressions; plus the legal inheritance of your receiving My Holy Spirit, who is the power that caused Jesus Christ to be able to cast out demons and heal the sick; plus the promise of your having authoritative power over the works of demons in the earth and over the devil in his hell. (Isaiah 1:18; I John 2:2; Galatians 1:4; Luke 9:1; Luke 19:19) One of the most important gifts in your inheritance is your being baptized in My Holy Spirit in which you receive My intercessory prayer language which is the language of My heaven, the language by which I created the earth at the beginning. It is in that new prayer language that I grant to all believers who seek to be baptized in My Holy Spirit that I am allowed to bypass your human mind in which there is unbelief, doubt and often confusion, and instead of those cursing words proceding out of your mouth, My living waters of the words of Life which come from My Holy Spirit will flow profusely. It is in that prayer language that all battles with evil spiritual forces are fought and won by My children. It is in that prayer language that I speak orchestrations that bless your life with My blessings instead of the curses that evil demons desire to place in your life. It is in that prayer language that I exchange joy for mourning sacks and dancing for the devil's depression. (Acts 2:1-13; Ephesians 6:10-18; Romans 8:26-27) You must discover by revelation knowledge from the Holy Spirit all that that you can inherit from Me for being My child. If you don't know what is legally yours, then you can be cheated by the devil from inheriting any or all of your inheritance while you live in the world. Your Father of Legally Distributed Gifts, Blessings and Rewards

Friday, December 9, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, The apostle and prophet Paul prayed certain prayers for His converts and other converts to Jesus Christ, one being that those converts would know by revelation the hope of their calling, the glorious inheritance of the saints, and the power granted by Me to those who believe. (Ephesians 1: 17-23)) In the same letter to the believers, Paul said that he prayed that they would intimately know the depth, breadth, height and width of My Love for them. (Ephesians 3:14-19) In his wanting them to know the hope of My calling He wanted them to know that they were called to have My Eternal Life inside of them and that that Eternal Life would defeat death by their having the promise of their spending eternity with Me in My heaven, just like Jesus Christ is doing. No only does the hope of your calling include spending eternity in heaven with Me, but included within the promise is that you will also reign in your earthly life over the devil and his demons who seek whom they may devour. The hope of your calling is that you become My child with My Life and My Power inside of you, giving you the identify of being an inheritor of My kingdom of God, also being endued with My power that is greater than any demon, any sovereignty, any king, any governor, any president or any other earthly official or spiritual dominion. My Holy Spirit wrote through Paul that when you know the hope of your calling, you will know that you have become the image of My Son in the earth. My Holy Spirit wrote that just as Christ is now, so are you in the world. You have the same power and authority over evil in the earth and the heavens that Jesus Christ did when He ministered in the earth. Paul's desire that you might have certain revelations are paramount to your knowing that you have the identity of being My child with My character and spiritual abilities being alive and functional in you in the world and in My heaven so that you will refuse the temptations of the demons on earth and also that you will be constantly led by My Holy Spirit instead of being led by the devil's demons while in the earth. Without this revelation you are powerless over evil because of your ignorant of spiritual truths. If you only have a revelation of coming to heaven to live with Me when your earthly body dies, but you don't have a revelation of the hope of your calling being that you have power over the demons in the earth while you are still living in the earth, then you are missing out on the ministry of My Holy Spirit, who came to live inside of you and give you power over all evil while you live life in the earth. If you don't know assuredly that you have My power over all evil that is in the world, then you are powerless in the world instead of your being powerful in the world. The Truth is that you have the power of My Holy Spirit, the same power that gave Christ authoritative power and explosive power over the demons that He cast out of people and power over all diseases in order to heal the people. Without that revelation, you have no confidence in My supernatural power that is resident inside of you. Revelation knowledge is necessary for My children, always increasing in the knowledge of Me so that you are well scholed in the Power that you have, that it also is the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead and eventually lifted Him on a cloud of angels into My heaven to sit down with Me, resting from His labors in the earth because He sent My power that was in Him into the earth to live inside of My children, giving them power over all evil in the earth. You MUST have a revelation of this Truth or you will not be able to reign in life over the demons who still have dominion in the earth except in My Holy Spirit born and Holy Spirit baptized children. Paul prayed that you will have this revelation. It will be good for you to pray for the same revelation so that you will overcome the evil that is in the world. Your Father of Mighty Power

Thursday, December 8, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, You have heard it said many times that, "Life is an adventure to be lived and not a problem to be solved." There is great truth in that earthly wisdom. However, there is even greater spiritual truth in the fact that life becomes a joyful adventure and not a series of insurmountable problems when you know My Problem Solver, My Holy Spirit, and when you are keyed into hearing from Him. You are living in a world that is filled with demonic spirits whom Adam and Eve allowed to invade the Paradise over which I originally equipped all humanity to be the governing authorities over. (Genesis 3:1-15) When those first two humans obeyed the temptations of the devil, they allowed him to flood the earth with his demons in order for him to curse everything in the Paradise that was previously created so blessed and peaceful by Me. As Adam, Eve and their offspring yielded to the temptations of more and more demons, sin reigned in their world, cursing every area of the lives of humans instead of their enjoying My blessings which I had intended to constantly flow from My heaven into the world to meet the daily physical, mental and spiritual needs of all humans. The devil's curses replaced My blessings in your world. My only way for Me to give solutions to the problems to humans was to come and live inside of them with the Truths needed to give them solutions to the problems that the devil's demons cause in the lives of all humans. The demons delight in upsetting the lives of human beings by initiating problems in their lives in an effort to seek vengeance against Me for ostracizing them from My heaven. Those demons are endeavoring to avenge themselves against Me by hurting My children whom I created in My image. Before I could come and live inside of My human children, it was necessary for Me to send My Son, Jesus Christ, into the world and for Him to die for the sins of the world, go to hell, take back from the devil the keys of authority to the earth, cause Him to rise from the dead, appear to people in the earth, empower Him to ascend into My heaven to sit down with Me in My heaven, and then I helped Him to send My Holy Spirit into the earth to live inside of people who need Our help in solving the problems that the demons cause in their lives. Jesus Christ's sacrifice for the sins of the whole world prepare the way for people to become born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit which unite them with Me by My living inside of them in the person of My Holy Spirit so that they can receive My solutions to the problems that the devil's demons continue to cause in the lives of My human children. My Truths equip My children to be free from the works of the devil by My restoring the authority to the earth to them, passing it on to My children who receive My Kingdom of God into their lives, (I John 3:8) Even though demons still roam the earth seeking whom they may devour, My children who are born of the Holy Spirit and baptized in the Holy Spirit have My power to refuse the temptations of the demons and My power to destroy the works of the devil in the earth. That is when the old saying becomes spiritual Truth, that, "Life is an adventure to be lived and not a problem to be solved," because My children are equipped with My power over all the problems of the devil in order to make life on earth a joyful adventure. Your Father of Wonderful Plans

Wednesday, December 7, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, My Unconditional Love is the most powerful force in the universe and in the world. What makes My Love so powerful is its power to forgive even the most vile of sins. My Love looks beyond the sinful flesh of people and sees the righteous spirit of all people, which is the Spirit of Life that was resident in Christ Jesus when He ministered in the world. He told the Pharisees that they judged people according to their flesh but that He judged no person, looking only on the Spirit of all people. There is no ability to sin in the Spirit of Life of a person. When Jesus Christ and I look on the Spirit of a person, we bypass the evil demons who are resident in the flesh of all people, having entered into the flesh of Adam and Eve when they yielded to the temptations of the devil in the garden of Eden. Those demons residing in the flesh of all people were passed down generation after generation. They are the reason for all sin, iniquity and trespasses that people commit. Only My Unconditional Love in a person can look past those demons and only see My Spirit of Life who gives Life to all people. (I Corinthians 13) My Unconditional Love only exists in a person who is born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit. That power of My Holy Spirit can look at a person who has done vile things toward other people, completely bypassing the flesh of a person, and look only on the Spirit of Life in that other person who is still alive in the earth. By completely bypassing the evil demons in the flesh and only acknowledging the Spirit of Life in every person, regardless of the numerous demons that are present in the flesh of some people, My children can learn to make that spiritual training be their instant reaction to other people. When you allow My Holy Spirit to tutor you in that grace, then you have become the image of Christ whom I want you to be. That spiritual talent of separating the flesh from the Spirit comes by revelation of My character of Unconditional Love. It eliminates all judgment by you because you know that all sin is the activity caused by temptation of the devil. That revelation makes it easy to forgive a person. (John 5:22; John 8:15) Jesus Christ said that He didn't come into the world to condemn the world but instead to save the world. He also said that I judge no man (John 12:27) and that He judges no person. The only people who easily judge others are people who are under religious law. They use those laws to declare a person evil who breaks religious laws, which the prophets called the covenant of sin and death. A spiritual person knows that the reason for the sin is the devil and his demons who invaded the earth centuries ago in order to seek revenge against Me for throwing them out of My heaven. If they can curse the earth that originally belonged to My children, then they have succeeded in seeking vengeance against Me. Don't allow the demons from hell to curse you and your family by your yielding to their temptation to judge people because when you judge someone, you judge yourself. (Matthew 7:1-6) Love does not judge anyone. Love separates the flesh of a person and only looks on the Spirit of Life in that person. Your Father of Divine, Unconditional Love

Tuesday, December 6, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, When you bless other people you receive the residual effects of My blessings for them flowing through you. When you tell a child who obviously is lacking in worldy wealth that he or she has a nice smile or beautiful eyes or that you like his or her shirt, you have elevated that child in his or her own eyes of having the confidence to smile at someone else. When you tell a mom whose child is acting improperly that you had a child who acted like that and so, don't worry, because the child will grow up to be somebody with a heart for other people, you change that mom's thoughts from frustration to hope and faith. When you compliment a person who does not expect a compliment from you, someone with different colored skin than you, or someone obviously of another faith from you who is clothed in religious clothes, or a woman whose mate has been obviously abusive to her, telling that person that she is prized in your eyes and My eyes, all of those blessings will elevate you also as they pass through you. My Holy Spirit will point out to you the people who are in need of His validation through you, and He will give you the right words because it is His joy to change the self image of an emotionally injured person. Not only does the flesh of that depressed person become elevated in confidence, but it is the fulfillment of what Jesus Christ said when He said that what you do to the least of My children, you do to Me. (Matthew 25:31-46) So when you do the opposite of criticize, dishonor, ignore, and verbally, emotionally or physically injure another person who is made in My image, you do the same to Me. As those negative words or negative thoughts about a person pass through you, they poison your entire personality, upsetting the balance of good hormones in your body and inviting hatred and fear to enter into your emotional makeup as you pass on curses to other people. When Jesus Christ told you to love your enemies, He was telling you that your choosing to love someone instead of hate someone will benefit your physical body as well as your own emotions. (Matthew 5:43-48; ) Loving your enemies benefits you as much as benefiting your enemies. Loving your enemies and doing good to him or her will change the thought patterns of your enemies as well as your own thoughts when you love your enemies and do good to them. Doing good to your enemies tenderizes their hearts and causes them to accept you with kindness instead of acting from anger and retaliation, and those acts of kindness will change your thoughts and attitudes while passing through you. You heard the powerful story of that truth working a miracle in 1944 when you heard about the German soldiers during the First World War wishing a Merry Christmas and singing Christmas songs to the American troops across a particular battlefield on Christmas Eve, after having survived many days of shooting at each other and killing soldiers on both sides. The American soldiers were so shocked at the good will of the singing of Christmas carols coming from their enemies that their own destructive thoughts and endeavors were changed and a few of them walked onto the battlefield and offered cigarettes to the German soldiers. The glorious outcome was that that entire battalion of German and American soldiers ended up playing soccer on the battlefield instead of shooting at each other for the entire day. They shared pictures of loved ones, food supplies, laughing and enjoying each other instead of killing each other. That sense of love and unity remained there on the battlefield until the American officers miles away heard about the peaceful existence together of the soldiers and the officers sent word to their American soldiers to go back to their foxholes and begin shooting again at their enemies or they would be faced with a court martial, which the soldiers were compelled to do. My truth about doing good to your enemies produced good results in that one instance during what is considered the Great War until the vindictive officers who were not present to enjoy the peace and love stopped the miracle. It was the melodies from the German soldiers singing Christmas carols that had initiated the harmony and unity that the birth of My Son Jesus Christ brings to the earth, the German soldiers singing the same religious Christmas carols that the American soldiers also sang every Christmas at home. You, as My Holy Spirit led children, are obligated by My love being present in you to also cross the battlefields of your life and offer loving, healing, unifying words and actions to all people whom you meet. In doing so, you fulfill the words of Jesus Christ. Your Unifying, Loving Father

Monday, December 5, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, Because he had spent almost three years alone in the desert with My Holy Spirit as his tutor on the difference between My old covenant with Moses which produced Jewish Law which was impossible to obey all of it, and instead Paul learned from My Spirit about participating in My new covenant through Abraham's bloodline which produced Jesus Christ and the salvation of the world. In the apostle and prophet Paul's writings he was explicit in the revelation that when My new covenant of the Holy Spirit began that the old covenant with Israel ceased completely. The old covenant became the law of sin and death leading to punishment for sins, but My new covenant of the Holy Spirit became the avenue to know Truth which makes you free. Unfortunately, a few of the other disciples of Jesus Christ became bewitched by false teachers who taught new covenant believers to combine My new covenant of the Holy Spirit with the old covenant laws and thus they became cursed in their endeavors. (Galatians 3:1-5) The Law was merely given by Me to identify demons who tempt My children so that people would refuse the temptations instead of yielding to them. They were not given to identify the righteous people who kept them because no one could keep all of them. They were given by Me to identify evil thoughts, attitudes, speech and actions, separating them from righteous thoughts, attitudes, speech and actions which I give to My children through My Holy Spirit to lead them to all righteousness. The apostle and prophet John, the Divine, wrote truth when he related the lecture of Jesus Christ to His disciples when Jesus said that when the Spirit of Truth came into the world that He, the Holy Spirit, would lead the disciples of Jesus into all truth. John wrote that Jesus had said that one of the things that My Spirit would reveal to My children is the difference between sin, righteousness and judgment, which they had erroneously believed that they could receive My blessings by keeping the Jewish Law and that if they didn't keep it that they would be judged by Me. He wrote that Jesus has said that the demons of sin had caused people to refuse to believe in Jesus Christ and His works. He wrote that My Spirit would also reveal who was righteous by the fact that Jesus was going to be seated with Me in My heaven, His being all righteousness. John also wrote that Jesus had said that the Holy Spirit would also reveal about judgment because the demonic prince of the world had already been condemned by Me. In other words, the Spirit of Truth would reveal to people that My judgment was reserved for the devil and his demons in the lake of fire in the abyss, and not for people. (John 16:7-1; Matthew 13:36-43) The glorious Truth that My Spirit of Truth reveals to My children is that they are forgiven of all sins and that their sins become white as snow and white as the wool of lambs, that forgiveness came to humanity because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross for the sins of the whole world, that while in hell Christ had taken back from the devil My authority to the world that I had given to Adam when I told him that I had given to him authority over every living thing in the earth. (Matthew 28:16-20) When My children become born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit, they have received the restoration of My authority in the world, meaning that they have authority over all demons also by the power of My Holy Spirit living inside of them. Without being born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit, My children have no power over evil in the world and so they are pawns of all of the demons who are servants of the prince of darkness who rule in the world. Just being born again does not suffice because they have no power of My Holy Spirit residing in them with authoritative and explosive power. Paul wrote that he prayed constantly that My children would have revealed to them the hope of Christ's calling, the glorious inheritance of the saints and how infinitely great is His power to those who believe. (Ephesians 1:15-23) Then, to explain a little bit about My power, he wrote that My power is what catapulted Jesus Christ out of hell and back into the earth, plus then made Him to sit beside Me in heaven far above every Sovereignty, Authority, Power or Domination, or any other name which can be named. He gave to humans My forgiveness for all sins and He gave My Power to all people who seek Me. I said that in My covenant of the Holy Spirit that people would find Me, that those who were previously dead by obeying the ruler of the air, that being the devil who is the evil spirit who works in rebellious peope, that those people would be forgiven and receive My power over all evil (Ephesians 2:1-1-2) Paul continued in his letter to the Ephesians that they were previously inheritors of My wrath for the devil by their obeying him, but that I loved humanity so much that I was generous in My mercy so that when all of humanity was dead in their sins that Jesus Christ died for their sins and saved them from evil in order to show in future generations how rich is My Grace that I would save humanity as a Gift from Me. He wrote that My children who are born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit are My works of art, created in Christ Jesus to live the good life as was intended from the beginning to live. (Ephesians 2:3-10) Paul knew that My Grace had nothing to do with anything that any person could do, but that it is because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ that My Holy Spirit is able to come and live in people who seek My kingdom of God and who are led by My Spirit. They must not return to believing that obedience to the Law will justify them in My eyes. My Holy Spirit is a living substitute for the guidance of the Law. Your Father Whose Grace Saved the World

Sunday, December 4, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, When the followers of Jesus Christ learned the fact that I am Love, it was a startling revelation. They had been taught that I am judgmental and punitive, always waiting for them to break a rule or law so that they would be punished by Me through governing authorities. Relious laws had become political laws, much to My consternation as shown through Jesus Christ. When Jesus Christ broke religious/political laws for the benefit of helping people, it was considered rebellion against religious/political authorities and the lawbreakers were deemed to be punished sometimes even to death for the obstruction. One example was when Jesus and His disciples had ministered to people and were tired and hungry. When traveling to the next town on a day of rest which had been declared a day that no labor must be done, Jesus noticed a field of corn and His disciples proceeded to harvest ears of corn to alleviate their hunger. Some legalistic Pharisees saw His disciples harvesting the corn on a sabbath day, confronted Jesus Christ about His disciples disobeying religious/political laws, and they confronted Jesus for His obvious rebellion to priestly and national authorities. Jesus told those judgmental Pharisees that the sabbath laws were not made to judge people who labored on the sabbath but so that people would have a day of rest from labors one day a week to regroup for the next work day. The logic of My Son Jesus Christ was that the sabbath was made for the benefit of man, that man was not made just to observe the sabbath day. (Mark 2:23-28) He told the Pharisees that the Son of Man was Lord of the sabbath. The judgmental Pharisees also were upset about the fact that Jesus Christ healed a woman on the sabbath who was bowed over. She had been crippled 18 years. (Luke 13:11-17) In healing her, Jesus had merely laid hands on the woman and told her that she had been loosed from the infirmity. The hypocritical ruler of the synagogue who viewed the miracle was indignant and challenged Jesus Christ for healing the woman on the sabbath day. His logic was that there were six days on which people ought to work, in other words for the woman to be healed, so Jesus should not have healed her on the sabbath. Jesus called the ruler a hypocrite and told him that if his ox or ass needed water on the sabbath that he would lead the animal from its stall and lead it to water. He said that that woman whom satan had bound for 18 years deserved to be loosed on that glorious sabbath day from her bondage to satan. The crowd rejoiced at the wisdom of Jesus in His showing love to the woman rather than being judgmental like the ruler. Unfortunately for the flesh of Jesus His actions of showing My Love to people led to His being crucified. Fortunately for humanity, because of My Love for humanity He was crucified for the sins of the world, went to hell as payment for all sins, defeated satan in hell, rose from the dead by the power of My Holy Spirit, ministered to people as the Risen Christ for 40 days, ascended into My heaven to sit down with Me, and He sent the source of His power over all evil, the Holy Spirit, to earth to live inside of My children who seek Me and My kingdom of God. The apostle Paul later wrote that now under My new covenant with humanity that My Holy Spirit is Lord in the earth living in the temples of the bodies of My children who have sought Me and found Me. He wrote that the Lord in the earth is the Holy Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is present there is liberty from the works of the devil. (I Corinthians 3:16; II Corinthians 3:17) He also wrote that in the lives of the Jews there is a veil over their minds that will not allow them to perceive the gospel of Christ; that only the Lord, My Holy Spirit, can remove that veil over their individual minds. He wrote that the people who have turned to Jesus Christ and had the veil removed grow brighter and brighter as they are molded into the image of Christ and that that work comes from the Lord in the earth, who is My Holy Spirit. (II Corinthians 3:18) My power is manifested in the earth in the lives of My Holy Spirit baptized children, just like it was manifested in My Son Jesus when He ministered My Love in the world in the form of healing people from the works of the devil. Your Father of Freedom from Evil

Saturday, December 3, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, If two people have a legally binding business agreement and one of the participants refuses to pay his or her share or refuses to keep the elements related to the agreement, then that person has broken the agreement and is liable for legal actions against him or her. That person faces punishment for his or her breaking the legally binding agreement. It's the same in spiritual matters relating to humans and Me. In My covenant with Abraham, that covenant or agreement was binding upon his sons and all of their sons down through his future heritage until Jesus was born into the earth. My covenant that Abraham would be the father of many nations referred to the eventual birth into the world of My Son, Jesus Christ, who would save the world from the works of the devil. (Galatians 3:15-17; I John: 3:8) I also made a covenant or agreement with the prophet Moses who led Abraham's relatives out of bondage in Egypt, agreeing to take them to a Promised Land which would be filled with unimaginable blessings. Moses broke My covenant and so did the people that Moses attempted to lead to that land of milk and honey. They continued to break My commandments by yielding to the demons who tempted them to sin by refusing to follow My guidance. However, there were men who were direct descendants of Abraham who continued in My agreement with him that he would be the father of many nations who were able to enter into the promised land. Certain tribes were able to enter whom I knew would not pollute the promised land with demonic activity, and certain tribes were only allowed to settle outside of the boundaries of the promised land because of their habit of yielding to the demons' temptations. Because of the habits of certain tribes to yield to demons, I was interested in the men with the most pure DNA who would become inhabitants of that land of blessings so that eventually the flesh of My Son Jesus Christ, whom I would send to save the world from the works of the devil, would be considerably void of demonic influences. There were men who were blessed with as pure a DNA as possible all the way down the generations until Jesus Christ was born. He was the most perfect man who was ever born because He was God/man born of a virgin named Mary who had succumbed to My Holy Spirit and allowed Me to impregnate her with My Spirit of Life, the Holy Spirit. (I John 3:9) However, many generations before, the followers of the prophet Moses, the prophet whom I chose to lead the Israelites out of bondage, they became legalistic and punitive because of their many laws that they added to My commandments of guidance. They added all of the legalistic laws with their egregious punishment as having been influenced by the devil and his demons which caused them to be known as the law of sin and death. They became more and more eager to punish and even kill people because of their breaking of the many laws that they continued to add to the original ones that I gave to them when they left bondage in Egypt and traveled what was supposed to be a seven day walk to the Promised Land but which took them forty years because of their rebellion against My words of guidance. (Numbers 32:13; Nehemiah 9:21) On that journey it was one fiasco after another for them because of their rebellion against Me and their allegiance to the devil's temptations. I did not cause the fiascos. The devil and his demons who were influencing their behavior are the spiritual enemies who caused their many problems and their failure to make the walk in seven days instead of the 40 years that it took them to reach their destination. Sin, meaning demonic influences, became their guide instead of Me being their guide through My Holy Spirit and His angels Who appeared to them as a cloud by day and a fire by night. (Exodus 13:21-22) Many generations later, those spiritual modes of guidance are the same supernatural phenomena that appeared on the day of Pentecost when My Holy Spirit came to live inside of the followers of Jesus Christ and they were also indicative of the presence of the angels who baptized My obedient children in the Holy Spirit on that memorable day in the history of My earthly family when the followers of Jesus Christ obeyed His command not to leave Jerusalem until My power came into their lives. (Acts 1:1-11; Acts 2:1-21) The people who obeyed that command of Jesus entered into My real Promised Land, that being My Kingdom of God, of which Jesus Christ taught and prophesied many times which gave them the spiritual power of the Holy Spirit to do My will on earth as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:10) Your Father of Beneficial Guidance

Friday, December 2, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, When My children become privy to Truth from the Holy Spirit about the end of My covenant with Israel through which the human lineage of Jesus Christ came, which signaled the beginning of My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit forming a new country with humanity called My Kingdom of God, all things became new in earth and in heaven. Things became completely new in My heaven because Jesus Christ in His human form came to sit down with Me in heaven, changing the entire configuration of heaven. He became Lord over all spiritual beings in the heavens. It was at that time that things in the earth became changed because My Holy Spirit, who had been resident inside of Jesus Christ when He ministered in the earth and it was My power which caused Him to be raised from the dead, He came from heaven to live inside of My children in the earth who seek Me. Earth became changed completely because I had not only come to earth in My first born Son, Jesus Christ, but I also came then, and still come, into the earth in the bodies of many more than one human being, as many as believe that Jesus Christ is My Son. That changed and still changes everything in the earth. My earthly children who had been given dominion over everything in the earth at the beginning and had allowed the devil to steal it from them, by the power of My Holy Spirit who came to live inside of them in My new covenant they again have My authority in the earth over all of the works of evil. (Genesis 3:1-7; 28:16-20) So the prophesies that both heaven and earth would eventually be changed became reality when My Holy Spirit came into the earth on the day of the first Pentecost and on other days when My kingdom comes to live inside of others of My children on their day of Pentecost when they are baptized in the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:1-21) A new heaven and a new earth were promised by Me through the prophets of My old covenant with Israel. (Isaiah 65:17) In Isaiah's prophesy He said that the former covenant would not be remembered nor even come into the minds of the people. When Jesus Christ ministered in the earth He prophesied that every scribe who is instructed in My Kingdom of God is like a man who is a householder of the Holy Spirit, bringing forth out of his treasure things both new and old, referring to Truths prophesied by old covenant prophets about My kingdom of God and also new truths taught by My Holy Spirit to My children of My kingdom of God, which is My New Covenant. (Matthew 13:52) All of the prophesies that were prophesied by those prophets had to come to fruition in the earth before Jesus Christ could come to earth, die for the sins of the world, go to hell for those sins, take from the devil the keys to My kingdom of God which Adam relinquished to him, and then He rose from the dead, taught in the earth for 40 days, ascended into My heaven to be with Me and He sent My Holy Spirit to live inside of people to implement My kingdom of God in the earth in the bodies of humans, just like My Holy Spirit lived in Jesus and made Him the Christ, the Son of the Living God. My Spirit takes up residence in people who seek after My kingdom of God, and My heaven comes to earth just as it is in heaven in their lives, in answer to the prayers of Jesus Christ and His disciples when He taught them how to pray. (Matthew 6:7-13) For My children who inherit My kingdom of God in their lives there was, and continues to be, more spiritually powerful knowledge in the earth after the day of Pentecost than there had ever been because of the person of My Holy Spirit living inside of My children. Later the apostle Paul wrote in his letter to the Corinthians that humans who possess My Kingdom of God have a treasure of the Holy Spirit in earthly vessels, their own bodies, so that the excellency of the power that is evidenced may be of Me and not of humans. (II Corinthians 4:7) Then He wrote that in Christ are all of My treasures of wisdom and knowledge. (Colossians 2:3) Where there had been all knowledge and wisdom in Jesus Christ, when My children of the New Covenant possess the same wisdom and knowledge then there are more gifts of wisdom and knowledge in the earth than there has ever been, confirming that I have instituted a new heaven and a new earth. Another evidence that there is a new heaven is that My heaven had descended upon the believers in Jesus Christ in the earth, surrounding them, which is called the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Angels were evident and are still evident in the presence of spiritual fire and spiritual winds in the earth which effect a change in humans and the earth. (Hebrews 1:7 and 18) All of the physical and spiritual evidence of My kingdom having come on earth as it is in heaven is proof of there being a new heaven and a new earth to My children who have spiritual eyes. My new covenant brings all of My blessings into the lives of My children in the earth who are led by the Holy Spirit, are baptized in My Holy Spirit and pray in the language of My Holy Spirit. There are many miracles experienced by My spiritual children of My kingdom of God having come into the earth. Your Father of Heavenly Blessings

Thursday, December 1, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, The blessings that come upon My children who are obedient to the command that Jesus Christ made to His disciples before He ascended into My heaven to sit down with Me, those blessings are superabundantly beyond your wildest dreams, expectations, prayers or hopes according to the power of My Holy Spirit who lives inside of you. (Ephesians 3:20: Acts 1:1-8) He told His disciples that they must not leave Jerusalem until they became baptized with My Holy Spirit and fire, just like John the Baptist promised. Little did they know the joy that would accompany their being baptized in My Holy Spirit, such joy that people thought they were drunk with wine. (Acts 2:1-21) When Paul wrote his letter to the Ephesians about the power that had come into and upon them he wrote that in that awesome anointing that it became possible for Christ to actually have the faith for My Spirit to find a permanent home in the disciples, plus having the power and strength to experience with all of the saints what is the breadth, length, height and depth of the Love of Christ which surpasses mere human knowledge, and that they had become completely filled with that Divine Love as a body completely flooded and filled with Me and My Love. Paul wrote that it is through that knowledge of My Love that I am able to flood you with the power that is contained within My Love. There are no more glorious experiences available to humans than what happened to those disciples of Jesus Christ on the day of Pentecost and what happened to you when you became baptized with My Holy Spirit and His angels, which was your day of Pentecost. My angels who are My consuming fires are sent to burn out the demonic activity from My children and aid you in battles against the devil and his demons. (Hebrews 12:29; Hebrews 1:13-14; and 7-9). The joy was overwhelmingly exciting on your day of Pentecost because My spiritual Life came to earth to live inside of the disciples of Jesus Christ and also to live inside of you on your days of Pentecost. Also, you became anointed with My angels with My fire in their beings which has power over evil. It is on that day that My heaven comes into the earth when My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit comes to live inside of My children, making them citizens of My Kingdom of God evidenced by My Holy Spirit living inside of them, as promised by the old testament prophets and My Son Jesus Christ, Himself. To be recognized spiritually as My child by the anointing of My Holy Spirit being resident in you, He identifies you as My child with the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead. There is no greater power than that explosive and authoritative power of My Holy Spirit. The apostle Paul told My children that he prayed that I might grant to you a revelation of My authoritative and explosive, immeasurable, unlimited and surpassing power in you and also for you as demonstrated in My strength when I raised Jesus Christ from the dead and seated Him at My right hand far above all other rulers, authorities, powers and dominions not only in this age but also in the age to come. I said that I put all things under My feet and under the feet of Christ and His church, in which you are His body in whom is the full measure of My power. (Ephesians 1:17-23) It is in that proclamation that you must know the power that is living inside of you and surrounding you. When you have a revelation of My power that lives inside of you and My Love for you which is revealed by My Holy Spirit, then you are equipped to be My minister in the earth because of My explosive and authoritative power that I gave to you which lives inside of you and anoints you. You must use it wisely and keep it energized by praying in the Holy Spirit. (Jude 20) Your Father of Great Power

Wednesday, November 30, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, The apostle and prophet Paul was blessed with his revelation about the difference between the covenants and his understanding of the blessings that come from My new covenant with humanity. The curses that came from the old covenant with Israel which eventually the devil used as avenues to curse My children became destructive to the Jews. It became impossible to obey all of the old covenant rules and revelations with Abraham/Israel, and so guilt and condemnation from the devil was prevalent in the minds of the Jewish community instead of their having the ability to follow all of the commandments that were added by their priests. Paul called them the Law of sin and death because of the punishment which resulted from their breaking the laws. Paul's revelation that forgiveness is a gift from Me in My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit, it is the basis of all Grace from Me. Where the old covenant with Israel became punitive, as influenced by the devil and his demons of guilt when combined with political rules and regulations, My New Covenant is forgiving from its beginning. In the prophesies about My New Covenant with humanity through Jeremiah and Isaiah I said that the scarlet sins of all people, Jews and Gentiles, would become white as snow, though they were crimson they would become white like the wool on a lamb. (Jeremiah 31:31-34; Isaiah 1:18; Hebrews 8:6-13) Paul wrote that the first covenant with Israel became null and void when My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit was instituted through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross and when He sent His Holy Spirit to live inside of people. (Hebrews 12:24-29) My Grace came to humanity when I declared people sin-free by having Jesus Christ pay for their sins by going to hell for them. There is no way that humanity can deserve that gift. It comes from Love because I am Love. Because I am Love, My children can become Love to the world, just like Jesus Christ was Love to the world. Just like I forgive you, you must forgive other people because it is My Holy Spirit in you who blots out their sins just like I blot out your sins. My children must have this mindset toward other people: "Just as I am forgiven by My Father, I declare that your sins become white as snow and white as the wool on a young lamb. In my mind your sins are erased as far as the east is from the west." (Psalm 103:12) When that becomes your mindset, then My Grace has become resident inside of you and your life on earth has become what I desire, the image of Jesus Christ. That is the reason for My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit, that you allow Him to form in your human mind the Mind of Christ, forgiving others just as I forgive you. You are living in the earth as I intended when you allow My Holy Spirit to mold you into the image of My Son Jesus Christ, allowing Him to be the Potter and you, as the temple of the Holy Spirit, becomes the clay. (Isaiah 54:8) Your Father of New Creations

Tuesday, November 29, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, When the Pharisee Nicodemus asked Jesus Christ how He was able to perform so many miracles because no man can do the miracles that He performed unless I am with that person, Jesus replied that a person must be born of the Spirit or he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus asked how a person can be born again when he is old, asking if a man can enter into his mother's womb and be born again? Jesus answered that except a person is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God because that which is born of flesh is flesh and that which is born of Spirit is Spirit.(John My old covenant with Israel was a covenant of the flesh, just like the flesh of Jesus Christ was born as Mary's child, yet I am His Father. In order to be born of My Spirit, then you must be a human person who was born of a woman and cradled in water in her womb, yet later being baptized in the Holy Spirit and fire. Jesus Christ was explaining to Nicodemus that even He, as My Son, needed to be born of the water in the womb of Mary but also become born of My Holy Spirit in order to do the miracles that He did. When My Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary, Jesus Christ was formed also by My Holy Spirit in Mary's womb. He said what is born of the flesh is flesh but what is born of the Spirit is Spirit. As My Son who descended from My heaven was born of My Spirit into the earth, He also was born of flesh from the womb of Mary, which was necessary in order for Him to die and go to hell for the sins of the whole world. It is the same with My children. They must be born into the earth from the water in the womb of their earthly mothers but they must also be born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit in order to perform spiritual works in the earth. Jesus Christ, Himself, was baptized in My Holy Spirit after He was baptized in water by John the Baptist for repentance. (Matthew 3:4-12) John proclaimed that his baptism in water was merely for repentance, but that when My Son began His ministry in the world that He would baptize people in My Holy Spirit and in fire, meaning that they would become new individuals and be surrounded by My protective angels, just like He was, and that He would gather My children to Himself and send the demons into the lake of fire in the abyss. (Matthew 3:12; Matthew 13:36-43) So there is a vast difference between a covenant of the flesh, which I had with Abraham through the descendants of His great grandson Israel, and the spiritual miracle of being born of My Holy Spirit, which came via Jesus Christ's crucifixion, His death, His descending into hell as payment for the sins of the whole world, His being raised from the dead and His appearing for 40 days to people in the earth before His ascending into My heaven to sit down with Me. It was then that We sent the source of Jesus' power, My Holy Spirit, into the earth to live in My children and cause them to be born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit with the same spiritual power of which Jesus taught when He taught about being born of My Holy Spirit. The description that Jesus Christ gave to Nicodemus relating to how He was able to do miracles became reality in the earth on the day of Pentecost when My Holy Spirit came to earth to live inside of people, enabling them to also do the miracles that Nicodemus observed being done by Jesus when He ministered in the earth. (Acts 1:1-9; Acts 2:1-13) It is necessary for My born again children to know the difference between having a covenant with Me and their being born of My Holy Spirit which makes them My children. Being My child has many more legal rights to My kingdom of God than having a covenant with Me would ever have. For instance, the child of a man in the earth has many more legal rights than a business partner of the man. A business partner only has legal rights relating to that business of the man, but a child of the man has legal rights to everything relating to the life of the man. Birthrights are much more binding and rewarding than covenant rights. That is what Jesus Christ was explaining to Nicodemus. He was prophesying about a New Covenant with Humanity in which people would become My children by being born of My Holy Spirit. Your Father of the Beneficial Rights From Becoming My Child

Monday, November 28, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, My children must be privy to the truth about My old covenant with the nation of Israel ending and My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit beginning with individuals who seek Me and find Me. They easily find Me because I am also seeking them. My covenant with Israel ended because the reason for its being in existence was fulfilled when Jesus Christ was sacrificed on the cross for the sins of the entire world, went to hell to pay for the sins of all humanity, rose from the dead and ascended into My heaven to sit down with Me, resting from His labors just like I rested from My labors on the 7th day after creating your world. On the day of the fulfillment of Pentecost when My Holy Spirit descended from My heaven into the earth, as sent by Me and My Son Jesus into the world to live inside of people who seek Me, the obligations of the old covenant with Israel were over because Jesus Christ's ministry in the world ceased and the ministry of My Holy Spirit began. Centuries before that event Abraham's son Jacob's name was changed to Israel, and it was then that the nation of Israel was instituted. The reason for My covenant with Abraham was so that the flesh of Jesus Christ, the human part of him, would be free from the demons who are normally passed down from fathers to sons. Eventually in Abraham's blood line his descendants were loyal by going to the temple to be cleansed of demons every year, causing the blood line of Abraham to maintain a purity that no other humans at the time had experienced. (Matthew 1:1-17) When My angel told Mary, the mother of Jesus, that she would bear My Son, she willingly accepted, knowing the prophesies through Jeremiah and Isaiah. (Matthew 1:18-25; Luke1:26-38) Many centuries after I made a covenant with Abraham, My covenant with his son Israel ceased to exist on the day of Pentecost in the upper room when My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit was instituted on that day. (Acts 2:1-1-13) There were people present from every nation in the world so the prophesies were fulfilled that the gospel would be preached to every nation and then the end would come, meaning the end of My old covenant with Israel would be over because it was completed by Jesus Christ's sacrifice for the sins of the world. (Jeremiah 31:31-34; Hebrews 8:6-12) The prophet Jeremiah's prophesies were fulfilled that I would come and live inside of people, that I would be their God and they would be My children, that I would write My words on their hearts and in their minds instead of on stone like I did under the first covenant with the nation of Israel. (Exodus 24:13) The magnificent Grace of My covenant of the Holy Spirit is that I forgive the sins of all of humanity because the guilty parties are the demons who tempt human beings. I said that under My covenant of the Holy Spirit that I would never recall the iniquities and sins of My children. (Hebrews 8:12) That gift of Grace from Me was never available under the old covenant with Israel. They had to make sacrifices every year in order for their sins and iniquities to be forgiven for a year. The greatness of My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit is that I forgive the sins of all of humanity because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross for the sins of the whole world. Another great action by Me comes to be when I enter into the lives of My children and baptize them with My power of the Holy Spirit to enable them to defeat the devil's works in their own lives and in the world, just like Jesus Christ said and He did. He said that He didn't come to destroy the world but that the world, through Him, might be saved. (John 3:16-17; I John 3:8) When Jesus Christ was scheduled by Me to die for the sins of the world He asked Me not to take His disciples out of the world but instead that I would keep them from the evil one, meaning the devil. (John 17:15) I honored that request and sent My Holy Spirit to live inside of My children with the power to destroy the devil's works. Also in the parable of the wheat and chaff Jesus prophesied that it would be through My Holy Spirit equipped children that I would send the demons into the lake of fire in the abyss, sending the demons out of the world instead of taking My children out of the world. (Matthew 13:36-43) It is through My covenant of the Holy Spirit with My children in the world that I can save the world from the devil's works by intercessory prayers in My Holy Spirit. (Romans 8:26-28; Ephesians 6:10-18) Your Father of Mercy and Power

Sunday, November 27, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, By the apostle and prophet Paul's revelation from My Holy Spirit about the differences between the old and new covenants, when that truth is revealed to you then you become free from the covenant of sin and death and you become alive to the benefits of My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit which is My covenant of Life through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. One of the purposes for My covenant with Abraham, which through generations became My covenant with the nation of Israel, is that I needed to work the human lineage of My Son Jesus Christ through someone who had respect for Me and was devoted to Me through praise. In order for Jesus Christ to come into the earth and die for the sins of the whole world Jesus needed to become a human being so He could go to hell for their sins and pay for them. He also needed to be born into a family of people in whom there were less demons than in others, so I chose Abraham. Abraham believed Me when I told him what his future would be like, and so He was deemed righteous because of His belief. It was destined that through Abraham's lineage My Son's mother became impregnated by My Holy Spirit, carried Jesus in her womb, and birthed Him in a manger, as had been prophesied by old covenant prophets. Through Moses I gave commandments which, when obeyed, would give to the forefathers of Jesus Christ a much more righteous heritage than people in other nations. Because My Son Jesus Christ was to be born of human flesh, but whose emotional character was of Me and My Holy Spirit, His flesh needed to be as righteous as possible. So keeping Abraham's sons and their sons and on and on as sin-free as possible was paramount to be able to accomplish the feat of saving the world from the devil and his demons. Generations later when My Holy Spirit came upon My Son Jesus, He became the Christ, the Son of the Living God. Because human life flowed through Abraham's heritage and He was as sin free as possible when He was formed and born through Mary, His flesh could bear the sins of the world in His body on the cross years later. The law that I had given through Moses to the Israelites on their way to the promised land was given from Me to them in order to keep the people free from sins, so I gave Him My instructions to give to the people of Israel before they fell under the spell of the devil and became in bondage to him and his demons. You must personally know that another one of the reasons for My covenant with Abraham, whose grandson was Jacob,(called Israel), was merely to present to the world as sinless a flesh in Jesus Christ as possible before He died for the sins of the world.(Genesis 32:28) So, because of His sinless flesh being hung on the cross and having gone to hell for the sins of the whole world, even though He was not guilty of any sin, the devil's requirement was paid for all of humanity. So the truth is that My covenant with Israel was for that one country through which the heritage of Jesus Christ descended, but My new covenant of the Holy Spirit, which was purchased by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, was for the whole world, Jews and Gentiles alike. (Isaiah 11:1-10) That is why, when My Holy Spirit fell on the disciples of Jesus Christ on the day of Pentecost, there was someone from every country in the world in attendance, Jews and Gentiles alike. (Matthew 24:14; Acts 1:1-6; Acts 2:1-13) Jesus prophesied that it was then that the old covenant with Israel would end because My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit would begin. (Romans 10:14-21) The animal sacrifices under the old covenant only paid for sins for a year. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross is forever. It is in yiour knowing My reason for My making a covenant with Abraham and then My making a covenant with the whole world through Jesus Christ's dying for the whole world that you have an understanding of the Truth. It was under My old covenant with Israel that the Law became punitive, requiring punishment for sins as from the devil's condemnation; but it was under My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit that sins are forgiven. (Isaiah 1:18-19; I John 2:2) Until individual Jews accept the death of Jesus Christ as their salvation, their eyes will be blinded to the truth of My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit. The veil over their eyes cannot be lifted except by revelation of My Holy Spirit. Gentiles have no laws which veil their minds like the Jews do. (Hebrews 8:7-13; Hebrews 10:9-18) Truth makes you free. When you know the truth about the two covenants, then you can readily take advantage of My blessings and My rewards for those people who bind themselves to Me by being born into My kingdom of God and baptized in My Holy Spirit. An advantage to My new covenant with human beings is that in your participating in that covenant you are giving Me a body through whom to love the people in the world. Your Father of Love and Mercy

Saturday, November 26, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, There was a complete about-face in actions from My old covenant with Israel to My New Covenant with My children. First you must realize that under My covenant with Moses, many of the actions that I required of the people was for the purpose of keeping the fleshly line of the heritage of the Jews as pure as possible so that the flesh of My Son Jesus Christ would have few negative characteristics. Finally when He had already come to earth as My Son to establish My new covenant of the Holy Spirit with humanity, the required actions of people changed. For instance, in one of His first teaching sessions that He had with His disciples, He said that in the past under the old covenant, they had heard that they must hate their enemies but love their neighbors. But Jesus told them that they must now, under My new covenant of the Holy Spirit, love their enemies as well as their neighbors. (Matthew 5:43-48; Leviticus 19:18) During that period of time My Son Jesus Christ had already come to earth through Mary and the heritage of His flesh had already been perpetuated within Him as Jesus Christ. Under My new covenant of the Holy Spirit with humanity, Jesus said that if My children would continue to believe in the Words of Jesus Christ that there was supernatural/spiritual power within My children in the earth for them to love their enemies as well as loving their neighbors because the emphasis was on perpetuating My love for humanity instead of merely just keeping a fleshly blood line pure through which the coming of My Son into the world would emerge. He had already come to earth in the person of Jesus Christ and was going to die for their sins so that My Holy Spirit could initiate My new covenant of the Holy Spirit where the power that was in Jesus Christ would also be available to live inside of humanity to empower them to Love with the same Love with which I love every human being. It is in this time now of divine revelation that My Holy Spirit desires to lead humanity into all Truth, showing them that loving the unlovable people in the earth as well as the lovable people in the earth is My will. In My equipping them with My Holy Spirit My children are able to finally do what I had told them to do, according to My will, which is to love their enemies as well as their loving their neighbors and loving Me. In doing that, they are loving the part of their enemies that were originally made in My image with the same Love that became present in their own flesh. Jesus explained it so well when He said that you must love your neighors as you love yourself. There is the power within every human to love others and to desire love for themselves. So when you also love your enemy with the same love that you love yourself, you are perpetuating My Love in the earth and the knowledge that I am Love is covering the earth as the waters cover the sea. (Isaiah 11:9; Habakkuk 2:14) That was the power of Love under My old covenant, to learn to love your neighbor as yourself. It is now in the action of your also loving your enemies that spiritually awakens and actually activates My hidden love that is inside of your enemies, the part that was made in My image at the beginning of the earth but became hidden, and it causes your enemies to also begin to love others because he or she was stirred to love by your love. (Genesis 1:27) It is in loving your enemies and doing good to them that lights the fire of My Love that is hidden behind a demonic barrier inside of every person. My children have thought that loving their enemies was just merely for the act of obeying My command, but now you know that the majestic power of My Love in you by your loving your enemies will produce a product in your enemy of lighting the fire of My Love within that person which will transform him or her to open himself or herself up to Me and to other people to also love them. It is lighting the fire of My Life and My Love in that person. In opening themselves up to other people, those newly enlightened people open themselves up to Me. It is all for the purpose of allowing My love to do its Work inside of the lives of people. Love has power because I am Love. (John 13:34-35) There are many stories about one person loving another person who felt unloved and that love transformed the person who felt unloved into a person who could love and pass on that love. My child who ignites My love within another person has done the ministry of Christ by awakening My Love in him or her to become active, even causing the passing of My Love on to others so that My Love is perpetuated on and on throughout the world. Under the old covenant through Moses, I said to love Me and to love your neighbor as yourself. Under My new covenant of the Holy Spirit I told you to also love your enemies and to also to do good to them because you have the power or My Holy Spirit to do it. (Luke 6:27) In doing that, you fulfill My ministry in the earth by igniting My fire of love in that person who has the desire to be loved and to love, which is to be made in My image. The world is transformed by My Love in that way. That is the way that I save the world, by My Love. Jesus Christ said that He did not come into the world to destroy the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. (John 3:16-17) So My saving the world is simple and easy. It is done through My children when they love their enemies and do good to them. Love is ignited by the fire of My love in their enemies and My love is then passed on to others. My Life and Love are self perpetuating. Your Father of Love and Doing Good Works

Monday, November 21, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, There was no vast knowledge of Truth until My Holy Spirit came into the earth to make His earthly home within My children. The ministry in the earth of Jesus Christ was finished after He went to hell for the sins of the whole world and then ascended into My heaven to sit down with Me, resting from His labors in the earth just like I rested on the seventh day. (Genesis 2:1-3) From My heaven Jesus Christ sent the source of His power and His Truth, the Holy Spirit, into the earth to further My ministry in the earth of saving humanity from the curses of the Law, which were the judgment for sins. After the ministry of Jesus Christ's going to hell for the sins of the whole world, and with forgiveness coming into the world in the person of My Holy Spirit as a result, My new covenant of the Holy Spirit began on the day of Pentecost in the upper room in Jerusalem, as prophesied by the old covenant prophets and Jesus Christ, Himself. Truth entered into the world when My Holy Spirit entered into the people in the upper room in Jerusalem. Jesus Christ called Him the "Spirit of Truth" whom He would send into the earth from Me. (John 15:26) He said that the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, would lead My children into all Truth, just like My Holy Spirit led Him into all Truth. (John 15:13-15) Everything that the disciples could not understand that Jesus taught to them, He said that My Holy Spirit would explain to them fully and they would finally understand. You must remember that Jesus Christ spoke that wonderful promise to His disciples immediately after He said that My Holy Spirit would reveal to them the Truth about My character (Love), the Truth about the devil's character (evil), and the Truth about My judgment in the fiery lake in the abyss being for the devil and His demons. (John 15:7-11; Matthew 13:36-43) In the parable of My kingdom of God about the wheat and the chaff, Jesus had revealed the works of My judgment for the devil and his demons as their having been cast out of My children in the earth and sent into the lake of fire in the abyss. The result of My plan for the demons and the devil being exorcised from the earth and sent into the lake of fire in the abyss is that My children will shine like the sun in the earth. Evil is then judged and the punishment for those demons and the devil is weeping and gnashing of teeth in the lake of fire because of their tempting My children in the earth to do the devil's evil in the earth and then condemning them when they do. My Spirit of Truth revealed this Truth when he came to live inside of My children. It was the revelation of Truth that I promised, that My children in the earth were not the guilty parties, but instead the devil and his demons are the evil ones worthy of My judgment. That Truth is hidden from My children in the earth by the devil until My Holy Spirit comes to live inside of them and reveal My Truth. It is then that He reveals My Truth about My judgment being for the devil and not for human beings. Why would I, the God of Life, destroy people who are made in My image? It's the devil and his demons who are the guilty culprits. Under My old covenant with Israel all Truth was hidden from My children by the devil. In the book of Hebrews of My new covenant with people, I said that the minds of the Jews would continue to be darkened by the veil over their minds until they accept what Jesus sent into the earth, the ministry of the Holy Spirit who removes the veil of darkness from their minds. (Hebrews chapters 9 and 10) Some of My born again believers are also bound to lies about My character and the source of evil until they become baptized in My Holy Spirit because He removes the blinders from their minds, that being the veil that separates Us. Without the ministry of the Spirit of Truth in your life, there is no revealed Truth. It is not My will that the minds of people are darkened to Truth. It's the work of the devil in the earth. My Truth from the Holy Spirit makes you free. I said that you will know the Truth and the Truth will make you free from the works of evil in the earth. (John 8:32-36) Your Father of Truth and Love

Sunday, November 20, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, The apostle and prophet Paul, because of his three years spent in the desert with My Holy Spirit, became so intimately acquainted with Me that he knew My divine nature, knew the devil's corrupted nature and he knew how to judge between the two so that he could work alongside with Me and Christ to destroy the works of the devil in the earth. (John 3:8) According to the tutoring of Jesus Christ when He told His disciples how blessed, fortunate and to be desired they would be when the revelations of My Holy Spirit were revealed to them when My Spirit came to live inside of them, He would take the veil off of their eyes, and that He would reveal My nature as Love and the devil's nature as destruction and death. I wanted the disciples of Jesus Christ to know that when they joined or bound themselves to the devil by listening to his temptations, doing his evil in the earth, and thus binding themselves in loyalty to the evil deeds of the devil and his demons, that they would inherit My judgment for the devil by association because of their having bound themselves to the devil, although they did not inherit My wrath by My design or by My will. They only inherited My judgment by their binding themselves to the devil and his demons in the earth. Jesus Christ, when He taught the secrets of My kingdom of God, he said that to whichever deity you are bound on earth, you are also bound to the spiritual entities motivating that deity in the heavens. So you inherit the devil's curses if you are bound to him or you inherit My blessings if you are bound loyally to Me. He also taught that whenever you are loosed from being bound to the devil and his demons on earth that you are also loosed from the corresponding demons that motivate the earthly ones from the devil's kingdom of hell in his dimension around the earth, and you are saved from his curses. (Matthew 16:19; Matthew 18:19) So, when Paul taught about My wrath coming upon people, he was making it clear that their having been born again by My Holy Spirit and their being baptized in My Holy Spirit made them righteous in My sight, that they know that My grace in them can boast through their sufferings. He wrote that the sufferings of Christ gives to you great patience, that patience brings perseverance, that perseverance brings hope, that hope is not deceptive because the Love of God is poured into the hearts of My children by the Holy Spirit who has been given to you. He wrote that My grace means that while people were still sinners that Christ died for all men. Knowing that Christ died for you in order to make you righteous while you were still a sinner, is it likely that He would now fail to save you from His own anger toward the devil and his demons? (Romans 5:1-9) No. Surely you can count on being saved from the works of the devil in the earth because of the death of My Son Jesus Christ. You have not only been reconciled to Me by His death, but also by your joyful trust in Me through the Lord Jesus Christ with Whom you gained unity with Me by your being born again and baptized in My Holy Spirit. (Romans 5:10-11) Paul wrote that it is by My grace that you were saved through faith, not of yourself, but instead by a gift from Me. It is by My grace, not by your works, lest any man should boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9) My judgment was never and will never be for people who are created in My image. My wrath and anger is reserved for the devil and his demons who desire to destroy the world that I created for My children to have dominion over. I am the Savior, not the destroyer. The devil is the destroyer, the liar, the annihilator, and the deceiver. I came to earth in My Son Jesus Christ to save the world, not to destroy it. (John 3:16-17) You can be saved from My wrath for the devil by continuing to be bound to Me in adoration and joy. Your Father of Complete Salvation