Sunday, August 8, 2021


My Dear Precious Child,
   In Paul's voluminous first recorded letter to the Christians in the church at Corinth he covered a vast number of subjects, including the difference between spiritual bodies and earthly bodies. Regarding the resurrection of the body of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of human beings who believe in the Good News of Jesus Christ, he said that people ask him how are the dead to be raised up, what kind of body will they have? Paul considered that a ridiculous question.  His answer was that any seed that you sow does not germinate unless it dies.  He also wrote that when you sow seeds you do not sow full grown plants but instead you sow a kernel of wheat or some other grain and that I give body to it as I please, each seed to its own product, or growing into its own nature.  He told them in the letter that not all earthly bodies are the same, that there are animal bodies, bird bodies and fish bodies.  They are all different.
     In his explanation of the difference between human bodies and spiritual bodies he told them that the splendor of the heavenly bodies is one thing and the splendor of the human bodies have another splendor, that the sun has a splendor of its own and the moon and the stars have their own splendor.  He wrote that even among the stars certain ones are brighter than others.  He explained that it's that way with the resurrection of the dead.  He explained that what is sown in the earth is subject to decay but what rises from inside of the seeds are spiritual, therefore incorruptible.  He wrote that what is sown in the earth has no honor because it is prone to die, but what rises out of it is glorious.  He amplified the truth by saying that weakness is sown in the earth but strength rises from the inside of the seeds.  In other words, he wrote that a human body is sown in the earth but a spiritual body comes up and out of it and enters into heaven.  (I Corinthians 15:40-44)
    Paul made it plain that where there is a natural body, the people must be sure that there is also a spiritual body.  He wrote that scriptures say that the first man, Adam,  became a living soul but the last Adam, who is Jesus Christ, became a life-giving Spirit.  He pointed out to the believers that they must take note that it was not the spiritual that came first, but instead it was the natural man.  The first man was of the earth, formed of dust, but the second man, Jesus Christ, came from heaven.  Such is it with every human being who is originally of the earth but becomes born of My Holy Spirit, they become spiritual, heavenly people instead of continuing as earthly people.   Earthly people are like Adam, of the earth, bearing the likeness of the earth with its curses, but the spiritual, heavenly people who are born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit are like My Son from heaven, Jesus Christ.  Just like the Christians formerly displayed characteristics of the earth, they shall eventually bear the spiritual likeness of Jesus Christ, My Son from My heaven. (I Corinthians 15:44-49)
     Furthering his explanation, Paul wrote that flesh and blood, meaning the natural man, cannot inherit the kingdom of God any more than corruption can inherit incorruption.   Then Paul wrote that he was going to tell them a mystery, that being that not all people will fall asleep in death, but that all will be changed at the event of the earthly death of their human body.   He said that it will happen in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye at the sound of the last trumpet.   He revealed that the dead would be raised incorruptible and that all people would be changed.  The corruptible body, the human, fleshly body, would put on incorruption, a spiritual body.   At that instant for each person, the corruptible human body will be clothed with an incorruptible spiritual body.  (verses 50-54)
    He quoted scripture  from the prophets, saying, "Death will be swallowed up in victory," and "O, death, where is your victory?  Oh, death, where is your sting?"
     Paul wrote, "The sting of death is sin and sin gets its power from the Law.  But, thanks be to God who has given us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." 
    He encouraged the Corinthian Christians to be steadfast, always persevering by being engaged in the work of the Lord, knowing that their toil is not in vain when it's done in the Lord. 
    In the first recorded letter from Paul to the Corinthians, he covered many subjects, subjects that needed to be discussed by their teacher, subjects which many had discussed and wondered about but no one knew the truth relating to them.  Even though Paul had written that he could not talk to the Christians in Corinth about spiritual things because they were spiritual babes instead of mature people who needed to personally gather their harvest of wisdom from Me, he felt obliged, because of his past history of leading them to the Lord, to endeavor to help them increase in wisdom, knowledge and truth by answering their many questions relating to spiritual matters.
    My children through the ages have benefited from Paul's letter to the Christians at Corinth.   Heed his warnings and his instructions from My Holy Spirit.  You must discern the traditions and customs of the Jews contained in the letter.  Those are not revelations of My Holy Spirit.
    Your Father of Revealed Truth                  

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